2,011 research outputs found

    On the problem of embedding picture elements in regions

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    A few new algorithms for region growing in pictures were developed. These algorithms are a step toward finding a satisfactory solution to the image segmentation problem, and in-depth understanding of the problems of nonsemantic image segmentation. The algorithms utilize a sequential decision approach for region boundaries detection. The sequential decisions are supported by a stochastic algorithm that maintains local statistics of the region near the boundaries as the region grows. A few illustrations of the algorithm's performance are included

    Identification of Saudi Arabian License Plates

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    Identification of Saudi Arabian License Plates

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    Text Segmentation in Web Images Using Colour Perception and Topological Features

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    The research presented in this thesis addresses the problem of Text Segmentation in Web images. Text is routinely created in image form (headers, banners etc.) on Web pages, as an attempt to overcome the stylistic limitations of HTML. This text however, has a potentially high semantic value in terms of indexing and searching for the corresponding Web pages. As current search engine technology does not allow for text extraction and recognition in images, the text in image form is ignored. Moreover, it is desirable to obtain a uniform representation of all visible text of a Web page (for applications such as voice browsing or automated content analysis). This thesis presents two methods for text segmentation in Web images using colour perception and topological features. The nature of Web images and the implicit problems to text segmentation are described, and a study is performed to assess the magnitude of the problem and establish the need for automated text segmentation methods. Two segmentation methods are subsequently presented: the Split-and-Merge segmentation method and the Fuzzy segmentation method. Although approached in a distinctly different way in each method, the safe assumption that a human being should be able to read the text in any given Web Image is the foundation of both methods’ reasoning. This anthropocentric character of the methods along with the use of topological features of connected components, comprise the underlying working principles of the methods. An approach for classifying the connected components resulting from the segmentation methods as either characters or parts of the background is also presented

    Fuzzy logic based approach for object feature tracking

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    This thesis introduces a novel technique for feature tracking in sequences of greyscale images based on fuzzy logic. A versatile and modular methodology for feature tracking using fuzzy sets and inference engines is presented. Moreover, an extension of this methodology to perform the correct tracking of multiple features is also presented. To perform feature tracking three membership functions are initially defined. A membership function related to the distinctive property of the feature to be tracked. A membership function is related to the fact of considering that the feature has smooth movement between each image sequence and a membership function concerns its expected future location. Applying these functions to the image pixels, the corresponding fuzzy sets are obtained and then mathematically manipulated to serve as input to an inference engine. Situations such as occlusion or detection failure of features are overcome using estimated positions calculated using a motion model and a state vector of the feature. This methodology was previously applied to track a single feature identified by the user. Several performance tests were conducted on sequences of both synthetic and real images. Experimental results are presented, analysed and discussed. Although this methodology could be applied directly to multiple feature tracking, an extension of this methodology has been developed within that purpose. In this new method, the processing sequence of each feature is dynamic and hierarchical. Dynamic because this sequence can change over time and hierarchical because features with higher priority will be processed first. Thus, the process gives preference to features whose location are easier to predict compared with features whose knowledge of their behavior is less predictable. When this priority value becomes too low, the feature will no longer tracked by the algorithm. To access the performance of this new approach, sequences of images where several features specified by the user are to be tracked were used. In the final part of this work, conclusions drawn from this work as well as the definition of some guidelines for future research are presented.Nesta tese é introduzida uma nova técnica de seguimento de pontos característicos de objectos em sequências de imagens em escala de cinzentos baseada em lógica difusa. É apresentada uma metodologia versátil e modular para o seguimento de objectos utilizando conjuntos difusos e motores de inferência. É também apresentada uma extensão desta metodologia para o correcto seguimento de múltiplos pontos característicos. Para se realizar o seguimento são definidas inicialmente três funções de pertença. Uma função de pertença está relacionada com a propriedade distintiva do objecto que desejamos seguir, outra está relacionada com o facto de se considerar que o objecto tem uma movimentação suave entre cada imagem da sequência e outra função de pertença referente à sua previsível localização futura. Aplicando estas funções de pertença aos píxeis da imagem, obtêm-se os correspondentes conjuntos difusos, que serão manipulados matematicamente e servirão como entrada num motor de inferência. Situações como a oclusão ou falha na detecção dos pontos característicos são ultrapassadas utilizando posições estimadas calculadas a partir do modelo de movimento e a um vector de estados do objecto. Esta metodologia foi inicialmente aplicada no seguimento de um objecto assinalado pelo utilizador. Foram realizados vários testes de desempenho em sequências de imagens sintéticas e também reais. Os resultados experimentais obtidos são apresentados, analisados e discutidos. Embora esta metodologia pudesse ser aplicada directamente ao seguimento de múltiplos pontos característicos, foi desenvolvida uma extensão desta metodologia para esse fim. Nesta nova metodologia a sequência de processamento de cada ponto característico é dinâmica e hierárquica. Dinâmica por ser variável ao longo do tempo e hierárquica por existir uma hierarquia de prioridades relativamente aos pontos característicos a serem seguidos e que determina a ordem pela qual esses pontos são processados. Desta forma, o processo dá preferência a pontos característicos cuja localização é mais fácil de prever comparativamente a pontos característicos cujo conhecimento do seu comportamento seja menos previsível. Quando esse valor de prioridade se torna demasiado baixo, esse ponto característico deixa de ser seguido pelo algoritmo. Para se observar o desempenho desta nova abordagem foram utilizadas sequências de imagens onde várias características indicadas pelo utilizador são seguidas. Na parte final deste trabalho são apresentadas as conclusões resultantes a partir do desenvolvimento deste trabalho, bem como a definição de algumas linhas de investigação futura

    Understanding and modeling of aesthetic response to shape and color in car body design

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    This study explored the phenomenon that a consumer's preference on color of car body may vary depending on shape of the car body. First, the study attempted to establish a theoretical framework that can account for this phenomenon. This framework is based on the (modern-) Darwinism approach to the so-called evolutionary psychology and aesthetics. It assumes that human's aesthetic sense works like an agent that seeks for environmental patterns that potentially afford to benefit the underlying needs of the agent, and this seeking process is evolutionary fitting. Second, by adopting the framework, a pattern called “fundamental aesthetic dimensions” was developed for identifying and modeling consumer’s aesthetic response to car body shape and color. Next, this study developed an effective tool that is capable in capturing and accommodating consumer’s color preference on a given car body shape. This tool was implemented by incorporating classic color theories and advanced digital technologies; it was named “Color-Shape Synthesizer”. Finally, an experiment was conducted to verify some of the theoretical developments. This study concluded (1) the fundamental aesthetics dimensions can be used for describing aesthetics in terms of shape and color; (2) the Color-Shape Synthesizer tool can be well applied in practicing car body designs; and (3) mapping between semantic representations of aesthetic response to the fundamental aesthetics dimensions can likely be a multiple-network structure

    Vuforia v1.5 SDK: Analysis and evaluation of capabilities

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    This thesis goes into the augmented reality world and, being more specific in Vuforia uses, searching as an achievement the analysis of its characteristics. The first objective of this thesis is make a short explanation of what is understood by augmented reality and the actual different varieties of AR applications, and then the SDK’s features and its architecture and elements. In other hand, to understand the basis of the detection process realized by the Vuforia’s library is important to explain the approach to the considerations of image recognition, because it is the way in which Vuforia recognizes the different patterns. Another objective has been the exposition of the possible fields of applications using this library and a brief of the main steps to create an implementation always using Unity3D, due to Vuforia is only a SDK not an IDE. The reason to choose this way is due to the facilities that are provided by Unity3D when creating the application itself, because it already has implemented all necessary to access the hardware of the smartphone, as well as those that control the Vuforia’s elements. In other way, the Vuforia’s version used during the thesis has been the 1.5, but two months ago Qualcomm was launched the new 2.0 version, that it is not intended to form part of this study, although some of the most significant new capabilities are explained. Finally, the last and perhaps the most important objective have been the test and the results, where they have used three different smartphones to compare the values. Following this methodology has been possible to conclude which part of the results are due to the features and capabilities of the different smartphones and which part depends only of the Vuforia’s library.Català: Aquest projecte s’endinsa al món de la realitat augmentada, més concretament a l’anàlisi de les característiques y funcionalitats del SDK Vuforia. En primer objectiu serà posar en perspectiva el que s’entén per realitat augmentada i de les variants existents avui dia d’aplicacions que fan ús de la RA. A continuació es mencionen les característiques d’aquest SDK, la seva arquitectura i els seus elements. En aquesta part també s’han tingut en compte les consideracions de reconeixement d’imatge, ja que es la manera en la qual Vuforia realitza el reconeixement dels diferents patrons. El següent pas es tractar d’exposar els possibles camps d’aplicació d’aquesta llibreria, i una breu explicació dels principals passos per crear una aplicació sota Unity3D, tenint en compte sempre que Vuforia es només un SDK i no un IDE. La raó per escollir aquest entorn es degut a les ventatges que ofereix Unity3D a l’hora de crear l’aplicació, degut a que ja disposa de tot el necessari per accedir tant al hardware del propi dispositiu mòbil com a els propis elements que integren Vuforia. D’altra banda, la versió de Vuforia utilitzada durant el projecte ha sigut la 1.5, encara que fa poc més de dos mesos Qualcomm va alliberar la nova versió 2.0, la qual no forma part dels objectius d’aquest projecte, encara que una part de les noves funcionalitats més significatives s’exposen breument. Finalment, es conclourà amb els tests i resultats obtinguts. Per realitzar totes aquestes proves s’han utilitzat tres terminals diferents per poder comparar valors. A més, utilitzant aquest mètode, ha sigut possible concloure quina part dels resultats obtinguts es deuen a les característiques i capacitats dels diferents terminals i quina part depèn exclusivament de la pròpia llibreria Vuforia

    Affective Computing

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    This book provides an overview of state of the art research in Affective Computing. It presents new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this increasingly important research field. The book consists of 23 chapters categorized into four sections. Since one of the most important means of human communication is facial expression, the first section of this book (Chapters 1 to 7) presents a research on synthesis and recognition of facial expressions. Given that we not only use the face but also body movements to express ourselves, in the second section (Chapters 8 to 11) we present a research on perception and generation of emotional expressions by using full-body motions. The third section of the book (Chapters 12 to 16) presents computational models on emotion, as well as findings from neuroscience research. In the last section of the book (Chapters 17 to 22) we present applications related to affective computing