192 research outputs found

    Robust Brain MRI Image Classification with SIBOW-SVM

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    The majority of primary Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors in the brain are among the most aggressive diseases affecting humans. Early detection of brain tumor types, whether benign or malignant, glial or non-glial, is critical for cancer prevention and treatment, ultimately improving human life expectancy. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) stands as the most effective technique to detect brain tumors by generating comprehensive brain images through scans. However, human examination can be error-prone and inefficient due to the complexity, size, and location variability of brain tumors. Recently, automated classification techniques using machine learning (ML) methods, such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), have demonstrated significantly higher accuracy than manual screening, while maintaining low computational costs. Nonetheless, deep learning-based image classification methods, including CNN, face challenges in estimating class probabilities without proper model calibration. In this paper, we propose a novel brain tumor image classification method, called SIBOW-SVM, which integrates the Bag-of-Features (BoF) model with SIFT feature extraction and weighted Support Vector Machines (wSVMs). This new approach effectively captures hidden image features, enabling the differentiation of various tumor types and accurate label predictions. Additionally, the SIBOW-SVM is able to estimate the probabilities of images belonging to each class, thereby providing high-confidence classification decisions. We have also developed scalable and parallelable algorithms to facilitate the practical implementation of SIBOW-SVM for massive images. As a benchmark, we apply the SIBOW-SVM to a public data set of brain tumor MRI images containing four classes: glioma, meningioma, pituitary, and normal. Our results show that the new method outperforms state-of-the-art methods, including CNN

    Efficient Match Pair Retrieval for Large-scale UAV Images via Graph Indexed Global Descriptor

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    SfM (Structure from Motion) has been extensively used for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) image orientation. Its efficiency is directly influenced by feature matching. Although image retrieval has been extensively used for match pair selection, high computational costs are consumed due to a large number of local features and the large size of the used codebook. Thus, this paper proposes an efficient match pair retrieval method and implements an integrated workflow for parallel SfM reconstruction. First, an individual codebook is trained online by considering the redundancy of UAV images and local features, which avoids the ambiguity of training codebooks from other datasets. Second, local features of each image are aggregated into a single high-dimension global descriptor through the VLAD (Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors) aggregation by using the trained codebook, which remarkably reduces the number of features and the burden of nearest neighbor searching in image indexing. Third, the global descriptors are indexed via the HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World) based graph structure for the nearest neighbor searching. Match pairs are then retrieved by using an adaptive threshold selection strategy and utilized to create a view graph for divide-and-conquer based parallel SfM reconstruction. Finally, the performance of the proposed solution has been verified using three large-scale UAV datasets. The test results demonstrate that the proposed solution accelerates match pair retrieval with a speedup ratio ranging from 36 to 108 and improves the efficiency of SfM reconstruction with competitive accuracy in both relative and absolute orientation

    Prompt, Plan, Perform: LLM-based Humanoid Control via Quantized Imitation Learning

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    In recent years, reinforcement learning and imitation learning have shown great potential for controlling humanoid robots' motion. However, these methods typically create simulation environments and rewards for specific tasks, resulting in the requirements of multiple policies and limited capabilities for tackling complex and unknown tasks. To overcome these issues, we present a novel approach that combines adversarial imitation learning with large language models (LLMs). This innovative method enables the agent to learn reusable skills with a single policy and solve zero-shot tasks under the guidance of LLMs. In particular, we utilize the LLM as a strategic planner for applying previously learned skills to novel tasks through the comprehension of task-specific prompts. This empowers the robot to perform the specified actions in a sequence. To improve our model, we incorporate codebook-based vector quantization, allowing the agent to generate suitable actions in response to unseen textual commands from LLMs. Furthermore, we design general reward functions that consider the distinct motion features of humanoid robots, ensuring the agent imitates the motion data while maintaining goal orientation without additional guiding direction approaches or policies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first framework that controls humanoid robots using a single learning policy network and LLM as a planner. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method exhibits efficient and adaptive ability in complicated motion tasks
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