20 research outputs found

    Normalizing the Taylor expansion of non-deterministic {\lambda}-terms, via parallel reduction of resource vectors

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    It has been known since Ehrhard and Regnier's seminal work on the Taylor expansion of λ\lambda-terms that this operation commutes with normalization: the expansion of a λ\lambda-term is always normalizable and its normal form is the expansion of the B\"ohm tree of the term. We generalize this result to the non-uniform setting of the algebraic λ\lambda-calculus, i.e. λ\lambda-calculus extended with linear combinations of terms. This requires us to tackle two difficulties: foremost is the fact that Ehrhard and Regnier's techniques rely heavily on the uniform, deterministic nature of the ordinary λ\lambda-calculus, and thus cannot be adapted; second is the absence of any satisfactory generic extension of the notion of B\"ohm tree in presence of quantitative non-determinism, which is reflected by the fact that the Taylor expansion of an algebraic λ\lambda-term is not always normalizable. Our solution is to provide a fine grained study of the dynamics of β\beta-reduction under Taylor expansion, by introducing a notion of reduction on resource vectors, i.e. infinite linear combinations of resource λ\lambda-terms. The latter form the multilinear fragment of the differential λ\lambda-calculus, and resource vectors are the target of the Taylor expansion of λ\lambda-terms. We show the reduction of resource vectors contains the image of any β\beta-reduction step, from which we deduce that Taylor expansion and normalization commute on the nose. We moreover identify a class of algebraic λ\lambda-terms, encompassing both normalizable algebraic λ\lambda-terms and arbitrary ordinary λ\lambda-terms: the expansion of these is always normalizable, which guides the definition of a generalization of B\"ohm trees to this setting

    Characterising strongly normalising intuitionistic terms

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    This paper gives a characterisation, via intersection types, of the strongly normalising proof-terms of an intuitionistic sequent calculus (where LJ easily embeds). The soundness of the typing system is reduced to that of a well known typing system with intersection types for the ordinary lambdal-calculus. The completeness of the typing system is obtained from subject expansion at root position. Next we use our result to analyze the characterisation of strong normalisability for three classes of intuitionistic terms: ordinary lambda-terms, LambdaJ-terms (lambda-terms with generalised application), and lambdax-terms (lambda-terms with explicit substitution). We explain via our system why the type systems iin the natural deduction format for LambdaJ and lambdax known from the literature contain extra, exceptional rules for typing generalised application or substitution; and we show a new characterisation of the beta-strongly normalising l-terms, as a corollary to a PSN-result, relating the lambda-calculus and the intuitionistic sequent calculus. Finally, we obtain variants of our characterisation by restricting the set of assignable types to sub-classes of intersection types, notably strict types. In addition, the known characterisation of the beta-strongly normalising lambda-terms in terms of assignment of strict types follows as an easy corollary of our results.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    On reduction and normalization in the computational core

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    We study the reduction in a lambda-calculus derived from Moggi's computational one, that we call the computational core. The reduction relation consists of rules obtained by orienting three monadic laws. Such laws, in particular associativity and identity, introduce intricacies in the operational analysis. We investigate the central notions of returning a value versus having a normal form, and address the question of normalizing strategies. Our analysis relies on factorization results

    Reasoning About Multi-stage Programs

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    Multi-stage programming (MSP) is a style of writing program generators---programs which generate programs---supported by special annotations that direct construction, combination, and execution of object programs. Various researchers have shown MSP to be effective in writing efficient programs without sacrificing genericity. However, correctness proofs of such programs have so far received limited attention, and approaches and challenges for that task have been largely unexplored. In this thesis, I establish formal equational properties of the multi-stage lambda calculus and related proof techniques, as well as results that delineate the intricacies of multi-stage languages that one must be aware of. In particular, I settle three basic questions that naturally arise when verifying multi-stage functional programs. Firstly, can adding staging MSP to a language compromise the interchangeability of terms that held in the original language? Unfortunately it can, and more care is needed to reason about terms with free variables. Secondly, staging annotations, as the term ``annotations'' suggests, are often thought to be orthogonal to the behavior of a program, but when is this formally guaranteed to be the case? I give termination conditions that characterize when this guarantee holds. Finally, do multi-stage languages satisfy extensional facts, for example that functions agreeing on all arguments are equivalent? I develop a sound and complete notion of applicative bisimulation, which can establish not only extensionality but, in principle, any other valid program equivalence as well. These results improve our general understanding of staging and enable us to prove the correctness of complicated multi-stage programs

    Reescritura de términos y sustituciones explícitas

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    La operación de sustitución constituye un engranaje básico en los fundamentos de la teoría de lenguajes de programación. Juega un rol central en el lambda cálculo (por ende, en lenguajes de programación funcional), en unificación de primer orden y de orden superior (por ende, en lenguajes de programación basados en el paradigma lógico), en modalidades de pasaje de parámetros (por ende, en lenguajes de programación imperativos), etc. Recientemente, investigadores en informática se han interesado en el pasaje de la noción usual de la sustitución, atómica, y de gruesa granularidad, hacia una noción más refinada, de más fina granularidad. La noción de sustitución es transportada del metalenguaje (nuestro lenguaje de discurso) al lenguaje objeto (nuestro lenguaje de estudio). Como consecuencia de ello se obtienen los llamados cálculos de sustituciones explícitas. Estos son de sumo interés a la hora de estudiar la interpretación operacional de los formalismos en cuestión y constituyen los objetos de interés de esta tesis. Se desarrollan los siguientes tres ejes de estudio: Primero, se consideran estrategias de reescritura perpetuas en lambda cálculos con sustituciones explícitas. Estas son estrategias de reescritura que preservan la posibilidad de reducciones infinitas. Se propone una caracterización inductiva del conjunto de términos que no poseen reducciones infinitas (los llamados fuertemente normalizantes). Un lambda cálculo polimórfico con sustituciones explícitas también es analizado, incluyendo propiedades tales como subject reduction y normalización fuerte. Segundo, colocamos el ς-cálculo de M. Abadi and L. Cardelli enriquecido con sustituciones explícitas bajo el microscopio. Este cálculo se encuentra en un nivel semejante de abstracción al lambda cálculo pero se basa en objetos en lugar de funciones. Propiedades tales como simulación del lambda cálculo, confluencia y preservación de la normalización fuerte (aquellos términos que son fuertemente normalizantes en ς también lo son en ς con sustituciones explícitas) son consideradas. Finalmente, dirigimos nuestra atención a la tarea de relacionar la reescritura de orden superior con aquella de primer orden. Fijamos una variante de los ERS (apodados SERSdb) de Z. Khasidashvili como nuestro formalismo de orden superior de partida y definimos un proceso de conversión que permite codificar cualquier SERSdb como un sistema de reescritura de primer orden. En este último, cada paso de reescritura se lleva a cabo módulo una teoría ecuacional determinada por un cálculo de sustituciones explícitas. La misma se formula de manera genérica a través de una presentación de cálculos de sustituciones explícitas basada en macros y axiomas sobre estas macros, parametrizando de esta manera al procedimiento de conversión sobre cualquier cálculo de sustituciones explícitas que obedece la presentación basada en macros. El procedimiento de conversión se encarga de codificar pattern matching de orden superior y sustitución en el entorno de reescritura de primer orden. Asimismo, propiedades que relacionan la noción de reescritura en el orden superior con aquella de primer orden son analizadas en detalle. Se identifica una clase de SERSdb para los cuales el sistema de primer orden resultante de su conversión no requiere una teoría ecuacional para implementar pattern matching de orden superior, bastando para ello matching sintáctico. También se argumenta que esta clase de sistemas de orden superior es apropiada para transferir resultados del entorno de reescritura de orden superior a aquella de primer orden. A modo de ejemplo no-trivial de ello, estudiamos la transferencia del teorema de standarización (fuerte).Substitution spans many areas in programming language theory. It plays a central role in the lambda calculus (hence functional programming), in first and higher-order unikation (hence logic programming), parameter passing methods (hence imperative programming), etc. Recently researchers became interested in shifting from the usual atomic, coarse grained view of substitution to a more refined, fine grained one. Substitution is promoted from the metalevel (our language of discourse) to the object-level (our language of study). This is interesting when studying the operational interpretation of the formalisms in question. Calculi of object-level or explicit substitution is the concern of this thesis. The following three study axes are developed. First we consider perpetual rewrite strategies in lambda calculi of explicit substitutions. These are rewrite strategies that preserve the possibility of inhite derivations. Also, we study how to characterize inductively the set of terms that do not possess infinite derivations (the strongly normalizing terms). Polymorphic lambda calculus with explicit substitutions shall receive our attention too, including properties such as subject reduction and strong normalization. Secondly, we put the ς-calculus of M.Abadi and L.Cardelli augmented with explicit substitutions under the microscope. This calculus is at the level of the lambda calculus but is based on objects instead of functions. Properties such as simulation of the lambda calculus, confluence and preservation of strong normalization (terms which are strongly normalizing in ς are also strongly normalizii in ς with explicit substitutions) are considered. Finally, we address the task of reducing higher-order rewriting to first-order rewriting. We fix a variant of Z-Khasidashvili's ERS (dubbed SERSdb) as our departing formalism and provide a conversion procedure to encode any ERS as a first-order rewrite system in which a rewrite step takes place modulo an equational theory determined by a calculus of explicit substitutions. The latter is achieved with the aid of a macro-based presentation of calculi of explicit substitutions, thus parametrizing the conversion procedure over any calculus of explicit substitutions in compliance with the aforementioned presentation. The conversion procedure is in charge of encoding higherorder pattern matching and substitution in the first-order framework. Properties relating the rewrite relation in the higher-order framework and that of the resulting first-order system are studied in detail. We then identify a class of SERSdb for which the resulting first-order system does not require the equational theory to implement higher-order pattern matching, thus contenting itself with syntactic matching. It is argued that this class of systems is appropriate for transferring results from the first-order framework to the higher-order one. As a non-trivial example we study the transfer of the (strong) standardization theorem.Fil:Bonelli, Eduardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina