356 research outputs found

    Double Loop Interconnection Networks With Minimal Transmission Delay.

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    The interconnection network is a critical component in massively parallel architectures and in large communication networks. An important criterion in evaluating such networks is their transmission delay, which is determined to a large extent by the diameter of the underlying graph. The loop network is popular due to its simplicity, symmetry and expandability. By adding chords to the loop, the diameter and reliability are improved. In this work we deal with the problem of minimizing the diameter of double loop networks, which model various communication networks and also the Illiac type Mesh Connected Computer. A double loop network, (also known as circulant) G(n,h), consists of a loop of n vertices where each vertex i is also joined by chords to the vertices i ±\pm h mod n. D\sbsp{\rm n}{*}, the minimal diameter of G(n,h), is bounded below by k if n \in R(k) = {\{2k\sp2 - 2k + 2,...,2k\sp2 + 2k + 1}\}. An integer n, a hop h and a network G(n,h) are called optimal (suboptimal) if Diam G(n,h) = D\sbsp{\rm n}{*} = k (k + 1). We determine new infinite families of optimal values of n, which considerably improve previously known results. These families are of several different types and cover more than 94% of all values of n up to \sim8,000,000. We conjecture that all values of n are either optimal or suboptimal. Our analysis leads to the construction of an algorithm that detects optimal and suboptimal values of n. When run on a SUN workstation, it confirmed our conjecture within \sim60 minutes, for all values of n up to \sim8,000,000. Optimal (suboptimal) hops, corresponding to optimal (suboptimal) values of n, are provided by a simple construction

    Algebraic and Computer-based Methods in the Undirected Degree/diameter Problem - a Brief Survey

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    This paper discusses the most popular algebraic techniques and computational methods that have been used to construct large graphs with given degree and diameter

    Efficient Algorithms for Graph Optimization Problems

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    A doktori értekezés hatékony algoritmusokat mutat be gráfokon értelmezett nehéz kombinatorikus optimalizálási feladatok megoldására. A kutatás legfontosabb eredményét különböző megoldási módszerekhez kidolgozott javítások jelentik, amelyek magukban foglalnak új heurisztikákat, valamint gráfok és fák speciális reprezentációit is. Az elvégzett elemzések igazolták, hogy a szerző által adott leghatékonyabb algoritmusok az esetek többségében gyorsabbak, illetve jobb eredményeket adnak, mint más elérhető implementációk. A dolgozat első fele hét különböző algoritmust és számos hasznos javítást mutat be a minimális költségű folyam feladatra, amely a legtöbbet vizsgált és alkalmazott gráfoptimalizálási problémák egyike. Az implementációinkat egy átfogó tapasztalati elemzés keretében összehasonlítottuk nyolc másik megoldóprogrammal, köztük a leggyakrabban használt és legelismertebb implementációkkal. A hálózati szimplex algoritmusunk lényegesen hatékonyabbnak és robusztusabbnak bizonyult, mint a módszer más implementációi, továbbá a legtöbb tesztadaton ez az algoritmus a leggyorsabb. A bemutatott költségskálázó algoritmus szintén rendkívül hatékony; nagy méretű ritka gráfokon felülmúlja a hálózati szimplex implementációkat. Az értekezésben tárgyalt másik optimalizálási feladat a legnagyobb közös részgráf probléma. Ezt a feladatot kémiai alkalmazások szempontjából vizsgáltuk. Hatékony heurisztikákat dolgoztunk ki, amelyek jelentősen javítják két megoldási módszer pontosságát és sebességét, valamint kémiailag relevánsabb módon rendelik egymáshoz molekulagráfok atomjait és kötéseit. Az algoritmusainkat összehasonlítottuk két ismert megoldóprogrammal, amelyeknél lényegesen jobb eredményeket sikerült elérnünk. A kifejlesztett implementációk bekerültek a ChemAxon Kft. több szoftvertermékébe, melyek vezető nemzetközi gyógyszercégek használatában állnak. Ezen kívül az értekezés röviden bemutatja a LEMON nevű nyílt forrású C++ gráfoptimalizációs programkönyvtárat, amely magában foglalja a minimális költségű folyam feladatra adott algoritmusokat. Ezek az implementációk nagy mértékben hozzájárultak a programcsomag népszerűségének növekedéséhez

    Formal methods for resilient control

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    Many systems operate in uncertain, possibly adversarial environments, and their successful operation is contingent upon satisfying specific requirements, optimal performance, and ability to recover from unexpected situations. Examples are prevalent in many engineering disciplines such as transportation, robotics, energy, and biological systems. This thesis studies designing correct, resilient, and optimal controllers for discrete-time complex systems from elaborate, possibly vague, specifications. The first part of the contributions of this thesis is a framework for optimal control of non-deterministic hybrid systems from specifications described by signal temporal logic (STL), which can express a broad spectrum of interesting properties. The method is optimization-based and has several advantages over the existing techniques. When satisfying the specification is impossible, the degree of violation - characterized by STL quantitative semantics - is minimized. The computational limitations are discussed. The focus of second part is on specific types of systems and specifications for which controllers are synthesized efficiently. A class of monotone systems is introduced for which formal synthesis is scalable and almost complete. It is shown that hybrid macroscopic traffic models fall into this class. Novel techniques in modular verification and synthesis are employed for distributed optimal control, and their usefulness is shown for large-scale traffic management. Apart from monotone systems, a method is introduced for robust constrained control of networked linear systems with communication constraints. Case studies on longitudinal control of vehicular platoons are presented. The third part is about learning-based control with formal guarantees. Two approaches are studied. First, a formal perspective on adaptive control is provided in which the model is represented by a parametric transition system, and the specification is captured by an automaton. A correct-by-construction framework is developed such that the controller infers the actual parameters and plans accordingly for all possible future transitions and inferences. The second approach is based on hybrid model identification using input-output data. By assuming some limited knowledge of the range of system behaviors, theoretical performance guarantees are provided on implementing the controller designed for the identified model on the original unknown system

    Analysis and Control of the Linear Threshold Model of Cascades in Large-Scale Networks. A Local Mean-Field Approach.

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    The spread of new ideas, behaviors and technology may exhibit cascading effects in social, economic and technological networks. These phenomena generally depend on the topology of the network as well as the nature of the local agents' dynamics. In this thesis we consider the Linear Threshold Model, deployed on random graphs. The model describes a binary activation process in a network of agents. At every iteration, each agent compares the number of active neighbors with a personal activation threshold, which determines the subsequent active or inactive state of the agent. The threshold condition can also be interpreted as a graphical game with coordination structure. In representing processes of technology adoption, it is more suitable a Permanent Activation variant of the Linear Threshold Model where active agents can never deactivate. We proved a sufficient condition under which the two version of the model coincide. We analyzed the linear threshold model on a large random network, specifically the directed configuration model with heterogeneous agents. The tree-like local structure of the random networks allows to approximate the evolution of the expected fractional activation with a recursive equation. This equation, called Local Mean-Field dynamic, describes the evolution of the expected activation on an infinite tree with the same statistical properties of the original network. We proved a concentration theorem: for a generic instance of the network, the probability that the activation process and the Local Mean Field dynamic are close converges to one exponentially fast in the network size. If the activation thresholds are constant, the analysis reduces to the study of the fixed point of a scalar autonomous system and the corresponding trajectories. This analysis gives the asymptotic extension of the activation: we observed that in networks with sufficiently heterogeneous thresholds selective activation may occur. With constant thresholds the approach can be extended to study the Permanent Activation dynamic. Remarkably, the Local Mean Field dynamic equation and the concentration theorem continue to hold when the thresholds are dynamically adjusted, making the approach amendable to the design of control strategies. We formulated an optimal control problem and we considered a simplified version on a regular network. We compared the optimal solution with two sub-optimal strategies, developed with the aim to identify an heuristics for the problem's solution. Several aspects of the research discussed in the this Dissertation can be further investigated and generalized. To mention one, the comparison of the analysis presented here with other network topologies and possibly real network data

    Advancing Urban Mobility with Algorithm Engineering

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    Implementing Bayesian Inference with Neural Networks

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    Embodied agents, be they animals or robots, acquire information about the world through their senses. Embodied agents, however, do not simply lose this information once it passes by, but rather process and store it for future use. The most general theory of how an agent can combine stored knowledge with new observations is Bayesian inference. In this dissertation I present a theory of how embodied agents can learn to implement Bayesian inference with neural networks. By neural network I mean both artificial and biological neural networks, and in my dissertation I address both kinds. On one hand, I develop theory for implementing Bayesian inference in deep generative models, and I show how to train multilayer perceptrons to compute approximate predictions for Bayesian filtering. On the other hand, I show that several models in computational neuroscience are special cases of the general theory that I develop in this dissertation, and I use this theory to model and explain several phenomena in neuroscience. The key contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as follows: - I develop a class of graphical model called nth-order harmoniums. An nth-order harmonium is an n-tuple of random variables, where the conditional distribution of each variable given all the others is always an element of the same exponential family. I show that harmoniums have a recursive structure which allows them to be analyzed at coarser and finer levels of detail. - I define a class of harmoniums called rectified harmoniums, which are constrained to have priors which are conjugate to their posteriors. As a consequence of this, rectified harmoniums afford efficient sampling and learning. - I develop deep harmoniums, which are harmoniums which can be represented by hierarchical, undirected graphs. I develop the theory of rectification for deep harmoniums, and develop a novel algorithm for training deep generative models. - I show how to implement a variety of optimal and near-optimal Bayes filters by combining the solution to Bayes' rule provided by rectified harmoniums, with predictions computed by a recurrent neural network. I then show how to train a neural network to implement Bayesian filtering when the transition and emission distributions are unknown. - I show how some well-established models of neural activity are special cases of the theory I present in this dissertation, and how these models can be generalized with the theory of rectification. - I show how the theory that I present can model several neural phenomena including proprioception and gain-field modulation of tuning curves. - I introduce a library for the programming language Haskell, within which I have implemented all the simulations presented in this dissertation. This library uses concepts from Riemannian geometry to provide a rigorous and efficient environment for implementing complex numerical simulations. I also use the results presented in this dissertation to argue for the fundamental role of neural computation in embodied cognition. I argue, in other words, that before we will be able to build truly intelligent robots, we will need to truly understand biological brains