241 research outputs found

    Astrocyte networks and intercellular calcium propagation

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    International audienceAstrocytes organize in complex networks through connections by gap junction channels that are regulated by extra-and intracellular signals. Calcium signals generated in individual cells, can propagate across these networks in the form of intercellular calcium waves, mediated by diffusion of second messengers molecules such as inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. The mechanisms underpinning the large variety of spatiotemporal patterns of propagation of astrocytic calcium waves however remain a matter of investigation. In the last decade, awareness has grown on the morphological diversity of astrocytes as well as their connections in networks, which seem dependent on the brain area, developmental stage, and the ultra-structure of the associated neuropile. It is speculated that this diversity underpins an equal functional variety but the current experimental techniques are limited in supporting this hypothesis because they do not allow to resolve the exact connectivity of astrocyte networks in the brain. With this aim we present a general framework to model intercellular calcium wave propagation in astrocyte networks and use it to specifically investigate how different network topologies could influence shape, frequency and propagation of these waves

    Generating brain waves, the power of astrocytes

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    Synchronization of neuronal activity in the brain underlies the emergence of neuronal oscillations termed “brain waves”, which serve various physiological functions and correlate with different behavioral states. It has been postulated that at least ten distinct mechanisms are involved in the formulation of these brain waves, including variations in the concentration of extracellular neurotransmitters and ions, as well as changes in cellular excitability. In this mini review we highlight the contribution of astrocytes, a subtype of glia, in the formation and modulation of brain waves mainly due to their close association with synapses that allows their bidirectional interaction with neurons, and their syncytium-like activity via gap junctions that facilitate communication to distal brain regions through Ca2+ waves. These capabilities allow astrocytes to regulate neuronal excitability via glutamate uptake, gliotransmission and tight control of the extracellular K+ levels via a process termed K+ clearance. Spatio-temporal synchrony of activity across neuronal and astrocytic networks, both locally and distributed across cortical regions, underpins brain states and thereby behavioral states, and it is becoming apparent that astrocytes play an important role in the development and maintenance of neural activity underlying these complex behavioral states

    27th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2018): Part One

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    Astrocytes in modulating subcellular, cellular and intercellular molecular neuronal communication

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    Astrocytes are one of the most abundant cell types in our brain. They modulate the brain homeostasis and play a role in the synaptic signalling and thus the molecular propagation inside the brain. Moreover, they form communication networks that co-localise with the neuronal networks with comparable topological complexity. There is an increasing piece of evidence that astrocytes are important in plasticity and learning from the level of the single synapse to the entire network. Moreover, several diseases are molecular communications on different scales from the synaptic to network level.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Feed-forward and Feedback Control in Astrocytes for Ca2+-based Molecular Communications Nanonetworks

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    Synaptic plasticity depends on the gliotransmitters’ concentration in the synaptic channel. And, an abnormal concentration of gliotransmitters is linked to neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy. In this paper, a theoretical investigation of the cause of the abnormal concentration of gliotransmitters and how to achieve its control is presented through a Ca2+-signalling-based molecular communications framework. A feed-forward and feedback control technique is used to manipulate IP3 values to stabilise the concentration of Ca2+ inside the astrocytes. The theoretical analysis of the given model aims i) to stabilize the Ca2+ concentration around a particular desired level in order to prevent abnormal gliotransmitters’ concentration (extremely high or low concentration can result in neurodegeneration), ii) to improve the molecular communication performance that utilises Ca2+ signalling, and maintain gliotransmitters’ regulation remotely. It shows that the refractory periods from Ca2+ can be maintained to lower the noise propagation resulting in smaller time-slots for bit transmission, which can also improve the delay and gain performances. The proposed approach can potentially lead to novel nanomedicine solutions for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, where a combination of nanotechnology and gene therapy approaches can be used to elicit the regulated Ca2+ signalling in astrocytes, ultimately improving neuronal activity

    Modélisation des réponses calciques de réseaux d'astrocytes : Relations entre topologie et dynamiques

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    Over the last 20 years, astrocytes, a hitherto under-investigated type of brain cells, have gradually rose to prominence owing to multiple experimental discoveries. In contrast with neurons, these cells do not propagate electrical signals but communicate instead through changes in their intracellular calcium concentration. Recent discoveries indicate that, far from being isolated cells, astrocytes respond to neuronal activity and, although this is still controversial, seem to modulate synaptic transmission through the release of `gliotransmitter' molecules (in reference to neurotransmitters). Like neurons, astrocyte are organized in networks and communicate their calcium activity by intercellular diffusion of second messengers, forming intercellular calcium waves. Two networks, one of neurons and the other of astrocytes, thus coexist in the brain; while neuronal networks have been the subject of intense experimental and theoretical investigations, astrocyte networks have been much less investigated. Notably, it was only discovered recently that astrocyte network topology could be more complex than what the hitherto dominant view held (astrocytes organized in a syncytium deprived of any topological specificities). The work presented in this thesis is mainly related to the effect that different network topologies could have on astrocyte calcium signaling. The mechanisms that drive calcium signaling in astrocytes are, at both subcellular and intercellular levels, still not completely understood. Even in the best documented case of astrocyte somatic response to neuronal stimulation, the precise characteristic required from the stimulation to elicit an astrocytic response are still unknown. Similarly, the mechanisms governing intercellular calcium wave propagation in astrocyte networks are not fully known; notably, the effects of the recently documented network heterogeneity on calcium wave propagation have not been investigated. Finally, at the subcellular level, astrocytes display an extremely ramified and complex morphology that also hosts calcium activity. The work presented in this thesis make use of modeling and simulation in order to determine the possible effects of astrocyte network organization on their calcium signaling. We propose that astrocyte network topology: (1) controls single-cell responses to neuronal stimulation; (2) drives the propagation of intercellular calcium waves by favoring it when networks are weakly coupled; (3) can determine the appearance of stochastic resonance phenomena; (4) can be modulated by neuronal activity.Pendant les 20 dernières années, les astrocytes, un type de cellules cérébrales ayant été jusque là relativement ignoré des neuroscientifiques, ont peu à peu gagné en notoriété grâce à de multiples découvertes. Contrairement aux neurones, ces cellules ne transmettent pas de signaux électriques mais communiquent par des changements intracellulaires de leurs concentrations en calcium. Des découvertes récentes semblent indiquer que, loin d'agir en autarcie, les astrocytes répondent à l'activité neuronale et sembleraient, bien que cela soit plus débattu, moduler la transmission synaptique par le relargage de molécules spécifiques appelées `gliotransmetteurs' (en référence aux neurotransmetteurs). Comme les neurones, les astrocytes forment des réseaux et communiquent leur activité calcique par diffusion d'un astrocyte à l'autre, formant ainsi de véritables vagues de calcium intercellulaires. Deux réseaux, de neuronnes et d'astrocytes, cohabitent ainsi dans le cerveau ; mais, alors que les réseaux de neuronnes ont fait l'objet de recherches expérimentales et théoriques, les réseaux d'astrocytes restent encore mal connus. Ainsi, il n'a été découvert que très récement que la topologie de ces réseaux pourrait s'averer plus complexe que la vision qui dominait jusqu'alors : celle d'un syncitium astrocytaire dépourvu de spécificités topologiques. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent principalement sur l'effet que ces différentes topologies pourraient avoir sur la signalisation calcique astrocytaire. En effet, autant au niveau subcellulaire qu'inter-cellulaire, les mécanismes gouvernant l'activité calcique des astrocytes restent mals connus. Même dans le cas le plus documenté de la réponse somatique des astrocytes à une stimulation neuronale, les caractéristiques précises que la stimulation doit avoir pour évoquer une réponse des astrocytes sont inconnues. Il en est de même pour la transmission de vagues de calcium dans des réseaux d'astrocytes : on ignore encore les possibles effets de la complexité récemment documentée des réseaux d'astrocytes sur la propagation de ces vagues. Enfin, au niveau subcelulaire, les astrocytes possèdent une morphologie ramifiée extrèmement complexe qui possède elle-même une activité calcique. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse utilisent des outils de modélisation et de simulation afin de déterminer les répercussions que l'organisation en réseaux des astrocytes pourrait avoir sur leurs dynamiques calciques. En résumé, nous proposons que la topologie des réseaux d'astrocytes a (1) des répercussion au niveau cellulaire, modulant la réponse des astrocytes à des stimulations neuronales ; (2) contrôle la propagation de vagues de calcium inter-astrocytaire en la favorisant lorsque les réseau sont peu couplés ; (3) joue un rôle important dans l’apparition de phénomènes de résonance stochastique

    Analysis of network models with neuron-astrocyte interactions

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