20 research outputs found

    On the relationship between the energy shaping and the lyapunov constraint based methods

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    In this paper, we make a review of the controlled Hamiltonians (CH) method and its related matching conditions, focusing on an improved version recently developed by D.E. Chang. Also, we review the general ideas around the Lyapunov constraint based (LCB) method, whose related partial differential equations (PDEs) were originally studied for underactuated systems with only one actuator, and then we study its PDEs for an arbitrary number of actuators. We analyze and compare these methods within the framework of Differential Geometry, and from a purely theoretical point of view. We show, in the context of control systems defined by simple Hamiltonian functions, that the LCB method and the Chang’s version of the CH method are equivalent stabilization methods (i.e. they give rise to the same set of control laws). In other words, we show that the Chang’s improvement of the energy shaping method is precisely the LCB method. As a by-product, coordinate-free and connection-free expressions of Chang’s matching conditions are obtained.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    On the relationship between the energy shaping and the lyapunov constraint based methods

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    In this paper, we make a review of the controlled Hamiltonians (CH) method and its related matching conditions, focusing on an improved version recently developed by D.E. Chang. Also, we review the general ideas around the Lyapunov constraint based (LCB) method, whose related partial differential equations (PDEs) were originally studied for underactuated systems with only one actuator, and then we study its PDEs for an arbitrary number of actuators. We analyze and compare these methods within the framework of Differential Geometry, and from a purely theoretical point of view. We show, in the context of control systems defined by simple Hamiltonian functions, that the LCB method and the Chang’s version of the CH method are equivalent stabilization methods (i.e. they give rise to the same set of control laws). In other words, we show that the Chang’s improvement of the energy shaping method is precisely the LCB method. As a by-product, coordinate-free and connection-free expressions of Chang’s matching conditions are obtained.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Стабилизация нелинейной системы с ограничивающим множеством в виде треугольника

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    В работе рассматривается задача стабилизации положения равновесия системы уравнений Эйлера с ограничением на управляющий момент из множества в виде треугольника. В процессе исследования применяется теория критических гамильтонианов, с помощью которых получены необходимые условия стабилизируемости системы. Основным результатом работы является утверждение о достаточных условиях стабилизируемости

    Aspects of Geometric Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Systems

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    Many interesting control systems are mechanical control systems. In spite of this, there has not been much effort to develop methods which use the special structure of mechanical systems to obtain analysis tools which are suitable for these systems. In this dissertation we take the first steps towards a methodical treatment of mechanical control systems. First we develop a framework for analysis of certain classes of mechanical control systems. In the Lagrangian formulation we study "simple mechanical control systems" whose Lagrangian is "kinetic energy minus potential energy." We propose a new and useful definition of controllability for these systems and obtain a computable set of conditions for this new version of controllability. We also obtain decompositions of simple mechanical systems in the case when they are not controllable. In the Hamiltonian formulation we study systems whose control vector fields are Hamiltonian. We obtain decompositions which describe the controllable and uncontrollable dynamics. In each case, the dynamics are shown to be Hamiltonian in a suitably general sense. Next we develop intrinsic descriptions of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics in the presence of external inputs. This development is a first step towards a control theory for general Lagrangian and Hamiltonian control systems. Systems with constraints are also studied. We first give a thorough overview of variational methods including a comparison of the "nonholonomic" and "vakonomic" methods. We also give a generalised definition for a constraint and, with this more general definition, we are able to give some preliminary controllability results for constrained systems

    Dynamic Incentives for Optimal Control of Competitive Power Systems

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    Technologisch herausfordernde Transformationsprozesse wie die Energiewende können durch passende Anreizsysteme entscheidend beschleunigt werden. Ziel solcher Anreize ist es hierbei, ein Umfeld idealerweise so zu schaffen, dass das Zusammenspiel aller aus Sicht der beteiligten Wettbewerber individuell optimalen Einzelhandlungen auch global optimal im Sinne eines übergeordneten Großziels ist. Die vorliegende Dissertation schafft einen regelungstechnischen Zugang zur Frage optimaler Anreizsysteme für heutige und zukünftige Stromnetze im Zieldreieck aus Systemstabilität, ökonomischer Effizienz und Netzdienlichkeit. Entscheidende Neuheit des entwickelten Ansatzes ist die Einführung zeitlich wie örtlich differenzierter Echtzeit-Preissignale, die sich aus der Lösung statischer und dynamischer Optimierungsprobleme ergeben. Der Miteinbezug lokal verfügbarer Messinformationen, die konsequente Mitmodellierung des unterlagerten physikalischen Netzes inklusive resistiver Verluste und die durchgängig zeitkontinuierliche Formulierung aller Teilsysteme ebnen den Weg von einer reinen Anreiz-Steuerung hin zu einer echten Anreiz-Regelung. Besonderes Augenmerk der Arbeit liegt in einer durch das allgemeine Unbundling-Gebot bedingten rigorosen Trennung zwischen Markt- und Netzakteuren. Nach umfangreicher Analyse des hierbei entstehenden geschlossenen Regelkreises erfolgt die beispielhafte Anwendung der Regelungsarchitektur für den Aufbau eines neuartigen Echtzeit-Engpassmanagementsystems. Weitere praktische Vorteile des entwickelten Ansatzes im Vergleich zu bestehenden Konzepten werden anhand zweier Fallstudien deutlich. Die port-basierte Systemmodellierung, der Verzicht auf zentralisierte Regeleingriffe und nicht zuletzt die Möglichkeit zur automatischen, dezentralen Selbstregulation aller Preise über das Gesamtnetz hinweg stellen schließlich die problemlose Erweiterbarkeit um zusätzliche optionale Anreizkomponenten sicher

    Dynamic Incentives for Optimal Control of Competitive Power Systems

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    This work presents a real-time dynamic pricing framework for future electricity markets. Deduced by first-principles analysis of physical, economic, and communication constraints within the power system, the proposed feedback control mechanism ensures both closed-loop system stability and economic efficiency at any given time. The resulting price signals are able to incentivize competitive market participants to eliminate spatio-temporal shortages in power supply quickly and purposively