2,904 research outputs found

    Collaborative, Intelligent, and Adaptive Systems for the Low-Power Internet of Things

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    With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), more and more devices are getting equipped with communication capabilities, often via wireless radios. Their deployments pave the way for new and mission-critical applications: cars will communicate with nearby vehicles to coordinate at intersections; industrial wireless closed-loop systems will improve operational safety in factories; while swarms of drones will coordinate to plan collision-free trajectories. To achieve these goals, IoT devices will need to communicate, coordinate, and collaborate over the wireless medium. However, these envisioned applications necessitate new characteristics that current solutions and protocols cannot fulfill: IoT devices require consistency guarantees from their communication and demand for adaptive behavior in complex and dynamic environments.In this thesis, we design, implement, and evaluate systems and mechanisms to enable safe coordination and adaptivity for the smallest IoT devices. To ensure consistent coordination, we bring fault-tolerant consensus to low-power wireless communication and introduce Wireless Paxos, a flavor of the Paxos algorithm specifically tailored to low-power IoT. We then present STARC, a wireless coordination mechanism for intersection management combining commit semantics with synchronous transmissions. To enable adaptivity in the wireless networking stack, we introduce Dimmer and eAFH. Dimmer combines Reinforcement Learning and Multi-Armed Bandits to adapt its communication parameters and counteract the adverse effects of wireless interference at runtime while optimizing energy consumption in normal conditions. eAFH provides dynamic channel management in Bluetooth Low Energy by excluding and dynamically re-including channels in scenarios with mobility. Finally, we demonstrate with BlueSeer that a device can classify its environment, i.e., recognize whether it is located in a home, office, street, or transport, solely from received Bluetooth Low Energy signals fed into an embedded machine learning model. BlueSeer therefore increases the intelligence of the smallest IoT devices, allowing them to adapt their behaviors to their current surroundings

    The Car and The Cloud: Automotive Architectures for 2020

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    Three trends are emerging in drivers’ expectations for their vehicle: (1) continuous connectivity with both the infrastructure (e.g., smart traffic intersections) and other commuters, (2) enhanced levels of productivity and entertainment for the duration of travel, and (3) reduction in cognitive load through semiautonomous operation and automated congestion-aware route planning. To address these demands, vehicles should become more programmable so that almost every aspect of engine control, cabin comfort, connectivity, navigation, and safety will be remotely upgradable and designed to evolve over the lifetime of the vehicle. Progress toward the vehicle of the future will entail new approaches in the design and sustainability of vehicles so that they are connected to networked traffic systems and are programmable over the course of their lifetime. To that end, our automotive research team at the University of Pennsylvania is devel- oping an in-vehicle programmable system, AutoPlug, an automotive architecture for remote diagnostics, testing, and code updates for dispatch from a datacenter to vehicle electronic controller units. For connected vehicles, we are implementing a networked vehicle platform, GrooveNet, that allows communication between real and simulated vehicles to evaluate the feasibility and application of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication; the focus in this paper is on its application to safety. Finally, we are working on a tool for large-scale traffic congestion analysis, AutoMatrix, capable of simulating over 16 million vehicles on any US street map and computing real-time fastest paths for a large subset of vehicles. The tools and platforms described here are free and open-source from the author

    Payload-Directed Control of Geophysical Magnetic Surveys

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    Using non-navigational (e.g. imagers, scientific) sensor information in control loops is a difficult problem to which no general solution exists. Whether the task can be successfully achieved in a particular case depends highly on problem specifics, such as application domain and sensors of interest. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of using magnetometer data for control feedback in the context of geophysical magnetic surveys. An experimental system was created and deployed to (a) assess sensor integration with autonomous vehicles, (b) investigate how magnetometer data can be used for feedback control, and (c) evaluate the feasibility of using such a system for geophysical magnetic surveys. Finally, we report the results of our experiments and show that payload-directed control of geophysical magnetic surveys is indeed feasible

    Simulation-based testing of highly configurable cyber-physical systems: automation, optimization and debugging

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    Sistema Ziber-Fisikoek sistema ziber digitalak sistema fisikoekin uztartzen dituzte. Sistema hauen aldakortasuna handitzen ari da erabiltzaileen hainbat behar betetzeko. Ondorioz, sistema ziber-fisikoa aldakorrak edota produktu lerroak ari dira garatzen eta sistema hauek milaka edo milioika konfiguraziotan konfiguratu daitezke. Sistema ziber-fisiko aldakorren test eta balidazioa prozesua garestia da, batez ere probatu beharreko konfigurazio kopuruaren ondorioz. Konfigurazio kopuru altuak sistemaren prototipo bat erabiltzea ezinezkoa egiten du. Horregatik, sistema ziber-fisiko aldagarriak simulazio modeloak erabilita probatzen dira. Hala ere, simulazio bidez sistema ziber-fisikoak probatzea erronka izaten jarraitzen du. Hasteko, simulazio denbora altua izaten da normalki, software-az aparte, sistema fisikoa simulatu behar delako. Sistema fisiko hau normalean modelo matematiko konplexuen bitartez modelatzen da, konputazionalki garestia delarik. Jarraitzeko, sistema ziber-fisikoek ingeniaritzaren domeinu ezberdinak dituzte tartean, adibidez mekanika edo elektronika. Domeinu bakoitzak bere simulazio erremienta erabiltzen du, eta erremienta guzti hauek interkonektatzeko ko-simulazioa erabiltzen da. Nahiz eta ko-simulazioa abantaila bat izan ematen duen flexibilitateagatik, simulagailu ezberdinen erabilerak simulazio denbora handiagotzen du. Azkenik, sistema ziber-fisikoak simulaziopean probatzean, probak maila ezberdinetan egin behar dira (adb., Model, Software eta Hardware-in-the-Loop mailak), eta honek, proba-kasuak exekutatzeko denbora handitzen du. Tesi honen helburua sistema ziber-fisiko aldakorren test jardunbideak hobetzea da, horretarako automatizazio, optimizazio eta arazketa metodoak proposatzen ditu. Automatizazioari dagokionez, lehenengo, erremienta-bidezko metodologia bat proposatzen da. Metodologia hau test sistema instantziak automatikoki sortzeko gai da, test sistema hauek sistema ziber-fisiko aldagarrien konfigurazioak automatikoki probatzeko gai dira (adb., test orakuluen bitartez). Bigarren, test frogak automatikoki sortzeko planteamendu bat proposatzen da helburu anitzeko bilaketa algoritmoak erabilita. Optimizazioari dagokionez, test frogen aukeraketarako planteamendu bat eta test frogen priorizaziorako beste planteamendu bat proposatzen dira, biak bilaketa alix goritmoak erabiliz, sistema ziber-fisiko aldakorrak test maila ezberdinetan probatzeko helburuarekin. Arazketari dagokionez, “espektroan oinarritutako falten lokalizazioa” izeneko teknika bat produktu lerroen testuingurura adaptatu da, eta faltak isolatzeko metodo bat proposatzen da. Honek, falta ezberdinak lokalizatzea errezten du ez bakarrik sistema ziber-fisiko aldakorretan, baizik eta edozein produktu lerrotan non “feature model” delako modeloak erabiltzen diren aldakortasuna kudeatzeko.Los sistemas cyber-físicos (CPSs) integran tecnologías digitales con procesos físicos. La variabilidad de estos sistemas está creciendo para responder a la demanda de diferentes clientes. Como consecuencia de ello, los CPSs están volviéndose configurables e incluso líneas de producto, lo que significa que pueden ser configurados en miles y millones de configuraciones. El testeo de sistemas cyber-físicos configurables es un proceso costoso, en general debido a la cantidad de configuraciones que han de ser testeadas. El número de configuraciones a testear hace imposible el uso de un prototipo del sistema. Por ello, los sistemas CPSs configurables están siendo testeadas utilizando modelos de simulación. Sin embargo, el testeo de sistemas cyber-físicos bajo simulación sigue siendo un reto. Primero, el tiempo de simulación es normalmente largo, ya que, además del software, la capa física del CPS ha de ser testeada. Esta capa física es típicamente modelada con modelos matemáticos complejos, lo cual es computacionalmente caro. Segundo, los sistemas cyber-físicos implican el uso de diferentes dominios de la ingeniería, como por ejemplo la mecánica o la electrónica. Por ello, para interconectar diferentes herramientas de modelado y simulación hace falta el uso de la co-simulación. A pesar de que la co-simulación es una ventaja en términos de flexibilidad para los ingenieros, el uso de diferentes simuladores hace que el tiempo de simulación sea más largo. Por último, al testear sistemas cyberfísicos haciendo uso de simulación, existen diferentes niveles (p.ej., Model, Software y Hardware-in-the-Loop), lo cual incrementa el tiempo para ejecutar casos de test. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo avanzar en la práctica actual del testeo de sistemas cyber-físicos configurables, proponiendo métodos para la automatización, optimización y depuración. En cuanto a la automatización, primero, se propone una metodología soportada por una herramienta para generar automáticamente instancias de sistemas de test que permiten testear automáticamente configuraciones del sistema CPS configurable (p.ej., haciendo uso de oráculos de test). Segundo, se propone un enfoque para generación de casos de test basado en algoritmos de búsqueda multiobjetivo, los cuales generan un conjunto de casos de test. En cuanto a la optimización, se propone un enfoque para selección y otro para priorización de casos de test, ambos basados en algoritmos de búsqueda, de cara a testear eficientemente sistemas cyberfísicos configurables en diferentes niveles de test. En cuanto a la depuración, se adapta una técnica llamada “Localización de Fallos Basada en Espectro” al contexto de líneas de productos y proponemos un método de aislamiento de fallos. Esto permite localizar bugs no solo en sistemas cyber-físicos configurables sino también en cualquier línea de producto donde se utilicen modelos de características para gestionar la variabilidad.Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) integrate digital cyber technologies with physical processes. The variability of these systems is increasing in order to give solution to the different customers demands. As a result, CPSs are becoming configurable or even product lines, which means that they can be set into thousands or millions of configurations. Testing configurable CPSs is a time consuming process, mainly due to the large amount of configurations that need to be tested. The large amount of configurations that need to be tested makes it infeasible to use a prototype of the system. As a result, configurable CPSs are being tested using simulation. However, testing CPSs under simulation is still challenging. First, the simulation time is usually long, since apart of the software, the physical layer needs to be simulated. This physical layer is typically modeled with complex mathematical models, which is computationally very costly. Second, CPSs involve different domains, such as, mechanical and electrical. Engineers of different domains typically employ different tools for modeling their subsystems. As a result, co-simulation is being employed to interconnect different modeling and simulation tools. Despite co-simulation being an advantage in terms of engineers flexibility, the use of different simulation tools makes the simulation time longer. Lastly, when testing CPSs employing simulation, different test levels exist (i.e., Model, Software and Hardware-in-the-Loop), what increases the time for executing test cases. This thesis aims at advancing the current practice on testing configurable CPSs by proposing methods for automation, optimization and debugging. Regarding automation, first, we propose a tool supported methodology to automatically generate test system instances that permit automatically testing configurations of the configurable CPS (e.g., by employing test oracles). Second, we propose a test case generation approach based on multi-objective search algorithms that generate cost-effective test suites. As for optimization, we propose a test case selection and a test case prioritization approach, both of them based on search algorithms, to cost-effectively test configurable CPSs at different test levels. Regarding debugging, we adapt a technique named Spectrum-Based Fault Localization to the product line engineering context and propose a fault isolation method. This permits localizing bugs not only in configurable CPSs but also in any product line where feature models are employed to model variability

    Emerging research directions in computer science : contributions from the young informatics faculty in Karlsruhe

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    In order to build better human-friendly human-computer interfaces, such interfaces need to be enabled with capabilities to perceive the user, his location, identity, activities and in particular his interaction with others and the machine. Only with these perception capabilities can smart systems ( for example human-friendly robots or smart environments) become posssible. In my research I\u27m thus focusing on the development of novel techniques for the visual perception of humans and their activities, in order to facilitate perceptive multimodal interfaces, humanoid robots and smart environments. My work includes research on person tracking, person identication, recognition of pointing gestures, estimation of head orientation and focus of attention, as well as audio-visual scene and activity analysis. Application areas are humanfriendly humanoid robots, smart environments, content-based image and video analysis, as well as safety- and security-related applications. This article gives a brief overview of my ongoing research activities in these areas

    A survey on test suite reduction frameworks and tools

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    Software testing is a widely accepted practice that ensures the quality of a System under Test (SUT). However, the gradual increase of the test suite size demands high portion of testing budget and time. Test Suite Reduction (TSR) is considered a potential approach to deal with the test suite size problem. Moreover, a complete automation support is highly recommended for software testing to adequately meet the challenges of a resource constrained testing environment. Several TSR frameworks and tools have been proposed to efficiently address the test-suite size problem. The main objective of the paper is to comprehensively review the state-of-the-art TSR frameworks to highlights their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, the paper focuses on devising a detailed thematic taxonomy to classify existing literature that helps in understanding the underlying issues and proof of concept. Moreover, the paper investigates critical aspects and related features of TSR frameworks and tools based on a set of defined parameters. We also rigorously elaborated various testing domains and approaches followed by the extant TSR frameworks. The results reveal that majority of TSR frameworks focused on randomized unit testing, and a considerable number of frameworks lacks in supporting multi-objective optimization problems. Moreover, there is no generalized framework, effective for testing applications developed in any programming domain. Conversely, Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based TSR frameworks provide an optimal solution for multi-objective optimization problems and improve execution time by running multiple ILP in parallel. The study concludes with new insights and provides an unbiased view of the state-of-the-art TSR frameworks. Finally, we present potential research issues for further investigation to anticipate efficient TSR frameworks