152,396 research outputs found

    Solving Sparse Symmetric Path Problems on a Network of Computers

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    We present an optimized version of a previously studied distributed algorithm for solving path problems in graphs. The new version is designed for sparse symmetric path problems, i.e. for graphs that are both sparse and undirected. We report on experiments where the new version has been implemented and evaluated with the PVM package

    Solving Sparse Symmetric Path Problems on a Network of Computers

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    Un modelo para resolver el problema dinámico de despacho de vehículos con incertidumbre de clientes y con tiempos de viaje en arcos

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloIn a real world case scenario, customer demands are requested at any time of the day requiring services that are not known in advance such as delivery or repairing equipment. This is called Dynamic Vehicle Routing (DVR) with customer uncertainty environment. The link travel time for the roadway network varies with time as traffic fluctuates adding an additional component to the dynamic environment. This paper presents a model for solving the DVR problem while combining these two dynamic aspects (customer uncertainty and link travel time). The proposed model employs Greedy, Insertion, and Ant Colony Optimization algorithms. The Greedy algorithm is utilized for constructing new routes with existing customers, and the remaining two algorithms are employed for rerouting as new customer demands appear. A real world application is presented to simulate vehicle routing in a dynamic environment for the city of Taipei, Taiwan. The simulation shows that the model can successfully plan vehicle routes to satisfy all customer demands and help managers in the decision making process.En un escenario real, los pedidos de los clientes son solicitados a cualquier hora del día requiriendo servicios que no han sido planificados con antelación tales como los despachos o la reparación de equipos. Esto es llamado ruteo dinámico de vehículos (RDV) considerando un ambiente con incertidumbre de clientes. El tiempo de viaje en una red vial varía con el tiempo a medida que el tráfico vehicular fluctúa agregando una componente adicional al ambiente dinámico. Este artículo propone un modelo para resolver el problema RDV combinando estos dos aspectos dinámicos. El modelo propuesto utiliza los algoritmos Greedy, Inserción y optimización basada en colonias de hormigas. El algoritmo Greedy es utilizado para construir nuevas rutas con los clientes existentes y los otros dos algoritmos son usados para rutear vehículos a medida que surjan nuevos clientes con sus respectivos pedidos. Además, se presenta una aplicación real para simular el ruteo vehicular en un ambiente dinámico para la ciudad de Taipei, Taiwán. Esta simulación muestra que el modelo es capaz de planificar exitosamente las rutas vehiculares satisfaciendo los pedidos de los clientes y de ayudar los gerentes en el proceso de toma de decisiones.http://ref.scielo.org/3ryfh

    Network Community Detection On Small Quantum Computers

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    In recent years a number of quantum computing devices with small numbers of qubits became available. We present a hybrid quantum local search (QLS) approach that combines a classical machine and a small quantum device to solve problems of practical size. The proposed approach is applied to the network community detection problem. QLS is hardware-agnostic and easily extendable to new quantum computing devices as they become available. We demonstrate it to solve the 2-community detection problem on graphs of size up to 410 vertices using the 16-qubit IBM quantum computer and D-Wave 2000Q, and compare their performance with the optimal solutions. Our results demonstrate that QLS perform similarly in terms of quality of the solution and the number of iterations to convergence on both types of quantum computers and it is capable of achieving results comparable to state-of-the-art solvers in terms of quality of the solution including reaching the optimal solutions

    Adapting the interior point method for the solution of linear programs on high performance computers

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    In this paper we describe a unified algorithmic framework for the interior point method (IPM) of solving Linear Programs (LPs) which allows us to adapt it over a range of high performance computer architectures. We set out the reasons as to why IPM makes better use of high performance computer architecture than the sparse simplex method. In the inner iteration of the IPM a search direction is computed using Newton or higher order methods. Computationally this involves solving a sparse symmetric positive definite (SSPD) system of equations. The choice of direct and indirect methods for the solution of this system and the design of data structures to take advantage of coarse grain parallel and massively parallel computer architectures are considered in detail. Finally, we present experimental results of solving NETLIB test problems on examples of these architectures and put forward arguments as to why integration of the system within sparse simplex is beneficial