761 research outputs found

    A Static Analyzer for Large Safety-Critical Software

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    We show that abstract interpretation-based static program analysis can be made efficient and precise enough to formally verify a class of properties for a family of large programs with few or no false alarms. This is achieved by refinement of a general purpose static analyzer and later adaptation to particular programs of the family by the end-user through parametrization. This is applied to the proof of soundness of data manipulation operations at the machine level for periodic synchronous safety critical embedded software. The main novelties are the design principle of static analyzers by refinement and adaptation through parametrization, the symbolic manipulation of expressions to improve the precision of abstract transfer functions, the octagon, ellipsoid, and decision tree abstract domains, all with sound handling of rounding errors in floating point computations, widening strategies (with thresholds, delayed) and the automatic determination of the parameters (parametrized packing)

    Composition mechanisms for retrenchment

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    Retrenchment is a flexible model evolution formalism that arose as a reaction to the limitations imposed by refinement, and for which the proof obligations feature additional predicates for accommodating design data. Composition mechanisms for retrenchment are studied. Vertical, horizontal, dataflow, parallel and fusion compositions are described. Of particular note are the means by which the additional predicates compose. It is argued that all of the compositions introduced are associative, and that they are mutually coherent. Composition of retrenchment with refinement, so important for the smooth interworking of the two techniques, is discussed. Decomposition, allowing finer grained retrenchments to be extracted from a single large grained retrenchment, is also investigated

    The earlier the better: a theory of timed actor interfaces

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    Programming embedded and cyber-physical systems requires attention not only to functional behavior and correctness, but also to non-functional aspects and specifically timing and performance constraints. A structured, compositional, model-based approach based on stepwise refinement and abstraction techniques can support the development process, increase its quality and reduce development time through automation of synthesis, analysis or verification. For this purpose, we introduce in this paper a general theory of timed actor interfaces. Our theory supports a notion of refinement that is based on the principle of worst-case design that permeates the world of performance-critical systems. This is in contrast with the classical behavioral and functional refinements based on restricting or enlarging sets of behaviors. An important feature of our refinement is that it allows time-deterministic abstractions to be made of time-non-deterministic systems, improving efficiency and reducing complexity of formal analysis. We also show how our theory relates to, and can be used to reconcile a number of existing time and performance models and how their established theories can be exploited to represent and analyze interface specifications and refinement steps.\u

    Reo + mCRL2: A Framework for Model-checking DataïŹ‚ow in Service Compositions

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    The paradigm of service-oriented computing revolutionized the field of software engineering. According to this paradigm, new systems are composed of existing stand-alone services to support complex cross-organizational business processes. Correct communication of these services is not possible without a proper coordination mechanism. The Reo coordination language is a channel-based modeling language that introduces various types of channels and their composition rules. By composing Reo channels, one can specify Reo connectors that realize arbitrary complex behavioral protocols. Several formalisms have been introduced to give semantics to Reo. In their most basic form, they reflect service synchronization and dataflow constraints imposed by connectors. To ensure that the composed system behaves as intended, we need a wide range of automated verification tools to assist service composition designers. In this paper, we present our framework for the verification of Reo using the toolset. We unify our previous work on mapping various semantic models for Reo, namely, constraint automata, timed constraint automata, coloring semantics and the newly developed action constraint automata, to the process algebraic specification language of , address the correctness of this mapping, discuss tool support, and present a detailed example that illustrates the use of Reo empowered with for the analysis of dataflow in service-based process models

    Reo + mCRL2: A Framework for Model-Checking Dataflow in Service Compositions

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    The paradigm of service-oriented computing revolutionized the field of software engineering. According to this paradigm, new systems are composed of existing stand-alone services to support complex cross-organizational business processes. Correct communication of these services is not possible without a proper coordination mechanism. The Reo coordination language is a channel-based modeling language that introduces various types of channels and their composition rules. By composing Reo channels, one can specify Reo connectors that realize arbitrary complex behavioral protocols. Several formalisms have been introduced to give semantics to Reo. In their most basic form, they reflect service synchronization and dataflow constraints imposed by connectors. To ensure that the composed system behaves as intended, we need a wide range of automated verification tools to assist service composition designers. In this paper, we present our framework for the verification of Reo using the mCRL2 toolset. We unify our previous work on mapping various semantic models for Reo, namely, constraint automata, timed constraint automata, coloring semantics and the newly developed action constraint automata, to the process algebraic specification language of mCRL2, address the correctness of this mapping, discuss tool support, and present a detailed example that illustrates the use of Reo empowered with mCRL2 for the analysis of dataflow in service-based process models

    Deductive formal verification of embedded systems

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    We combine static analysis techniques with model-based deductive verification using SMT solvers to provide a framework that, given an analysis aspect of the source code, automatically generates an analyzer capable of inferring information about that aspect. The analyzer is generated by translating the collecting semantics of a program to a formula in first order logic over multiple underlying theories. We import the semantics of the API invocations as first order logic assertions. These assertions constitute the models used by the analyzer. Logical specification of the desired program behavior is incorporated as a first order logic formula. An SMT-LIB solver treats the combined formula as a constraint and solves it. The solved form can be used to identify logical and security errors in embedded programs. We have used this framework to analyze Android applications and MATLAB code. We also report the formal verification of the conformance of the open source Netgear WNR3500L wireless router firmware implementation to the RFC 2131. Formal verification of a software system is essential for its deployment in mission-critical environments. The specifications for the development of routers are provided by RFCs that are only described informally in English. It is prudential to ensure that a router firmware conforms to its corresponding RFC before it can be deployed for managing mission-critical networks. The formal verification process demonstrates the usefulness of inductive types and higher-order logic in software certification

    Contract-Based Design of Dataflow Programs

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    Quality and correctness are becoming increasingly important aspects of software development, as our reliance on software systems in everyday life continues to increase. Highly complex software systems are today found in critical appliances such as medical equipment, cars, and telecommunication infrastructure. Failures in these kinds of systems may have disastrous consequences. At the same time, modern computer platforms are increasingly concurrent, as the computational capacity of modern CPUs is improved mainly by increasing the number of processor cores. Computer platforms are also becoming increasingly parallel, distributed and heterogeneous, often involving special processing units, such as graphics processing units (GPU) or digital signal processors (DSP) for performing specific tasks more efficiently than possible on general-purpose CPUs. These modern platforms allow implementing increasingly complex functionality in software. Cost efficient development of software that efficiently exploits the power of this type of platforms and at the same time ensures correctness is, however, a challenging task. Dataflow programming has become popular in development of safetycritical software in many domains in the embedded community. For instance, in the automotive domain, the dataflow language Simulink has become widely used in model-based design of control software. However, for more complex functionality, this model of computation may not be expressive enough. In the signal processing domain, more expressive, dynamic models of computation have attracted much attention. These models of computation have, however, not gained as significant uptake in safety-critical domains due to a great extent to that it is challenging to provide guarantees regarding e.g. timing or determinism under these more expressive models of computation. Contract-based design has become widespread to specify and verify correctness properties of software components. A contract consists of assumptions (preconditions) regarding the input data and guarantees (postconditions) regarding the output data. By verifying a component with respect to its contract, it is ensured that the output fulfils the guarantees, assuming that the input fulfils the assumptions. While contract-based verification of traditional object-oriented programs has been researched extensively, verification of asynchronous dataflow programs has not been researched to the same extent. In this thesis, a contract-based design framework tailored specifically to dataflow programs is proposed. The proposed framework supports both an extensive subset of the discrete-time Simulink synchronous language, as well as a more general, asynchronous and dynamic, dataflow language. The proposed contract-based verification techniques are automatic, only guided by user-provided invariants, and based on encoding dataflow programs in existing, mature verification tools for sequential programs, such as the Boogie guarded command language and its associated verifier. It is shown how dataflow programs, with components implemented in an expressive programming language with support for matrix computations, can be efficiently encoded in such a verifier. Furthermore, it is also shown that contract-based design can be used to improve runtime performance of dataflow programs by allowing more scheduling decisions to be made at compile-time. All the proposed techniques have been implemented in prototype tools and evaluated on a large number of different programs. Based on the evaluation, the methods were proven to work in practice and to scale to real-world programs.Kvalitet och korrekthet blir idag allt viktigare aspekter inom mjukvaruutveckling, dÄ vi i allt högre grad förlitar oss pÄ mjukvarusystem i vÄra vardagliga sysslor. Mycket komplicerade mjukvarusystem finns idag i kritiska tillÀmpningar sÄ som medicinsk utrustning, bilar och infrastruktur för telekommunikation. Fel som uppstÄr i de hÀr typerna av system kan ha katastrofala följder. Samtidigt utvecklas kapaciteten hos moderna datorplattformar idag frÀmst genom att öka antalet processorkÀrnor. DÀrtill blir datorplattformar allt mer parallella, distribuerade och heterogena, och innefattar ofta specialla processorer sÄ som grafikprocessorer (GPU) eller signalprocessorer (DSP) för att utföra specifika berÀkningar snabbare Àn vad som Àr möjligt pÄ vanliga processorer. Den hÀr typen av plattformar möjligör implementering av allt mer komplicerade berÀkningar i mjukvara. Kostnadseffektiv utveckling av mjukvara som effektivt utnyttjar kapaciteten i den hÀr typen av plattformar och samtidigt sÀkerstÀller korrekthet Àr emellertid en mycket utmanande uppgift. Dataflödesprogrammering har blivit ett populÀrt sÀtt att utveckla mjukvara inom flera omrÄden som innefattar sÀkerhetskritiska inbyggda datorsystem. Till exempel inom fordonsindustrin har dataflödessprÄket Simulink kommit att anvÀndas i bred utstrÀckning för modellbaserad design av kontrollsystem. För mer komplicerad funktionalitet kan dock den hÀr modellen för berÀkning vara för begrÀnsad betrÀffande vad som kan beksrivas. Inom signalbehandling har mera expressiva och dynamiska modeller för berÀkning attraherat stort intresse. De hÀr modellerna för berÀkning har ÀndÄ inte tagits i bruk i samma utstrÀckning inom sÀkerhetskritiska tillÀmpningar. Det hÀr beror till en stor del pÄ att det Àr betydligt svÄrare att garantera egenskaper gÀllande till exempel timing och determinism under sÄdana hÀr modeller för berÀkning. Kontraktbaserad design har blivit ett vanligt sÀtt att specifiera och verifiera korrekthetsegenskaper hos mjukvarukomponeneter. Ett kontrakt bestÄr av antaganden (förvillkor) gÀllande indata och garantier (eftervillkor) gÀllande utdata. Genom att verifiera en komponent gentemot sitt konktrakt kan man bevisa att utdatan uppfyller garantierna, givet att indatan uppfyller antagandena. Trots att kontraktbaserad verifiering i sig Àr ett mycket beforskat omrÄde, sÄ har inte verifiering av asynkrona dataflödesprogram beforskats i samma utstrÀckning. I den hÀr avhandlingen presenteras ett ramverk för kontraktbaserad design skrÀddarsytt för dataflödesprogram. Det föreslagna ramverket stödjer sÄ vÀl en stor del av det synkrona sprÄket. Simulink med diskret tid som ett mera generellt asynkront och dynamiskt dataflödessprÄk. De föreslagna kontraktbaserade verifieringsteknikerna Àr automatiska. Utöver kontraktets för- och eftervillkor ger anvÀndaren endast de invarianter som krÀvs för att möjliggöra verifieringen. Verifieringsteknikerna grundar sig pÄ att omkoda dataflödesprogram till input för existerande och beprövade verifieringsverktyg för sekventiella program sÄ som Boogie. Avhandlingen visar hur dataflödesprogram implementerade i ett expressivt programmeringssprÄk med inbyggt stöd för matrisoperationer effektivt kan omkodas till input för ett verifieringsverktyg som Boogie. Utöver detta visar avhandlingen ocksÄ att kontraktbaserad design ocksÄ kan förbÀttra prestandan hos dataflödesprogram i körningsskedet genom att möjliggöra flera schemalÀggningsbeslut redan i kompileringsskedet. Alla tekniker som presenteras i avhandlingen har implementerats i prototypverktyg och utvÀrderats pÄ en stor mÀngd olika program. UtvÀrderingen bevisar att teknikerna fungerar i praktiken och Àr tillrÀckligt skalbara för att ocksÄ fungera pÄ program av realistisk storlek
