19 research outputs found

    Solving the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem on GPU

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    A parallel genetic algorithm (GA) implemented on GPU clusters is proposed to solve the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median problem. The GA uses binary and integer encoding and genetic operators adapted to this problem. Our GA is improved by generated initial solution with hubs located at middle nodes. The obtained experimental results are compared with the best known solutions on all benchmarks on instances up to 1000 nodes. Furthermore, we solve our own randomly generated instances up to 6000 nodes. Our approach outperforms most well-known heuristics in terms of solution quality and time execution and it allows hitherto unsolved problems to be solved

    An artificial immune system algorithm for solving the uncapacitated single allocation p-Hub median problem

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    The present paper deals with a variant of hub location problems (HLP): the uncapacitated single allocation p-Hub median problem (USApHMP). This problem consists to jointly locate hub facilities and to allocate demand nodes to these selected facilities. The objective function is to minimize the routing of demands between any origin and destination pair of nodes. This problem is known to be NP-hard. Based on the artificial immune systems (AIS) framework, this paper develops a new approach to efficiently solve the USApHMP. The proposed approach is in the form of a clonal selection algorithm (CSA) that uses appropriate encoding schemes of solutions and maintains their feasibility. Comprehensive experiments and comparison of the proposed approach with other existing heuristics are conducted on benchmark from civil aeronautics board, Australian post, PlanetLab and Urand data sets. The results obtained allow to demonstrate the validity and the effectiveness of our approach. In terms of solution quality, the results obtained outperform the best-known solutions in the literature

    A metaheuristic and simheuristic approach for the p-Hub median problem from a telecommunication perspective

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Avanços recentes no setor das telecomunicações oferecem grandes oportunidades para cidadãos e organizações em um mundo globalmente conectado, ao mesmo tempo em que surge um vasto número de desafios complexos que os engenheiros devem enfrentar. Alguns desses desafios podem ser modelados como problemas de otimização. Alguns exemplos incluem o problema de alocação de recursos em redes de comunicações, desenho de topologias de rede que satisfaça determinadas propriedades associadas a requisitos de qualidade de serviço, sobreposição de redes multicast e outros recursos importantes para comunicação de origem a destino. O primeiro objetivo desta tese é fornecer uma revisão sobre como as metaheurísticas têm sido usadas até agora para lidar com os problemas de otimização associados aos sistemas de telecomunicações, detectando as principais tendências e desafios. Particularmente, a análise enfoca os problemas de desenho, roteamento e alocação de recursos. Além disso, devido á natureza desses desafios, o presente trabalho discute como a hibridização de metaheurísticas com metodologias como simulação pode ser empregada para ampliar as capacidades das metaheurísticas na resolução de problemas de otimização estocásticos na indústria de telecomunicações. Logo, é analisado um problema de otimização com aplicações práticas para redes de telecomunica ções: o problema das p medianas não capacitado em que um número fixo de hubs tem capacidade ilimitada, cada nó não-hub é alocado para um único hub e o número de hubs é conhecido de antemão, sendo analisado em cenários determinísticos e estocásticos. Dada a sua variedade e importância prática, o problema das p medianas vem sendo aplicado e estudado em vários contextos. Seguidamente, propõem-se dois algoritmos imune-inspirados e uma metaheurística de dois estágios, que se baseia na combinação de técnicas tendenciosas e aleatórias com uma estrutura de busca local iterada, além de sua integração com a técnica de simulação de Monte Carlo para resolver o problema das p medianas. Para demonstrar a eficiência dos algoritmos, uma série de testes computacionais é realizada, utilizando instâncias de grande porte da literatura. Estes resultados contribuem para uma compreensão mais profunda da eficácia das metaheurísticas empregadas para resolver o problema das p medianas em redes pequenas e grandes. Por último, uma aplicaçã o ilustrativa do problema das p medianas é apresentada, bem como alguns insights sobre novas possibilidades para ele, estendendo a metodologia proposta para ambientes da vida real.Recent advances in the telecommunication industry o er great opportunities to citizens and organizations in a globally-connected world, but they also arise a vast number of complex challenges that decision makers must face. Some of these challenges can be modeled as optimization problems. Examples include the framework of network utility maximization for resource allocation in communication networks, nding a network topology that satis es certain properties associated with quality of service requirements, overlay multicast networks, and other important features for source to destination communication. First, this thesis provides a review on how metaheuristics have been used so far to deal with optimization problems associated with telecommunication systems, detecting the main trends and challenges. Particularly the analysis focuses on the network design, routing, and allocation problems. In addition, due to the nature of these challenges, this work discusses how the hybridization of metaheuristics with methodologies such as simulation can be employed to extend the capabilities of metaheuristics when solving stochastic optimization problems. Then, a popular optimization problem with practical applications to the design of telecommunication networks: the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem (USApHMP) where a xed number of hubs have unlimited capacity, each non-hub node is allocated to a single hub and the number of hubs is known in advance is analyzed in deterministic and stochastic scenarios. p-hub median problems are concerned with optimality of telecommunication and transshipment networks, and seek to minimize the cost of transportation or establishing. Next, two immune inspired metaheuristics are proposed to solve the USApHMP, besides that, a two-stage metaheuristic which relies on the combination of biased-randomized techniques with an iterated local search framework and its integration with simulation Monte Carlo technique for solving the same problem is proposed. In order to show their e ciency, a series of computational tests are carried out using small and large size instances from the literature. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of the e ectiveness of the employed metaheuristics for solving the USApHMP in small and large networks. Finally, an illustrative application of the USApHMP is presented as well as some insights about some new possibilities for it, extending the proposed methodology to real-life environments.Els últims avenços en la industria de les telecomunicacions ofereixen grans oportunitats per ciutadans i organitzacions en un món globalment connectat, però a la vegada, presenten reptes als que s'enfronten tècnics i enginyers que prenen decisions. Alguns d'aquests reptes es poden modelitzar com problemes d'optimització. Exemples inclouen l'assignació de recursos a les xarxes de comunicació, trobant una topologia de xarxa que satisfà certes propietats associades a requisits de qualitat de servei, xarxes multicast superposades i altres funcions importants per a la comunicació origen a destinació. El primer objectiu d'aquest treball és proporcionar un revisió de la literatura sobre com s'han utilitzat aquestes tècniques, tradicionalment, per tractar els problemes d'optimització associats a sistemes de telecomunicació, detectant les principals tendències i desa aments. Particularment, l'estudi es centra en els problemes de disseny de xarxes, enrutament i problemes d'assignació de recursos. Degut a la naturalesa d'aquests problemes, aquest treball també analitza com es poden combinar les tècniques metaheurístiques amb metodologies de simulació per ampliar les capacitats de resoldre problemes d'optimització estocàstics. A més, es tracta un popular problema d'optimització amb aplicacions pràctiques per xarxes de telecomunicació, el problema de la p mediana no capacitat, analitzant-lo des d'escenaris deterministes i estocàstics. Aquest problema consisteix en determinar el nombre d'instal lacions (medianes) en una xarxa, minimitzant la suma de tots els costs o distàncies des d'un punt de demanda a la instal lació més propera. En general, el problema de la p mediana està lligat amb l'optimització de xarxes de telecomunicacions i de transport, i busquen minimitzar el cost de transport o establiment de la xarxa. Es proposa dos algoritmes immunològics i un algoritme metaheurístic de dues etapes basat en la combinació de tècniques aleatòries amb simulacions Monte Carlo. L'e ciència de les algoritmes es posa a prova mitjançant alguns dels test computacionals més utilitzats a la literatura, obtenint uns resultats molt satisfactoris, ja que es capaç de resoldre casos petits i grans en qüestió de segons i amb un baix cost computacional. Finalment, es presenta una aplicació il lustrativa del problema de la p mediana, així com algunes noves idees sobre aquest, que estenen la metodologia proposta a problemes de la vida real

    On the role of metaheuristic optimization in bioinformatics

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    Metaheuristic algorithms are employed to solve complex and large-scale optimization problems in many different fields, from transportation and smart cities to finance. This paper discusses how metaheuristic algorithms are being applied to solve different optimization problems in the area of bioinformatics. While the text provides references to many optimization problems in the area, it focuses on those that have attracted more interest from the optimization community. Among the problems analyzed, the paper discusses in more detail the molecular docking problem, the protein structure prediction, phylogenetic inference, and different string problems. In addition, references to other relevant optimization problems are also given, including those related to medical imaging or gene selection for classification. From the previous analysis, the paper generates insights on research opportunities for the Operations Research and Computer Science communities in the field of bioinformatics

    Applications of biased-randomized algorithms and simheuristics in integrated logistics

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    Transportation and logistics (T&L) activities play a vital role in the development of many businesses from different industries. With the increasing number of people living in urban areas, the expansion of on-demand economy and e-commerce activities, the number of services from transportation and delivery has considerably increased. Consequently, several urban problems have been potentialized, such as traffic congestion and pollution. Several related problems can be formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem (COP). Since most of them are NP-Hard, the finding of optimal solutions through exact solution methods is often impractical in a reasonable amount of time. In realistic settings, the increasing need for 'instant' decision-making further refutes their use in real life. Under these circumstances, this thesis aims at: (i) identifying realistic COPs from different industries; (ii) developing different classes of approximate solution approaches to solve the identified T&L problems; (iii) conducting a series of computational experiments to validate and measure the performance of the developed approaches. The novel concept of 'agile optimization' is introduced, which refers to the combination of biased-randomized heuristics with parallel computing to deal with real-time decision-making.Las actividades de transporte y logística (T&L) juegan un papel vital en el desarrollo de muchas empresas de diferentes industrias. Con el creciente número de personas que viven en áreas urbanas, la expansión de la economía a lacarta y las actividades de comercio electrónico, el número de servicios de transporte y entrega ha aumentado considerablemente. En consecuencia, se han potencializado varios problemas urbanos, como la congestión del tráfico y la contaminación. Varios problemas relacionados pueden formularse como un problema de optimización combinatoria (COP). Dado que la mayoría de ellos son NP-Hard, la búsqueda de soluciones óptimas a través de métodos de solución exactos a menudo no es práctico en un período de tiempo razonable. En entornos realistas, la creciente necesidad de una toma de decisiones "instantánea" refuta aún más su uso en la vida real. En estas circunstancias, esta tesis tiene como objetivo: (i) identificar COP realistas de diferentes industrias; (ii) desarrollar diferentes clases de enfoques de solución aproximada para resolver los problemas de T&L identificados; (iii) realizar una serie de experimentos computacionales para validar y medir el desempeño de los enfoques desarrollados. Se introduce el nuevo concepto de optimización ágil, que se refiere a la combinación de heurísticas aleatorias sesgadas con computación paralela para hacer frente a la toma de decisiones en tiempo real.Les activitats de transport i logística (T&L) tenen un paper vital en el desenvolupament de moltes empreses de diferents indústries. Amb l'augment del nombre de persones que viuen a les zones urbanes, l'expansió de l'economia a la carta i les activitats de comerç electrònic, el nombre de serveis del transport i el lliurament ha augmentat considerablement. En conseqüència, s'han potencialitzat diversos problemes urbans, com ara la congestió del trànsit i la contaminació. Es poden formular diversos problemes relacionats com a problema d'optimització combinatòria (COP). Com que la majoria són NP-Hard, la recerca de solucions òptimes mitjançant mètodes de solució exactes sovint no és pràctica en un temps raonable. En entorns realistes, la creixent necessitat de prendre decisions "instantànies" refuta encara més el seu ús a la vida real. En aquestes circumstàncies, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu: (i) identificar COP realistes de diferents indústries; (ii) desenvolupar diferents classes d'aproximacions aproximades a la solució per resoldre els problemes identificats de T&L; (iii) la realització d'una sèrie d'experiments computacionals per validar i mesurar el rendiment dels enfocaments desenvolupats. S'introdueix el nou concepte d'optimització àgil, que fa referència a la combinació d'heurístiques esbiaixades i aleatòries amb informàtica paral·lela per fer front a la presa de decisions en temps real.Tecnologies de la informació i de xarxe

    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum

    Quayside Operations Planning Under Uncertainty

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    Graph-based Algorithms for Smart Mobility Planning and Large-scale Network Discovery

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    Graph theory has become a hot topic in the past two decades as evidenced by the increasing number of citations in research. Its applications are found in many fields, e.g. database, clustering, routing, etc. In this thesis, two novel graph-based algorithms are presented. The first algorithm finds itself in the thriving carsharing service, while the second algorithm is about large graph discovery to unearth the unknown graph before any analyses can be performed. In the first scenario, the automatisation of the fleet planning process in carsharing is proposed. The proposed work enhances the accuracy of the planning to the next level by taking an advantage of the open data movement such as street networks, building footprints, and demographic data. By using the street network (based on graph), it solves the questionable aspect in many previous works, feasibility as they tended to use rasterisation to simplify the map, but that comes with the price of accuracy and feasibility. A benchmark suite for further research in this problem is also provided. Along with it, two optimisation models with different sets of objectives and contexts are proposed. Through a series of experiment, a novel hybrid metaheuristic algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is called NGAP, which is based on Reference Point based Non-dominated Sorting genetic Algorithm (NSGA-III) and Pareto Local Search (PLS) and a novel problem specific local search operator designed for the fleet placement problem in carsharing called Extensible Neighbourhood Search (ENS). The designed local search operator exploits the graph structure of the street network and utilises the local knowledge to improve the exploration capability. The results show that the proposed hybrid algorithm outperforms the original NSGA-III in convergence under the same execution time. The work in smart mobility is done on city scale graphs which are considered to be medium size. However, the scale of the graphs in other fields in the real-world can be much larger than that which is why the large graph discovery algorithm is proposed as the second algorithm. To elaborate on the definition of large, some examples are required. The internet graph has over 30 billion nodes. Another one is a human brain network contains around 1011 nodes. Apart of the size, there is another aspect in real-world graph and that is the unknown. With the dynamic nature of the real-world graphs, it is almost impossible to have a complete knowledge of the graph to perform an analysis that is why graph traversal is crucial as the preparation process. I propose a novel memoryless chaos-based graph traversal algorithm called Chaotic Traversal (CHAT). CHAT is the first graph traversal algorithm that utilises the chaotic attractor directly. An experiment with two well-known chaotic attractors, Lozi map and Rössler system is conducted. The proposed algorithm is compared against the memoryless state-of-the-art algorithm, Random Walk. The results demonstrate the superior performance in coverage rate over Random Walk on five tested topologies; ring, small world, random, grid and power-law. In summary, the contribution of this research is twofold. Firstly, it contributes to the research society by introducing new study problems and novel approaches to propel the advance of the current state-of-the-art. And Secondly, it demonstrates a strong case for the conversion of research to the industrial sector to solve a real-world problem

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum