248 research outputs found

    Reliable Modeling of Ideal Generic Memristors via State-Space Transformation

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    The paper refers to problems of modeling and computer simulation of generic memristors caused by the so-called window functions, namely the stick effect, nonconvergence, and finding fundamentally incorrect solutions. A profoundly different modeling approach is proposed, which is mathematically equivalent to window-based modeling. However, due to its numerical stability, it definitely smoothes the above problems away

    Stochastic-Based Computing with Emerging Spin-Based Device Technologies

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    In this dissertation, analog and emerging device physics is explored to provide a technology platform to design new bio-inspired system and novel architecture. With CMOS approaching the nano-scaling, their physics limits in feature size. Therefore, their physical device characteristics will pose severe challenges to constructing robust digital circuitry. Unlike transistor defects due to fabrication imperfection, quantum-related switching uncertainties will seriously increase their susceptibility to noise, thus rendering the traditional thinking and logic design techniques inadequate. Therefore, the trend of current research objectives is to create a non-Boolean high-level computational model and map it directly to the unique operational properties of new, power efficient, nanoscale devices. The focus of this research is based on two-fold: 1) Investigation of the physical hysteresis switching behaviors of domain wall device. We analyze phenomenon of domain wall device and identify hysteresis behavior with current range. We proposed the Domain-Wall-Motion-based (DWM) NCL circuit that achieves approximately 30x and 8x improvements in energy efficiency and chip layout area, respectively, over its equivalent CMOS design, while maintaining similar delay performance for a one bit full adder. 2) Investigation of the physical stochastic switching behaviors of Mag- netic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) device. With analyzing of stochastic switching behaviors of MTJ, we proposed an innovative stochastic-based architecture for implementing artificial neural network (S-ANN) with both magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) and domain wall motion (DWM) devices, which enables efficient computing at an ultra-low voltage. For a well-known pattern recognition task, our mixed-model HSPICE simulation results have shown that a 34-neuron S-ANN implementation, when compared with its deterministic-based ANN counterparts implemented with digital and analog CMOS circuits, achieves more than 1.5 ~ 2 orders of magnitude lower energy consumption and 2 ~ 2.5 orders of magnitude less hidden layer chip area

    High-Speed CMOS-Free Purely Spintronic Asynchronous Recurrent Neural Network

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    Neuromorphic computing systems overcome the limitations of traditional von Neumann computing architectures. These computing systems can be further improved upon by using emerging technologies that are more efficient than CMOS for neural computation. Recent research has demonstrated memristors and spintronic devices in various neural network designs boost efficiency and speed. This paper presents a biologically inspired fully spintronic neuron used in a fully spintronic Hopfield RNN. The network is used to solve tasks, and the results are compared against those of current Hopfield neuromorphic architectures which use emerging technologies