403 research outputs found

    Design of silent, miniature, high torque actuators

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 132-139).by John HEnry Heyer, III.S.M

    High Fidelity Model of Ball Screws to Support Model-based Health Monitoring

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    Data Driven Approach to Non-stationary EMA Fault Detection and Investigation Into Remaining Useful Life

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    Growing interest in using Electromechanical Actuators (EMAs) to replace current hydraulic actuation methods on aircraft control surfaces has driven significant research in the area of prognostics and health management. Non- stationary speeds and loads in the course of controlling an aircraft surface make fault identification in EMAs difficult. This work presents a time- frequency analysis of EMA thrust bearing vibration signals using wavelet transforms. A relatively small EMA system is designed and built to allow for simple, quick, and repeatable component replacement. A simulated signal is developed to test four potential faults in the system. Classification is performed using an artificial neural network (ANN), which yields over 99% accuracy. Indentation faults from moderate and heavy loads are seeded in thrust bearings, which are then tested to generate data. The ANN achieves 95% classification accuracy in a two class scenario using healthy and moderately indented bearings. A three class test is executed using thrust bearings at each level of damage to perform preliminary remaining useful life (RUL) testing, where an ANN is able to identify the fault severity with an accuracy of 88%

    A Combined Numerical and Experimental Approach for Rolling Bearing Modelling and Prognostics

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    Rolling-element bearings are widely employed components which cover a major role in the NVH behaviour of the mechanical systems in which they are inserted. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly understand their fundamental properties and accurately quantify their most relevant parameters. Moreover, their inevitable failure due to contact fatigue leads to the necessity of correctly describing their dynamic behaviour. In fact, they permit to develop diagnostic and prognostic schemes, which are heavily requested in the nowadays industrial scenario due to their increasingly important role in the development of efficient maintenance strategies. As a result, throughout the years several techniques have been developed by researchers to address different challenges related to the modelling of these components. Within this context, this thesis aims at improving the available methods and at proposing novel approaches to tackle the modelling of rolling-element bearings both in case of static and dynamic simulations. In particular, the dissertation is divided in three major topics related to this field, i.e. the estimation of bearing radial stiffness trough the finite-element method, the lumped-parameter modelling of defective bearings and the development of physics-based prognostic models. The first part of the thesis deals with the finite-element simulations of rolling-element bearings. In particular, the investigation aims at providing an efficient procedure for the generation of load-dependent meshes. The method is developed with the primary objective of determining the radial stiffness of the examined components. In this regard, the main contribution to the subject is the definition of mesh element dimensions on the basis of analytical formulae and in the proposed methodology for the estimation of bearing stiffness. Then, the second part describes a multi-objective optimization technique for the estimation of unknown parameters in lumped parameter models of defective bearings. In fact, it was observed that several parameters which are commonly inserted in these models are hardly measurable or rather denoted by a high degree of uncertainty. On this basis, an optimization procedure aimed at minimizing the difference between experimental and numerical results is proposed. The novelty of the technique lies in the approach developed to tackle the problem and its peculiar implementation in the context of bearing lumped-parameter models. Lastly, the final part of the dissertation is devoted to the development of physics-based prognostic models. Specifically, two models are detailed, both based on a novel degradation-related parameter, i.e. the Equivalent Damaged Volume (EDV). An algorithm capable of extracting this quantity from experimental data is detailed. Then, EDV values are used as input parameters for two prognostic models. The first one aims at predicting the bearing vibration under different operative conditions with respect to a given reference deterioration history. On the other hand, the objective of the second model is to predict the time until a certain threshold on the equivalent damaged volume is crossed, regardless of the applied load and the shaft rotation speed. Therefore, the original aspect of this latter part is the development of prognostic models based on a novel indicator specifically introduced in this work. Results obtained from all proposed models are validated through analytical methods retrieved from the literature and by comparison with data acquired on a dedicated test bench. To this end, a test rig which was set-up at the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara was employed to perform two type of tests, i.e. stationary tests on bearings with artificial defects and run-to-failure tests on initially healthy bearings. The characteristics of acceleration signals acquired during both tests are extensively discussed.I cuscinetti a rotolamento sono componenti meccanici che influenzano in maniera considerevole il comportamento dinamico dei sistemi all’interno dei quali sono montati. Pertanto, è di fondamentale importanza possedere strumenti atti alla stima dei loro parametri più rilevanti e avere a disposizione modelli dedicati allo studio delle loro caratteristiche dinamiche. Questo aspetto è di estrema importanza soprattutto nell’ottica dello sviluppo di schemi di diagnostica e prognostica, i quali sono sempre più richiesti all’interno dello scenario industriale odierno. In questo contesto, questa tesi si propone di migliorare le tecniche numeriche già esistenti e di fornire nuovi approcci per la modellazione dei cuscinetti a rotolamento sia nel caso di problemi statici che dinamici. Nello specifico, il lavoro tratta in maniera dettagliata tre diversi argomenti relativi a questo tema, ossia la stima della rigidezza radiale tramite il metodo agli elementi finiti, la modellazione a parametri concentrati di cuscinetti con difetti e lo sviluppo di modelli di prognostica physics-based. La prima parte della tesi concerne la simulazione di cuscinetti a rotolamento tramite il metodo ad elementi finiti. In particolare, lo studio si propone di fornire una procedura per la generazione di griglie le cui dimensioni dipendano dal carico applicato. Il metodo è sviluppato con l’obbiettivo di stimare in maniera computazionalmente efficace la rigidezza radiale del componente in esame. Pertanto, il contributo principale sul tema dato da questa prima parte riguarda il metodo analitico che permette di definire a priori le dimensioni degli elementi che costituiscono la mesh e la metodologia utilizzata per la stima della rigidezza. La seconda parte descrive una procedura di ottimizzazione multi obbiettivo per la stima dei parametri incogniti all’interno dei modelli a parametri concentrati di cuscinetti con difetti. Questa esigenza nasce dall’osservazione che numerosi parametri tipicamente inseriti in questa tipologia di modelli sono difficilmente misurabili oppure caratterizzati da un alto grado di incertezza. Perciò, nella seconda parte viene introdotta una tecnica innovativa che consente di stimare i parametri di modello che minimizzano la differenza fra risultati numerici e sperimentali in diverse condizioni di funzionamento. Infine, l’ultima parte è dedicata allo sviluppo di modelli di prognostica physics-based. A tal riguardo, vengono dettagliati due modelli basati su un nuovo indicatore di degrado del cuscinetto, denominato Equivalent Damaged Volume (EDV). Questo indicatore viene calcolato durante il funzionamento del cuscinetto tramite un algoritmo dedicato. I valori così ottenuti sono poi utilizzati come dati di input per i due modelli prognostici. Il primo mira a predire la vibrazione del cuscinetto in condizioni operative diverse rispetto ad una storia di degrado di riferimento. Diversamente, il secondo modello permette di prevedere il tempo rimanente prima del superamento di una soglia critica di volume equivalente danneggiato, indipendentemente da carico applicato e velocità di rotazione. Dunque, l’aspetto originale di quest’ultima parte ricade nello sviluppo di tecniche prognostiche basate su un nuovo indicatore introdotto ad-hoc in questo lavoro. I risultati ottenuti da tutti i modelli proposti sono validati grazie a metodi analitici di letteratura e a dati acquisiti in laboratorio per mezzo di un banco prova installato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Università di Ferrara. Il banco prova è stato utilizzato per realizzare due tipologie di prove, ossia test stazionari su cuscinetti che presentano difetti artificiali e prove di tipo run-to-failure su cuscinetti inizialmente sani. Le caratteristiche dei segnali di accelerazione acquisiti in entrambe le prove sono discussi in maniera esaustiva

    The 31st Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium

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    The proceedings of the 31st Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium are reported. Topics covered include: robotics, deployment mechanisms, bearings, actuators, scanners, boom and antenna release, and test equipment. A major focus is the reporting of problems and solutions associated with the development and flight certification of new mechanisms

    Current-based Techniques for Condition Monitoring of Pumps

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    [ES] Las bombas hidráulicas son el núcleo de muchos procesos en la industria y el sector servicios. Conviene tener en cuenta que los motores eléctricos son responsables del 69% del consumo de energía eléctrica en la industria, siendo en torno a un 22% de motores utilizados para el accionamiento de bombas. Los fallos de estas bombas pueden provocar averías en el proceso y, por lo tanto, implican altos costes económicos para el operador de la planta. Además, un funcionamiento defectuoso de las bombas conlleva una reducción de la eficiencia energética de la planta. De forma habitual, se utilizan principalmente dos tipos de estrategias orientadas al mantenimiento de maquinaria. Una estrategia de mantenimiento (mantenimiento preventivo) consiste en la sustitución de las piezas desgastadas en un intervalo de tiempo fijo. Este tipo de estrategia presenta muchas desventajas asociadas a la escasa optimización en el uso de los recursos y al consiguiente impacto económico. Por otro lado, la estrategia basada en la condición del equipo (mantenimiento basado en la condición) liga el reemplazo de las piezas desgastadas al estado del equipo, el cual es monitorizado a través de señales adquiridas mediante sensores. Sin embargo, el uso de sensores tiene algunos inconvenientes, como costes de inversión adicionales, posibles problemas en el montaje del sensor y posibles fallos del mismo. El análisis de la señal de corriente no se ha utilizado de forma habitual en la práctica para evaluar el estado de la bomba, aunque en muchas aplicaciones se dispone de sensores de corriente ya instalados que se podrían utilizar a tal fin. Se ha demostrado que técnicas basadas en el análisis de la corriente resultan de gran utilidad para diagnosticar varios tipos de fallos en motores eléctricos. De hecho, el análisis de la firma de corriente del motor se utiliza hoy en día ampliamente en la industria, especialmente para el diagnóstico de fallos en motores de inducción. En la presente tesis, se evalúa la utilización de la técnica de análisis de corrientes para el diagnóstico de fallos típicos relacionados con las bombas en diferentes aplicaciones. Se investigan tres tipos de bombas diferentes: bombas en línea de rotor húmedo, bombas de rotor seco y bombas sumergibles. En la tesis se han adaptado diversas técnicas, previamente empleadas para la detección de fallos en motores, al diagnóstico de fallos en la propia bomba. Los resultados indican que fallos como obstrucción de la bomba, fisura del impulsor y desgaste de los cojinetes influyen especialmente en dos frecuencias del espectro de corriente, las cuales pueden utilizarse como base de estrategias de mantenimiento basadas en la condición. En concreto, en las bombas de rotor húmedo, estos dos indicadores de fallo varían sensiblemente en función del punto de carga hidráulica de la bomba. Con la ayuda de un método de extracción de características basado en la motor reference frame theory, se demuestra que las mencionadas frecuencias pueden analizarse en tiempo real en un entorno industrial. Además, se presentan directrices para la monitorización en la nube y se valida con la ayuda de ensayos de laboratorio. Adicionalmente, se demuestra que los fallos son también detectables al analizar la corriente de arranque mediante herramientas de descomposición tiempo-frecuencia. Este hito no se había abordado anteriormente en la literatura técnica del área en lo referente a la detección de fallos en bombas. En conclusión, los resultados de este trabajo demuestran que los métodos de diagnóstico basados en la corriente pueden detectar con éxito diversos tipos de fallo en bombas, lo cual constituye un punto de gran interés para las industrias que utilicen estos activos en sus procesos.[CA] Les bombes hidràuliques són el nucli de molts processos en la indústria i en el sector dels serveis. Cal mencionar que els motors elèctrics són responsables del 69% del consum de la energia elèctrica en la indústria, sent al voltant del 22% dels motors utilitzats per l'accionament de bombes. Les fallades d'aquestes bombes poden causar avaries en els processos, i per tant, representen un alt cost econòmic per a l'operador de la planta. A més a més, un funcionament defectuós en les bombes representa una reducció de l'eficiència energètica de la planta. De manera habitual, s'utilitzen principalment dos tipus d'estratègies orientades al manteniment de la maquinària. Una estratègia de manteniment (manteniment preventiu) consisteix en la canvi de les peces desgastades en un interval fixe de temps. Aquest tipus d'estratègia presenta molts desavantatges associats a la reduïda optimització en el ús dels recursos i el seu impacte econòmic. D'altra banda, la estratègia basada en la condició dels equipaments (manteniment basat en la condició) enllaça la substitució de les peces desgastades al estat de l'equip, el qual es monitoritzat per mig de senyals adquirides per sensors. No obstant això, el ús de sensors té alguns inconvenients com costos d'inversió addicionals, possibles problemes al muntatge i possibles fallades. L'anàlisi dels senyals de corrent no s'utilitzen de manera habitual en la pràctica per avaluar l'estat de la bomba, encara que en moltes aplicacions, estos sensors es troben instal·lats i es podrien fer servir per a aquesta finalitat. Ha estat demostrat que les tècniques basades en l'anàlisi de la corrent són de gran utilitat per el diagnosi de diversos tipus de fallades en motors elèctrics. De fet, l'anàlisi de la firma de la corrent del motor s'utilitza àmpliament en l'indústria, especialment per el diagnosi de fallades en motors d'inducció. En la present tesi, s'avalua l'utilització de la tècnica d'anàlisi de corrents per el diagnosi de fallades típiques relacionades en bombes per a diferents aplicacions. Se investiguen tres tipus de bombes diferents: bombes en línia de rotor humit, bombes de rotor sec i bombes submergibles. En aquesta tesi se han adaptat diverses tècniques, prèviament utilitzades en el diagnosi de màquines elèctriques, per al diagnosi de la pròpia bomba. Els resultat indiquen que les fallades com obstrucció de la bomba, la fissura de l'impulsor i el desgast dels coixinets influeixen especialment en dos freqüències de l'espectre de la corrent, les quals es poden utilitzar com a base per a una estratègia de manteniment basada en la condició. Particularment, en les bombes de rotor humit, aquestos dos indicadors de fallada varíen sensiblement en funció del punt de càrrega hidràulica de la bomba. En l'ajuda de un mètode d'extracció de característiques basat en la "motor reference frame theory", es demostra que les mencionades freqüències es poden analitzar en temps real en un entorn industrial. A més a més, es presenten directrius per la monitorització en el núvol i es valida en l'ajuda de assajos en el laboratori. Addicionalment, es demostra que les fallades són també detectables quan s'analitza la corrent d'arrancada mitjançant ferramentes de descomposició temps-freqüència. Aquest fet no ha estat analitzat prèviament en cap tipus de literatura tècnica dins del camp de detecció de fallades en bombes. En conclusió, els resultats d'aquest treball demostren que els mètodes de diagnosi basats en la corrent poden detectar en èxit diversos tipus de fallades en bombes, el qual constitueix un punt d'interés per a l'indústria que utilitzen aquest tipus de actiu en els seus processos.[EN] Pumps are the heart of many processes in industry and service sector. Electric motors are responsible for 69% of electric energy consumption in industry, with 22% of them being used for the operation of pumps. Pump faults can lead to process breakdowns and are thus related to high costs for the plant operator. Furthermore, faulty operation of pumps reduces the energy efficiency of the plant. In many cases, a time-based maintenance strategy is applied, which means that typical wear parts are replaced within defined time cycles, which comes with some drawbacks such as poor resource efficiency and high costs. Condition-based maintenance strategies - meaning that the replacement of parts is planned based on the condition of the pump - are often based on the evaluation of sensor signals like vibration or noise. However, the use of sensors also has some drawbacks, such as additional investment costs, frequent problems with the sensor mounting, and possible sensor faults. There is no widespread use of the current signal to make statements about the pump condition, although current sensors are installed in many applications anyway. As for motor fault diagnosis, different current-based techniques have demonstrated their function. Today, motor current signature analysis is used in industry, especially for the diagnosis of induction motors. In this thesis, the current-based diagnosis of typical pump-related faults in different applications is evaluated. In total, three different pump types are investigated: a wet-rotor pump, a dry-runner inline pump, and a submersible pump. The techniques used for motor fault detection are adapted for the diagnosis of pump-related faults. The results indicate that the faults clogging, impeller crack, and bearing wear, in particular, influence two frequencies in the current spectrum, which can be used as a basis for a condition-based maintenance strategy. Especially in wet-rotor pumps, these two fault indicators strongly vary depending on the hydraulic load point of the pump. With the help of a feature extraction method based on the adapted reference frame theory, this work demonstrates that the two frequencies can be analyzed in real time in a field environment. Furthermore, a concept for cloud monitoring is presented and validated with the help of a laboratory test. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the faults are visible if the starting current is evaluated in a time-frequency map, which has not been considered before in the literature on pump-related faults. In summary, the findings of this work indicate that current-based diagnosis methods can successfully detect typical faults in pumps, a fact that is of high interest for companies using these assets in their industrial processes.Becker, V. (2022). Current-based Techniques for Condition Monitoring of Pumps [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19063

    Synopsis of lectures on the subject "Operation and maintenance of machines" for students of all forms of study Direction of preparation 131 " Applied mechanics"

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    The assessment of surface quality in planed and spindle moulded products

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    Includes bibliographical referencesSIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX218434 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo