27 research outputs found

    Activity Recognition based on a Magnitude-Orientation Stream Network

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    The temporal component of videos provides an important clue for activity recognition, as a number of activities can be reliably recognized based on the motion information. In view of that, this work proposes a novel temporal stream for two-stream convolutional networks based on images computed from the optical flow magnitude and orientation, named Magnitude-Orientation Stream (MOS), to learn the motion in a better and richer manner. Our method applies simple nonlinear transformations on the vertical and horizontal components of the optical flow to generate input images for the temporal stream. Experimental results, carried on two well-known datasets (HMDB51 and UCF101), demonstrate that using our proposed temporal stream as input to existing neural network architectures can improve their performance for activity recognition. Results demonstrate that our temporal stream provides complementary information able to improve the classical two-stream methods, indicating the suitability of our approach to be used as a temporal video representation.Comment: 8 pages, SIBGRAPI 201

    Magnitude-Orientation Stream Network and Depth Information applied to Activity Recognition

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    International audienceThe temporal component of videos provides an important clue for activity recognition , as a number of activities can be reliably recognized based on the motion information. In view of that, this work proposes a novel temporal stream for two-stream convolutional networks based on images computed from the optical flow magnitude and orientation, named Magnitude-Orientation Stream (MOS), to learn the motion in a better and richer manner. Our method applies simple non-linear transformations on the vertical and horizontal components of the optical flow to generate input images for the temporal stream. Moreover, we also employ depth information to use as a weighting scheme on the magnitude information to compensate the distance of the subjects performing the activity to the camera. Experimental results, carried on two well-known datasets (UCF101 and NTU), demonstrate that using our proposed temporal stream as input to existing neural network architectures can improve their performance for activity recognition. Results demonstrate that our temporal stream provides complementary information able to improve the classical two-stream methods, indicating the suitability of our approach to be used as a temporal video representation. two-stream convolutional networks, spatiotemporal information, optical flow, depth information

    How Do the Hearts of Deep Fakes Beat? Deep Fake Source Detection via Interpreting Residuals with Biological Signals

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    Fake portrait video generation techniques have been posing a new threat to the society with photorealistic deep fakes for political propaganda, celebrity imitation, forged evidences, and other identity related manipulations. Following these generation techniques, some detection approaches have also been proved useful due to their high classification accuracy. Nevertheless, almost no effort was spent to track down the source of deep fakes. We propose an approach not only to separate deep fakes from real videos, but also to discover the specific generative model behind a deep fake. Some pure deep learning based approaches try to classify deep fakes using CNNs where they actually learn the residuals of the generator. We believe that these residuals contain more information and we can reveal these manipulation artifacts by disentangling them with biological signals. Our key observation yields that the spatiotemporal patterns in biological signals can be conceived as a representative projection of residuals. To justify this observation, we extract PPG cells from real and fake videos and feed these to a state-of-the-art classification network for detecting the generative model per video. Our results indicate that our approach can detect fake videos with 97.29% accuracy, and the source model with 93.39% accuracy.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of 2020 IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB

    A Survey of Deep Learning Solutions for Multimedia Visual Content Analysis

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    The increasing use of social media networks on handheld devices, especially smartphones with powerful built-in cameras, and the widespread availability of fast and high bandwidth broadband connections, added to the popularity of cloud storage, is enabling the generation and distribution of massive volumes of digital media, including images and videos. Such media is full of visual information and holds immense value in today's world. The volume of data involved calls for automated visual content analysis systems able to meet the demands of practice in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Deep learning (DL) has recently emerged as a prominent technique for visual content analysis. It is data-driven in nature and provides automatic end-to-end learning solutions without the need to rely explicitly on predefined handcrafted feature extractors. Another appealing characteristic of DL solutions is the performance they can achieve, once the network is trained, under practical constraints. This paper identifies eight problem domains which require analysis of visual artifacts in multimedia. It surveys the recent, authoritative, and the best performing DL solutions and lists the datasets used in the development of these deep methods for the identified types of visual analysis problems. This paper also discusses the challenges that the DL solutions face which can compromise their reliability, robustness, and accuracy for visual content analysis

    Detecção de pornografia em vídeos através de técnicas de aprendizado profundo e informações de movimento

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    Orientadores: Anderson de Rezende Rocha, Vanessa TestoniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Com o crescimento exponencial de gravações em vídeos disponíveis online, a moderação manual de conteúdos sensíveis, e.g, pornografia, violência e multidões, se tornou impra- ticável, aumentando a necessidade de uma filtragem automatizada. Nesta linha, muitos trabalhos exploraram o problema de detecção de pornografia, usando abordagens que vão desde a detecção de pele e nudez, até o uso de características locais e sacola de pala- vras visuais. Contudo, essas técnicas sofrem com casos ambíguos (e.g., cenas em praia, luta livre), produzindo muitos falsos positivos. Isto está possivelmente relacionado com o fato de que essas abordagens estão desatualizadas, e de que poucos autores usaram a informação de movimento presente nos vídeos, que pode ser crucial para a desambi- guação visual dos casos mencionados. Indo adiante para superar estas questões, neste trabalho, nós exploramos soluções de aprendizado em profundidade para o problema de detecção de pornografia em vídeos, levando em consideração tanto a informação está- tica, quanto a informação de movimento disponível em cada vídeo em questão. Quando combinamos as características estáticas e de movimento, o método proposto supera as soluções existentes na literatura. Apesar de as abordagens de aprendizado em profun- didade, mais especificamente as Redes Neurais Convolucionais (RNC), terem alcançado resultados impressionantes em outros problemas de visão computacional, este método tão promissor ainda não foi explorado suficientemente no problema detecção de pornografia, principalmente no que tange à incorporação de informações de movimento presente no vídeo. Adicionalmente, propomos novas formas de combinar as informações estáticas e de movimento usando RNCs, que ainda não foram exploradas para detecção de pornografia, nem em outras tarefas de reconhecimento de ações. Mais especificamente, nós exploramos duas fontes distintas de informação de movimento: Campos de deslocamento de Fluxo Óptico, que tem sido tradicionalmente usados para classificação de vídeos; e Vetores de Movimento MPEG. Embora Vetores de Movimento já tenham sido utilizados pela litera- tura na tarefa de detecção de pornografia, neste trabalho nós os adaptamos, criando uma representação visual apropriada, antes de passá-los a uma rede neural convolucional para aprendizado e extração de características. Nossos experimentos mostraram que, apesar de a técnica de Vetores de Movimento MPEG possuir uma performance inferior quando utilizada de forma isolada, quando comparada à técnica baseada em Fluxo Óptico, ela consegue uma performance similar ao complementar a informação estática, com a van- tagem de estar presente, por construção, nos vídeos, enquanto se decodifica os frames, evitando a necessidade da computação mais cara do Fluxo Óptico. Nossa melhor aborda- gem proposta supera os métodos existentes na literatura em diferentes datasets. Para o dataset Pornography 800, o método consegue uma acurácia de classificação de 97,9%, uma redução do erro de 64,4% quando comparado com o estado da arte (94,1% de acu- rácia neste dataset). Quando consideramos o dataset Pornography 2k, mais desafiador, nosso melhor método consegue um acurácia de 96,4%, reduzindo o erro de classificação em 14,3% em comparação ao estado da arte (95,8%)Abstract: With the exponential growth of video footage available online, human manual moderation of sensitive scenes, e.g., pornography, violence and crowd, became infeasible, increasing the necessity for automated filtering. In this vein, a great number of works has explored the pornographic detection problem, using approaches ranging from skin and nudity de- tection, to local features and bag of visual words. Yet, these techniques suffer from some ambiguous cases (e.g., beach scenes, wrestling), producing too much false positives. This is possibly related to the fact that these approaches are somewhat outdated, and that few authors have used the motion information present in videos, which could be crucial for the visual disambiguation of these cases. Setting forth to overcome these issues, in this work, we explore deep learning solutions to the problem of pornography detection in videos, tak- ing into account both the static and the motion information available for each questioned video. When incorporating the static and motion complementary features, the proposed method outperforms the existing solutions in the literature. Although Deep Learning ap- proaches, more specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have achieved striking results on other vision-related problems, such promising methods are still not sufficiently explored in pornography detection while incorporating motion information. We also pro- pose novel ways for combining the static and the motion information using CNNs, that have not been explored in pornography detection, nor in other action recognition tasks before. More specifically, we explore two distinct sources of motion information herein: Optical Flow displacement fields, which have been traditionally used for video classifica- tion; and MPEG Motion Vectors. Although Motion Vectors have already been used for pornography detection tasks in the literature, in this work, we adapt them, by finding an appropriate visual representation, before feeding a convolution neural network for feature learning and extraction. Our experiments show that although the MPEG Motion Vectors technique has an inferior performance by itself, than when using its Optical Flow coun- terpart, it yields a similar performance when complementing the static information, with the advantage of being present, by construction, in the video while decoding the frames, avoiding the need for the more expensive Optical Flow calculations. Our best approach outperforms existing methods in the literature when considering different datasets. For the Pornography 800 dataset, it yields a classification accuracy of 97.9%, an error re- duction of 64.4% when compared to the state of the art (94.1% in this dataset). Finally, considering the more challenging Pornography 2k dataset, our best method yields a clas- sification accuracy of 96.4%, reducing the classification error in 14.3% when compared to the state of the art (95.8% in the same dataset)MestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoFuncampCAPE

    Magnitude-Orientation Stream Network and Depth Information applied to Activity Recognition

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    International audienceThe temporal component of videos provides an important clue for activity recognition , as a number of activities can be reliably recognized based on the motion information. In view of that, this work proposes a novel temporal stream for two-stream convolutional networks based on images computed from the optical flow magnitude and orientation, named Magnitude-Orientation Stream (MOS), to learn the motion in a better and richer manner. Our method applies simple non-linear transformations on the vertical and horizontal components of the optical flow to generate input images for the temporal stream. Moreover, we also employ depth information to use as a weighting scheme on the magnitude information to compensate the distance of the subjects performing the activity to the camera. Experimental results, carried on two well-known datasets (UCF101 and NTU), demonstrate that using our proposed temporal stream as input to existing neural network architectures can improve their performance for activity recognition. Results demonstrate that our temporal stream provides complementary information able to improve the classical two-stream methods, indicating the suitability of our approach to be used as a temporal video representation. two-stream convolutional networks, spatiotemporal information, optical flow, depth information

    Image and Video Forensics

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    Nowadays, images and videos have become the main modalities of information being exchanged in everyday life, and their pervasiveness has led the image forensics community to question their reliability, integrity, confidentiality, and security. Multimedia contents are generated in many different ways through the use of consumer electronics and high-quality digital imaging devices, such as smartphones, digital cameras, tablets, and wearable and IoT devices. The ever-increasing convenience of image acquisition has facilitated instant distribution and sharing of digital images on digital social platforms, determining a great amount of exchange data. Moreover, the pervasiveness of powerful image editing tools has allowed the manipulation of digital images for malicious or criminal ends, up to the creation of synthesized images and videos with the use of deep learning techniques. In response to these threats, the multimedia forensics community has produced major research efforts regarding the identification of the source and the detection of manipulation. In all cases (e.g., forensic investigations, fake news debunking, information warfare, and cyberattacks) where images and videos serve as critical evidence, forensic technologies that help to determine the origin, authenticity, and integrity of multimedia content can become essential tools. This book aims to collect a diverse and complementary set of articles that demonstrate new developments and applications in image and video forensics to tackle new and serious challenges to ensure media authenticity

    Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection

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    This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of studies dealing with the hot topic of digital face manipulation such as DeepFakes, Face Morphing, or Reenactment. It combines the research fields of biometrics and media forensics including contributions from academia and industry. Appealing to a broad readership, introductory chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the topic, which address readers wishing to gain a brief overview of the state-of-the-art. Subsequent chapters, which delve deeper into various research challenges, are oriented towards advanced readers. Moreover, the book provides a good starting point for young researchers as well as a reference guide pointing at further literature. Hence, the primary readership is academic institutions and industry currently involved in digital face manipulation and detection. The book could easily be used as a recommended text for courses in image processing, machine learning, media forensics, biometrics, and the general security area

    Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection

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    This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of studies dealing with the hot topic of digital face manipulation such as DeepFakes, Face Morphing, or Reenactment. It combines the research fields of biometrics and media forensics including contributions from academia and industry. Appealing to a broad readership, introductory chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the topic, which address readers wishing to gain a brief overview of the state-of-the-art. Subsequent chapters, which delve deeper into various research challenges, are oriented towards advanced readers. Moreover, the book provides a good starting point for young researchers as well as a reference guide pointing at further literature. Hence, the primary readership is academic institutions and industry currently involved in digital face manipulation and detection. The book could easily be used as a recommended text for courses in image processing, machine learning, media forensics, biometrics, and the general security area