27 research outputs found

    New Features Using Robust MVDR Spectrum of Filtered Autocorrelation Sequence for Robust Speech Recognition

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    This paper presents a novel noise-robust feature extraction method for speech recognition using the robust perceptual minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) spectrum of temporally filtered autocorrelation sequence. The perceptual MVDR spectrum of the filtered short-time autocorrelation sequence can reduce the effects of residue of the nonstationary additive noise which remains after filtering the autocorrelation. To achieve a more robust front-end, we also modify the robust distortionless constraint of the MVDR spectral estimation method via revised weighting of the subband power spectrum values based on the sub-band signal to noise ratios (SNRs), which adjusts it to the new proposed approach. This new function allows the components of the input signal at the frequencies least affected by noise to pass with larger weights and attenuates more effectively the noisy and undesired components. This modification results in reduction of the noise residuals of the estimated spectrum from the filtered autocorrelation sequence, thereby leading to a more robust algorithm. Our proposed method, when evaluated on Aurora 2 task for recognition purposes, outperformed all Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) as the baseline, relative autocorrelation sequence MFCC (RAS-MFCC), and the MVDR-based features in several different noisy conditions

    Robust Automatic Transcription of Lectures

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    Die automatische Transkription von Vorträgen, Vorlesungen und Präsentationen wird immer wichtiger und ermöglicht erst die Anwendungen der automatischen Übersetzung von Sprache, der automatischen Zusammenfassung von Sprache, der gezielten Informationssuche in Audiodaten und somit die leichtere Zugänglichkeit in digitalen Bibliotheken. Im Idealfall arbeitet ein solches System mit einem Mikrofon das den Vortragenden vom Tragen eines Mikrofons befreit was der Fokus dieser Arbeit ist

    Studies on noise robust automatic speech recognition

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    Noise in everyday acoustic environments such as cars, traffic environments, and cafeterias remains one of the main challenges in automatic speech recognition (ASR). As a research theme, it has received wide attention in conferences and scientific journals focused on speech technology. This article collection reviews both the classic and novel approaches suggested for noise robust ASR. The articles are literature reviews written for the spring 2009 seminar course on noise robust automatic speech recognition (course code T-61.6060) held at TKK

    Feature Extraction for Music Information Retrieval

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    Copyright c © 2009 Jesper Højvang Jensen, except where otherwise stated

    Modelling the nonstationarity of speech in the maximum negentropy beamformer

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    State-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems can achieve very low word error rates (WERs) of below 5% on data recorded with headsets. However, in many situations such as ASR at meetings or in the car, far field microphones on the table, walls or devices such as laptops are preferable to microphones that have to be worn close to the user\u27s mouths. Unfortunately, the distance between speakers and microphones introduces significant noise and reverberation, and as a consequence the WERs of current ASR systems on this data tend to be unacceptably high (30-50% upwards). The use of a microphone array, i.e. several microphones, can alleviate the problem somewhat by performing spatial filtering: beamforming techniques combine the sensors\u27 output in a way that focuses the processing on a particular direction. Assuming that the signal of interest comes from a different direction than the noise, this can improve the signal quality and reduce the WER by filtering out sounds coming from non-relevant directions. Historically, array processing techniques developed from research on non-speech data, e.g. in the fields of sonar and radar, and as a consequence most techniques were not created to specifically address beamforming in the context of ASR. While this generality can be seen as an advantage in theory, it also means that these methods ignore characteristics which could be used to improve the process in a way that benefits ASR. An example of beamforming adapted to speech processing is the recently proposed maximum negentropy beamformer (MNB), which exploits the statistical characteristics of speech as follows. "Clean" headset speech differs from noisy or reverberant speech in its statistical distribution, which is much less Gaussian in the clean case. Since negentropy is a measure of non-Gaussianity, choosing beamformer weights that maximise the negentropy of the output leads to speech that is closer to clean speech in its distribution, and this in turn has been shown to lead to improved WERs [Kumatani et al., 2009]. In this thesis several refinements of the MNB algorithm are proposed and evaluated. Firstly, a number of modifications to the original MNB configuration are proposed based on theoretical or practical concerns. These changes concern the probability density function (pdf) used to model speech, the estimation of the pdf parameters, and the method of calculating the negentropy. Secondly, a further step is taken to reflect the characteristics of speech by introducing time-varying pdf parameters. The original MNB uses fixed estimates per utterance, which do not account for the nonstationarity of speech. Several time-dependent variance estimates are therefore proposed, beginning with a simple moving average window and including the HMM-MNB, which derives the variance estimate from a set of auxiliary hidden Markov models. All beamformer algorithms presented in this thesis are evaluated through far-field ASR experiments on the Multi-Channel Wall Street Journal Audio-Visual Corpus, a database of utterances captured with real far-field sensors, in a realistic acoustic environment, and spoken by real speakers. While the proposed methods do not lead to an improvement in ASR performance, a more efficient MNB algorithm is developed, and it is shown that comparable results can be achieved with significantly less data than all frames of the utterance, a result which is of particular relevance for real-time implementations.Automatische Spracherkennungssysteme können heutzutage sehr niedrige Wortfehlerraten (WER) unter 5% erreichen, wenn die Sprachdaten mit einem Headset oder anderem Nahbesprechungsmikrofon aufgezeichnet wurden. Allerdings hat das Tragen eines mundnahen Mikrofons in vielen Situationen, wie z.B. der Spracherkennung im Auto oder während einer Besprechung, praktische Nachteile, und ein auf dem Tisch, an der Wand oder am Laptop befestigtes Mikrofon wäre in dem Fall vorteilhaft. Bei einer größeren Distanz zwischen Mikrofon und Sprecher werden andererseits aber verstärkt Hintergrundgeräusche und Hall aufgenommen, wodurch die Wortfehlerraten häufig in einen unakzeptablen Bereich von 30—50% und höher steigen. Ein Mikrofonarray, d.h. eine Gruppe von Mikrofonen, kann hierbei durch räumliches Filtern in gewissem Maße Abhilfe schaffen: sogenannte Beamforming-Methoden können die Daten der einzelnen Sensoren so kombinieren, dass der Fokus auf eine bestimmte Richtung gerichtet wird. Wenn nun ein Zielsignal aus einer anderen Richtung als die Störgeräusche kommt, kann dieser Prozess die Signalqualität erhöhen und WER-Werte reduzieren, indem die Geräusche aus den nicht-relevanten Richtungen herausgefiltert werden. Da Beamforming-Techniken sich aus der Forschung an nicht-sprachlichen Daten wie Sonar und Radar entwickelt haben, sind die wenigsten Methoden in diesem Bereich speziell auf das Problem der Spracherkennung ausgerichtet. Während eine Anwendungsunabhängigkeit von Vorteil sein kann, bedeutet sie aber auch, dass Eigenschaften der Spracherkennung ignoriert werden, die zur Verbesserung des Ergebnisses genutzt werden könnten. Ein Beispiel für einen Beamforming-Algorithmus, der speziell für die Verarbeitung von Sprache entwickelt wurde, ist der Maximum Negentropy Beamformer (MNB). Der MNB nutzt die Tatsache, dass "saubere" Sprache, die mit einem Nahbesprechungsmikrofon aufgenommen wurde, eine andere Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung aufweist als verrauschte oder verhallte Sprache: Die Verteilung sauberer Sprache unterscheidet sich von der Normalverteilung sehr viel stärker als die von fern aufgezeichneter Sprache. Der MNB wählt Beamforming-Gewichte, die den Negentropy-Wert maximieren, und da Negentropy misst, wie sehr sich eine Verteilung von der Normalverteilung unterscheidet, ähnelt die vom MNB produzierte Sprache statistisch gesehen sauberer Sprache, was zu verbesserten WER-Werten geführt hat [Kumatani et al., 2009]. Das Thema dieser Dissertation ist die Entwicklung und Evaluierung von verschiedenen Modifikationen des MNB. Erstens wird eine Anzahl von praktisch und theoretisch motivierten Veränderungen vorgeschlagen, die die Form der Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung zur Sprachmodellierung, die Schätzung der Parameter dieser Verteilung und die Berechnung der Negentropy-Werte betreffen. Zweitens wird ein weiterer Schritt zur Berücksichtigung der Eigenschaften von Sprache unternommen, indem die Zeitabhängigkeit der Verteilungsparameter eingeführt wird; im ursprünglichen MNB-Algorithmus sind diese für eine Äußerung konstant, was im Gegensatz zur nicht-konstanten Eigenschaft von Sprache steht. Mehrere zeitabhängige Varianz-Schätzungmethoden werden beschrieben und evaluiert, von einem einfachen gleitenden Durchschnittswert bis zum komplexeren HMM-MNB, der die Varianz aus Hidden-Markov-Modellen ableitet. Alle Beamforming-Algorithmen, die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden, werden durch Spracherkennungsexperimente mit dem Multi-Channel Wall Street Journal Audio-Visual Corpus evaluiert. Dieser Korpus wurde nicht durch Simulation erstellt, sondern besteht aus Äußerungen von Personen, die mit echten Sensoren in einer realistischen akustischen Umgebung aufgenommen wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass mit den bisher entwickelten Methoden keine Verbesserung der Wortfehlerrate erreicht werden kann. Allerdings wurde ein effizienterer MNB-Algorithmus entwickelt, der vergleichbare Erkennungsraten mit deutlich weniger Sprachdaten erreichen kann, was vor allem für eine Echtzeitimplementierung relevant ist

    Äänisisällön automaattisen luokittelun menetelmiä

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    This study presents an overview of different methods of digital signal processing and pattern recognition that are frequently applicable to automatic recognition, classification and description of audio content. Moreover, strategies for the combination of the said methods are discussed. Some of the published practical applications from different areas are cited to illustrate the use of the basic methods and the combined recognition strategies. A brief overview of human auditory perception is also given, with emphasis on the aspects that are important for audio recognition.Tässä työssä esitetään yleiskatsaus sellaisiin signaalinkäsittelyn ja hahmontunnistuksen menetelmiin, jotka ovat usein sovellettavissa äänisisällön automaattiseen tunnistamiseen, luokitteluun ja kuvaamiseen. Lisäksi työssä esitetään strategioita mainittujen menetelmien yhdistelyyn ja annetaan näihin ratkaisuihin liittyviä esimerkinomaisia viitteitä kirjallisuudesta löytyviin käytännön sovelluksiin eri sovellusalueilta. Työ sisältää myös suppean esityksen ihmisen kuulon toiminnan pääpiirteistä äänitunnistuksen kannalta

    Methods for speaking style conversion from normal speech to high vocal effort speech

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    This thesis deals with vocal-effort-focused speaking style conversion (SSC). Specifically, we studied two topics on conversion of normal speech to high vocal effort. The first topic involves the conversion of normal speech to shouted speech. We employed this conversion in a speaker recognition system with vocal effort mismatch between test and enrollment utterances (shouted speech vs. normal speech). The mismatch causes a degradation of the system's speaker identification performance. As solution, we proposed a SSC system that included a novel spectral mapping, used along a statistical mapping technique, to transform the mel-frequency spectral energies of normal speech enrollment utterances towards their counterparts in shouted speech. We evaluated the proposed solution by comparing speaker identification rates for a state-of-the-art i-vector-based speaker recognition system, with and without applying SSC to the enrollment utterances. Our results showed that applying the proposed SSC pre-processing to the enrollment data improves considerably the speaker identification rates. The second topic involves a normal-to-Lombard speech conversion. We proposed a vocoder-based parametric SSC system to perform the conversion. This system first extracts speech features using the vocoder. Next, a mapping technique, robust to data scarcity, maps the features. Finally, the vocoder synthesizes the mapped features into speech. We used two vocoders in the conversion system, for comparison: a glottal vocoder and the widely used STRAIGHT. We assessed the converted speech from the two vocoder cases with two subjective listening tests that measured similarity to Lombard speech and naturalness. The similarity subjective test showed that, for both vocoder cases, our proposed SSC system was able to convert normal speech to Lombard speech. The naturalness subjective test showed that the converted samples using the glottal vocoder were clearly more natural than those obtained with STRAIGHT

    Binaural scene analysis : localization, detection and recognition of speakers in complex acoustic scenes

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    The human auditory system has the striking ability to robustly localize and recognize a specific target source in complex acoustic environments while ignoring interfering sources. Surprisingly, this remarkable capability, which is referred to as auditory scene analysis, is achieved by only analyzing the waveforms reaching the two ears. Computers, however, are presently not able to compete with the performance achieved by the human auditory system, even in the restricted paradigm of confronting a computer algorithm based on binaural signals with a highly constrained version of auditory scene analysis, such as localizing a sound source in a reverberant environment or recognizing a speaker in the presence of interfering noise. In particular, the problem of focusing on an individual speech source in the presence of competing speakers, termed the cocktail party problem, has been proven to be extremely challenging for computer algorithms. The primary objective of this thesis is the development of a binaural scene analyzer that is able to jointly localize, detect and recognize multiple speech sources in the presence of reverberation and interfering noise. The processing of the proposed system is divided into three main stages: localization stage, detection of speech sources, and recognition of speaker identities. The only information that is assumed to be known a priori is the number of target speech sources that are present in the acoustic mixture. Furthermore, the aim of this work is to reduce the performance gap between humans and machines by improving the performance of the individual building blocks of the binaural scene analyzer. First, a binaural front-end inspired by auditory processing is designed to robustly determine the azimuth of multiple, simultaneously active sound sources in the presence of reverberation. The localization model builds on the supervised learning of azimuthdependent binaural cues, namely interaural time and level differences. Multi-conditional training is performed to incorporate the uncertainty of these binaural cues resulting from reverberation and the presence of competing sound sources. Second, a speech detection module that exploits the distinct spectral characteristics of speech and noise signals is developed to automatically select azimuthal positions that are likely to correspond to speech sources. Due to the established link between the localization stage and the recognition stage, which is realized by the speech detection module, the proposed binaural scene analyzer is able to selectively focus on a predefined number of speech sources that are positioned at unknown spatial locations, while ignoring interfering noise sources emerging from other spatial directions. Third, the speaker identities of all detected speech sources are recognized in the final stage of the model. To reduce the impact of environmental noise on the speaker recognition performance, a missing data classifier is combined with the adaptation of speaker models using a universal background model. This combination is particularly beneficial in nonstationary background noise