522 research outputs found

    Higher Network Activity Induced by Tactile Compared to Electrical Stimulation of Leech Mechanoreceptors

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    The tiny ensemble of neurons in the leech ganglion can discriminate the locations of touch stimuli on the skin as precisely as a human fingertip. The leech uses this ability to locally bend the body-wall away from the stimulus. It is assumed that a three-layered feedforward network of pressure mechanoreceptors, interneurons, and motor neurons controls this behavior. Most previous studies identified and characterized the local bend network based on electrical stimulation of a single pressure mechanoreceptor, which was sufficient to trigger the local bend response. Recent studies showed, however, that up to six mechanoreceptors of three types innervating the stimulated patch of skin carry information about both touch intensity and location simultaneously. Therefore, we hypothesized that interneurons involved in the local bend network might require the temporally concerted inputs from the population of mechanoreceptors representing tactile stimuli, to decode the tactile information and to provide appropriate synaptic inputs to the motor neurons. We examined the influence of current injection into a single mechanoreceptor on activity of postsynaptic interneurons in the network and compared it to responses of interneurons to skin stimulation with different pressure intensities. We used voltage-sensitive dye imaging to monitor the graded membrane potential changes of all visible cells on the ventral side of the ganglion. Our results showed that stimulation of a single mechanoreceptor activates several local bend interneurons, consistent with previous intracellular studies. Tactile skin stimulation, however, evoked a more pronounced, longer-lasting, stimulus intensity-dependent network dynamics involving more interneurons. We concluded that the underlying local bend network enables a non-linear processing of tactile information provided by population of mechanoreceptors. This task requires a more complex network structure than previously assumed, probably containing polysynaptic interneuron connections and feedback loops. This small, experimentally well-accessible neuronal system highlights the general importance of selecting adequate sensory stimulation to investigate the network dynamics in the context of natural behavior

    In vivo Large-Scale Cortical Mapping Using Channelrhodopsin-2 Stimulation in Transgenic Mice Reveals Asymmetric and Reciprocal Relationships between Cortical Areas

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    We have mapped intracortical activity in vivo independent of sensory input using arbitrary point channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) stimulation and regional voltage sensitive dye imaging in B6.Cg-Tg (Thy1-COP4/EYFP)18Gfng/J transgenic mice. Photostimulation of subsets of deep layer pyramidal neurons within forelimb, barrel, or visual primary sensory cortex led to downstream cortical maps that were dependent on synaptic transmission and were similar to peripheral sensory stimulation. ChR2-evoked maps confirmed homotopic connections between hemispheres and intracortical sensory and motor cortex connections. This ability of optogentically activated subpopulations of neurons to drive appropriate downstream maps suggests that mechanisms exist to allow prototypical cortical maps to self-assemble from the stimulation of neuronal subsets. Using this principle of map self-assembly, we employed ChR2 point stimulation to map connections between cortical areas that are not selectively activated by peripheral sensory stimulation or behavior. Representing the functional cortical regions as network nodes, we identified asymmetrical connection weights in individual nodes and identified the parietal association area as a network hub. Furthermore, we found that the strength of reciprocal intracortical connections between primary and secondary sensory areas are unequal, with connections from primary to secondary sensory areas being stronger than the reciprocal

    The Impact of Mild Traumatic Brain injury on Neuronal Networks and Neurobehavior

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    Despite its enormous incidence, mild traumatic brain injury is not well understood. One aspect that needs more definition is how the mechanical energy during injury affects neural circuit function. Recent developments in cellular imaging probes provide an opportunity to assess the dynamic state of neural networks with single-cell resolution. In this dissertation, we developed imaging methods to assess the state of dissociated cortical networks exposed to mild injury. We probed the microarchitecture of an injured cortical circuit subject to two different injury levels, mild stretch (10% peak) and mild/moderate (35%). We found that mild injury produced a transient increase in calcium activity that dissipated within 1 h after injury. Alternatively, mild/moderate mechanical injury produced immediate disruption in network synchrony, loss in excitatory tone, and increased modular topology, suggesting a threshold for repair and degradation. The more significant changes in network behavior at moderate stretch are influenced by NMDA receptor activation and subsequent proteolytic changes in the neuronal populations. With the ability to analyze individual neurons in a circuit before and after injury, we identified several biomarkers that confer increased risk or protection from mechanical injury. We found that pre-injury connectivity and NMDA receptor subtype composition (NR2A and NR2B content) are important predictors of node loss and remodeling. Mechanistically, stretch injury caused a reduction in voltage-dependent Mg2+ block of the NR2B-cotaning NMDA receptors, resulting in increased uncorrelated activity both at the single channel and network level. The reduced coincidence detection of the NMDA receptor and overactivation of these receptors further impaired network function and plasticity. Given the demonstrated link between NR2B-NMDARs and mitochondrial dysfunction, we discovered that neuronal de-integration from the network is mediated through mitochondrial signaling. Finally, we bridged these network level studies with an investigation of changes in neurobehavior following blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI), a form of mild TBI. We first developed and validated an open-source toolbox for automating the scoring of several common behavior tasks to study the deficits that occur following bTBI. We then specifically evaluated the role of neuronal transcription factor Elk-1 in mediating deficits following blast by exposing Elk-1 knockout mouse to equivalent blast pressure loading. Our systems-level behavior analysis showed that bTBI creates a complex change in behavior, with an increase in anxiety and loss of habituation in object recognition. Moreover, we found these behavioral deficits were eliminated in Elk-1 knockout animals exposed to blast loading. Together, we merged information from different perspectives (in silico, in vitro, and in vivo) and length scales (single channels, single-cells, networks, and animals) to study the impact of mild traumatic brain injury on neuronal networks and neurobehavior

    Astrocytic modulation of neuronal network oscillations

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    The synchronization of the neuron’s membrane potential results in the emergence of neuronal oscillations at multiple frequencies that serve distinct physiological functions (e.g. facilitation of synaptic plasticity) and correlate with different behavioural states (e.g. sleep, wakefulness, attention). It has been postulated that at least ten distinct mechanisms are required to cover the large frequency range of neuronal oscillations in the cortex, including variations in the concentration of extracellular neurotransmitters and ions, as well as changes in cellular excitability. However, the mechanism that gears the transition between different oscillatory frequencies is still unknown. Over the past decade, astrocytes have been the focus of much research, mainly due to (1) their close association with synapses forming what is known today as the “tripartite synapse”, which allows them to bidirectionally interact with neurons and modulate synaptic transmission; (2) their syncytium-like activity, as they are electrically coupled via gap junctions and actively communicate through Ca2+ waves; and (3) their ability to regulate neuronal excitability via glutamate uptake and tight control of the extracellular K+ levels via a process termed K+ clearance. In this thesis we hypothesized that astrocytes, in addition to their role as modulators of neuronal excitability, also act as “network managers” that can modulate the overall network oscillatory activity within their spatial domain. To do so, it is proposed that astrocytes fine-tune their K+ clearance capabilities to affect neuronal intrinsic excitability properties and synchronization with other neurons, thus mediating the transitions between neuronal network oscillations at different frequencies. To validate or reject this hypothesis I have investigated the potential role of astrocytes in modulating cortical oscillations at both cellular and network levels, aiming at answering three main research questions: a) what is the impact of alterations in astrocytic K+ clearance mechanisms on cortical networks oscillatory dynamics? b) what specific neuronal properties underlying the generation of neuronal oscillations are affected as a result of impairments in the astrocytic K+ clearance process? and c) what are the bidirectional mechanisms between neurons and astrocytes (i.e. neuromodulators) that specifically affect the K+ clearance process to modulate the network activity output? In the first experimental chapter I used electrophysiological recordings and pharmacological manipulations to dissect the contribution of the different astrocytic K+ clearance mechanisms to the modulation of neuronal network oscillations at multiple frequencies. A key finding was that alterations in membrane properties of layer V pyramidal neurons strongly correlated with the network behaviour following impairments in astrocytic K+ clearance capabilities, depicted as enhanced excitability underlying the amplification of high-frequency oscillations, especially within the beta and gamma range. The second experimental chapter describes a combinatorial approach based on K+-selective microelectrode recordings and optical imaging of K+ ions used to quantitatively determine extracellular K+ changes and to follow the spatiotemporal distribution of K+ ions under both physiological and altered K+ clearance conditions, which affected the K+ clearance rate. The impact of different neuromodulators on astrocytic function is discussed in the third experimental chapter. Using extracellular K+ recordings and Ca2+ imaging I found that some neuromodulators act specifically on astrocytic receptors to affect both K+ clearance mechanisms and Ca2+ signalling, as evidenced by reduced K+ clearance rates and altered evoked Ca2+ signals. Overall, this thesis provides new insights regarding the impact of astrocytic K+ clearance mechanisms on modulating neuronal properties at both cellular and network levels, which in turn imposes alterations on neuronal oscillations that are associated with different behavioural states

    Assessing functional activity of astrocytes by calcium imaging: how do astrocytes respond to the electrophysiological microenvironment

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    Apesar de não serem capazes de produzir potenciais de acção, é sabido que os astrócitos integram as sinapses, sendo capazes de detectar e responder a estímulos externos com dinâmicas de cálcio espaciotemporalmente complexas, podendo modelar a transmissão sináptica. O objectivo deste projecto é avaliar as dinâmincas de cálcio dos astrócitos através da modelação do seu microambiente electrofisiológico. Para tal, culturas de astrócitos foram estimuladas recorrendo a ThinMEAs©, monitorizando a actividade de cálcio. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os astrócitos respondem a estímulos de ±600mV ou ±800mV, gerando uma onda de cálcio que se propaga para células vizinhas. A amplitude, tempo de subida e velocidade de propagação da onda de cálcio está dependente do estímulo, sendo que um estímulo de maior amplitude resulta numa resposta de maior amplitude, demorando mais tempo a atingir o seu pico máximo mas atingindo distâncias mais longas. Apesar de preliminares, estes resultados indicam que os astrócitos são capazes de detectar e responder a mudanças eléctricas externas. Desta forma, os astrócitos são células electricamente excitáveis, possivelmente através do seguinte mecanismo: a estimulação leva à abertura dos canais de cálcio voltagem-dependentes de maneira dependente da voltagem, que irá sensibilizar o retículo endoplasmático resultando numa cascata de libertação de cálcio, gerando uma onda de cálcio que se irá propagar através de junções comunicantes ou gliotransmissão vesicular.Although not able to generate action potentials, it is known that astrocytes integrate synapses, being able to sense and respond to external stimuli with complex calcium dynamics, having the ability to shape synaptic transmission. The aim of this project is to assess astrocytic calcium dynamics upon the modulation of their eletrophysiological microenvironment. To accomplish this, astrocyte cultures were electrically stimulated using ThinMEAs© while monitoring their calcium activity. Obtained data showed that astocytes respond to a ±600mV or ±800mV stimulus by generating a calcium wave which propagates to neighboring cells. The amplitude, rise time and propagation velocity of the calcium wave is dependent on the stimulus, with a higher stimulation amplitude leading to a higher response amplitude, wich takes longer to reach its maximum peak but reach a larger distance. Although preliminary, these results indicate that astrocytes are able to sense and respond to changes of the electrical environment. In this way, astrocytes are electrically excitable cells, possibly due to the following mechanism: electrical stimulation causes voltage-gated calcium channels to open in a voltage-dependent manner, which will sensitize the endoplasmic reticulum leading to a cascade of calcium releases, generating a calcium wave, which will propagate through gap junctions or vesicular gliotransmission

    Presynaptic calcium dynamics, neuronal excitability and synaptic vesicle Cycle in central synapses lacking cysteine string protein-alpha (CSP-ALPHA).

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    Cysteine String Protein-α (CSP-α) is a molecular co-chaperone of the synaptic vesicles that prevents presynaptic degeneration. The role of CSP-α in the machinery of calcium dependent release of neurotransmitter from synaptic vesicles has been studied previously but some functional aspects remain still unknown, such as its role in exo- and endocytosis in central neurons and its role in the regulation of presynaptic calcium. To study this, we have measured the exo- and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles in hippocampal synapses lacking CSP-α using a pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the luminal part of synaptic vesicles (pHluorin) showing no differences between wild type and mutant synapses. In addition, we have measured presynaptic cytosolic calcium changes in hippocampal cultures lacking CSP-α using a genetically encoded calcium indicator (GECI) called syGCaMP3, uncovering different type of responses in glutamatergic synapses: long duration responses (LDRs) and short duration responses (SDRs). These measurements show normal presynaptic calcium dynamics in neurons lacking CSP-α. On the other hand, highly active GABAergic synapses formed by fast spiking parvalbumin positive interneurons are extremely sensitive to the absence of CSP-α and they degenerate early postnatally in CSP-α KO mice. In contrast, glutamatergic hippocampal synapses do not show obvious signs of early neurodegeneration. Using electrophysiological and imaging techniques, in this thesis we demonstrate the propensity of hippocampal circuits of mice lacking CSP-α to hyperexcitability, probably produced by this excitatory/inhibitory imbalance caused by loss of inhibitory synapses

    VIOLA - A multi-purpose and web-based visualization tool for neuronal-network simulation output

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    Neuronal network models and corresponding computer simulations are invaluable tools to aid the interpretation of the relationship between neuron properties, connectivity and measured activity in cortical tissue. Spatiotemporal patterns of activity propagating across the cortical surface as observed experimentally can for example be described by neuronal network models with layered geometry and distance-dependent connectivity. The interpretation of the resulting stream of multi-modal and multi-dimensional simulation data calls for integrating interactive visualization steps into existing simulation-analysis workflows. Here, we present a set of interactive visualization concepts called views for the visual analysis of activity data in topological network models, and a corresponding reference implementation VIOLA (VIsualization Of Layer Activity). The software is a lightweight, open-source, web-based and platform-independent application combining and adapting modern interactive visualization paradigms, such as coordinated multiple views, for massively parallel neurophysiological data. For a use-case demonstration we consider spiking activity data of a two-population, layered point-neuron network model subject to a spatially confined excitation originating from an external population. With the multiple coordinated views, an explorative and qualitative assessment of the spatiotemporal features of neuronal activity can be performed upfront of a detailed quantitative data analysis of specific aspects of the data. Furthermore, ongoing efforts including the European Human Brain Project aim at providing online user portals for integrated model development, simulation, analysis and provenance tracking, wherein interactive visual analysis tools are one component. Browser-compatible, web-technology based solutions are therefore required. Within this scope, with VIOLA we provide a first prototype.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Digital reconstruction, quantitative morphometric analysis, and membrane properties of bipolar cells in the rat retina.

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    A basic principle of neuroscience is that structure reflects function. This has led to numerous attempts to characterize the complete morphology of types of neurons throughout the central nervous system. The ability to acquire and analyze complete neuronal morphologies has advanced with continuous technological developments for over 150 years, with progressive refinements and increased understanding of the precise anatomical details of different types of neurons. Bipolar cells of the mammalian retina are short-range projections neurons that link the outer and inner retina. Their dendrites contact and receive input from the terminals of the light-sensing photoreceptors in the outer plexiform layer and their axons descend through the inner nuclear and inner plexiform layers to stratify at different levels of the inner plexiform layer. The stratification level of the axon terminals of different types of bipolar cells in the inner plexiform layer determines their synaptic connectivity and is an important basis for the morphological classification of these cells. Between 10 and 15 different types of cone bipolar cells have been identified in different species and they can be divided into ON-cone bipolar cells (that depolarize to the onset of light) and OFF-cone bipolar cells (that depolarize to the offset of light). Different types of cone bipolar cells are thought to be responsible for coding and transmitting different features of our visual environment and generating parallel channels that uniquely filter and transform the inputs from the photoreceptors. There is a lack of detailed morphological data for bipolar cells, especially for the rat, where biophysical mechanisms have been most extensively studied. The work presented in this thesis provides the groundwork for the future goal of developing morphologically realistic compartmental models for cone and rod bipolar cells. First, the contribution of gap junctions to the membrane properties, specifically input resistance, of bipolar cells was investigated. Gap junctions are ubiquitous within the retina, but it remains to be determined whether the strength of coupling between specific cell types is sufficiently strong for the cells to be functionally coupled via electrical synapses. There are gap junctions between the same class of bipolar cells, and this appears to be a common circuit motif in the vertebrate retina. Surprisingly, our results suggested that the gap junctions between OFF-cone bipolar cells do not support consequential electrical coupling. This provides an important first step both to elucidate the potential roles for these gap junctions, and also for the development of compartmental models for cone bipolar cells. Second, from image stacks acquired from multiphoton excitation microscopy, quantitative morphological reconstructions and detailed morphological analysis were performed with fluorescent dye-filled cone and rod bipolar cells. Compared to previous descriptions, the extent and complexity of branching of the axon terminals was surprisingly high. By precisely quantifying the level of stratification of the axon terminals in the inner plexiform layer, we have generated a reference system for the reliable classification of individual cells in future studies that are focused on correlating physiological and morphological properties. The workflow that we have implemented can be readily extended to the development of morphologically realistic compartmental models for these neurons.Doktorgradsavhandlin