698 research outputs found

    Advancing automation and robotics technology for the Space Station and for the US economy. Volume 1: Executive overview

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    In response to Public Law 98-371, dated July 18, 1984, the NASA Advanced Technology Advisory Committee has studied automation and robotics for use in the Space Station. The Executive Overview, Volume 1 presents the major findings of the study and recommends to NASA principles for advancing automation and robotics technologies for the benefit of the Space Station and of the U.S. economy in general. As a result of its study, the Advanced Technology Advisory Committee believes that a key element of technology for the Space Station is extensive use of advanced general-purpose automation and robotics. These systems could provide the United States with important new methods of generating and exploiting space knowledge in commercial enterprises and thereby help preserve U.S. leadership in space

    Strategic approach to psychotherapeutic intervention with male institutionalized white adolescents to control absconding

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    Bibliography: pages 92-98.Using a systems theoretical orientation the objective of this study was to implement a strategic approach for psychotherapeutic intervention with six male institutionalized white adolescents at a local custodial school. It was hypothesized that a strategic approach would control absconding for the duration of the investigation. Surveys of the literature were undertaken to provide the background to psychotherapeutic intervention with adolescents in custodial institutions, strategic psychotherapy and absconding. Absconding was selected as the condition for evaluating the interventions because it was an unambiguous indicator of school-based recidivism, viz., the adolescent was either on the property or he was not. The study was structured as a design-and-demonstrate investigation. Audiotape recordings were made during the sessions. Transcriptions of characteristic procedures and sequences of the strategic approach to psychotherapeutic intervention were presented, inter alia, paradoxes, reframing, metaphors, rituals, the declaration of therapeutic impotence. Evaluation of the interventions was based on follow-up interviews with the subjects and a qualitative analysis of risk of absconding aver the course of the intervention process. At the end of the investigation there was some evidence which suggested that five out of the six subjects were not as committed to absconding as they had claimed to be at the beginning of the study. The design of the study did not allow for the conclusion that the strategic approach for controlling absconding was of greater merit than any other form of intervention or no intervention at all. It was noted, however, that twelve of the eighteen potential subjects for the study indicated that they would abscond as soon as the opportunity arose. Therefore it was recommended that the issue of absconding be given priority in therapy on the admission of each new pupil. Given a strategic approach to addressing the issue of absconding in therapy, attention was drawn to a major aim of this type of intervention, viz., to generate a sense of personal autonomy. Hence a further recommendation was that once a pupil had made a commitment not to abscond, his sense of autonomy would need to be supported by an expeditious transfer to one of the more open hostels

    Examining the appropriateness of nonverbal measures of intelligence with deaf and hard-of-hearing children: a critical review of the literature

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    There are a variety of assessment instruments available today that are widely used to assess the intellectual abilities of children. Specific considerations should be made when using these instruments to assess the deaf and hard-of-hearing population. This critical review of the literature begins with a brief overview of the D-HH population, a general history of intellectual assessment, and assessment considerations that are specific to the D-HH population. Information obtained from available literature regarding the internal consistency of six assessment instruments is presented. The instruments reviewed include the UNIT, the Leiter-R, the WISC-IV, the SB5, the CTONI, and the CAS. The results indicated that all of the measures examined show sufficient reliability and validity when applied to the general population. However, Braden (2005) has suggested that a measurement instrument is appropriate for a particular group when similar reliability and validity values are found for that group as for the general population. Of the measures examined, CTONI reported internal consistency studies with a subgroup of D-HH children in the manual. Additional independent research on the internal consistency of the UNIT and the WISC-IV is available. The literature review suggests that there are several factors that can influence test results when working with the D-HH population that have not been examined through independent research to date. Areas of interest for future research are presented

    Where design meets construction: a review of bending active structures

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    Considerable gaps and discontinuities can arise between the design and the construction of bending active structures. Computational techniques are increasingly widespread in the conceptual design stage with a high degree of precision; even though, they are less commonly used in the manufacturing and construction process, where they exhibit higher inaccuracies. This discrepancy can either introduce redundant structural elements or develop highly demanding construction methods. This paper presents a literature review over a selection of recently built bending active structures, focusing on how information flows from conceptual design to manufacturing, construction and operational life. Selected projects, organized in a multi-criteria matrix, are analyzed according to their generative approach, structural efficiency, manufacturing processes, installation kits and construction methods. The critical analysis of case studies is intended to investigate how construction is influenced by fabrication techniques, focusing on the role of advanced design and manufacturing, as well as the artisanal workforce. The work presented offers the opportunity to explore how and when creativity and innovation are generated in the information flow between the different actors (i.e. architects, engineers, manufacturers, builders) involved in the project development of bending active structures. It also inspires speculations upon potential applications of flexible construction responding to multiple uses over time

    Design and implementation of a remotely operated vehicle for marine exploration and archaeological research

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    Aquest projecte aporta el disseny i la construcció d’un vehicle de tipus submarí per tal de rastrejar o visualitzar el fons marí amb fins arqueològics, d´inspecció i de presa de dades en zones marines sensibles. el rov (vehicle operat remotament) està pensat per ser dotat amb un sistema electrònic a bord per tal d’aconseguir tals funcions. el projecte ha estat desenvolupat amb criteris de disseny naval per tal d’assolir l’acompliment dels propòsits a sota l’aigua, garantint la integritat del vehicle i dels sensors instal·lats. el document conté els plànols generats de forma clara i concisa. a més a més, s’ha creat una web amb una base de dades, constituïda per diferents ordinadors, que connectats entre sí poden comunicar-se, i a través de la presa de dades amb els diferents dispositius electrònics generen aquesta base de dades. també s’ha aconseguit fer funcionar els diferents propulsors amb un comandament de playstation. aquest control, mitjançant la interfície gràfica, també creada explícitament per aquest projecte, permet visualitzar en pantalla les diferents tasques que realitza el dispositiu. aquest projecte persegueix el format d’accés obert, significant això que tots els dibuixos i la informació necessària i desenvolupada en aquest projecte són accessibles per tal d’aconseguir el producte que es presenta a continuació. els arxius necessaris i tot el codi desenvolupat es troben tant en aquest mateix document com al següent enllaç: https://github.com/crodriguezconde/finaldegreeprojec

    Hybrid System of Distributed Automation

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    One of the most important tendencies in the development of the industrial automation is the application of intelligent control systems within factories, which focuses heavily on networked architectures. Following this line of thinking, the goal of this dissertation resumes itself in the implementation of a distributed system that controls two physical processes, where the system components not only trade information between each other, but also have that same information be accessible remotely and within HMI equipment. The controllers were conceptualized to offer different functional modes with high customization available. This system also takes resource of an OPC server, so it allows, not only the communication between different manufacturer PLC controllers but also the connection with remotes clients The implemented remote clients hold the intent of demonstrating the versatility of this architecture and are, namely, an operational historian that registers information and a data viewer, which allows the use of more advanced methods of monitoring

    Developing a Methodology for Investigating the Design of Award Winning Industrial Architecture

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    This paper reports on research currently being conducted to investigate the methodological structure of the design of industrial buildings. A comparative analysis of a selection of exemplary industrial buildings is being used to investigate the relationship between the design process and the quality of the design proposal as realised. The evaluation of any realised design remains as tangible evidence of the success or otherwise of the design process that generated it. Therefore, to develop a conceptual framework linking design methods and building quality should contribute to a greater understanding of how the designer's interpretation of a design problem influences the structure of the design process. The effectiveness of the design process in producingindustrial buildings of high quality can also be evaluated
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