55 research outputs found

    PhosopNet: An improved grain localization and classification by image augmentation

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    Rice is a staple food for around 3.5 billion people in eastern, southern and south-east Asia. Prior to being rice, the rice-grain (grain) is previously husked and/or milled by the milling machine. Relevantly, the grain quality depends on its pureness of particular grain specie (without the mixing between different grain species). For the demand of grain purity inspection by an image, many researchers have proposed the grain classification (sometimes with localization) methods based on convolutional neural network (CNN). However, those papers are necessary to have a large number of labeling that was too expensive to be manually collected. In this paper, the image augmentation (rotation, brightness adjustment and horizontal flipping) is appiled to generate more number of grain images from the less data. From the results, image augmentation improves the performance in CNN and bag-of-words model. For the future moving forward, the grain recognition can be easily done by less number of images

    Neural network in rice grading: How Malaysian rice can be graded?

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    Rice grading plays an important role in the determination of rice quality and its subsequent price in the market.It is an important process applied in the rice production industry with the purpose ensuring that the rice produced for the market meets the quality requirements of consumer. Two important aspects that need to be considered in determining rice grades; grading technique and factors to be used for grading (usually referred as rice attributes).This article proposes how Malaysian rice can be graded. Twenty one features are proposed to be used.Combination of extensive literature review and series of interview were used in determining the features. A Neural Network (NN) model is proposed to be used with the identified features.For evaluation purpose, expert review has been carried out.The proposed model is believed to be beneficial not only for BERNAS but also to other researchers in the same domain. BERNAS can use the NN model to facilitate their inspection for rice quality.The model can be used as guidance or reference for similar grading works

    Applications and Experiences of Quality Control

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    The rich palette of topics set out in this book provides a sufficiently broad overview of the developments in the field of quality control. By providing detailed information on various aspects of quality control, this book can serve as a basis for starting interdisciplinary cooperation, which has increasingly become an integral part of scientific and applied research

    Interferometric observations to analyze circumstellar environments and planetary formation

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    Protoplanetary disks have a rich structure, with different physics playing a role in different regions of the disk. They are under constant evolution, due to a combination of various physical and chemical processes, e.g., accretion, photo-evaporation, gas-dust interactions, grain growth, and the interaction with protoplanets. The dynamic ranges involved span orders of magnitudes on spatial scales, orbital times, temperatures, and dust- or gas-densities. The extreme dynamic ranges involved in the structure and composition of these objects mean that very different observational techniques have to be combined together to probe their various regions. This work makes use of new interferometric and spectroscopic measurements in the infrared, together with published mid-infrared images and spectral energy distribution fluxes from UV to mm-wavelength, to instruct a new comprehension of the well-known IRS48 object, and uncover part of the delicate balance of physical processes at stake. This PhD reports the first direct imaging of the full extents of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and very small grains ring in a young circumstellar disk, presents a revised model for the IRS48 object to explain the rich and complex dust- and gas-environment observed from near-infrared to centimeter wavelengths. Also, the spectral type of the spectroscopic binary MWC361 is determined. This will lead to a precise characterization of the stellar parameters of this binary, opening a new window on the studying of the disappearance of the circumsecondary disk of the binary, while the circumprimary disk is still present. The leitmotif throughout this thesis is the understanding of the last moments of circumstellar disks, and the search for the processes which dissipate them. This particular step of the disk-evolution is one the most mysterious to date, yet it sets critical constraints on the by-product of circumstellar disks, exoplanets

    Bildfolgenbasierte Gewinnung und Nutzung partikelindividueller Bewegungsinformation in der optischen Schüttgutsortierung

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    Die sensorgestützte Sortierung ermöglicht die Trennung einzelner Partikel aus einem Materialstrom. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Gattung eines Schüttgutsortiersystems mit Flächenkamera erforscht. Der Einsatz von Hochgeschwindigkeitskameras als Inspektionssensorik wirft aus Sicht der Informatik spannende Forschungsfragen hinsichtlich der Gewinnung und Nutzung weitergehender Merkmale, insbesondere von Bewegungsinformation über zu sortierende Materialien, auf

    Microscopy Conference 2017 (MC 2017) - Proceedings

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    Das Dokument enthält die Kurzfassungen der Beiträge aller Teilnehmer an der Mikroskopiekonferenz "MC 2017", die vom 21. bis 25.08.2017, in Lausanne stattfand

    Annual report / IFW, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden

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    Microscopy Conference 2017 (MC 2017) - Proceedings

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    Das Dokument enthält die Kurzfassungen der Beiträge aller Teilnehmer an der Mikroskopiekonferenz "MC 2017", die vom 21. bis 25.08.2017, in Lausanne stattfand