467 research outputs found

    Optimal Test Plan of Step Stress Partially Accelerated Life Testing for Alpha Power Inverse Weibull Distribution under Adaptive Progressive Hybrid Censored Data and Different Loss Functions

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    Accelerated life tests are used to explore the lifetime of extremely reliable items by subjecting them to elevated stress levels from stressors to cause early failures, such as temperature, voltage, pressure, and so on. The alpha power inverse Weibull (APIW) distribution is of great significance and practical applications due to its appealing characteristics, such as its flexibilities in the probability density function and the hazard rate function. We analyze the step stress partially accelerated life testing model with samples from the APIW distribution under adaptive type II progressively hybrid censoring. We first obtain the maximum likelihood estimates and two types of approximate confidence intervals of the distributional parameters and then derive Bayes estimates of the unknownparameters under different loss functions. Furthermore, we analyze three probable optimum test techniques for identifying the best censoring under different optimality criteria methods. We conduct simulation studies to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed methodology. Finally, we provide a real data example to further demonstrate the proposed technique

    Reliability analysis of the new exponential inverted topp–leone distribution with applications

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    The inverted Topp–Leone distribution is a new, appealing model for reliability analysis. In this paper, a new distribution, named new exponential inverted Topp–Leone (NEITL) is presented, which adds an extra shape parameter to the inverted Topp–Leone distribution. The graphical representations of its density, survival, and hazard rate functions are provided. The following properties are explored: quantile function, mixture representation, entropies, moments, and stress– strength reliability. We plotted the skewness and kurtosis measures of the proposed model based on the quantiles. Three different estimation procedures are suggested to estimate the distribution parameters, reliability, and hazard rate functions, along with their confidence intervals. Additionally, stress–strength reliability estimators for the NEITL model were obtained. To illustrate the findings of the paper, two real datasets on engineering and medical fields have been analyzed

    A New Inverse Rayleigh Distribution with Applications of COVID-19 Data: Properties, Estimation Methods and Censored Sample

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    This paper aims at modelling the COVID-19 spread in the United Kingdom and the United States of America, by specifying an optimal statistical univariate model. A new lifetime distribution with three-parameters is introduced by a combination of inverse Rayleigh distribution and odd Weibull family of distributions to formulate the odd Weibull inverse Rayleigh (OWIR) distribution. Some of the mathematical properties of the OWIR distribution are discussed as linear representation, quantile, moments, function of moment production, hazard rate, stress-strength reliability, and order statistics. Maximum likelihood, maximum product spacing, and Bayesian estimation method are applied to estimate the unknown parameters of OWIR distribution. The parameters of the OWIR distribution are estimated under the progressive type-II censoring scheme with random removal. A numerical result of a Monte Carlo simulation is obtained to assess the use of estimation methods

    A New Inverse Rayleigh Distribution with Applications of COVID-19 Data: Properties, Estimation Methods and Censored Sample

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    This paper aims at modelling the COVID-19 spread in the United Kingdom and the United States of America, by specifying an optimal statistical univariate model. A new lifetime distribution with three-parameters is introduced by a combination of inverse Rayleigh distribution and odd Weibull family of distributions to formulate the odd Weibull inverse Rayleigh (OWIR) distribution. Some of the mathematical properties of the OWIR distribution are discussed as linear representation, quantile, moments, function of moment production, hazard rate, stress-strength reliability, and order statistics. Maximum likelihood, maximum product spacing, and Bayesian estimation method are applied to estimate the unknown parameters of OWIR distribution. The parameters of the OWIR distribution are estimated under the progressive type-II censoring scheme with random removal. A numerical result of a Monte Carlo simulation is obtained to assess the use of estimation methods

    Inference and optimal design for the k-level step-stress accelerated life test based on progressive Type-I interval censored power Rayleigh data

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    In this paper, a new generalization of the one parameter Rayleigh distribution called the Power Rayleigh (PRD) was employed to model the life of the tested units in the step-stress accelerated life test. Under progressive Type-I interval censored data, the cumulative exposure distribution was considered to formulate the life model, assuming the scale parameter of PRD has the inverse power function at each stress level. Point estimates of the model parameters were obtained via the maximum likelihood estimation method, while interval estimates were obtained using the asymptotic normality of the derived estimators and the bootstrap resampling method. An extensive simulation study of k=4 k = 4 levels of stress in different combinations of the life test under different progressive censoring schemes was conducted to investigate the performance of the obtained point and interval estimates. Simulation results indicated that point estimates of the model parameters are closest to their initial true values and have relatively small mean squared errors. Accordingly, the interval estimates have small lengths and their coverage probabilities are almost convergent to the 95% significance level. Based on the Fisher information matrix, the D-optimality and the A-optimality criteria are implemented to determine the optimal design of the life test by obtaining the optimum inspection times and optimum stress levels that improve the estimation procedures and give more efficient estimates of the model parameters. Finally, the developed inferential procedures were also applied to a real dataset

    Statistical analysis of progressively first-failure-censored data via beta-binomial removals

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    Progressive first-failure censoring has been widely-used in practice when the experimenter desires to remove some groups of test units before the first-failure is observed in all groups. Practically, some test groups may haphazardly quit the experiment at each progressive stage, which cannot be determined in advance. As a result, in this article, we propose a progressively first-failure censored sampling with random removals, which allows the removal of the surviving group(s) during the execution of the life test with uncertain probability, called the beta-binomial probability law. Generalized extreme value lifetime model has been widely-used to analyze a variety of extreme value data, including flood flows, wind speeds, radioactive emissions, and others. So, when the sample observations are gathered using the suggested censoring plan, the Bayes and maximum likelihood approaches are used to estimate the generalized extreme value distribution parameters. Furthermore, Bayes estimates are produced under balanced symmetric and asymmetric loss functions. A hybrid Gibbs within the Metropolis-Hastings method is suggested to gather samples from the joint posterior distribution. The highest posterior density intervals are also provided. To further understand how the suggested inferential approaches actually work in the long run, extensive Monte Carlo simulation experiments are carried out. Two applications of real-world datasets from clinical trials are examined to show the applicability and feasibility of the suggested methodology. The numerical results showed that the proposed sampling mechanism is more flexible to operate a classical (or Bayesian) inferential approach to estimate any lifetime parameter

    Vol. 16, No. 1 (Full Issue)

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    Weibull distribution under indeterminacy with applications

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    The Weibull distribution has always been important in numerous areas because of its vast variety of applications. In this paper, basic properties of the neutrosophic Weibull distribution are derived. The effect of indeterminacy is studied on parameter estimation. The application of the neutrosophic Weibull distribution will be discussed with the help of two real-life datasets. From the analysis, it can be seen that the neutrosophic Weibull model is adequate, reasonable, and effective to apply in an uncertain environment
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