19 research outputs found

    Sound and complete bidirectional typechecking for higher-rank polymorphism with existentials and indexed types

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    Bidirectional typechecking, in which terms either synthesize a type or are checked against a known type, has become popular for its applicability to a variety of type systems, its error reporting, and its ease of implementation. Following principles from proof theory, bidirectional typing can be applied to many type constructs. The principles underlying a bidirectional approach to indexed types (generalized algebraic datatypes) are less clear. Building on proof-theoretic treatments of equality, we give a declarative specification of typing based on focalization. This approach permits declarative rules for coverage of pattern matching, as well as support for first-class existential types using a focalized subtyping judgment. We use refinement types to avoid explicitly passing equality proofs in our term syntax, making our calculus similar to languages such as Haskell and OCaml. We also extend the declarative specification with an explicit rules for deducing when a type is principal, permitting us to give a complete declarative specification for a rich type system with significant type inference. We also give a set of algorithmic typing rules, and prove that it is sound and complete with respect to the declarative system. The proof requires a number of technical innovations, including proving soundness and completeness in a mutually recursive fashion.EPSRC grant EP/N02706X/

    Bidirectional Type Checking for Relational Properties

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    Relational type systems have been designed for several applications including information flow, differential privacy, and cost analysis. In order to achieve the best results, these systems often use relational refinements and relational effects to maximally exploit the similarity in the structure of the two programs being compared. Relational type systems are appealing for relational properties because they deliver simpler and more precise verification than what could be derived from typing the two programs separately. However, relational type systems do not yet achieve the practical appeal of their non-relational counterpart, in part because of the lack of a general foundations for implementing them. In this paper, we take a step in this direction by developing bidirectional relational type checking for systems with relational refinements and effects. Our approach achieves the benefits of bidirectional type checking, in a relational setting. In particular, it significantly reduces the need for typing annotations through the combination of type checking and type inference. In order to highlight the foundational nature of our approach, we develop bidirectional versions of several relational type systems which incrementally combine many different components needed for expressive relational analysis.Comment: 14 page

    Dependent Types for Class-based Mutable Objects

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    We present an imperative object-oriented language featuring a dependent type system designed to support class-based programming and inheritance. Programmers implement classes in the usual imperative style, and may take advantage of a richer dependent type system to express class invariants and restrictions on how objects are allowed to change and be used as arguments to methods. By way of example, we implement insertion and deletion for binary search trees in an imperative style, and come up with types that ensure the binary search tree invariant. This is the first dependently-typed language with mutable objects that we know of to bring classes and index refinements into play, enabling types (classes) to be refined by indices drawn from some constraint domain. We give a declarative type system that supports objects whose types may change, despite being sound. We also give an algorithmic type system that provides a precise account of quantifier instantiation in a bidirectional style, and from which it is straightforward to read off an implementation. Moreover, all the examples in the paper have been run, compiled and executed in a fully functional prototype that includes a plugin for the Eclipse IDE

    Adding dependent types to class-based mutable objects

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciência da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018In this thesis, we present an imperative object-oriented language featuring a dependent type system designed to support class-based programming and inheritance. The system brings classes and dependent types into play so as to enable types (classes) to be refined by value parameters (indices) drawn from some constraint domain. This combination allows statically checking interesting properties of imperative programs that are impossible to check in conventional static type systems for objects. From a pragmatic point of view, this work opens the possibility to combine the scalability and modularity of object orientation with the safety provided by dependent types in the form of index refinements. These may be used to provide additional guarantees about the fields of objects, and to prevent, for example, a method call that could leave an object in a state that would violate the class invariant. One key feature is that the programmer is not required to prove equations between indices issued by types, but instead the typechecker depends on external constraint solving. From a theoretic perspective, our fundamental contribution is to formulate a system that unifies the three very different features: dependent types, mutable objects and class-based inheritance with subtyping. Our approach includes universal and existential types, as well as union types. Subtyping is induced by inheritance and quantifier instantiation. Moreover, dependent types require the system to track type varying objects, a feature missing from standard type systems in which the type is constant throughout the object’s lifetime. To ensure that an object is used correctly, aliasing is handled via a linear type discipline that enforces unique references to type varying objects. The system is decidable, provided indices are drawn from some decidable theory, and proved sound via subject reduction and progress. We also formulate a typechecking algorithm that gives a precise account of quantifier instantiation in a bidirectional style, combining type synthesis with checking. We prove that our algorithm is sound and complete. By way of example, we implement insertion and deletion for binary search trees in an imperative style, and come up with types that ensure the binary search tree invariant. To attest the relevance of the language proposed, we provide a fully functional prototype where this and other examples can be typechecked, compiled and run. The prototype can be found at http://rss.di.fc.ul.pt/tools/dol/

    Focusing on Refinement Typing

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    We present a logically principled foundation for systematizing, in a way that works with any computational effect and evaluation order, SMT constraint generation seen in refinement type systems for functional programming languages. By carefully combining a focalized variant of call-by-push-value, bidirectional typing, and our novel technique of value-determined indexes, our system generates solvable SMT constraints without existential (unification) variables. We design a polarized subtyping relation allowing us to prove our logically focused typing algorithm is sound, complete, and decidable. We prove type soundness of our declarative system with respect to an elementary domain-theoretic denotational semantics. Type soundness implies, relatively simply, the total correctness and logical consistency of our system. The relative ease with which we obtain both algorithmic and semantic results ultimately stems from the proof-theoretic technique of focalization.Comment: 61 pages + appendix with proofs, Just Accepted version of paper (with new title) at ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and System

    Dependent Types In Haskell: Theory And Practice

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    Haskell, as implemented in the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC), has been adding new type-level programming features for some time. Many of these features---generalized algebraic datatypes (GADTs), type families, kind polymorphism, and promoted datatypes---have brought Haskell to the doorstep of dependent types. Many dependently typed programs can even currently be encoded, but often the constructions are painful. In this dissertation, I describe Dependent Haskell, which supports full dependent types via a backward-compatible extension to today\u27s Haskell. An important contribution of this work is an implementation, in GHC, of a portion of Dependent Haskell, with the rest to follow. The features I have implemented are already released, in GHC 8.0. This dissertation contains several practical examples of Dependent Haskell code, a full description of the differences between Dependent Haskell and today\u27s Haskell, a novel dependently typed lambda-calculus (called Pico) suitable for use as an intermediate language for compiling Dependent Haskell, and a type inference and elaboration algorithm, Bake, that translates Dependent Haskell to type-correct Pico. Full proofs of type safety of Pico and the soundness of Bake are included in the appendix

    Quantitative program reasoning with graded modal types

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    In programming, data is often considered to be infinitely copiable, arbitrarily discardable, and universally unconstrained. However this view is naive: some data encapsulates resources that are subject to protocols (e.g., file and device handles, channels); some data should not be arbitrarily copied or communicated (e.g., private data). Linear types provide a partial remedy by delineating data in two camps: "resources" to be used but never copied or discarded, and unconstrained values. However, this binary distinction is too coarse-grained. Instead, we propose the general notion of graded modal types, which in combination with linear and indexed types, provides an expressive type theory for enforcing fine-grained resource-like properties of data. We present a type system drawing together these aspects (linear, graded, and indexed) embodied in a fully-fledged functional language implementation, called Granule. We detail the type system, including its metatheoretic properties, and explore examples in the concrete language. This work advances the wider goal of expanding the reach of type systems to capture and verify a broader set of program properties

    Relational cost analysis

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    Programming languages research has made great progress towards statically estimating the execution cost of a program. However, when one is interested in how the execution costs of two programs compare to each other (i.e., relational cost analysis), the use of unary techniques does not work well in many cases. In order to support a relational cost analysis, we must ultimately support reasoning about not only the executions of a single program, but also the executions of two programs, taking into account their similarities. This dissertation makes several contributions to the understanding and development of such a relational cost analysis. It shows how: • Refinement types and effect systems can express functional and relational quantitative properties of pairs of programs, including the difference in execution costs. • Relational cost analysis can be adapted to reason about dynamic stability, a measure of the update times of incremental programs as their inputs change. • A sound and complete bidirectional type system can be developed (and implemented) for relational cost analysis.Die Programmiersprachen-Forschung hat große Fortschritte bei der statischen Einschätzung der Ausführungskosten von Programmen gemacht.Wenn man allerdings wissen möchte, wie die Ausführungskosten zweier Programme sich zueinander verhalten (relationale Kostenanalyse), funktionieren unäre Methoden in vielen Fällen nicht gut. Eine relationale Analyse muss insbesondere nicht nur die Ausführung eines einzelnen Programmes betrachten, sondern die Ausführung beider Programme, um Ähnlichkeiten berücksichtigen zu können. Diese Dissertation liefert mehrere Beiträge zum Verständnis und zur Entwicklung solcher relationalen Kostenanalysen. Sie zeigt: • Refinement-Typsysteme und Effekt-System können funktional und relational qualitative Eigenschaften von Programmpaaren ausdrücken, insbesondere die Differenz der Ausführungskosten. • Relationale Kostenanalyse kann angepasst werden, um dynamische Stabilität zu analysieren. Diese misst die Update-Zeit inkrementeller Programme, wenn deren Eingaben sich ändern. • Ein korrektes und vollständiges bidirektionales Typsystem für die relationale Kostenanalyse kann entwickelt und implementiert werden