3,445 research outputs found

    Predator persistence through variability of resource productivity in Tritrophic systems

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    The trophic structure of species communities depends on the energy transfer between trophic levels. Primary productivity varies strongly through time, challenging the persistence of species at higher trophic levels. Yet resource variability has mostly been studied in systems with only one or two trophic levels. We test the effect of variability in resource productivity in a tritrophic model system including a resource, a size-structured consumer, and a size-specific predator. The model complies with fundamental principles of mass conservation and the body-size dependence of individual-level energetics and predator-prey interactions. Surprisingly, we find that resource variability may promote predator persistence. The positive effect of variability on the predator arises through periods with starvation mortality of juvenile prey, which reduces the intraspecific competition in the prey population. With increasing variability in productivity and starvation mortality in the juvenile prey, the prey availability increases in the size range preferred by the predator. The positive effect of prey mortality on the trophic transfer efficiency depends on the biologically realistic consideration of body size–dependent and food-dependent functions for growth and reproduction in our model. Our findings show that variability may promote the trophic transfer efficiency, indicating that environmental variability may sustain species at higher trophic levels in natural ecosystems

    Studying Both Direct and Indirect Effects in Predator-Prey Interaction

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    Studying and modelling the interaction between predators and prey have been one of the central topics in ecology and evolutionary biology. In this thesis, we study two different aspects of predator-prey interaction: direct effect and indirect effect. Firstly, we study the direct predation between predators and prey in a patchy landscape. Secondly, we study indirect effects between predators and prey. Thirdly, we extend our previous model by incorporating a stage-structure into prey. Finally, we further extend our previous model by incorporating spatial structures into modelling

    Hydra Effects in Stable Communities and Their Implications for System Dynamics

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    A hydra effect occurs when the mean density of a species increases in response to greater mortality. We show that, in a stable multispecies system, a species exhibits a hydra effect only if maintaining that species at its equilibrium density destabilizes the system. The stability of the original system is due to the responses of the hydra-effect species to changes in the other species’ densities. If that dynamical feedback is removed by fixing the density of the hydra-effect species, large changes in the community make-up (including the possibility of species extinction) can occur. This general result has several implications: (1) Hydra effects occur in a much wider variety of species and interaction webs than has previously been described, and may occur for multiple species, even in small webs; (2) conditions for hydra effects caused by predators (or diseases) often differ from those caused by other mortality factors; (3) introducing a specialist or a switching predator of a hydra-effect species often causes large changes in the community, which frequently involve extinction of other species; (4) harvest policies that attempt to maintain a constant density of a hydra-effect species may be difficult to implement, and, if successful, are likely to cause large changes in the densities of other species; and (5) trophic cascades and other indirect effects caused by predators of hydra-effect species can exhibit amplification of effects or unexpected directions of change. Although we concentrate on systems that are originally stable and models with no stage-structure or trait variation, the generality of our result suggests that similar responses to mortality will occur in many systems without these simplifying assumptions. In addition, while hydra effects are defined as responses to altered mortality, they also imply counterintuitive responses to changes in immigration and other parameters affecting population growth

    Modeling the ecology and evolution of communities: A review of past achievements, current efforts, and future promises

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    Background: The complexity and dynamical nature of community interactions make modeling a useful tool for understanding how communities develop over time and how they respond to external perturbations. Large community-evolution models (LCEMs) are particularly promising, since they can address both ecological and evolutionary questions, and can give rise to richly structured and diverse model communities. Questions: Which types of models have been used to study community structure and what are their key features and limitations? How do adaptations and/or invasions affect community formation? Which mechanisms promote diverse and table communities? What are the implications of LCEMs for management and conservation? What are the key challenges for future research? Models considered: Static models of community structure, demographic community models, and small and large community- evolution models. Conclusions: LCEMs encompass a variety of modeled traits and interactions, demographic dynamics, and evolutionary dynamics. They are able to reproduce empirical community structures. Already, they have generated new insights, such as the dual role of competition, which limits diversity through competitive exclusion, yet facilitates diversity through speciation. Other critical factors determining eventual community structure are the shape of trade-off functions, inclusion of adaptive foraging, and energy availability. A particularly interesting feature of LCEMs is that these models not only help to contrast outcomes of community formation via species assembly with those of community formation via gradual evolution and speciation, but that they can furthermore unify the underlying invasion processes and evolutionary processes into a single framework

    Context Dependency of Community Dynamics: Predator-Prey Interactions Under Ecological Disturbances

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    Numerous studies have focused on the drivers of diversity and stability of communities, especially under global change. However, multi-dimensionality of ecosystems due to biotic components (e.g predation, competition and adaptive dynamics) and abiotic factors (e.g. disturbances, resource dynamics and their distinct attributes) cause context-dependent outcomes and challenge the predictions. There are still controversies around complex community dynamics under varying regimes, however, finding mechanistical explanations will illuminate the fate of multispecies assemblages. Using model microbial communities, consisting of bacterial prey and protist predator, combined with simulation modelling and advanced statistics, this thesis investigated the impact of imposed disturbances (i.e. increased dilution rates that simulate density-independent mortality as press or pulse disturbances) (i) on transient recovery dynamics of a simple microbial food web, and (ii) on bacterial abundance, diversity and community structure in the absence or presence of a protist predator. In addition, this thesis questioned the impacts of species interactions and rapid trait shifts, as a response to predation and competition, on the community dynamics and stability. Our results revealed that the predator suffered more from disturbances over longer time periods. Reduced predation pressure caused a transient phase of prey release during and even after disturbances. Recovery time depended on the strength and duration of disturbances, however, coupling to an alternative resource increased the chance of fast recovery and stabilized the communities. In multi-species prey communities, bacterial abundance, diversity, and community composition were more affected by predation than by the disturbances and resource dynamics. Predator abundance, on the other hand, was strongly affected by the type of disturbance imposed. Importantly, community attributes had differential sensitivities, as reflected by their different response and recovery dynamics. Prey community dynamics varied more temporally andwere less stable under predation stress, while prey diversity increased significantly. Predation rapidly induced anti-predation traits, which altered population dynamics of both prey and predator. More importantly, predator and the resistant prey, in turn, elevated the number of direct cause-effect relationships between the community members. Our findings are not limited to the studied system and can be used to understand the dynamic response and recovery potential of many natural predator-prey or host-pathogen systems. They can be used as a base for future studies to illuminate the debates on the future communities.:Summary Zusammenfassung 1 Scope and Outline 2 General Introduction 2.1 Context dependency of community dynamics 2.2 Ecological disturbances 2.2.1 Transient dynamics and stability 2.2.2 Catastrophic shifts 2.3 Species interactions and evolutionary dynamics under environmental change 2.3.1 Species interactions and coexistence 2.4 Eco-evolutionary dynamics 2.5 Community assembly mechanisms 2.6 Dealing with complexities 2.6.1 Microbial model systems as a tool in ecology 2.6.2 Correlation, causation and the future of predictions 2.7 Aims of this study 3 Community Dynamics under Disturbances 3.1 Transient recovery dynamics of a predator-prey system 4 Interactions of Community Drivers 4.1 Interactions between predation and disturbances shape prey communities 5 Species Interactions and Evolutionary Dynamics Shaping Communities 5.1 Summary 5.2 Introduction 5.2.1 Predator-Prey Dynamics and Community Stability 5.2.2 Causal inferences 5.3 Aim of the study 5.4 Methods 5.4.1 Organisms 5.4.2 Microcosm experiments and estimation of species abundances 5.4.3 Statistical analysis 5.5 Results 5.5.1 Community dynamics 5.5.2 Dynamics of prey diversity and community stability 5.5.3 Causal links between the species dynamics 5.6 Discussion 5.7 Synopsis 6 General Discussion 6.1 Communities under disturbances: Predator{ prey dynamics 6.2 Temporal species dynamics and community assembly Synthesis and Outlook 7.1 Increasing complexity of species interactions 7.2 Going further from causal links 7.3 Metacommunities References 8 Appendix 8.1 Declaration of the authorship 8.2 Author contributions of published articles 8.3 List of publications and conference contributions 8.4 Acknowledgments 8.5 Supplementary material for Chapter 3 8.6 Supplementary material for Chapter 4 8.7 Supplementary material for Chapter

    How top consumers structure food webs with multiple pathways of energy flow

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    Competitive response in interference competition models

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    Este trabajo está enmarcado en la ecología matemática. En particular, en los modelos de competencia entre especies, que es una de las tres grandes formas de interacción entre especies. El punto de partida es el modelo clásico de Lotka y Volterra que asume implícitamente que 1. La tasa de crecimiento per cápita disminuye linealmente con el incremento del tamaño de cualquiera de las poblaciones que compiten. 2. Las interacciones entre especies son instantáneas, en el sentido de ser independientes del tamaño de la población con que se compite. 3. Los individuos están bien mezclados y cualquier individuo de una especie puede interactuar con cualquier individuo de la otra. Estas asunciones son totalmente válidas en una primera aproximación, pero distan mucho de ser universales. En esta tesis se presentan nuevas formulaciones del modelo clásico de competencia aplicables a aquellas situaciones en las que no se cumple al menos una de esas tres hipótesis. En concreto, se analizan tres modelos: 1. Un modelo en el que se tiene en cuenta que competir consume tiempo. 2. Un modelo en el que incorpora a la competencia el mecanismo de defensa grupal. 3. Un modelo de competencia para organismos sésiles (aquellos que no se desplazan). En los dos primeros modelos se introduce una respuesta competitiva que extienden el modelo clásico en el mismo sentido en que la llamada respuesta funcional opera en modelos de depredador-presa. El tercero extiende, en cierto modo, modelos publicados muy recientemente que incorporan estructura social a las interacciones entre especies no sésiles. A grandes rasgos, los resultados obtenidos extienden los resultados disponibles en tres sentidos: • Los tres modelos permiten escenarios de bi y tri-estabilidad, en los que las especies pueden o bien coexistir o bien extinguirse una de ellas en función del tamaño inicial de cada población. • En los tres modelos la presión de la competencia inter-especies es menor que en el modelo clásico. • Como consecuencia de lo anterior, la región del espacio de parámetros que permite estados de equilibrio de coexistencia es mayor que en el caso clásico. Cada modelo tiene sus especificidades que se traducen en interpretaciones ecológicas concretas

    Studies on diversity and coexistence in an experimental microbial community

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    Biodiversity and the coexistence of species have puzzled and fascinated biologists since decades and is a hotspot in todays’ natural sciences. Preserving this biodiversity is a great challenge as habitats and environments underlying tremendous changes like climate change and the loss of natural habitats, which are mainly due to anthropogenic influences. The coexistence of numerous species even in homogeneous environments is a stunning feature of natural communities and has been summarized under the term ‘paradox of plankton’. Up to now, there are several mechanisms discussed, which may contribute to local and global diversity of organisms. Several interspecific trade offs have been identified maintaining the coexistence of species like their abilities regarding competition and predator avoidance, their capability to disperse in space and time, and their ability to exploit variable resources. Further, micro-evolutionary dynamics supporting the coexistence of species have been added to our knowledge, and deriving from theoretical deterministic models, non-linear dynamics which describe the temporal fluctuation of abundances of organisms. Whereas competition and predation seem to be clue structural elements within interacting organisms, the intrinsic dynamic behavior – by means of temporal changes in abundance - plays an important role regarding coexistence within a community. The present work sheds light on different factors affecting the coexistence of species using experimental microbial model systems consisting of a bacterivorous ciliate as the predator and two bacteria strains as prey organism. Additionally, another experimental setup consisting of two up to five bacteria species competing for one limiting resource was investigated. Highly controllable chemostat systems were established to exclude extrinsic disturbances. According to theoretical analyses I was able to show - experimentally and theoretically - that phenotypic plasticity of one species within a microbial one-predator-two-prey food web enlarges the range of possible coexistence of all species under different dynamic conditions, compared to a food web without phenotypic plasticity. This was accompanied by non-linear (chaotic) population dynamics within all experimental systems showing phenotypic plasticity. The experiments on the interplay of competition, predation and invasion showed that all aspects have an influence on species coexistence. Under undisturbed controlled conditions all aspects were analyzed in detail and in combination. Populations showed oscillations which were shown by quasi-chaotic attractors in phase space diagrams. Competition experiments with two up to five bacteria species competing for one limiting resource showed that all organisms were able to coexist which was mediated by species oscillations entering a regime of chaos. Besides that fact it was found, that the productivity (biomass) as well as the total cell numbers – under the same nutrition supply – increased by an increasing number of species in the experimental systems. Up to now, the occurrence of non-linear dynamics in well controlled experimental studies has been recognized several times and this phenomenon seemed to be more common in natural systems than generally assumed

    Nature-inspired survivability: Prey-inspired survivability countermeasures for cloud computing security challenges

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    As cloud computing environments become complex, adversaries have become highly sophisticated and unpredictable. Moreover, they can easily increase attack power and persist longer before detection. Uncertain malicious actions, latent risks, Unobserved or Unobservable risks (UUURs) characterise this new threat domain. This thesis proposes prey-inspired survivability to address unpredictable security challenges borne out of UUURs. While survivability is a well-addressed phenomenon in non-extinct prey animals, applying prey survivability to cloud computing directly is challenging due to contradicting end goals. How to manage evolving survivability goals and requirements under contradicting environmental conditions adds to the challenges. To address these challenges, this thesis proposes a holistic taxonomy which integrate multiple and disparate perspectives of cloud security challenges. In addition, it proposes the TRIZ (Teorija Rezbenija Izobretatelskib Zadach) to derive prey-inspired solutions through resolving contradiction. First, it develops a 3-step process to facilitate interdomain transfer of concepts from nature to cloud. Moreover, TRIZ’s generic approach suggests specific solutions for cloud computing survivability. Then, the thesis presents the conceptual prey-inspired cloud computing survivability framework (Pi-CCSF), built upon TRIZ derived solutions. The framework run-time is pushed to the user-space to support evolving survivability design goals. Furthermore, a target-based decision-making technique (TBDM) is proposed to manage survivability decisions. To evaluate the prey-inspired survivability concept, Pi-CCSF simulator is developed and implemented. Evaluation results shows that escalating survivability actions improve the vitality of vulnerable and compromised virtual machines (VMs) by 5% and dramatically improve their overall survivability. Hypothesis testing conclusively supports the hypothesis that the escalation mechanisms can be applied to enhance the survivability of cloud computing systems. Numeric analysis of TBDM shows that by considering survivability preferences and attitudes (these directly impacts survivability actions), the TBDM method brings unpredictable survivability information closer to decision processes. This enables efficient execution of variable escalating survivability actions, which enables the Pi-CCSF’s decision system (DS) to focus upon decisions that achieve survivability outcomes under unpredictability imposed by UUUR

    The paradox of enrichment in predator-prey systems

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScIn principle, an enrichment of resources in predator-prey systems show prompts destabilisation of a framework, accordingly, falling trophic communication, a phenomenon known to as the \Paradox of Enrichment" [54]. After it was rst genius postured by Rosenzweig [48], various resulting examines, including recently those of Mougi-Nishimura [43] as well as that of Bohannan-Lenski [8], were completed on this problem over numerous decades. Nonetheless, there has been a universal none acceptance of the \paradox" word within an ecological eld due to diverse interpretations [51]. In this dissertation, some theoretical exploratory works are being surveyed in line with giving a concise outline proposed responses to the paradox. Consequently, a quantity of di usion-driven models in mathematical ecology are evaluated and analysed. Accordingly, piloting the way for the spatial structured pattern (we denote it by SSP) formation in nonlinear systems of partial di erential equations [36, 40]. The central point of attention is on enrichment consequences which results toward a paradoxical state. For this purpose, evaluating a number of compartmental models in ecology similar to those of [48] will be of great assistance. Such displays have greater in uence in pattern formations due to diversity in meta-population. Studying the outcomes of initiating an enrichment into [9] of Braverman's model, with a nutrient density (denoted by n) and bacteria compactness (denoted by b) respectively, suits the purpose. The main objective behind being able to transform [9]'s system (2.16) into a new model as a result of enrichment. Accordingly, n has a logistic- type growth with linear di usion, while b poses a Holling Type II and nonlinear di usion r2 nb2 [9, 40]. Five fundamental questions are imposed in order to address and guide the study in accordance with the following sequence: (a) What will be the outcomes of introducing enrichment into [9]'s model? (b) How will such a process in (i) be done in order to change the system (2.16)'s stability state [50]? (c) Whether the paradox does exist in a particular situation or not [51]? Lastly, (d) If an absurdity in (d) does exist, is it reversible [8, 16, 54]? Based on the problem statement above, the investigation will include various matlab simulations. Therefore, being able to give analysis on a local asymptotic stability state when a small perturbation has been introduced [40]. It is for this reason that a bifurcation relevance comes into e ect [58]. There are principal de nitions that are undertaken as the research evolves around them. A study of quantitative response is presented in predator-prey systems in order to establish its stability properties. Due to tradeo s, there is a great likelihood that the growth rate, attack abilities and defense capacities of species have to be examined in line with reviewing parameters which favor stability conditions. Accordingly, an investigation must also re ect chances that leads to extinction or coexistence [7]. Nature is much more complex than scienti c models and laboratories [39]. Therefore, di erent mechanisms have to be integrated in order to establish stability even when a system has been under enrichment [51]. As a result, SSP system is modeled by way of reaction-di usion di erential equations simulated both spatially and temporally. The outcomes of such a system will be best suitable for real-world life situations which control similar behaviors in the future. Comparable models are used in the main compilation phase of dissertation and truly re ected in the literature. The SSP model can be regarded as between (2018-2011), with a stability control study which is of an original