23 research outputs found

    Stability Analysis of a Fractional Order Modified Leslie-Gower Model with Additive Allee Effect

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    We analyze the dynamics of a fractional order modified Leslie-Gower model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and additive Allee effect by means of local stability. In this respect, all possible equilibria and their existence conditions are determined and their stability properties are established. We also construct nonstandard numerical schemes based on Grünwald-Letnikov approximation. The constructed scheme is explicit and maintains the positivity of solutions. Using this scheme, we perform some numerical simulations to illustrate the dynamical behavior of the model. It is noticed that the nonstandard Grünwald-Letnikov scheme preserves the dynamical properties of the continuous model, while the classical scheme may fail to maintain those dynamical properties

    The Influence of Additive Allee Effect and Periodic Harvesting to the Dynamics of Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model

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    In this paper, the influence of additive Allee effect in prey and periodic harvesting in predator to the dynamics of the Leslie-Gower predator-prey model is proposed. We first simplify the model to the non-dimensional system by scaling the variable and transform the model into an autonomous system. If the effect Allee is weak, we have at most two equilibrium points, else if the Allee effect is strong, at most four equilibrium points may exist. Furthermore, the behavior of the system around equilibrium points is investigated. In the end, we give numerical simulations to support theoretical results

    Computational dynamics of a Lotka-Volterra Model with additive Allee effect based on Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative

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    This paper studies an interaction between one prey and one predator following Lotka-Volterra model with additive Allee effect in predator. The Atangana-Baleanu fractional-order derivative is used for the operator. Since the theoretical ways to investigate the model using this operator are limited, the dynamical behaviors are identified numerically. By simulations, the influence of the order of the derivative on the dynamical behaviors is given. The numerical results show that the order of the derivative may impact the convergence rate, the occurrence of Hopf bifurcation, and the evolution of the diameter of the limit-cycle

    Bifurkasi Hopf pada model prey-predator-super predator dengan fungsi respon yang berbeda

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    This article discusses the one-prey, one-predator, and the super predator model with different types of functional response. The rate of prey consumption by the predator follows Holling type I functional response and the rate of predator consumption by the super predator follows Holling type II functional response. We identify the existence and stability of critical points and obtain that the extinction of all population points is always unstable, and the other two are conditionally stable i.e., the super predator extinction point and the co-existence point. Furthermore, we give the numerical simulations to describe the bifurcation diagram and phase portraits of the model. The bifurcation diagram is obtained by varying the parameter of the conversion rate of predator biomass into a new super-predator which gives forward and Hopf bifurcation. The forward bifurcation occurs around the super predator extinction point while Hopf bifurcation occurs around the interior of the model. Based on the terms of existence and numerical simulation, we confirm that the conversion rate of predator biomass into a new super-predator controls the dynamics of the system and maintains the existence of predator

    Bifurkasi Hopf pada Model Lotka-Volterra Orde-Fraksional dengan Efek Allee Aditif pada Predator

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    This article aims to study the dynamics of a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with Allee effect in predator. According to the biological condition, the Caputo fractional-order derivative is chosen as its operator. The analysis is started by identifying the existence, uniqueness, and non-negativity of the solution. Furthermore, the existence of equilibrium points and their stability is investigated. It has shown that the model has two equilibrium points namely both populations extinction point which is always a saddle point, and a conditionally stable co-existence point, both locally and globally. One of the interesting phenomena is the occurrence of Hopf bifurcation driven by the order of derivative. Finally, the numerical simulations are given to validate previous theoretical results

    Global stability of a fractional-order logistic growth model with infectious disease

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    Infectious disease has an influence on the density of a population. In this paper, a fractional-order logistic growth model with infectious disease is formulated. The population grows logistically and divided into two compartments i.e. susceptible and infected populations. We start by investigating the existence, uniqueness, non-negativity, and boundedness of solutions. Furthermore, we show that the model has three equilibrium points namely the population extinction point, the disease-free point, and the endemic point. The population extinction point is always a saddle point while others are conditionally asymptotically stable. For the non-trivial equilibrium points, we successfully show that the local and global asymptotic stability have the similar properties. Especially, when the endemic point exists, it is always globally asymptotically stable. We also show the existence of forward bifurcation in our model. We portray some numerical simulations consist of the phase portraits, time series, and a bifurcation diagram to validate the analytical findings

    Bifurkasi Periode Ganda dan Neimark-Sacker pada Model Diskret Leslie-Gower dengan Fungsi Respon Ratio-Dependent

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    Dinamika model Leslie-Gower dengan fungsi respon ratio-dependent yang didiskretisasi menggunakan skema Euler maju adalah fokus utama pada artikel ini. Analisis diawali dengan mengidentifikasi eksistensi dari titik ekuilibrium dan kestabilan lokalnya. Diperoleh empat titik ekuilibrium yaitu titik kepunahan kedua populasi dan titik kepunahan predator yang selalu tidak stabil, dan titik kepunahan prey dan eksistensi kedua populasi yang stabil kondisional. Selanjutnya dipelajari eksistensi dari bifurkasi periode ganda dan Neimark-Sacker di sekitar titik eksistensi kedua populasi sebagai akibat perubahan parameter h (time-step). Dari hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa bifurkasi periode ganda terjadi setelah melewati h=h_a atau h=h_c dan bifurkasi Neimark-Sacker terjadi setelah melewati h=hb. Di akhir pembahasan, diberikan simulasi numerik yang mendukung hasil analisis sebelumnya

    A Fractional-Order Food Chain Model with Omnivore and Anti-Predator

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    A fractional-order food chain model is proposed in this article. The model is built by prey, intermediate predator, and omnivore. It is assumed that intermediate predator only eat prey and omnivore can consume prey and intermediate predator. But, prey has the ability called as anti-predator behavior to escape from both predators. For the first discussion, it is found that all solutions are existential, uniqueness, boundedness, and non-negative. Further, we analyze the existence condition and local stability of all points, that is point for the extinction of all populations, both predators, intermediate predator, omnivore, and point for the existence of all populations. We also investigate the global stability of all points, except point for the extinction of all populations and both predators. Finally, we preform several numerical solutions by using the nonstandard Grunwald-Letnikov approximation to demonstrate the our analytical results

    Dynamics of a stage–structure Rosenzweig–MacArthur model with linear harvesting in prey and cannibalism in predator

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    A kind of stage-structure Rosenzweig–MacArthur model with linear harvesting in prey and cannibalism in predator is investigated in this paper. By analyzing the model, local stability of all possible equilibrium points is discussed. Moreover, the model undergoes a Hopf–bifurcation around the interior equilibrium point. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate our main results

    Analisis Kestabilan pada model prey-predator-super predator dengan fungsi respon Holling tipe I dan Holling tipe II

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    Interaksi prey dan predator dalam bidang ekologi menarik untuk dibahas dan dikaji perilaku dinamik antar populasinya. Perilaku persaingan antar populasi memperoleh makanan dapat digambarkan dalam suatu pola pemangsaan atau laju predasi. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai analisis kestabilan pada model  prey, predator, super predator dengan laju predasi menggunakan fungsi respon yang berbeda. Berdasarkan fenomena dan asumsi interaksi antar populasi, fungsi respon yang digunakan untuk predasi predator terhadap prey adalah Holling tipe I, untuk laju predasi super predator terhadap prey dan predator menggunakan fungsi respon Holling tipe II. Tahapan penelitian yaitu mengkonstruksi model, menentukan titik kesetimbangan dari sistem, proses linearisasi sistem untuk analisis kestabilan dari setiap titik kesetimbangan, serta melakukan simulasi numerik menggunakan software Maple dan Python. Dari konstruksi model dan nilai parameter yang digunakan, secara analitik terdapat enam titik kesetimbangan dengan dua titik yang tidak stabil dan empat titik yang kestabilannya bergantung syarat tertentu. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan hasil analisis kestabilan. Perubahan nilai parameter waktu yang dibutuhkan super predator untuk menangani prey mempengaruhi dinamika solusi sistem, yang ditampilkan dalam potret fas