1,492 research outputs found

    Milline on hea asukoht asukoha meetodis: asukoha tÀhendusrikkuse ja keskkonna liigendatuse uuring virtuaalreaalsuses

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    Method of Loci (MoL) is an efficient mnemonic strategy especially good for enhancing serial recall of auditorily presented material. MoL is traditionally used by imagining oneself on a familiar journey and associating to-be-remembered words or ideas with distinct locations on that journey. However, previous research has established that newly learned virtual environments are just as good as highly familiar environments. But much less is known about what makes a good location or an environment for the use of MoL. Immersive virtual reality (VR) headset was used in the experiment to study the characteristics of environments that affect the effectiveness of MoL. Two within-subject factors were varied: meaningfulness of locations (low - paint on the floor, high - furniture), environmental segregation (no segregation – 1 big room, with segregation – 6 small rooms). Results show that using furniture to mark locations improved memory performance. No effect of environmental segregation was found. Also, females did better than males in lenient scoring which is in line with previous research showing better object-location memory for females. Further research is required to see if the locations marked with paint on the floor are still better than controls without mnemonic training

    Learning Languages and Complex Subjects with Memory Palaces

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    A memory palace is an ancient technique of using space as a way of organizing memories. It’s a powerful tool for learning, retaining, and recalling large amounts of complex information quickly and effectively. In the middle ages, these techniques were widely used to learn and compose large texts and works of literature. In this paper, we present the fundamental theory behind memory palaces as the foundation for the project Macunx - a VR platform for building memory palaces to learn huge amounts in short time and with full retention - as well as the initial stages of its development. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future stages over the testing of the package with end-users for its final refinement

    A Design Science Approach to High Immersive Mnemonic E-learning

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    Today’s students often have to interact with a lot of information and content, more precisely declarative knowledge, whereas their studying technique often is simple repetition and retention. To facilitate the process of learning the approach of this article is to suggest a novel paradigm of e-learning IS that rely on old memorization strategies. These strategies are based on the mechanism of mental associations like imagery, phonetic similarity or spatial imagination and will be applicable to a vast amount of subjects. In this extended abstract, we describe a mnemonic concept that is meant to encourage further research in mnemonic e-learning. This concept relies on the Method of Loci in combination with a head-mounted display. Due to its highly immersive character, we theorise that a head-mounted display is more appropriate to apply the virtual Method of Loci (vMOL) than a casual desktop display. The application of the vMOL with the help of a desktop display had been analysed in earlier studies. These studies indicated a high potential of the application of a vMOL

    Virtuelle GedÀchtnispalÀste: Der Einfluss der Gestaltung auf die Erinnerungsleistung

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    This paper is dedicated to the study of an innovative learning software that combines modern technology with an ancient learning method. The introduction briefly describes the current situation on education in the digital transformation and explains how an ancient mnemonic technique, the loci method (or "memory palace"), is being revived in current research. In the traditional version, one must imagine a familiar environment, which then serves as a memory palace. In this memory palace, the learning content is memorized along a route with unusual images. This process is repeated until one is able to walk through the memory palace again in one's mind and "pick up" the contents. The software-supported variant of the loci method is called "virtual memory palace". Here, the training is no longer done in thought, but with the help of a virtual environment, for example on a computer screen. The introduction is followed by theoretical basics on the topics of learning, the loci method, and the aspect of design. This is followed by a structured literature review, which leads to the research question of whether the design of a virtual memory palace has an influence on memory performance. An appropriate research methodology is then evaluated. The argument derives a design-oriented approach used to investigate a research model with multiple cycles and three identified design-relevant domains. The results of the research show that the design of a virtual memory palace does indeed have a significant impact on memory performance. The following implications, hints for future research projects on this topic, as well as a general conclusion are described in the last chapter.Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung einer innovativen Lern-Software, die moderne Technologie mit einer antiken Lernmethode verknĂŒpft. Die Einleitung beschreibt in KĂŒrze die aktuelle Situation zum Thema Bildung in der digitalen Transformation und erklĂ€rt wie eine antike Mnemotechnik, die Loci-Methode (oder auch „GedĂ€chtnispalast“), in der aktuellen Forschung wiederbelebt wird. In der traditionellen Variante muss man sich eine gewohnte Umgebung vorstellen, die dann als GedĂ€chtnispalast dient. Die Lerninhalte werden in diesem GedĂ€chtnispalast entlang einer Route mit ungewöhnlichen Bildern eingeprĂ€gt. Dieser Vorgang wird wiederholt, bis man in der Lage ist seinen GedĂ€chtnispalast in Gedanken erneut abzulaufen, und die Inhalte „abzuholen“. Die softwaregestĂŒtzte Variante der Loci- Methode nennt sich „virtueller GedĂ€chtnispalast“. Hierbei erfolgt das Training nicht mehr in Gedanken, sondern mithilfe einer virtuellen Umgebung, zum Beispiel an einem Computer Bildschirm. Nach der Einleitung folgen theoretische Grund- lagen zu den Themen Lernen, der Loci-Methode und dem Aspekt Design. Daraufhin wird eine strukturierte Literaturanalyse beschrieben, die in der Forschungsfrage mĂŒndet, ob das Design eines virtuellen GedĂ€chtnispalastes einen Einfluss auf die Erinnerungsleistung hat. Danach wird eine passende Forschungsmethodik evaluiert. Die Argumentation leitet eine gestaltungsorientierte Herangehensweise her, die dazu dient ein Forschungsmodell mit mehreren Zyklen und drei identifizierten gestaltungsrelevanten Bereichen zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Gestaltung eines virtuellen GedĂ€chtnispalastes tatsĂ€chlich signifikanten Einfluss auf die Erinnerungsleistung hat. Daraus folgende Implikationen, Hinweise fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Forschungsvorhaben in diesem Thema, als auch eine allgemeine Schlussfolgerung werden im letzten Kapitel beschrieben

    Memory Rehabilitation Strategies in Nonsurgical Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Review

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    open8siPeople with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) who have not undergone epilepsy surgery often complain of memory deficits. Cognitive re- habilitation is employed as a remedial intervention in clinical settings, but research is limited and findings concerning efficacy and the criteria for choosing different approaches have been inconsistent. We aimed to appraise existing evidence on memory rehabilitation in nonsurgical individuals with temporal lobe epilepsy and to ascertain the effectiveness of specific strategies. A scoping review was preferred given the het- erogeneous nature of the interventions. A comprehensive literature search using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, Scholars Portal/ PSYCHinfo, Proceedings First, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses identified articles published in English before February 2016. The search retrieved 372 abstracts. Of 25 eligible studies, six were included in the final review. None included pediatric populations. Strategies included cognitive training, external memory aids, brain training, and noninvasive brain stimulation. Selection criteria tended to be general. Overall, there was insufficient evidence to make definitive conclusions regarding the efficacy of traditional memory rehabilitation strategies, brain training, and noninvasive brain stimulation. The review suggests that cognitive rehabilitation in nonsurgical TLE is underresearched and that there is a need for a systematic evaluation in this population.embargoed_20180216DEL FELICE, Alessandra; Alderighi, Marzia; Martinato, Matteo; Grisafi, Davide; Bosco, Anna; Thompson, Pamela J.; Sander, Josemir W.; Masiero, StefanoDEL FELICE, Alessandra; Alderighi, Marzia; Martinato, Matteo; Grisafi, Davide; Bosco, Anna; Thompson, Pamela J.; Sander, Josemir W.; Masiero, Stefan

    An Immersive Memory Palace: Supporting the Method of Loci with Virtual Reality

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    We investigated the impact of an increased level of immersion on the effectiveness of the method of loci (also memory palace). This is an old memorization strategy which relies on the mental association between the learning content and spatial cues in an environment like an apartment (memory palace). An experiment was conducted in which the participants were assigned to one of two groups. Subjects were instructed to use the method of loci to memorize and recall five lists of words. These lists consisted of eleven words each. The first group was told to use a virtual environment, presented on a laptop, as a template for their memory palace. The second group received an immersive head-mounted-display to explore the memory palace in virtual reality (VR). It was hypothesized and partially shown, that the VR group outperforms the laptop group in terms of accuracy and actual use of the instructed method

    Immersive Ars Memoria: Evaluating the Usefulness of a Virtual Memory Palace

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    The Method of Loci (also memory palace) is the most powerful mnemonic strategy and was widely analyzed over the last twenty years. Especially, the approach to combine this ancient learning method with modern technology got more and more into the focus of an interdisciplinary research community. Researchers presented their students virtual environments via computer screen or head-mounted displays and instructed them to use these virtual worlds as a template for a memory palace. However, most studies did not investigate the users’ attitude to actually use such a tool in everyday situations. This study addresses this research gap by an experiment and a correlation and regression analysis. Results show significant correlations between the learning success and important factors of the users intention to use a virtual memory palace

    User-Defined Gestural Interaction: a Study on Gesture Memorization

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    8 pagesInternational audienceIn this paper we study the memorization of user created gestures for 3DUI. Wide public applications mostly use standardized gestures for interactions with simple contents. This work is motivated by two application cases for which a standardized approach is not possible and thus user specific or dedicated interfaces are needed. The first one is applications for people with limited sensory-motor abilities for whom generic interaction methods may not be adapted. The second one is creative arts applications, for which gesture freedom is part of the creative process. In this work, users are asked to create gestures for a set of tasks, in a specific phase, prior to using the system. We propose a user study to explore the question of gesture memorization. Gestures are recorded and recognized with a Hidden Markov Model. Results show that it seems difficult to recall more than two abstract gestures. Affordances strongly improve memorization whereas the use of colocalization has no significant effect

    Fidelity metrics for virtual environment simulations based on spatial memory awareness states

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    This paper describes a methodology based on human judgments of memory awareness states for assessing the simulation fidelity of a virtual environment (VE) in relation to its real scene counterpart. To demonstrate the distinction between task performance-based approaches and additional human evaluation of cognitive awareness states, a photorealistic VE was created. Resulting scenes displayed on a headmounted display (HMD) with or without head tracking and desktop monitor were then compared to the real-world task situation they represented, investigating spatial memory after exposure. Participants described how they completed their spatial recollections by selecting one of four choices of awareness states after retrieval in an initial test and a retention test a week after exposure to the environment. These reflected the level of visual mental imagery involved during retrieval, the familiarity of the recollection and also included guesses, even if informed. Experimental results revealed variations in the distribution of participants’ awareness states across conditions while, in certain cases, task performance failed to reveal any. Experimental conditions that incorporated head tracking were not associated with visually induced recollections. Generally, simulation of task performance does not necessarily lead to simulation of the awareness states involved when completing a memory task. The general premise of this research focuses on how tasks are achieved, rather than only on what is achieved. The extent to which judgments of human memory recall, memory awareness states, and presence in the physical and VE are similar provides a fidelity metric of the simulation in question
