944 research outputs found

    Assessing the potential for immediate technical options for an optimized renewable energy supply – a case study for Germany

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    Zusammenfassung Um die ehrgeizigen politischen Ziele zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen im Stromsektor zu erreichen, stimmen alle relevanten Energieszenarien überein, dass Deutschland kurz- bis mittelfristig bis 2035 seine Kapazitäten zur Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien massiv ausbauen muss. Deutschland ist dabei wie viele andere Länder auch stark von fluktuierenden erneuerbaren Energiequellen (fEE) abhängig, insbesondere von der Wind- und Solarenergie. Die Spezifika der Stromerzeugung von fEE stellen neue und besondere Herausforderungen an ein zuverlässiges Stromversorgungssystem der Zukunft. Entsprechend hat die Erforschung der technischen Optionen bei der Integration großer Anteile von fEE in das Stromnetz in den letzten Jahren stark an Interesse gewonnen. Allerdings scheinen Energieszenarien die mit der schnellen technologischen Entwicklung einhergehenden Integrationsoptionen bisher nicht korrekt abzubilden. In der vorliegenden kumulativen Dissertation wurden ausgewählte technische Optionen für die Integration erneuerbarer Energiequellen in das Stromnetz im Rahmen einer Fallstudie für Deutschland sowie ausgewählter Übertragungsnetze in Deutschland untersucht. Zur Identifizierung und Bewertung der Integrationsmöglichkeiten, widmete sich die Arbeit den vielversprechendsten technischen Integrationsoptionen in Form von i.) systemfreundliche Auslegung von Wind- und Solaranalgen; ii.) optimale Kapazitätsanteile von Wind- und Solaranlagen, iii.) der räumlichen Allokation und Bewertung von Windenergieanlagen in herkömmlicher als auch systemfreundlicher Auslegung; iv.) und dem Beitrag welchen die flexible Stromerzeugung aus Bioenergie als Ergänzung zu steigenden Anteilen an fEE erbringen kann. Es wurde ein Methodenmix zur Beantwortung dieser Forschungsfragen genutzt, der von der numerischen Optimierung auf Basis von Zeitreihendaten über die räumliche Potenzialkartierung und Allokation bis hin zur multikriteriellen Entscheidungsanalyse reicht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen wie der Übergang zu einem von hohen Anteilen an vRES gekennzeichneten Stromversorgungssystem erleichtert werden kann. Darunter Möglichkeiten zur Beschleunigung des Umstiegs auf erneuerbare Energien mit deutlich reduzierten Erzeugungskapazitäten von Wind- und Solaranlagen, weniger negative Residuallasten und negativer residualer Energie, verbesserte Sektorenkopplung und die Potenziale der flexiblen Stromerzeugung aus Bioenergie als Ergänzung zu fEE.:Table of Contents Abstract Zusammenfassung Acknowledgements List of Publications List of Acronyms Table of Contents I. Introductory chapters 1. Introduction 1.1. Background 1.2. vRES in energy scenarios 1.3. Technical developments and options for the integration of vRES 2. Research questions 3. Methods applied in this PhD thesis 4. Discussion and conclusion 4.1. Summary of the main findings 4.2. Transferability of results and methods 4.3. Relevance and outreach 5. Appendix 6. Literature 7. Appended publications and the individual contribution to the publications 8. Curriculum Vitae (deleted) 9. SelbstständigkeitserklärungAbstract: For Germany to achieve its ambitious political targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector, major energy scenarios and reports project that the country will have to expand its renewable power generation capacities massively by 2035. As is the case for many countries, Germany will have to heavily rely on variable renewable energy sources (vRES), especially wind and solar photovoltaics. The characteristics of power production from vRES pose challenges for a stable and reliable future power supply system. Accordingly, the research into the technical challenges of integrating large shares of vRES into the power system has therefore attracted much interest in recent years; however, major energy scenarios seem to not cover integration options associated with the fast development of vRES correctly and lag behind the fast development in renewable energy technology. In this cumulative thesis, selected technical options for the integration of renewable energy sources into the power supply system have been investigated in a case study of Germany and a selected transmission system in Germany. To identify and assess these emerging integration options, the research in this PhD thesis covers the most promising technical options for the integration of vRES in the form of i) system-friendly layouts of wind and solar PV; ii) optimal capacity mixes of vRES; iii) the spatial allocation of wind turbines and the impact assessment of wind turbine allocation; and iv) the contribution of flexible power generation from biomass to complement vRES. Therefore, a mix of methods has been applied, ranging from numerical optimization based on time series data, GIS potential mapping and allocation including a multi-criterial decision analysis. The results show how the investigated options can facilitate the transition for a power supply system dominated by high shares of vRES in the near to medium term. A faster energy transition with significantly reduced overall vRES power generation capacities, less Excess Energy (EE) generation, improved cross-sectorial energy provision and flexible bioenergy as a complement to vRES are the major findings of the investigated options in this thesis.:Table of Contents Abstract Zusammenfassung Acknowledgements List of Publications List of Acronyms Table of Contents I. Introductory chapters 1. Introduction 1.1. Background 1.2. vRES in energy scenarios 1.3. Technical developments and options for the integration of vRES 2. Research questions 3. Methods applied in this PhD thesis 4. Discussion and conclusion 4.1. Summary of the main findings 4.2. Transferability of results and methods 4.3. Relevance and outreach 5. Appendix 6. Literature 7. Appended publications and the individual contribution to the publications 8. Curriculum Vitae (deleted) 9. Selbstständigkeitserklärun

    Assessing the Disruptiveness of New Energy Technologies - An Ex-Ante Perspective

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    For those organizations that experience disruption, they usually understand the situation when it is already too late. The real challenge to any theory, especially if it is of high relevance for managers, is how it performs predictively. Can the theory of disruptive technologies be used not only to analyze cases ex post but to predict the potential disruptive technologies ex ante? Established companies are skeptical of the idea of disruptiveness, because of the difficulty of making predictions given the ex post nature of the theory. In this regard the goal of this report is to provide a general measure of disruptiveness and develop a framework that can assess technologies whether they have the potential to be proven disruptive. The developed assessment framework captures the essential characteristic and holistic success factors for disruptive technologies based on the theory of Christensen and a number of clarifications as seen in the literature. The framework is applied and validated by assessing the disruptive potential of five renewable energy technologies (wind energy, solar energy, biomass, hydro power, geothermal) in the power generation, heating and transportation sectors of four European countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Germany and Romania). The results show the applicability of the framework and give insights into technology and country specific determinants of energy market sector disruptions. (authors' abstract)Series: Working Papers / Institute for Strategic Management / Energy & Strategy Think Tan

    Positioning Positive Energy Districts in European Cities

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    There are many concepts for buildings with integrated renewable energy systems that have received increased attention during the last few years. However, these concepts only strive to streamline building-level renewable energy solutions. In order to improve the flexibility of decentralized energy generation, individual buildings and energy systems should be able to interact with each other. The positive energy district (PED) concept highlights the importance of active interaction between energy generation systems, energy consumers and energy storage within a district. This paper strives to inform the public, decision makers and fellow researchers about the aspects that should be accounted for when planning and implementing different types of PEDs in different regions throughout the European Union. The renewable energy environment varies between different EU regions, in terms of the available renewable energy sources, energy storage potential, population, energy consumption behaviour, costs and regulations, which affect the design and operation of PEDs, and hence, no PED is like the other. This paper provides clear definitions for different types of PEDs, a survey of the renewable energy market circumstances in the EU and a detailed analysis of factors that play an essential role in the PED planning process

    Renewable Energy

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    This chapter presents an in-depth examination of major renewable energy technologies, including their installed capacity and energy supply in 2009 , the current state of market and technology development, their economic and financial feasibility in 2009 and in the near future, as well as major issues they may face relative to their sustainability or implementation. Renewable energy sources have been important for humankind since the beginning of civilization. For centuries, biomass has been used for heating, cooking, steam generation, and power production; solar energy has been used for heating and drying; geothermal energy has been used for hot water supplies; hydropower, for movement; and wind energy, for pumping and irrigation. For many decades renewable energy sources have also been used to produce electricity or other modern energy carriers

    Wind Power Development: Opportunities and Challenges

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    In this study, the prospects of wind power at the global level are reviewed. Existing studies indicate that the earth’s wind energy supply potential significantly exceeds global energy demand. Yet, only 1% of the global electricity demand is currently derived from wind power despite 40% annual growth in wind generating capacity over the last 25 years. More than 98% of total current wind power capacity is installed in the developed countries plus China and India. Existing studies estimate that wind power could supply 7% to 34% of global electricity needs by 2050. Wind power faces a large number of technical, financial, institutional, market and other barriers. To overcome these, many countries have employed various policy instruments, including capital subsidies, tax incentives, tradable energy certificates, feed-in tariffs, grid access guarantees and mandatory standards. Besides these policies, climate change mitigation initiatives resulting from the Kyoto Protocol (e.g., CO2-emission reduction targets in developed, the Clean Development Mechanism in developing countries) have played a pivotal role in promoting wind power.wind energy, renewable energy, electricity grids

    Energy Planning in Selected European Regions - Methods for Evaluating the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources

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    Given their potentially positive impact on climate protection and the preservation of fossil resources, alternative energy sources have become increasingly important for the energy supply over the past years. However, the questions arises what economic and ecological impacts and potential conflicts over land use resources are associated with the promotion of renewable energy production. Using the examples of three selected European Regions in Poland, France and German, the dissertation discusses these questions and examines the potential and consequences of an intensified usage of renewable energy sources

    Energy Planning in Selected European Regions - Methods for Evaluating the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources

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    Alternative Energien gewinnen zunehmend an der Bedeutung aufgrund der positiven Beiträge zum Klima- und fossilen Ressourcenschutz. Es stellt sich jedoch auch die Frage, welche Wirkungen auf die ökonomischen und ökologischen Systeme der Regionen dies hat und welche Landnutzungskonflikte mit erneuerbarer Energiennutzung verbunden sind. Die Dissertation greift diese Fragestellungen auf und untersucht die Potenziale und Konsequenzen einer Intensivierung der regenerativen Energienutzung

    Impactos del cambio climático en la generación de energía renovable y en la demanda de electricidad

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, leída el 18-11-2019Climate change is atributed, among other factors, to greenhouse gas emissions produced by theenergy sector. At the same time, climate change is expected to affect this sector by changing the availability of resources, altering its enabling conditions and transforming demand patterns.This thesis addresses climate change impacts on renewable generation and electricity demand by providing an overview of the most relevant transformations projected in literature and by developing methodologies and quantitative analysis to as certain the specific infuence in three casestudies.The first chapter summarizes and analyzes the most relevant studies that project quantitative changes on renewable generation due to climate change. The second and third chapters focus on estimating climate change impacts in hydropower and wind generation in specific plants. Both provide physical and economic projections of expected changes, along with conclusions for the development of energy policies.The last chapter delves into how climate change may affect electricity demand due to projected increases in temperature in one region. The thesis ends with some concluding remarks and some insights for future research...El cambio climático se atribuye, entre otras variables, a las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero producidas por el sector energético. Al mismo tiempo, el cambio climático se espera que pueda afectar a este sector cambiando la disponibilidad de sus recursos, alterando sus condiciones habilitantes y transformando los patrones de la demanda.Esta tesis aborda los impactos del cambio climático en la generación renovable y en la demanda de electricidad, proporcionando una introducción a las transformaciones más relevantes proyectadas por la literatura y desarrollando metodologías y análisis cuantitativos que determinan el impacto específico en tres casos de estudio. El primer capítulo ofrece un resumen y análisis de los más relevantes estudios que proporcionan estimaciones cuantitativas de cambio en la generación renovable debido al cambio climático. El segundo y el tercer capítulo se centran en determinar los cambios esperados en la generación hidroeléctrica y eólica en plantas específicas. Ambos proporcionan proyecciones físicas y económicas de los cambios esperados, junto con conclusiones para el desarrollo de políticas energéticas.El último capítulo profundiza en cómo el cambio climático puede afectar a la demanda de electricidad de una región, debido a los cambios esperados en la temperatura. La tesis se cierra con algunas conclusiones y proporcionando pautas para la investigación futura...Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEunpu

    Australian Energy Resource Assessment

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    This national assessment of Australia's energy resources examines Australia's identified and potential energy resources ranging from fossil fuels and uranium to renewables. It reviews and assesses the factors likely to influence the use of Australia's energy resources to 2030 including the technologies being developed to extract energy more efficiently and cleanly from existing and new energy sources. Australia has an abundance and diversity of energy resources. Australia has more than one third of the world's known economic uranium resources, very large coal (black and brown) resources that underpin exports and low-cost domestic electricity production, and substantial conventional gas and coal seam gas resources. This globally significant resource base is capable of meeting both domestic and increased export demand for coal and gas, and uranium exports, over the next 20 years and beyond. There is good potential for further growth of the resource base through new discoveries. Identified resources of crude oil, condensate and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are more limited and Australia is increasingly reliant on imports for transport fuels
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