151 research outputs found

    Solving Multiple People Tracking in a Minimum Cost Arborescence

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    Efficient Algorithms for Moral Lineage Tracing

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    Lineage tracing, the joint segmentation and tracking of living cells as they move and divide in a sequence of light microscopy images, is a challenging task. Jug et al. have proposed a mathematical abstraction of this task, the moral lineage tracing problem (MLTP), whose feasible solutions define both a segmentation of every image and a lineage forest of cells. Their branch-and-cut algorithm, however, is prone to many cuts and slow convergence for large instances. To address this problem, we make three contributions: (i) we devise the first efficient primal feasible local search algorithms for the MLTP, (ii) we improve the branch-and-cut algorithm by separating tighter cutting planes and by incorporating our primal algorithms, (iii) we show in experiments that our algorithms find accurate solutions on the problem instances of Jug et al. and scale to larger instances, leveraging moral lineage tracing to practical significance.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201

    Efficient Min-cost Flow Tracking with Bounded Memory and Computation

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    This thesis is a contribution to solving multi-target tracking in an optimal fashion for real-time demanding computer vision applications. We introduce a challenging benchmark, recorded with our autonomous driving platform AnnieWAY. Three main challenges of tracking are addressed: Solving the data association (min-cost flow) problem faster than standard solvers, extending this approach to an online setting, and making it real-time capable by a tight approximation of the optimal solution

    Automated Reconstruction of Evolving Curvilinear Tree Structures

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    Curvilinear networks are prevalent in nature and span many different scales, ranging from micron-scale neural structures in the brain to petameter-scale dark-matter arbors binding massive galaxy clusters. Reliably reconstructing them in an automated fashion is of great value in many different scientific domains. However, it remains an open Computer Vision problem. In this thesis we focus on automatically delineating curvilinear tree structures in images of the same object of interest taken at different time instants. Unlike virtually all of the existing methods approaching the task of tree structures delineation we process all the images at once. This is useful in the more ambiguous regions and allows to reason for the tree structure that fits best to all the acquired data. We propose two methods that utilize this principle of temporal consistency to achieve results of higher quality compared to single time instant methods. The first, simpler method starts by building an overcomplete graph representation of the final solution in all time instants while simultaneously obtaining correspondences between image features across time. We then define an objective function with a temporal consistency prior and reconstruct the structures in all images at once by solving a mathematical optimization. The role of the prior is to encourage solutions where for two consecutive time instants corresponding candidate edges are either both retained or both rejected from the final solution. The second multiple time instant method uses the same overcomplete graph principle but handles the temporal consistency in a more robust way. Instead of focusing on the very local consistency of single edges of the overcomplete graph we propose a method for describing topological relationships. This favors solutions whose connectivity is consistent over time. We show that by making the temporal consistency more global we achieve additional robustness to errors in the initial features matching step, which is shared by both the approaches. In the end, this yields superior performance. Furthermore, an added benefit of both our approaches is the ability to automatically detect places where significant changes have occurred over time, which is challenging when considering large amounts of data. We also propose a simple single time instant method for delineating tree structures. It computes a Minimum Spanning Arborescence of an initial overcomplete graph and proceeds to optimally prune spurious branches. This yields results of lower but still competitive quality compared to the mathematical optimization based methods, while keeping low computational complexity. Our methods can applied to both 2D and 3D data. We demonstrate their performance in 3D on microscopy volumes of mouse brain and rat brain. We also test them in 2D on time-lapse images of a growing runner bean and aerial images of a road network

    Generalizations of the Multicut Problem for Computer Vision

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    Graph decomposition has always been a very important concept in machine learning and computer vision. Many tasks like image and mesh segmentation, community detection in social networks, as well as object tracking and human pose estimation can be formulated as a graph decomposition problem. The multicut problem in particular is a popular model to optimize for a decomposition of a given graph. Its main advantage is that no prior knowledge about the number of components or their sizes is required. However, it has several limitations, which we address in this thesis: Firstly, the multicut problem allows to specify only cost or reward for putting two direct neighbours into distinct components. This limits the expressibility of the cost function. We introduce special edges into the graph that allow to define cost or reward for putting any two vertices into distinct components, while preserving the original set of feasible solutions. We show that this considerably improves the quality of image and mesh segmentations. Second, multicut is notorious to be NP-hard for general graphs, that limits its applications to small super-pixel graphs. We define and implement two primal feasible heuristics to solve the problem. They do not provide any guarantees on the runtime or quality of solutions, but in practice show good convergence behaviour. We perform an extensive comparison on multiple graphs of different sizes and properties. Third, we extend the multicut framework by introducing node labels, so that we can jointly optimize for graph decomposition and nodes classification by means of exactly the same optimization algorithm, thus eliminating the need to hand-tune optimizers for a particular task. To prove its universality we applied it to diverse computer vision tasks, including human pose estimation, multiple object tracking, and instance-aware semantic segmentation. We show that we can improve the results over the prior art using exactly the same data as in the original works. Finally, we use employ multicuts in two applications: 1) a client-server tool for interactive video segmentation: After the pre-processing of the video a user draws strokes on several frames and a time-coherent segmentation of the entire video is performed on-the-fly. 2) we formulate a method for simultaneous segmentation and tracking of living cells in microscopy data. This task is challenging as cells split and our algorithm accounts for this, creating parental hierarchies. We also present results on multiple model fitting. We find models in data heavily corrupted by noise by finding components defining these models using higher order multicuts. We introduce an interesting extension that allows our optimization to pick better hyperparameters for each discovered model. In summary, this thesis extends the multicut problem in different directions, proposes algorithms for optimization, and applies it to novel data and settings.Die Zerlegung von Graphen ist ein sehr wichtiges Konzept im maschinellen Lernen und maschinellen Sehen. Viele Aufgaben wie Bild- und Gittersegmentierung, Kommunitätserkennung in sozialen Netzwerken, sowie Objektverfolgung und Schätzung von menschlichen Posen können als Graphzerlegungsproblem formuliert werden. Der Mehrfachschnitt-Ansatz ist ein populäres Mittel um über die Zerlegungen eines gegebenen Graphen zu optimieren. Sein größter Vorteil ist, dass kein Vorwissen über die Anzahl an Komponenten und deren Größen benötigt wird. Dennoch hat er mehrere ernsthafte Limitierungen, welche wir in dieser Arbeit behandeln: Erstens erlaubt der klassische Mehrfachschnitt nur die Spezifikation von Kosten oder Belohnungen für die Trennung von zwei Nachbarn in verschiedene Komponenten. Dies schränkt die Ausdrucksfähigkeit der Kostenfunktion ein und führt zu suboptimalen Ergebnissen. Wir fügen dem Graphen spezielle Kanten hinzu, welche es erlauben, Kosten oder Belohnungen für die Trennung von beliebigen Paaren von Knoten in verschiedene Komponenten zu definieren, ohne die Menge an zulässigen Lösungen zu verändern. Wir zeigen, dass dies die Qualität von Bild- und Gittersegmentierungen deutlich verbessert. Zweitens ist das Mehrfachschnittproblem berüchtigt dafür NP-schwer für allgemeine Graphen zu sein, was die Anwendungen auf kleine superpixel-basierte Graphen einschränkt. Wir definieren und implementieren zwei primal-zulässige Heuristiken um das Problem zu lösen. Diese geben keine Garantien bezüglich der Laufzeit oder der Qualität der Lösungen, zeigen in der Praxis jedoch gutes Konvergenzverhalten. Wir führen einen ausführlichen Vergleich auf vielen Graphen verschiedener Größen und Eigenschaften durch. Drittens erweitern wir den Mehrfachschnitt-Ansatz um Knoten-Kennzeichnungen, sodass wir gemeinsam über Zerlegungen und Knoten-Klassifikationen mit dem gleichen Optimierungs-Algorithmus optimieren können. Dadurch wird der Bedarf der Feinabstimmung einzelner aufgabenspezifischer Löser aus dem Weg geräumt. Um die Allgemeingültigkeit dieses Ansatzes zu überprüfen, haben wir ihn auf verschiedenen Aufgaben des maschinellen Sehens, einschließlich menschliche Posenschätzung, Mehrobjektverfolgung und instanz-bewusste semantische Segmentierung, angewandt. Wir zeigen, dass wir Resultate von vorherigen Arbeiten mit exakt den gleichen Daten verbessern können. Abschließend benutzen wir Mehrfachschnitte in zwei Anwendungen: 1) Ein Nutzer-Server-Werkzeug für interaktive Video Segmentierung: Nach der Vorbearbeitung eines Videos zeichnet der Nutzer Striche auf mehrere Einzelbilder und eine zeit-kohärente Segmentierung des gesamten Videos wird in Echtzeit berechnet. 2) Wir formulieren eine Methode für simultane Segmentierung und Verfolgung von lebenden Zellen in Mikroskopie-Aufnahmen. Diese Aufgabe ist anspruchsvoll, da Zellen sich aufteilen und unser Algorithmus dies in der Erstellung von Eltern-Hierarchien mitberücksichtigen muss. Wir präsentieren außerdem Resultate zur Mehrmodellanpassung. Wir berechnen Modelle in stark verrauschten Daten indem wir mithilfe von Mehrfachschnitten höherer Ordnung Komponenten finden, die diesen Modellen entsprechen. Wir führen eine interessante Erweiterung ein, die es unserer Optimierung erlaubt, bessere Hyperparameter für jedes entdeckte Modell auszuwählen. Zusammenfassend erweitert diese Arbeit den Mehrfachschnitt-Ansatz in unterschiedlichen Richtungen, schlägt Algorithmen zur Inferenz in den resultierenden Modellen vor und wendet ihn auf neuartigen Daten und Umgebungen an

    INTELLI 2013, The Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications

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    The research of optimization techniques in the system of goods distribution from warehouses to final users (vehicle routing problem), made considerable savings on the total cost of transport and, consequently, on the final cost of goods, and produced the models applicable to other operating environments (e.g., transport for disabled people, school, municipal waste collection). The analysis conducted on the different models developed under the VRP highlights the support that these models can give on the infomobility of goods

    Game theoretic control of multi-agent systems: from centralised to distributed control

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    Differential game theory provides a framework to study the dynamic strategic interactions between multiple decisors, or players, each with an individual criterion to optimise. Noting the analogy between the concepts of "players'' and "agents'', it seems apparent that this framework is well-suited for control of multi-agent systems (MAS). Most of the existing results in the field of differential games assume that players have access to the full state of the system. This assumption, while holding reasonable in certain scenarios, does not apply in contexts where decisions are to be made by each individual agent based only on available local information. This poses a significant challenge in terms of the control design: distributed control laws, which take into account what information is available, are required. In the present work concepts borrowed from differential game theory and graph theory are exploited to formulate systematic frameworks for control of MAS, in a quest to shift the paradigm from centralised to distributed control. We introduce some preliminaries on differential game theory and graph theory, the latter for modeling communication constraints between the agents. Motivated by the difficulties associated with obtaining exact Nash equilibrium solutions for nonzero-sum differential games, we consider three approximate Nash equilibrium concepts and provide different characterisations of these in terms a class of static optimisation problems often encountered in control theory. Considering the multi-agent collision avoidance problem, we present a game theoretic approach, based on a (centralised) hybrid controller implementation of the control strategies, capable of ensuring collision-free trajectories and global convergence of the error system. We make a first step towards distributed control by introducing differential games with partial information, a framework for distributed control of MAS subject to local communication constraints, in which we assume that the agents share their control strategies with their neighbours. This assumption which, in the case of non-acyclic communication graphs, translates into the requirement of shared reasoning between groups of agents, is then relaxed through the introduction of a framework based on the concept of distributed differential games, i.e. a collection of multiple (fictitious) local differential games played by each individual agent in the MAS. Finally, we revisit the multi-agent collision avoidance problem in a distributed setting: considering time-varying communication graph topologies, which enable to model proximity-based communication constraints, we design differential games characterised by a Nash equilibrium solution which yields collision-free trajectories guaranteeing that all the agents reach their goal, provided no deadlocks occur. The efficacy of the game theoretic frameworks introduced in this thesis is demonstrated on several case studies of practical importance, related to robotic coordination and control of microgrids.Open Acces

    Cooperative task assignment for multiple vehicles

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    Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs for Algorithm Engineering

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    The design and analysis of graph algorithms is heavily based on the worst case. In practice, however, many algorithms perform much better than the worst case would suggest. Furthermore, various problems can be tackled more efficiently if one assumes the input to be, in a sense, realistic. The field of network science, which studies the structure and emergence of real-world networks, identifies locality and heterogeneity as two frequently occurring properties. A popular model that captures these properties are geometric inhomogeneous random graphs (GIRGs), which is a generalization of hyperbolic random graphs (HRGs). Aside from their importance to network science, GIRGs can be an immensely valuable tool in algorithm engineering. Since they convincingly mimic real-world networks, guarantees about quality and performance of an algorithm on instances of the model can be transferred to real-world applications. They have model parameters to control the amount of heterogeneity and locality, which allows to evaluate those properties in isolation while keeping the rest fixed. Moreover, they can be efficiently generated which allows for experimental analysis. While realistic instances are often rare, generated instances are readily available. Furthermore, the underlying geometry of GIRGs helps to visualize the network, e.g.,~for debugging or to improve understanding of its structure. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the capabilities of geometric inhomogeneous random graphs in algorithm engineering and establish them as routine tools to replace previous models like the Erd\H{o}s-R{\\u27e}nyi model, where each edge exists with equal probability. We utilize geometric inhomogeneous random graphs to design, evaluate, and optimize efficient algorithms for realistic inputs. In detail, we provide the currently fastest sequential generator for GIRGs and HRGs and describe algorithms for maximum flow, directed spanning arborescence, cluster editing, and hitting set. For all four problems, our implementations beat the state-of-the-art on realistic inputs. On top of providing crucial benchmark instances, GIRGs allow us to obtain valuable insights. Most notably, our efficient generator allows us to experimentally show sublinear running time of our flow algorithm, investigate the solution structure of cluster editing, complement our benchmark set of arborescence instances with a density for which there are no real-world networks available, and generate networks with adjustable locality and heterogeneity to reveal the effects of these properties on our algorithms

    Efficient Mission Planning for Robot Networks in Communication Constrained Environments

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    Many robotic systems are remotely operated nowadays that require uninterrupted connection and safe mission planning. Such systems are commonly found in military drones, search and rescue operations, mining robotics, agriculture, and environmental monitoring. Different robotic systems may employ disparate communication modalities such as radio network, visible light communication, satellite, infrared, Wi-Fi. However, in an autonomous mission where the robots are expected to be interconnected, communication constrained environment frequently arises due to the out of range problem or unavailability of the signal. Furthermore, several automated projects (building construction, assembly line) do not guarantee uninterrupted communication, and a safe project plan is required that optimizes collision risks, cost, and duration. In this thesis, we propose four pronged approaches to alleviate some of these issues: 1) Communication aware world mapping; 2) Communication preserving using the Line-of-Sight (LoS); 3) Communication aware safe planning; and 4) Multi-Objective motion planning for navigation. First, we focus on developing a communication aware world map that integrates traditional world models with the planning of multi-robot placement. Our proposed communication map selects the optimal placement of a chain of intermediate relay vehicles in order to maximize communication quality to a remote unit. We also vi propose an algorithm to build a min-Arborescence tree when there are multiple remote units to be served. Second, in communication denied environments, we use Line-of-Sight (LoS) to establish communication between mobile robots, control their movements and relay information to other autonomous units. We formulate and study the complexity of a multi-robot relay network positioning problem and propose approximation algorithms that restore visibility based connectivity through the relocation of one or more robots. Third, we develop a framework to quantify the safety score of a fully automated robotic mission where the coexistence of human and robot may pose a collision risk. A number of alternate mission plans are analyzed using motion planning algorithms to select the safest one. Finally, an efficient multi-objective optimization based path planning for the robots is developed to deal with several Pareto optimal cost attributes
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