658 research outputs found

    Compilation of training datasets for use of convolutional neural networks supporting automatic inspection processes in industry 4.0 based electronic manufacturing

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    Ensuring the highest quality standards at competitive prices is one of the greatest challenges in the manufacture of electronic products. The identification of flaws has the uppermost priority in the field of automotive electronics, particularly as a failure within this field can result in damages and fatalities. During assembling and soldering of printed circuit boards (PCBs) the circuit carriers can be subject to errors. Hence, automatic optical inspection (AOI) systems are used for real-time detection of visible flaws and defects in production. This article introduces an application strategy for combining a deep learning concept with an optical inspection system based on image processing. Above all, the target is to reduce the risk of error slip through a second inspection. The concept is to have the inspection results additionally evaluated by a convolutional neural network. For this purpose, different training datasets for the deep learning procedures are examined and their effects on the classification accuracy for defect identification are assessed. Furthermore, a suitable compilation of image datasets is elaborated, which ensures the best possible error identification on solder joints of electrical assemblies. With the help of the results, convolutional neural networks can achieve a good recognition performance, so that these can support the automatic optical inspection in a profitable manner. Further research aims at integrating the concept in a fully automated way into the production process in order to decide on the product quality autonomously without human interference

    A real-time defect detection in printed circuit boards applying deep learning

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    Inspection of defects in the printed circuit boards (PCBs) has both safety and economic significance in the 4.0 industrial manufacturing. Nevertheless, it is still a challenging problem to be studied in-depth due to the complexity of the PCB layouts and the shrinking down tendency of the electronic component size. In this paper, a real-time automated supervision algorithm is proposed to test the PCBs quality among different scenarios. The density of the PCBs layout and the complexity on the surface are analyzed based on deep learning and image feature extraction algorithms. To be more detailed, the ORB feature and the Brute-force matching method are utilized to match perfectly the input images with the PCB templates. After transferring images by aiding the RANSAC algorithm, a hybrid method using modern computer vision algorithms is developed to segment defective areas on the PCBs surface. Then, by applying the enhanced Residual Network –50, the proposed algorithm can classify the groove defects on the surface mount technology electronic components which minimum size up to 1x3 mm. After the training process, the proposed system is capable to categorize various types of overproduced, recycled, and cloned PCBs. The speed of the quality testing operation maintains at a high level with an average precision rate up to 96.29 % in case of good brightness conditions. Finally, the computational experiments demonstrate that the proposed system based on deep learning can obtain superior results and it outperforms several existing works in terms of speed, precision, and robustnes

    Обоснование необходимости совместного применения автоматической оптической инспекции и неразрушающего рентгеновского контроля электронных модулей

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    В работе представлен результат анализа принципов и частично методов контроля качества электронных модулей и их функциональных элементов на разных этапах их производства и эксплуатации. Систематизированы типы дефектов, выявляемые с помощью автоматической оптической инспекции и неразрушающего рентгеновского контроля. Приведены результаты анализа существующего уровня техники в области автоматической оптической инспекции и неразрушающего рентгеновского контроля дефектов электронных модулей. Определены возможности систем, сочетающих данные методы, и, в частности, подсистемы программного обеспечения, а также направления совершенствования алгоритмического и программного обеспечения этих систем в условиях возрастания сложности и неоднородности контролируемых издели