581 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Data Retention System with MEC for Local Production and Consumption

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    To facilitate local production and consumption (LPAC) of spatio-temporal data (STD) generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices, we propose a STD retention system that works in collaboration with Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) infrastructure. In this paper, we will introduce the architecture of our proposed system and discuss its contributions and challenges.COMPSAC 2018: The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications, July 23-27, 2018, Tokyo, Japa

    Autonomous Data Transmission Control Based on Node Density for Multiple Spatio-temporal Data Retention

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    Although countless services can now be accessed via the Internet, some specific services such as local traffic conditions and limited-time sale advertisements are strongly dependent on geographical locations and times. Information of this type, which is commonly referred to as spatio-temporal data (STD), is not readily available online. Since the paradigm of local production and consumption of STDs can be effective for location-dependent applications, we previously proposed an STD data retention system that uses vehicular networks to create a mobile cloud. Unfortunately, effective data retention is difficult when multiple STDs exist in the same area because channel interference will result from the increased number of data transmissions. To resolve this issue, we herein propose an autonomous data transmission control method based on node density for multiple STD retention that facilitates a highly reliable coverage rate while limiting the individual data transmissions for each STD. Then, through simulations, we show that our proposed method is effective for simultaneously retaining multiple STDs.7th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet 2018), 22-24 October, 2018, Tokyo, Japa

    Transmission Control Method for Data Retention Taking into Account the Low Vehicle Density Environments

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    With the development and spread of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, various kinds of data are now being generated from IoT devices. Some data generated from IoT devices depend on geographical location and time, and we refer to them as spatio-temporal data (STD). Since the “locally produced and consumed” paradigm of STD use is effective for location-dependent applications, the authors have previously proposed a vehicle-based STD retention system. However, in low vehicle density environments, the data retention becomes difficult due to the decrease in the number of data transmissions in this method. In this paper, we propose a new data transmission control method for data retention in the low vehicle density environments

    Geolocation-centric Information Platform for Resilient Spatio-temporal Content Management

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    In IoT era, the growth of data variety is driven by cross-domain data fusion. In this paper, we advocate that “local production for local consumption (LPLC) paradigm” can be an innovative approach in cross-domain data fusion, and propose a new framework, geolocation-centric information platform (GCIP) that can produce and deliver diverse spatio-temporal content (STC). In the GCIP, (1) infrastructure-based geographic hierarchy edge network and (2) adhoc-based STC retention system are interplayed to provide both of geolocation-awareness and resiliency. Then, we discussed the concepts and the technical challenges of the GCIP. Finally, we implemented a proof-of-concepts of GCIP and demonstrated its efficacy through practical experiments on campus IPv6 network and simulation experiments

    Transmission Control Method to Realize Efficient Data Retention in Low Vehicle Density Environments

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    With the development and spread of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, various kinds of data are now being generated from IoT devices, and the number of such data is expected to increase significantly in the future. Data that depends on geographical location and time is commonly referred to as spatio-temporal data (STD). Since the “locally produced and consumed” paradigm of STD use is effective for location-dependent applications, the authors have previously proposed using a STD retention system for high mobility vehicles equipped with high-capacity storage modules, high-performance computing resources, and short-range wireless communication equipment. In this system, each vehicle controls its data transmission probability based on the neighboring vehicle density in order to achieve not only high coverage but also reduction of the number of data transmissions. In this paper, we propose a data transmission control method for STD retention in low vehicle density environments. The results of simulations conducted in this study show that our proposed scheme can improve data retention performance while limiting the number of data transmissions to the lowest level possible.11th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems(INCoS 2019), September 5-7, 2019, Oita, Japa

    Re/configuring national interests in the global field of higher education : International student recruitment policies and practices in Finland and China

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    In this dissertation, internationalisation policy changes in Finland and China are studied, with a particular focus on international student recruitment. The main objective is to understand how policy change is constructed in policy texts and how recruitment policies are communicated to prospective international students. Internationalisation policy documents and websites targeted at international students serve as the primary data sources analysed through content, rhetorical and Bacchi’s ‘what’s the problem presented to be’ analyses. Once a rather marginalized activity, internationalisation policies in higher education have turned into a key policy field. For both Finland and China, internationalisation policies have played a significant national role by supporting wider societal opportunities and developing a higher education system. Since the end of the 1980s, Finland has become more open to the West, sending students abroad for international short-term study experiences. As part of the opening up policy introduced by Deng Xiaoping, China also developed a strategy to send their students abroad for degree studies. Later, these export strategies are accompanied with internationalising home campuses that included recruiting international students. Within a global context, these two countries can be considered non-traditional destinations for studying abroad. As a comparative approach, I follow the contrasting contexts approach to interpret and understand the phenomenon in their contexts rather than striving for generalisation. The higher education systems in Finland and China demonstrate significant differences. Finland is a Nordic welfare state with no tuition fees (with the exception of students outside the EU and EEA countries) and a small-scale lowhierarchical higher education system. China portrays itself as a socialist market economy that has a hierarchical, large-scale higher education system with tuition fees for both Chinese and international students. Both countries contribute to funding higher education and employ policy instruments to steer their policy objectives. This dissertation consists of four articles and a summary. This study shows that the internationalisation policy in higher education is built on a strong national interest that is reconfigured with time (from 1980s to 2010s). Developed jointly with broader socio-economic openings, both countries have developed their internationalisation policies to resemble the characteristics of their higher education systems. Moreover, Finland has transitioned to reorient its internationalization policies, which is in contrast with some of the underlining principles in which the system is embedded. In the Finnish case, internationalisation policy is comprehensively and rather openly conducted to target all its higher education institutions through national steering mechanisms including laws, policies, funding, and evaluations. The rationalisation for international student recruitment is a combination of reasons that relate to and support each other. These include skilled immigration, commercial interest, status, and internationalisation at home. The introduction of tuition fees for international students and the commercialisation discourse used in policy documents shows that international education and students are detached in higher education policy. In Finnish policy documents, rhetorical choices used to support the changes in policy have shifted from the crisis rhetoric to emphasising opportunities connected to inward international student mobility. This study identified three phases in the development of international degree programmes in Finland: 1) inauguration of international programmes (late 1980s to late 1990s), 2) structural reform and legislative steering (from the early 2000s to the early 2010s) and 3) towards commercialization and privatization (late 2000s–). These phases denote incremental change from marginal activity of the international programmes to the focus of commercial interest that is embedded in its historical contexts. In China, the internationalisation policy terrain is more sensitive and less open to the global audience. National rationales for recruiting international students relate to soft power policies and the development of world-class universities, which are supported with scholarship programmes. In this study, the embeddedness of international student recruitment strategies in practice was analysed with websites targeting prospective students for both Finnish and Chinese campuses. The analysis shows that national strategies in Finland are communicated to applicants by referring to working opportunities after graduation or with commercial orientation showcasing fee structures and scholarships. Chinese websites rely on culturally constructed representations. In addition, websites construct holistic study choices that reinforce nationally embedded choice. To support decision making, websites (particularly private ones) employ devices to highlight distinctions and affirmations between different choices. In this study, I argue that nationally crafted internationalisation policies are embedded in national interests. Both policies and websites in this study reproduce representations that serve the national rationalisations. The nationally defined internationalisation policy objectives have repercussions for the fabric of the university, international students and education alike.Kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden rekrytointipolitiikka ja käytännöt Suomessa ja Kiinassa Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan kansainvälistymispolitiikan muutosta Suomessa ja Kiinassa keskittyen erityisesti kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden rekrytointiin. Päätavoitteena on ymmärtää, miten muutosta rakennetaan politiikkateksteissä ja miten rekrytointipolitiikasta kommunikoidaan mahdollisille tuleville kansainvälisille opiskelijoille. Tutkimusaineiston muodostavat kansainvälistymiseen keskittyvät politiikkatekstit ja tuleville opiskelijoille suunnatut internetsivut. Aineisto analysoidaan sisällönanalyysillä, retoriikka-analyysillä ja Bacchin ’what’s the problem presented to be’ –analyysillä. Korkeakoulujen kansainvälistymispolitiikka on siirtynyt marginaalisesta asemasta poliittiseen keskiöön. Sekä Suomelle että Kiinalle kansainvälistymispolitiikalla on ollut merkittävä kansallinen rooli tukien laajempaa yhteiskunnallista ja korkeakoulutuksen kehitystä. 1980-luvun lopusta lähtien Suomi avautui länteen lähettäen opiskelijoita lyhytkestoiseen kansainväliseen vaihtoon. Kiina on sitten Deng Xiaopingin avoimien ovien politiikan myötä osallistunut tutkinto-opiskelijoiden lähettämiseen ulkomaille. Myöhemmin opiskelijoiden lähettämisstrategia on täydentynyt kotikampusten kansainvälistämiseen mukaan lukien aktiivisen opiskelijarekrytoinnin. Globaalissa kontekstissa voidaan sanoa, että nämä maat edustavat epätyypillisiä opiskelijaliikkuvuusmaita. Tutkimuksen vertailevana lähestymistapana käytetään kontekstien vertailua, jolla pyritään yleistämisen sijaan ymmärtämään tutkittavia tapauksia. Suomen ja Kiinan korkeakoulujärjestelmät eroavat merkittävästi toisistaan. Suomi on Pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltio, joka ei kerää lukukausimaksuja opiskelijoiltaan (lukuun ottamatta EU ja ETA maiden ulkopuolelta tulleita opiskelijoita kansainvälisissä ohjelmissa) ja jonka korkeakoulujärjestelmä on pieni ja verrattain eihierarkkinen. Kiina esittäytyy sosialistisena markkinataloutena, jolla on laaja hierarkkinen korkeakoulujärjestelmä ja lukukausimaksut opiskelijoille. Molempien maiden korkeakoulujärjestelmää tuetaan taloudellisesti ja politiikkaa ohjataan erinäisin politiikkainstrumentein. Tämä väitöskirja koostuu neljästä artikkelista ja yhteenveto-osasta. Tutkimus osoittaa, että korkeakoulujen kansainvälistymispolitiikkaa rakennetaan vahvalle kansalliselle intressille, joka on muuttunut tutkittuna ajanjaksona 1980-luvulta 2010- luvulle. Laajemman yhteiskunnallisen ja taloudellisen avautumisen myötä korkeakoulujen kansainvälistyminen on kehittynyt muistuttamaan korkeakoulujärjestelmän piirteitä. Suomi on osiltaan uudelleen orientoinut kansainvälistymispolitiikkaa, joka ei vastaa kaikkia koulutusjärjestelmään liitettyjä erityispiirteitä. Suomen tapauksessa kansainvälistymispolitiikkaa on tehty kokonaisvaltaisesti ja melko avoimesti kohdistaen politiikan kaikkiin suomalaisiin yliopistoihin kansallisilla ohjausinstrumenteilla, joita ovat lait, politiikkatavoitteet, rahoitus ja arvioinnit. Kansainvälistä opiskelijarekrytointia perustellaan monilla erilaisilla ja toisiaan tukevilla tekijöillä. Näitä ovat koulutetun työvoiman saaminen, kaupallinen intressi, maineeseen liittyvät tekijät sekä kotikansainvälistyminen. Merkittävä joskin vähitellen politiikkateksteissä tuotettu muutos liittyy lukukausimaksujen käyttöönottoon osalle opiskelijoista. Lukukausimaksujen käyttöönottoa vain osalle opiskelijoista voidaan pitää opiskelijaryhmiä erottelevana tekijänä. Suomalaisissa politiikkateksteissä kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden rekrytoinnissa muutosta tukevat retoriset valinnat ovat siirtyneet kriisin painottamisesta mahdollisuuksien korostamiseen. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin lisäksi kolme ajanjaksoa, jolloin kehitettiin opiskelijarekrytointia tukevia kansainvälisiä ohjelmia: 1) kansainvälisten ohjelmien perustaminen (1980-luvun lopulta 1990-luvun lopulle), 2) rakenteellinen uudistus ja lakiperusteinen ohjaus ja 3) kohti kaupallistumista ja yksityistämistä. Näissä vaiheissa rakentuu muutos kansainvälisten ohjelmien perustamisesta kaupallistumiseen, jota on tarkasteltu sen historiallisessa kontekstissa. Kiinassa kansainvälinen politiikkaympäristö on sensitiivisempi eikä kovin avoin globaalille yleisölle. Kansalliset perustelut kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden rekrytoinnille kytkeytyvät pehmeään vallankäyttöön ja maailmanluokan yliopistojen rakentamiseen. Näitä tuetaan muiden muassa laajalla stipendijärjestelmällä

    Information Distribution Platform for Realizing Local Production and Consumption of Spatio-temporal Data

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    本研究は,時空間データがユーザの生活空間に強く依存する点に着目し,その空間に存在する情報処理機器を用いて,時空間データの地産地消を促進する新しい情報基盤を構築することを目的とする.本稿では,高い移動性,計算処理能力,そして無線通信機器を搭載可能な車両を用いることで最もユーザに近い位置で時空間データを提供・活用可能にする情報滞留方式を紹介し一部成果を報告する.また,物理位置に基づき階層的な構造で構成するエッジネットワークとの連携についても紹介する. / With the spread of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, the number of devices connected to the Internet is increasing, and various kinds of data are generated from IoT devices. Some data generated from IoT devices depends on time and location. We refer to such data as spatio-temporal data (STD). Therefore, we aim to achieve an information distribution platform for realizing “local production and consumption of STD.” In this paper, we introduce our proposed STD retention system that is one solution for STD distribution, and we will report some of the simulation results.電子情報通信学会 ネットワークシステム研究会(NS), 2020年12月17日-18日, オンライン開

    VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods: Book of Abstracts

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    The VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM) is going to be held on June 27-29, 2019, in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal and it is a unique opportunity to disseminate scientific research related to the areas of Mathematics in general, with particular relevance to the areas of Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods in theoretical and/or practical field, using new techniques, giving especial emphasis to applications in Medicine, Biology, Biotechnology, Engineering, Industry, Environmental Sciences, Finance, Insurance, Management and Administration. The meeting will provide a forum for discussion and debate of ideas with interest to the scientific community in general. With this meeting new scientific collaborations among colleagues, namely new collaborations in Masters and PhD projects are expected. The event is open to the entire scientific community (with or without communication/poster)

    Relevance of spatio-temporal heterogeneities in modelling geomicrobial reactive systems

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    The subsurface compartment of the Earth’s Critical Zone is one of the biggest stores of carbon and nitrogen, and provides habitat for 95% of the global estimates of microbial biomass. These microbes mediate the transformation of carbon and nitrogen in the subsurface. But, their contribution to biogeochemical cycles is not yet estimated on a global scale due to the inaccessibility and the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the subsurface. The relevance of these sub-scale spatio-temporal heterogeneities with respect to carbon and nitrogen cycling rates is not understood. This in turn affects interpretation of field data and formulation of suitable modelling studies. In this work, I addressed this gap by assessing the effect of spatio-temporal heterogeneities on microbial mediated transformation of carbon and nitrogen using a numerical modeling approach. I set up spatially heterogeneous simulation domains representative of the subsurface and introduced a network of microbial mediated reactions in these domains. I subjected these domains to temporal dynamics. I, then, quantified the impact of spatial heterogeneity on microbial mediated nutrient cycling in the subsurface and quantified the impact of temporal dynamics in the saturated zone of the subsurface. Consolidating the results, I proposed that indicators such as travel time of conservative solutes can be used to identify four types of reactive systems that respond to spatio-temporal heterogeneities in the subsurface: Reaction dominated systems, reaction influenced systems, transport influenced systems and transport dominated systems. The approach used in this thesis is applicable, transferrable, and suitably scalable across different sites. It can, thus, be used to fill a critical gap in the global biogeochemical budgets. It can also assist in forming a predictive understanding of the behavior of heterogeneous reactive systems in temporally dynamic conditions, resulting in secured access to groundwater

    Data semantic enrichment for complex event processing over IoT Data Streams

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    This thesis generalizes techniques for processing IoT data streams, semantically enrich data with contextual information, as well as complex event processing in IoT applications. A case study for ECG anomaly detection and signal classification was conducted to validate the knowledge foundation