64 research outputs found

    A methodology for managing roles in legacy systems

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    Summer 2004

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    Summer 2004 Vol. 7 No. 1

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    Essays on value creation in online marketplaces

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    This dissertation consists of three essays that study the transformative impact of new information technologies under three specific contexts using both empirical and theoretical approaches. Chapter 2 examines the online review system, which is the new type of information technology that replaces the traditional word-of-mouth communication. Particularly, we study the practice of the platform owner that uses monetary incentives to attract reviewers. The research problem is important as firms, which seek to strengthen their online review platforms, have considered various forms of incentives, including extrinsic rewards, to encourage users to write reviews. We encountered a natural experiment design where one review platform suddenly started offering monetary incentives for writing reviews. Along with data from Amazon.com and using the difference-in-differences approach, we compare the quantity and quality of reviews before and after rewards were introduced in the treated platform. We find that reviews are significantly more positive but the quality decreases. Taking advantage of the panel data, we also evaluate the effect of rewards on existing reviewers. We find that their level of participation after monetary incentives decreases, but not their quality of participation. Lastly, even though the platform enjoys an increase in the number of new reviewers, disproportionately more reviews appear to be written for highly rated products. In Chapter 3, we investigate the economic implications of the new online communication system that has become increasing popular in recent years. This system allows consumers to ask and answer questions regarding the products that are available on the platform. It typically co-exists with the standard online review system where consumers share their own experience of the products. Although several websites adopt this Q&A system or even replace the standard review system with it, the economic implications of such a Q&A system have not been studied in the previous literature. We collected the data from two online shopping platforms and employed the difference-in-differences approach to empirically examine the effect of question & answer elements, which exist only on one platform, on product sales. Interestingly, we find that, controlling for everything else, question elements negatively affect product sales while answer elements, particularly the depth of the answers, have a positive impact on sales. However, as we focus on the initial sales, it turns out that the number of questions and the fraction of questions that have at least one answer positively influence the sales. We also find that there is an interaction between Q&A elements and review elements, in that an increase in the number of questions seems to be positively correlated with an increase in the number of reviews in the following period. Meanwhile, an increase in the number of answers appears to reduce the average review length in the subsequent period. Our findings suggest that incorporating the question & answer system could be a potential approach to drive sales. However, it is crucially important for managers to develop appropriate policies to gather necessary answers to questions asked on the platform in order to capitalize on such a system. In Chapter 4, we provide an analysis of a two-sided platform, which becomes a dominant framework adopted by new Information Technology platforms such as Uber and Airbnb. We develop a game-theoretic model featuring a platform owner who acts as an intermediary that services two types of users to examine the influence of incentive policies the platform owner enforces. Specifically, our main interest is to study the implication of the incentive policy on user behavior and welfare metrics. We find that although the seller welfare always increases with the amount of incentives given by the platform, an adjustment of the incentive allocation policy can also yield similar results in many scenarios. In addition, there exists a case where the platform can increase both the seller welfare and its own welfare without increasing the amount of incentives

    Small TCBs of policy-controlled operating systems

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    IT Systeme mit qualitativ hohen Sicherheitsanforderungen verwenden zur Beschreibung, Analyse und Implementierung ihrer Sicherheitseigenschaften zunehmend problemspezifische Sicherheitspolitiken, welche ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Trusted Computing Base (TCB) eines IT Systems sind. Aus diesem Grund sind die Korrektheit und Unumgehbarkeit der Implementierung einer TCB entscheidend, um die geforderten Sicherheitseigenschaften eines Systems herzustellen, zu wahren und zu garantieren. Viele der heutigen Betriebssysteme zeigen, welche Herausforderung die Realisierung von Sicherheitspolitiken darstellt; seit mehr als 40 Jahren unterstützen sie wahlfreie identitätsbasierte Zugriffssteuerungspolitiken nur rudimentär. Dies führt dazu, dass große Teile der Sicherheitspolitiken von Anwendersoftware durch die Anwendungen selbst implementiert werden. Infolge dessen sind die TCBs heutiger Betriebssysteme groß, heterogen und verteilt, so dass die exakte Bestimmung ihres Funktionsumfangs sehr aufwendig ist. Im Ergebnis sind die wesentlichen Eigenschaften von TCBs - Korrektheit, Robustheit und Unumgehbarkeit - nur schwer erreichbar. Dies hat zur Entwicklung von Politik gesteuerten Betriebssystemen geführt, die alle Sicherheitspolitiken eines Betriebssystems und seiner Anwendungen zentral zusammenfassen, indem sie Kernabstraktionen für Sicherheitspolitiken und Politiklaufzeitumgebungen anbieten. Aktuelle Politik gesteuerte Betriebssysteme basieren auf monolithischen Architekturen, was dazu führt, dass ihre Komponenten zur Durchsetzung ihrer Politiken im Betriebssystemkern verteilt sind. Weiterhin verfolgen sie das Ziel, ein möglichst breites Spektrum an Sicherheitspolitiken zu unterstützen. Dies hat zur Folge, dass ihre Laufzeitkomponenten für Politikentscheidung und -durchsetzung universal sind. Im Ergebnis sind ihre TCB-Implementierungen groß und komplex, so dass der TCB- Funktionsumfang nur schwer identifiziert werden kann und wesentliche Eigenschaften von TCBs nur mit erhöhtem Aufwand erreichbar sind. Diese Dissertation verfolgt einen Ansatz, der die TCBs Politik gesteuerter Betriebssysteme systematisch entwickelt. Die Idee ist, das Laufzeitsystem für Sicherheitspolitiken so maßzuschneidern, dass nur die Politiken unterstützt werden, die tatsächlich in einer TCB vorhanden sind. Dabei wird der Funktionsumfang einer TCB durch kausale Abhängigkeiten zwischen Sicherheitspolitiken und TCB-Funktionen bestimmt. Das Ergebnis sind kausale TCBs, die nur diejenigen Funktionen enthalten, die zum Durchsetzen und zum Schutz der vorhandenen Sicherheitspolitiken notwendig sind. Die präzise Identifikation von TCB-Funktionen erlaubt, die Implementierung der TCB-Funktionen von nicht-vertrauenswürdigen Systemkomponenten zu isolieren. Dadurch legen kausale TCBs die Grundlage für TCB-Implementierungen, deren Größe und Komplexität eine Analyse und Verifikation bezüglich ihrer Korrektheit und Unumgehbarkeit ermöglichen. Kausale TCBs haben ein breites Anwendungsspektrum - von eingebetteten Systemen über Politik gesteuerte Betriebssysteme bis hin zu Datenbankmanagementsystemen in großen Informationssystemen.Policy-controlled operating systems provide a policy decision and enforcement environment to protect and enforce their security policies. The trusted computing base (TCB) of these systems are large and complex, and their functional perimeter can hardly be precisely identified. As a result, a TCB's correctness and tamper-proofness are hard to ensure in its implementation. This dissertation develops a TCB engineering method for policy-controlled operating systems that tailors the policy decision and enforcement environment to support only those policies that are actually present in a TCB. A TCB's functional perimeter is identified by exploiting causal dependencies between policies and TCB functions, which results in causal TCBs that contain exactly those functions that are necessary to establish, enforce, and protect their policies. The precise identification of a TCB's functional perimeter allows for implementing a TCB in a safe environment that indeed can be isolated from untrusted system components. Thereby, causal TCB engineering sets the course for implementations whose size and complexity pave the way for analyzing and verifying a TCB's correctness and tamper-proofness.Auch im Buchhandel erhältlich: Small TCBs of policy-controlled operating systems / Anja Pölck Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2014. - xiii, 249 S. ISBN 978-3-86360-090-7 Preis: 24,40

    A location based access control model for location-specific content delivery and analytics in a smart campus

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    Generally, smart campus applications do not consider the role of the user with his/her position in a university environment, consequently irrelevant information is delivered to the users. This dissertation proposes a location-based access control model, named Smart-RBAC, extending the functionality of Role-based Access Control Model (RBAC) by including user’s location as the contextual attribute, to solve the aforementioned problem. Smart-RBAC model is designed with a focus on content delivery to the user in order to offer a feasible level of flexibility, which was missing in the existing location-based access control models. An instance of the model, derived from Liferay’s RBAC, is implemented by creating a portal application to test and validate the Smart-RBAC model. Additionally, portlet-based applications are developed to assess the suitability of the model in a smart campus environment. The evaluation of the model, based on a popular theoretical framework, demonstrates the model’s capability to achieve some security goals like “Dynamic Separation of Duty” and “Accountability”. We believe that the Smart-RBAC model will improve the existing smart campus applications since it utilizes both, role and location of the user, to deliver content

    Koostööäriprotsesside läbiviimine plokiahelal: süsteem

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    Tänapäeval peavad organisatsioonid tegema omavahel koostööd, et kasutada ära üksteise täiendavaid võimekusi ning seeläbi pakkuda oma klientidele parimaid tooteid ja teenuseid. Selleks peavad organisatsioonid juhtima äriprotsesse, mis ületavad nende organisatsioonilisi piire. Selliseid protsesse nimetatakse koostööäriprotsessideks. Üks peamisi takistusi koostööäriprotsesside elluviimisel on osapooltevahelise usalduse puudumine. Plokiahel loob detsentraliseeritud pearaamatu, mida ei saa võltsida ning mis toetab nutikate lepingute täitmist. Nii on võimalik teha koostööd ebausaldusväärsete osapoolte vahel ilma kesksele asutusele tuginemata. Paraku on aga äriprotsesside läbiviimine selliseid madala taseme plokiahela elemente kasutades tülikas, veaohtlik ja erioskusi nõudev. Seevastu juba väljakujunenud äriprotsesside juhtimissüsteemid (Business Process Management System – BPMS) pakuvad käepäraseid abstraheeringuid protsessidele orienteeritud rakenduste kiireks arendamiseks. Käesolev doktoritöö käsitleb koostööäriprotsesside automatiseeritud läbiviimist plokiahela tehnoloogiat kasutades, kombineerides traditsioonliste BPMS- ide arendusvõimalused plokiahelast tuleneva suurendatud usaldusega. Samuti käsitleb antud doktoritöö küsimust, kuidas pakkuda tuge olukordades, milles uued osapooled võivad jooksvalt protsessiga liituda, mistõttu on vajalik tagada paindlikkus äriprotsessi marsruutimisloogika muutmise osas. Doktoritöö uurib tarkvaraarhitektuurilisi lähenemisviise ja modelleerimise kontseptsioone, pakkudes välja disainipõhimõtteid ja nõudeid, mida rakendatakse uudsel plokiahela baasil loodud äriprotsessi juhtimissüsteemil CATERPILLAR. CATERPILLAR-i süsteem toetab kahte lähenemist plokiahelal põhinevate protsesside rakendamiseks, läbiviimiseks ja seireks: kompileeritud ja tõlgendatatud. Samuti toetab see kahte kontrollitud paindlikkuse mehhanismi, mille abil saavad protsessis osalejad ühiselt otsustada, kuidas protsessi selle täitmise ajal uuendada ning anda ja eemaldada osaliste juurdepääsuõigusi.Nowadays, organizations are pressed to collaborate in order to take advantage of their complementary capabilities and to provide best-of-breed products and services to their customers. To do so, organizations need to manage business processes that span beyond their organizational boundaries. Such processes are called collaborative business processes. One of the main roadblocks to implementing collaborative business processes is the lack of trust between the participants. Blockchain provides a decentralized ledger that cannot be tamper with, that supports the execution of programs called smart contracts. These features allow executing collaborative processes between untrusted parties and without relying on a central authority. However, implementing collaborative business processes in blockchain can be cumbersome, error-prone and requires specialized skills. In contrast, established Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs) provide convenient abstractions for rapid development of process-oriented applications. This thesis addresses the problem of automating the execution of collaborative business processes on top of blockchain technology in a way that takes advantage of the trust-enhancing capabilities of this technology while offering the development convenience of traditional BPMSs. The thesis also addresses the question of how to support scenarios in which new parties may be onboarded at runtime, and in which parties need to have the flexibility to change the default routing logic of the business process. We explore architectural approaches and modelling concepts, formulating design principles and requirements that are implemented in a novel blockchain-based BPMS named CATERPILLAR. The CATERPILLAR system supports two methods to implement, execute and monitor blockchain-based processes: compiled and interpreted. It also supports two mechanisms for controlled flexibility; i.e., participants can collectively decide on updating the process during its execution as well as granting and revoking access to parties.https://www.ester.ee/record=b536494

    The Abstract Accountability Language: its Syntax, Semantics and Tools

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    Accountability is the driving principle for several of regulatory frameworks such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act, thus influencing how organizations run their business processes. It is a central concept for enabling trust and assurance in cloud computing and future internet-based services that may emerge. Nevertheless, accountability can have different interpretations according to the level abstraction. This leads to uncertainty concerning handling and responsibility for data in computer systems with outsourcing supply-chains, as in cloud computing. When defining policies to govern organizations, we need tools to model accountability in rich contexts, including concepts like multiple agents, obligations, remediation actions and temporal aspects. The Abstract Accountability Language (AAL) is built on logical foundations allowing to describe real-world scenarios involving accountability concerns. Its semantic principles provide us means to answer whether the conditions to reach accountability in a given context are met. Moreover, we created a tool support to verify and monitor accountability policies


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    Attacks on computers today present in many different forms, causing malfunction of operating systems, information leakage and loss of business and public trust. Access control is a technique that stands as the last line of protection restricting the access of users or processes to resources on computers. Throughout the years, many access control models have been implemented to accommodate security requirements under different circumstances. However, the learning of access control models and the management of access control policies are still challenging given its abstract nature, the lack of an environment for practice, and the intricacy of fulfilling complex security goals. These problems seriously reduce the usability of access control models. In this dissertation, we present a set of pedagogical systems that facilitates the teaching and studying of access control models and a visualization system that aids the authoring and analysis of access control policies. These systems are designed to tackle the usability problems in two steps. First, the pedagogical systems were designed for new learners to overcome the obstacles of learning access control and the lack of practicing environment at the very beginning. Contrary to the traditional lecture and in-paper homework method, the tool allows users to write/import a policy file, follow the visual steps to understand the concepts and access mechanisms of a model and conduct self-evaluation through Quiz and Query modules. Each of the four systems is specifically designed for a model of the Domain Type Enforcement, Multi-level Security, Role-based Access Control, or UNIX permissions. Through these systems, users are able to take an active role in exploring the effect of a policy with a safe and intact underlying operating systems. Second, writing and evaluating the effect of a policy could also be challenging and tedious even for security professionals when there are thousands of lines of rules. We believe that writing an access control policy should not include the complexity of learning a new language, and managing the policies should never be manual when automatic examination could take the place. In the aspect of policy writing, the visualization system kept the least number of key elements for specifying a rule: user, object, and action. They describe the active entity who takes the action, the file or directory which the action is applied to, and the type of accesses allowed, respectively. Because of its simple form without requiring the learning of a programming-like language, we hope that specifying policies using our language could be accomplished effortlessly not only by security professionals but also by anyone who is interested in access control. Moreover, policies can often be left unexamined when deployed. This is similar to releasing program which was untested and could lead to dangerous results. Therefore, the visualization system provides ways to explore and analyze access control policies to help confirm the effect of the policies. Through interactive textual and graphical illustrations, users could specify the accesses to check, and be notified when problems exist

    Adaptation of the human nervous system for self-aware secure mobile and IoT systems

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    IT systems have been deployed across several domains, such as hospitals and industries, for the management of information and operations. These systems will soon be ubiquitous in every field due to the transition towards the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT brings devices with sensory functions into IT systems through the process of internetworking. The sensory functions of IoT enable them to generate and process information automatically, either without human contribution or having the least human interaction possible aside from the information and operations management tasks. Security is crucial as it prevents system exploitation. Security has been employed after system implementation, and has rarely been considered as a part of the system. In this dissertation, a novel solution based on a biological approach is presented to embed security as an inalienable part of the system. The proposed solution, in the form of a prototype of the system, is based on the functions of the human nervous system (HNS) in protecting its host from the impacts caused by external or internal changes. The contributions of this work are the derivation of a new system architecture from HNS functionalities and experiments that prove the implementation feasibility and efficiency of the proposed HNS-based architecture through prototype development and evaluation. The first contribution of this work is the adaptation of human nervous system functions to propose a new architecture for IT systems security. The major organs and functions of the HNS are investigated and critical areas are identified for the adaptation process. Several individual system components with similar functions to the HNS are created and grouped to form individual subsystems. The relationship between these components is established in a similar way as in the HNS, resulting in a new system architecture that includes security as a core component. The adapted HNS-based system architecture is employed in two the experiments prove its implementation capability, enhancement of security, and overall system operations. The second contribution is the implementation of the proposed HNS-based security solution in the IoT test-bed. A temperature-monitoring application with an intrusion detection system (IDS) based on the proposed HNS architecture is implemented as part of the test-bed experiment. Contiki OS is used for implementation, and the 6LoWPAN stack is modified during the development process. The application, together with the IDS, has a brain subsystem (BrSS), a spinal cord subsystem (SCSS), and other functions similar to the HNS whose names are changed. The HNS functions are shared between an edge router and resource-constrained devices (RCDs) during implementation. The experiment is evaluated in both test-bed and simulation environments. Zolertia Z1 nodes are used to form a 6LoWPAN network, and an edge router is created by combining Pandaboard and Z1 node for a test-bed setup. Two networks with different numbers of sensor nodes are used as simulation environments in the Cooja simulator. The third contribution of this dissertation is the implementation of the proposed HNS-based architecture in the mobile platform. In this phase, the Android operating system (OS) is selected for experimentation, and the proposed HNS-based architecture is specifically tailored for Android. A context-based dynamically reconfigurable access control system (CoDRA) is developed based on the principles of the refined HNS architecture. CoDRA is implemented through customization of Android OS and evaluated under real-time usage conditions in test-bed environments. During the evaluation, the implemented prototype mimicked the nature of the HNS in securing the application under threat with negligible resource requirements and solved the problems in existing approaches by embedding security within the system. Furthermore, the results of the experiments highlighted the retention of HNS functions after refinement for different IT application areas, especially the IoT, due to its resource-constrained nature, and the implementable capability of our proposed HNS architecture.--- IT-järjestelmiä hyödynnetään tiedon ja toimintojen hallinnassa useilla aloilla, kuten sairaaloissa ja teollisuudessa. Siirtyminen kohti esineiden Internetiä (Internet of Things, IoT) tuo tällaiset laitteet yhä kiinteämmäksi osaksi jokapäiväistä elämää. IT-järjestelmiin liitettyjen IoT-laitteiden sensoritoiminnot mahdollistavat tiedon automaattisen havainnoinnin ja käsittelyn osana suurempaa järjestelmää jopa täysin ilman ihmisen myötävaikutusta, poislukien mahdolliset ylläpito- ja hallintatoimenpiteet. Turvallisuus on ratkaisevan tärkeää IT-järjestelmien luvattoman käytön estämiseksi. Valitettavan usein järjestelmäsuunnittelussa turvallisuus ei ole osana ydinsuunnitteluprosessia, vaan otetaan huomioon vasta käyttöönoton jälkeen. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitellään uudenlainen biologiseen lähestymistapaan perustuva ratkaisu, jolla turvallisuus voidaan sisällyttää erottamattomaksi osaksi järjestelmää. Ehdotettu prototyyppiratkaisu perustuu ihmisen hermoston toimintaan tilanteessa, jossa se suojelee isäntäänsä ulkoisten tai sisäisten muutosten vaikutuksilta. Tämän työn keskeiset tulokset ovat uuden järjestelmäarkkitehtuurin johtaminen ihmisen hermoston toimintaperiaatteesta sekä tällaisen järjestelmän toteutettavuuden ja tehokkuuden arviointi kokeellisen prototyypin kehittämisen ja toiminnan arvioinnin avulla. Tämän väitöskirjan ensimmäinen kontribuutio on ihmisen hermoston toimintoihin perustuva IT-järjestelmäarkkitehtuuri. Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan ihmisen hermoston toimintaa ja tunnistetaan keskeiset toiminnot ja toiminnallisuudet, jotka mall-innetaan osaksi kehitettävää järjestelmää luomalla näitä vastaavat järjestelmäkomponentit. Nä-istä kootaan toiminnallisuudeltaan hermostoa vastaavat osajärjestelmät, joiden keskinäinen toiminta mallintaa ihmisen hermoston toimintaa. Näin luodaan arkkitehtuuri, jonka keskeisenä komponenttina on turvallisuus. Tämän pohjalta toteutetaan kaksi prototyyppijärjestelmää, joiden avulla arvioidaan arkkitehtuurin toteutuskelpoisuutta, turvallisuutta sekä toimintakykyä. Toinen kontribuutio on esitetyn hermostopohjaisen turvallisuusratkaisun toteuttaminen IoT-testialustalla. Kehitettyyn arkkitehtuuriin perustuva ja tunkeutumisen estojärjestelmän (intrusion detection system, IDS) sisältävä lämpötilan seurantasovellus toteutetaan käyttäen Contiki OS -käytöjärjestelmää. 6LoWPAN protokollapinoa muokataan tarpeen mukaan kehitysprosessin aikana. IDS:n lisäksi sovellukseen kuuluu aivo-osajärjestelmä (Brain subsystem, BrSS), selkäydinosajärjestelmä (Spinal cord subsystem, SCSS), sekä muita hermoston kaltaisia toimintoja. Nämä toiminnot jaetaan reunareitittimen ja resurssirajoitteisten laitteiden kesken. Tuloksia arvioidaan sekä simulaatioiden että testialustan tulosten perusteella. Testialustaa varten 6LoWPAN verkon toteutukseen valittiin Zolertia Z1 ja reunareititin on toteutettu Pandaboardin ja Z1:n yhdistelmällä. Cooja-simulaattorissa käytettiin mallinnukseen ymp-äristönä kahta erillistä ja erikokoisuta sensoriverkkoa. Kolmas tämän väitöskirjan kontribuutio on kehitetyn hermostopohjaisen arkkitehtuurin toteuttaminen mobiilialustassa. Toteutuksen alustaksi valitaan Android-käyttöjärjestelmä, ja kehitetty arkkitehtuuri räätälöidään Androidille. Tuloksena on kontekstipohjainen dynaamisesti uudelleen konfiguroitava pääsynvalvontajärjestelmä (context-based dynamically reconfigurable access control system, CoDRA). CoDRA toteutetaan mukauttamalla Androidin käyttöjärjestelmää ja toteutuksen toimivuutta arvioidaan reaaliaikaisissa käyttöolosuhteissa testialustaympäristöissä. Toteutusta arvioitaessa havaittiin, että kehitetty prototyyppi jäljitteli ihmishermoston toimintaa kohdesovelluksen suojaamisessa, suoriutui tehtävästään vähäisillä resurssivaatimuksilla ja onnistui sisällyttämään turvallisuuden järjestelmän ydintoimintoihin. Tulokset osoittivat, että tämän tyyppinen järjestelmä on toteutettavissa sekä sen, että järjestelmän hermostonkaltainen toiminnallisuus säilyy siirryttäessä sovellusalueelta toiselle, erityisesti resursseiltaan rajoittuneissa IoT-järjestelmissä