303 research outputs found

    Loss systems in a random environment

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    We consider a single server system with infinite waiting room in a random environment. The service system and the environment interact in both directions. Whenever the environment enters a prespecified subset of its state space the service process is completely blocked: Service is interrupted and newly arriving customers are lost. We prove an if-and-only-if-condition for a product form steady state distribution of the joint queueing-environment process. A consequence is a strong insensitivity property for such systems. We discuss several applications, e.g. from inventory theory and reliability theory, and show that our result extends and generalizes several theorems found in the literature, e.g. of queueing-inventory processes. We investigate further classical loss systems, where due to finite waiting room loss of customers occurs. In connection with loss of customers due to blocking by the environment and service interruptions new phenomena arise. We further investigate the embedded Markov chains at departure epochs and show that the behaviour of the embedded Markov chain is often considerably different from that of the continuous time Markov process. This is different from the behaviour of the standard M/G/1, where the steady state of the embedded Markov chain and the continuous time process coincide. For exponential queueing systems we show that there is a product form equilibrium of the embedded Markov chain under rather general conditions. For systems with non-exponential service times more restrictive constraints are needed, which we prove by a counter example where the environment represents an inventory attached to an M/D/1 queue. Such integrated queueing-inventory systems are dealt with in the literature previously, and are revisited here in detail

    Modeling and analysis to improve the quality of healthcare services

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    For many healthcare services or medical procedures, patients have extensive risk of complication or face death when treatment is delayed. When a queue is formed in such a situation, it is very important to assess the suffering and risk faced by patients in queue and plan sufficient medical capabilities in advance to address the concerns. As the diversity of care settings increases, congestion in facilities causes many patients to unnecessarily spend extra days in intensive care facilities. Performance evaluation of current healthcare service systems using queueing theory gains more and more importance because of patient flows and systems complexity. Queueing models have been used in handsome number of healthcare studies, but the incorporation of blocking is still limited. In this research work, we study an efficient two-stage multi-class queueing network system with blocking and phase-type service time distribution to analyze such congestion processes. We also consider parallel servers at each station and first-come-first-serve non-preemptive service discipline are used to improve the performance of healthcare service systems

    Capacity planning of prisons in the Netherlands

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    In this paper we describe a decision support system developed to help in assessing the need for various type of prison cells. In particular we predict the probability that a criminal has to be sent home because of a shortage of cells. The problem is modelled through a queueing network with blocking after service. We focus in particular on the new analytical method to solve this network

    Decomposition of discrete-time open tandem queues with Poisson arrivals and general service times

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    In der Grobplanungsphase vernetzter Logistik- und Produktionssysteme ist man häufig daran interessiert, mit geringem Berechnungsaufwand eine zufriedenstellende Approximation der Leistungskennzahlen des Systems zu bestimmen. Hierbei bietet die Modellierung mittels zeitdiskreter Methoden gegenüber der zeitkontinuierlichen Modellierung den Vorteil, dass die gesamte Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung der Leistungskenngrößen berechnet werden kann. Da Produktions- und Logistiksysteme in der Regel so konzipiert sind, dass sie die Leistung nicht im Durchschnitt, sondern mit einer bestimmten Wahrscheinlichkeit (z.B. 95%) zusichern, können zeitdiskrete Warteschlangenmodelle detailliertere Informationen über die Leistung des Systems (wie z.B. der Warte- oder Durchlaufzeit) liefern. Für die Analyse vernetzter zeitdiskreter Bediensysteme sind Dekompositionsmethoden häufig der einzig praktikable und recheneffiziente Ansatz, um stationäre Leistungsmaße in den einzelnen Bediensystemen zu berechnen. Hierbei wird das Netzwerk in die einzelnen Knoten zerlegt und diese getrennt voneinander analysiert. Der Ansatz basiert auf der Annahme, dass der Punktprozess des Abgangsstroms stromaufwärts liegender Stationen durch einen Erneuerungsprozess approximiert werden kann, und so eine unabhängige Analyse der Bediensysteme möglich ist. Die Annahme der Unabhängigkeit ermöglicht zwar eine effiziente Berechnung, führt jedoch zu teilweise starken Approximationsfehlern in den berechneten Leistungskenngrößen. Der Untersuchungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit sind offene zeitdiskrete Tandem-Netzwerke mit Poisson-verteilten Ankünften am stromaufwärts liegenden Bediensystem und generell verteilten Bedienzeiten. Das Netzwerk besteht folglich aus einem stromaufwärts liegenden M/G/1-Bediensystem und einem stromabwärts liegenden G/G/1-System. Diese Arbeit verfolgt drei Ziele, (1) die Defizite des Dekompositionsansatzes aufzuzeigen und dessen Approximationsgüte mittels statistischer Schätzmethoden zu bestimmen, (2) die Autokorrelation des Abgangsprozesses des M/G/1-Systems zu modellieren um die Ursache des Approximationsfehlers erklären zu können und (3) einen Dekompositionsansatz zu entwickeln, der die Abhängigkeit des Abgangsstroms berücksichtigt und so beliebig genaue Annäherungen der Leistungskenngrößen ermöglicht. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Approximationsgüte des Dekompositionsverfahrens am stromabwärts liegenden G/G/1-Bediensystem mit Hilfe von Linearer Regression (Punktschätzung) und Quantilsregression (Intervallschätzung) bestimmt. Beide Schätzverfahren werden jeweils auf die relativen Fehler des Erwartungswerts und des 95%-Quantils der Wartezeit im Vergleich zu den simulierten Ergebnissen berechnet. Als signifikante Einflussfaktoren auf die Approximationsgüte werden die Auslastung des Systems und die Variabilität des Ankunftsstroms identifiziert. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit fokussiert sich auf die Berechnung der Autokorrelation im Abgangsstroms des M/G/1-Bediensystems. Aufeinanderfolgende Zwischenabgangszeiten sind miteinander korreliert, da die Abgangszeit eines Kunden von dem Systemzustand abhängt, den der vorherige Kunde bei dessen Abgang zurückgelassen hat. Die Autokorrelation ist ursächlich für den Dekompositionsfehler, da die Ankunftszeiten am stromabwärts liegenden Bediensystem nicht unabhängig identisch verteilt sind. Im dritten Teil der Arbeit wird ein neuer Dekompositionsansatz vorgestellt, der die Abhängigkeit im Abgangsstroms des M/G/1-Systems mittels eines semi-Markov Prozesses modelliert. Um eine explosionsartige Zunahme des Zustandsraums zu verhindern, wird ein Verfahren eingeführt, das den Zustandsraum der eingebetteten Markov-Kette beschränkt. Numerischen Auswertungen zeigen, dass die mit stark limitierten Zustandsraum erzielten Ergebnisse eine bessere Approximation bieten als der bisherige Dekompositionsansatz. Mit zunehmender Größe des Zustandsraums konvergieren die Leistungskennzahlen beliebig genau


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    International audienceThis booklet contains the proceedings of the second European Conference in Queueing Theory (ECQT) that was held from the 18th to the 20th of July 2016 at the engineering school ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. ECQT is a biannual event where scientists and technicians in queueing theory and related areas get together to promote research, encourage interaction and exchange ideas. The spirit of the conference is to be a queueing event organized from within Europe, but open to participants from all over the world. The technical program of the 2016 edition consisted of 112 presentations organized in 29 sessions covering all trends in queueing theory, including the development of the theory, methodology advances, computational aspects and applications. Another exciting feature of ECQT2016 was the institution of the Takács Award for outstanding PhD thesis on "Queueing Theory and its Applications"

    Capacity Analysis of Sequential Zone Picking Systems

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    This paper develops a capacity model for sequential zone picking systems. These systems are popular internal transport and order-picking systems because of their scalability, flexibility, high-throughput ability, and fit for use for a wide range of products and order profiles. The major disadvantage of such systems is congestion and blocking under heavy use, leading to long order throughput times. To reduce blocking and congestion, most systems use the block-and-recirculate protocol to dynamically manage workload. In this paper, the various elements of the system, such as conveyor lanes and pick zones, are modeled as a multiclass block-and-recirculate queueing network with capacity constraints on subnetworks. Because of this blocking protocol, the stationary distribution of the queueing network is highly intractable. We propose an approximation method based on jumpover blocking. Multiclass jump-over queueing networks admit a product-form stationary distribution and can be efficiently evaluated by mean value analysis and Norton’s theorem. This method can be applied during the design phase of sequential zone picking systems to determine the number of segments, number and length of zones, buffer capacities, and storage allocation of products to zones to meet performance targets. For a wide range of parameters, the results show that the relative error in the system throughput is typically less than 1% compared with simulation

    A Robust Aggregation Approach To Simplification Of Manufacturing Flow Line Models

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    One of the more difficult tasks facing a modeler in developing a simulation model of a discrete part manufacturing system is deciding at what level of abstraction to represent the resources of the system. For example, questions about plant capacity can be modeled with a simple model, whereas questions regarding the efficiency of different part scheduling rules can only be answered with a more detailed model. In developing a simulation model, most of the actual features of the system under study must be ignored and an abstraction must be developed. If done correctly, this idealization provides a useful approximation of the real system. Unfortunately, many individuals claim that the process of building a simulation model is an “intuitive art.” The objective of this research is to introduce aspects of “science” to model development by defining quantitative techniques for developing an aggregate simulation model for estimating part cycle time of a manufacturing flow line. The methodology integrates aspects of queueing theory, a recursive algorithm, and simulation to develop the specifications necessary for combining resources of a flow line into a reduced set of aggregation resources. Experimentation shows that developing a simulation model with the aggregation resources results in accurate interval estimates of the average part cycle time

    Stability criteria for controlled queueing networks

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    We give criteria for the stability of a very general queueing model under different levels of control. A complete classification of stability (or positive recurrence), transience and null-recurrence is presented for the two queue model. The stability and instability results are extended for models with N > 3 queues. We look at a broad class of models which can have the following features: Customers arrive at one, several or all of the queues from the outside with exponential inter arrival times. We often have the case where a arrival stream can be routed so that under different routing schemes each queue can have external arrivals, i.e. we assume we have some control over the routing of the arrivals. We also consider models where the arrival streams are fixed. We view the service in a more abstract way, in that we allow a number Đş of different service configurations. Under every such service configuration service is provided to some or all of the queues, length of service time can change from one service configuration to another and we can change from one configuration to another according two some control policy. The service times are assumed to be exponentially distributed. The queueing models we consider are networks where, after completion at one queue, a customer might be fed back into another queue where it will be served another time often under with a different service time. These feedback probabilities change with the service configurations. Our interest is in different types of control policies which allow us to change the routing of arrivals and configurations of the service from time to time so that the controlled queue length process (which in most cases is Markov) is stable. The semi-martingale or Lyapunov function methods we use give necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability classification. We will look at some two queue models with different inter arrival and service times where the queueing process is still Markov
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