14 research outputs found

    Architecture and the Built Environment:

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    This publication provides an overview of TU Delft’s most significant research achievements in the field of architecture and the built environment during the years 2010–2012. It is the first presentation of the joint research portfolio of the Faculty of Architecture and OTB Research Institute since their integration into the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. As such the portfolio holds a strong promise for the future. In a time when the economy seems to be finally picking up and in which such societal issues as energy, climate and ageing are more prominent than ever before, there are plenty of fields for us to explore in the next three years

    Coronary revascularization in ischemic heart disease: lessons from observational studies and randomized clinical trials

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    This thesis presents an overview of clinical trials and observational studies on coronary revascularization and evaluates the results obtained with revascularization in different subsets of patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The lessons learned from these studies are presented in three parts. Part 1: Clinical trials and observational studies on coronary revascularization. Part 2: Predictors of adverse angiographic and clinical outcome. Part 3: Special subgroups on coronary revascularizatio

    The Early Dutch Sinologists : a study of their training in Holland and China, and their functions in the Netherlands Indies (1854-1900)

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    Dutch sinology began as a training course for Chinese interpreters for the colonial government of the Netherlands Indies (now Indonesia), where a large and important Chinese minority was living. This resulted in the unusual decision to study Southern Chinese dialects instead of Mandarin. In the period 1854 until 1900, in total 24 sinologists were trained, mostly beginning in Leiden. For this purpose, in 1855 J.J. Hoffmann was appointed as titular professor of Chinese and Japanese in Leiden, and G. Schlegel was made the first full professor in 1877. After studying in Leiden, they continued their practical training in Southern China, mostly in Amoy (Xiamen). Finally they were appointed on Java or other places in the Netherlands Indies as “European interpreter of Chinese.” Their functions were interpreting and translation, and advising the administrative and judicial authorities. Actually, in most places there was not enough work for them. Two interpreters temporarily fulfilled important functions in Sino-Dutch diplomacy. About one third fulfilled other administrative functions or devoted their time to scholarship, which later led to a second career in the Indies administration or at Leiden University. Next to several dictionaries, some produced important scholarly works, and many published articles in Dutch journals and newspapers about Chinese matters.Asian Studie

    Remembering Kortrijk: Civic Pride & Cultural Memory in Flanders c. 1302 - c. 1348

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    Employing an interdisciplinary methodology across three case studies, this thesis examines the development and manifestation of civic pride and cultural memory in fourteenth-century Flanders. Object, text, and image are brought together to explore how the guilds of West Flanders and their descendants saw themselves in the context of their communities and constructed complex political and cultural narratives that portrayed them as active participants in the tragedies and triumphs of their time

    Het virus der betrokkenheid

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    Het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG) is een van de meest vooraanstaande onderzoeksinstituten ter wereld op het terrein van de sociale geschiedenis, zowel in het wetenschappelijk onderzoek als in het verzamelen en beheren van een unieke internationale collectie archieven. Dit boek onderzoekt de geschiedenis van het Instituut van 1935 tot 1989. Centraal staat de ontwikkeling van het Instituut in de richting van een steeds sterkere professionalisering. Een ontwikkeling in wisselwerking met een driehoek van externe invloeden: de politieke en maatschappelijke context; de ontwikkeling van sociale geschiedenis als academische discipline; en het institutionele en bestuurlijke kader. Het is het verhaal van betrokken historici en activisten, die het erfgoed van en uit de arbeidersbeweging en andere emancipatiebewegingen wilden veiligstellen en voor onderzoek beschikbaar maken. Het boek neemt de lezer mee naar spectaculaire reddingsacties van archieven en bibliotheken die bedreigd waren door de opkomst van Hitler, de ineenstorting van het IISG tijdens de bezetting, en de wonderbaarlijke terugkeer van de meeste collecties na de oorlog. Tijdens de wederopbouw volgde een zoektocht naar een plaats in de academische infrastructuur. Intern raakte het Instituut ontregeld tijdens de roerige jaren zestig en zeventig. In de jaren tachtig vond het IISG de weg naar verdere professionalisering zonder zijn oorspronkelijke bestaansrecht en drijfveren uit het oog te verliezen