351 research outputs found

    Magnet-targeted delivery and imaging

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    Magnetic nanoparticles, in combination with applied magnetic fields, can non-invasively focus delivery of small-molecule drugs and human cells to specific regions of the anatomy. This emerging technology could solve one of the main challenges in therapy development: delivery of a high concentration of the therapeutic agent to the target organ or tissue whilst reducing systemic dosing and off-target side effects. Several challenges, however, must be met before this technology can be applied either effectively or safely in the clinic to augment therapies. Multiple nanoparticle features interact to influence the efficiency of magnet-targeted delivery, and so their design will have a large influence on the success of therapeutic targeting. Iron oxide core size and composition affect the type and strength of magnetism, and thus the amount of force that can be applied by an external magnetic field, while particle behaviour within biological systems can be affected by particle size and coating. Preclinical researchers have investigated the use of magnetic targeting-based therapies across a wide range of conditions, and positive results have been reported for both cell and drug delivery applications. Furthermore, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can non-invasively monitor the success of targeted delivery—providing high-resolution anatomical information on particle location in preclinical and clinical contexts. In this chapter, we provide a basic introduction to the physical principles behind magnetic targeting technology, relevant design features of nanoparticles and magnetic targeting devices, an overview of preclinical and clinical applications, and an introduction to imaging magnetic particles in vivo

    Statische und dynamische Magnetfelder fĂŒr die Nanopartikel-basierte zielgerichtete Wirkstofffreisetzung

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    Although medicine has made great progress in the last centuries and decades, it is still facing basic challenges that make doctors fail to efficiently and successfully treat the continuously emerging diseases and ailments due to ageing, industrialization, pollution and resulting biological mutations. In this context, the systemic chemotherapeutic treatment of cancer seems to be one of the most fitting examples for the wide gap between the usually followed medical approach and the theoretically optimal solution. Extrapolating from in vitro experiments and mouse models to humans, treating children as “miniaturized” adults when analyzing therapeutic effects, estimating drug doses based on relatively coarse processes like up scaling on weight, volume or area, and flooding the human body with drugs to solely achieve a minimal effect at the ailment site are just few examples for improvement needs in medical methods. One of the most promising approaches intended to bring more specificity and precision into the therapeutic toolbox is the directed delivery of drugs, already prophesized and described one hundred years ago by the German immunologist and Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1908) Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) as the “magic bullet” principle. It is a visionary medical method in which active agents -such as drugs or antibodies- are guided within the human body and brought to bind directly and exclusively to their biological target. This approach was triggered and has been remarkably promoted by the introduction and continuous development of nano-sized medical systems since the 1950s, and is expected to experience a real breakthrough by the clinical validation of the so called “Magnetic Drug Targeting”. According to this technique, magnetically active nanoparticles are coated with a therapeutically active biomaterial and guided through external magnetic fields in the natural transport pathways of the body, then retained and concentrated at target sites where the biologically active load is set free. The delivered dose is augmented, side effects are lowered and the overall therapeutic efficiency is enhanced. Especially for cancer treatment, the magnetically guided drug delivery represents a huge potential. In fact, conventional chemotherapy methods are used systemically and succeed in best cases in delivering only a fractional amount of the drug to the target sites, while the rest is absorbed by the healthy tissue of the treated body. This is so inefficient that dose levels of about 50 to 100-fold those of conventional doses need to be administered to achieve cures of cancer cells (T. A. Connors 1995). As a result, blood filtering and trafficking organs, such as the liver, the kidneys, the spleen and most importantly the heart, are the direct victims of the highly toxic substances used in chemotherapy. Even the apparently more gentle approach of applying the maximum tolerated dose at defined intervals -in order to avoid toxicity- can unintentionally lead to a chemoresistance of the tumor (C. Damyanov 2009). These shortcomings of the chemical therapy further aggravate the fact that cancer is still the worldwide deadliest disease, with an upward trend. For instance, around 25 % of all registered death cases in the European Union are reported by the World Health Organization to be caused by tumors. Despite the development of advanced anti-cancer medicine, it still remains a difficult challenge to keep costs at an affordable level. For that reason, new and more efficient cancer treatment methods with higher success rates and lower side effects and costs are urgently needed and would help physicians cope with an ever ageing world population. In this work, we report improvements achieved in the understanding and control of the magnetically targeted drug delivery, mainly realized by the consideration of time issues and the investigation of dynamic magnetic fields. New approaches to assess the magnetic behavior of nanoparticles in suspensions as well as an advanced examination of the lung drug targeting and the mechanisms of cellular drug uptake after successful localized delivery represent the major achievements compiled in this manuscript. The registered improvements are an important contribution to the further development of the idea of directed therapies promoted by the emerging nanomedicine. This modern medicine is expected to provide techniques that can act on a cellular and even sub-cellular level, treating ailments with considerably more accuracy. Gradually, modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques should elevate us slowly to the point where we can start thinking more in terms of real “regenerative” medicine. That means, we should be able to precisely and directly address pathologic tissues, save cells and organs, repair and heal them, rather than extinguish them.Mehr als hundert Jahre nach dem Tod von Paul Ehrlich, dem bedeutendsten deutschen Immunologen, verfolgt die "Nachwelt" noch mit großen Schritten eine seiner wichtigsten Visionen, die er wĂ€hrend seiner Arbeiten zur Behandlung der Syphilis entwickelte: eine „Zauberkugel“ (magic bullet), die einen gegebenen krankmachenden Erreger gezielt abtöten kann. Ganz nach diesem noch -mehr denn je- aktuellen Prinzip, entwickeln Forscher heutzutage weltweit neue Methoden, um nicht nur Krankheitserreger, sondern auch befallene Gewebe, spezifisch zu behandeln. In den letzten Jahren entwickelte sich dadurch die Medizin von der konventionellen Anwendung, ĂŒber die personalisierte Behandlung, wo die genetische Information eines jeden Patienten prĂ€ventiv untersucht werden kann und die Ergebnisse zur Auswahl und Anpassung der Therapie-Art herangezogen werden, bis hin zur "Nanomedizin", einer neuen Ära der Arzneimittel-Konzipierung, -Synthese, -Dosierung und -Verabreichung, die Therapien auf zellulĂ€rer und sub-zellulĂ€rer Ebene ermöglichen sollte. Mediziner sind heutzutage weit entfernt von der Darstellung von Christian Friedrich Hebbel (18.03.1813 - 13.12.1863), dass "ein Arzt eine Aufgabe hat, als ob ein Mensch in einem dunklen Zimmer in einem Buche lesen sollte". Sie sind in der Lage, durch die Integration der Nanotechnologie im biomedizinischen Bereich, Gewebe und Zellen, die durchschnittliche Dimensionen von 10 ”m haben, mit Nanosystemen im Submikrometer-Bereich zu adressieren und gezielt zu behandeln. In diesem Rahmen prĂ€sentiert sich das Magnetic Drug Targeting (MDT) als besonders wirksamer Therapie-Ansatz. Dabei werden Wirkstoff-beladene magnetische Nanopartikel ĂŒber externe Magnetfelder im Körper gefĂŒhrt und an einem gegebenen Krankheitsort lokal angereichert. Die verabreichte Wirkdosis wird dadurch erhöht, Nebeneffekte minimiert. Besonders in der KrebsbekĂ€mpfung verspricht dieser Ansatz hohe Erfolgsquoten und eine Reduzierung der ohnehin enormen Chemo- und Radiotherapie-Kosten, die meistens einen bremsenden Effekt auf die Entwicklung und Verbreitung zahlreicher Behandlungsmethoden haben. An dieser Stelle sei daran erinnert, dass Krebs nach wie vor die weltweit wichtigste Todesursache ist, an der schĂ€tzungsweise 11.5 Millionen Weltbewohner im Jahre 2030 sterben werden, was einem Anstieg von 45% zum Jahre 2007 darstellt. Die zielgerichtete Arzneimittel-Applikation, zu Englisch "Directed Drug Delivery", soll hierfĂŒr Lösungen anbieten, die Tumore spezifisch angreifen und ausschalten können. Durch eine magnetische Lenkung und Anreicherung wird dieses Verfahren weiter optimiert. Die somit entstehende MDT-Methode eignet sich fĂŒr Anwendungen in der Blutbahn, sowie in den Atemwegen von Patienten, mit entsprechenden Anpassungen. Entscheidend ist hierbei vor Allem das eingesetzte Magnetfeld, in Bezug auf Amplitude, HomogenitĂ€t und Dynamik. In zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, wurden bisher Erfolg versprechende Ergebnisse prĂ€sentiert, die ĂŒberwiegend durch die Manipulation und Aufkonzentrierung von Nanopartikel-Wirkstoff-Komplexen mit statischen Magnetfeldern realisiert wurden. Eine hierzu komplementĂ€re Betrachtung mit dynamischen Magnetfeldern wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht. Im Rahmen dieses Forschungsprojekts wurden AnsĂ€tze mit statischen und dynamischen Magnetfeldern zur Verbesserung des Magnetic Drug Targeting theoretisch ĂŒberprĂŒft, simulativ validiert und systemtechnisch umgesetzt. Nach einer ausfĂŒhrlichen Untersuchung der Nanopartikel-Eigenschaften, die den MDT-Effekt ĂŒberhaupt ermöglichen und besonders beeinflussen, wurde der Anreicherungsprozess unter Magnetkraftwirkung modelliert und ein fĂŒr Anwendungen in der Blutbahn optimiertes Magnetsystem simuliert, konstruiert und bei in-vivo-Versuchen eingesetzt. Dadurch konnte eine aktive und vor Allem reproduzierbare Retention von beladenen Nanopartikel-Komplexen in den Arterien und Venen der RĂŒckenhaut einer Maus verzeichnet werden

    Immuno Magnetic Thermosensitive Liposomes For Cancer Therapy

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    The present work describes the encapsulation of the drug doxorubicin (DOX) in immuno paramagnetic thermosensitive liposomes. DOX is the most common chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of a variety of carcinomas. However, the pure drug has high cytotoxicity and therefore requires a targeted and biocompatible delivery system. The introduction includes concepts, modalities, and functionalities of the project. First, a detailed description of the cell type (triple-negative breast cancer) is given. Furthermore, the importance of liposomal doxorubicin is explained and the current state of research is shown. The importance of modification to achieve thermosensitive properties and the procedure for co-encapsulation with Gd chelate to achieve paramagnetic properties is also discussed. In addition, the first part describes the surface modification with ADAM8 antibodies, which leads to improved targeting. The second part of the thesis covers the different materials and methods used in this paper. The production of the liposomes LipTS, LipTS-GD, LipTS-GD-CY, LipTS-GD-CY-MAB and the loading of DOX using an ammonium sulfate gradient method were described in detail. The results part deals with the physicochemical characterization using dynamic light scattering and laser Doppler velocimetry, which confirmed a uniform monodisperse distribution of the liposomes. These properties facilitate the approach of liposomes to target cancer cells. The influence of lipid composition of liposomes, co-encapsulation with Gd chelate and surface modification of liposomes was evaluated and described accordingly. The size and structure of the individual liposomal formulations were determined by atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Morphological examination of the liposomes confirmed agreement with the sizes obtained by dynamic light scattering. Temperature-dependent AFM images showed an intact liposome structure at 37 °C, whereas heating by UHF-MRI led to a lipid film indicating the destruction of the lipid bilayer. Furthermore, TEM images showed the morphological properties of the liposomes and gave a more precise indication of how Gd-chelate accumulates within the liposomes. Liposomes with Gd-chelate showed well-separated vesicles, suggesting that Gd- chelate is deposited in the lipid bilayer of the liposomes. Gd was encapsulated in the hydrophilic core whereas chelate was extended into the lipid bilayer. By differential scanning calorimetry and drug release, the heat-sensitive functionality of the liposomes could be determined. Liposomes showed a beginning of phase transition temperature at about 38 °C, which can be achieved by UHF-MRI exposure. The maximum phase transition temperature in the case of LipTS-GD and LipTS-GD-CY-MAB was 42 °C and 40 °C, respectively. A proof of concept study for the thermosensitive properties of liposomes and a time-dependent DOX release profile in hyperthermia was performed. Gd-chelate is encapsulated in both LipTS-GD and LipTS-GD-CY-MAB and led to paramagnetic properties of the liposomes. This facilitates imaging mediated DOX delivery and diagnosis of the solid tumor and metastatic cells. The change in relaxation rate R1 of liposomes was quantified before and after heating above Tm (T> Tm). The relaxivity of the liposomes was obtained from the adapted slope of the relaxation rate against the Gd concentration. Remarkably, the relaxation rate and relaxivity increased after heating the liposomes above Tm (T> Tm), suggesting that the liposomes opened, released Gd chelate, and the exchange of water molecules became faster and more practicable. Toxicity studies describe the different mechanisms for induced DOX toxicity. The increased cytotoxic effect at elevated temperatures showed that the induced toxicity is thermally dependent, i.e. DOX was released from the liposomes. The high viability of the cells at 37 °C indicates that the liposomes were intact at normal physiological temperatures. Under UHF-MRI treatment, cell toxicity due to elevated temperature was observed. The cellular uptake of liposomes under UHF-MRI was followed by a confocal laser scanning microscope. An increase in fluorescence intensity was observed after UHF-MRI exposure. The study of the uptake pathway showed that the majority of liposomes were mainly uptake by clathrin-mediated endocytosis. In addition, the liposomes were modified with anti-ADAM8 antibodies (MAB 1031) to allow targeted delivery. The cellular binding capabilities of surface-modified and non-modified liposomes were tested on cells that had ADAM8 overexpression and on ADAM8 knockdown cells. Surface-modified liposomes showed a significant increase in binding ability, indicating significant targeting against cells that overexpress ADAM8 on their surface. In addition, cells with knockdown ADAM8 could not bind a significant amount of modified liposomes. The biocompatibility of liposomes was assessed using a hemolysis test, which showed neglected hemolytic potential and an activated thromboplastin time (aPTT), where liposomes showed minimal interference with blood clotting. Hemocompatibility studies may help to understand the correlation between in vitro and in vivo. The chorioallantois model was used in ovo to evaluate systematic biocompatibility in an alternative animal model. In the toxicity test, liposomes were injected intravenously into the chicken embryo. The liposomes showed a neglectable harmful effect on embryo survival. While free DOX has a detrimental effect on the survival of chicken embryos, this confirms the safety profile of liposomes compared to free DOX. LipTS-GD-CY-MAB were injected into the vascular system of the chicken embryo on egg development day 11 and scanned under UHF-MRI to evaluate the magnetic properties of the liposomes in a biological system with T2-weighted images (3D). The liposomal formulation had distinct magnetic properties under UHF MRI and the chick survived the scan. In summary, immunomagnetic heat-sensitive liposomes are a novel drug for the treatment of TNBC. It is used both for the diagnosis and therapy of solid and metastasizing tumors without side effects on the neighboring tissue. Furthermore, a tumor in the CAM model will be established. Thereafter, the selective targeting of the liposomes will be visualized and quantitated using fluorescence and UHF-MRI. Liposomes are yet to be tested on mice as a xenograft triple-negative breast cancer model, in which further investigation on the effect of DOX-LipTS-GD-CY-MAB is evaluated. On one hand, the liposomes will be evaluated regarding their targetability and their selective binding. On the other hand, the triggered release of DOX from the liposomes after UHF-MRI exposure will be quantitated, as well as evaluate the DOX-Liposomes therapeutic effect on the tumor

    Coatings on Mammalian Cells: Interfacing Cells with Their Environment

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    The research community is intent on harnessing increasingly complex biological building blocks. At present, cells represent a highly functional component for integration into higher order systems. In this review, we discuss the current application space for cellular coating technologies and emphasize the relationship between the target application and coating design. We also discuss how the cell and the coating interact in common analytical techniques, and where caution must be exercised in the interpretation of results. Finally, we look ahead at emerging application areas that are ideal for innovation in cellular coatings. In all, cellular coatings leverage the machinery unique to specific cell types, and the opportunities derived from these hybrid assemblies have yet to be fully realized

    Engineering microrobots for targeted cancer therapies from a medical perspective

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    Systemic chemotherapy remains the backbone of many cancer treatments. Due to its untargeted nature and the severe side effects it can cause, numerous nanomedicine approaches have been developed to overcome these issues. However, targeted delivery of therapeutics remains challenging. Engineering microrobots is increasingly receiving attention in this regard. Their functionalities, particularly their motility, allow microrobots to penetrate tissues and reach cancers more efficiently. Here, we highlight how different microrobots, ranging from tailor-made motile bacteria and tiny bubble-propelled microengines to hybrid spermbots, can be engineered to integrate sophisticated features optimised for precision-targeting of a wide range of cancers. Towards this, we highlight the importance of integrating clinicians, the public and cancer patients early on in the development of these novel technologies

    Micro/nanoscale magnetic robots for biomedical applications

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    Magnetic small-scale robots are devices of great potential for the biomedical field because of the several benefits of this method of actuation. Recent work on the development of these devices has seen tremendous innovation and refinement toward ​improved performance for potential clinical applications. This review briefly details recent advancements in small-scale robots used for biomedical applications, covering their design, fabrication, applications, and demonstration of ability, and identifies the gap in studies and the difficulties that have persisted in the optimization of the use of these devices. In addition, alternative biomedical applications are also suggested for some of the technologies that show potential for other functions. This study concludes that although the field of small-scale robot research is highly innovative ​there is need for more concerted efforts to improve functionality and reliability of these devices particularly in clinical applications. Finally, further suggestions are made toward ​the achievement of commercialization for these devices

    Synthesis, Characterisation and Functionalisation of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications

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    Nanotechnology is a relatively new interdisciplinary field to which much attention has been paid for the last years. It involves researchers from very different areas: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science or Medicine. In the interface of all these disciplines lay the possibility to tackle new challenges, unthinkable a few years ago [Klabunde2001]. Nanoscience has opened many possibilities in most technology areas, unreachable so far. It is devoted to the studies of phenomena at the nanoscale, that is, the limit “where the smallest man-made devices meet the atoms and molecules of the natural world” [Wong1999]. Nanoscience is based on the fabrication and characterization of nanostructured, or nanophase systems. These can be three- dimensional: nanoparticles or nanospheres, two-dimensional: thin films, or one- dimensional: quantum dots. The nanoscale regime is a very special point in the length scale, at which the classical laws of physics are not suitable for the explanation of many phenomena, so quantum approaches are needed. Significant changes in the chemical and physical properties of materials take place at the limit at which the interactions correlation length (electrical, magnetic, crystalline...) is of the same order of magnitude of the system size. That opens new possibilities for the development of smart new functional materials, like improved catalysts, polymers, ceramics, tissues, solid state medicines or drug carriers..
