148 research outputs found


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    Accelerator-based -or heterogeneous- computing has become increasingly important in a variety of scenarios, ranging from High-Performance Computing (HPC) to embedded systems. While most solutions use sometimes custom-made components, most of today’s systems rely on commodity highend CPUs and/or GPU devices, which deliver adequate performance while ensuring programmability, productivity, and application portability. Unfortunately, pure general-purpose hardware is affected by inherently limited power-efficiency, that is, low GFLOPS-per-Watt, now considered as a primary metric. The many-core model and architectural customization can play here a key role, as they enable unprecedented levels of power-efficiency compared to CPUs/GPUs. However, such paradigms are still immature and deeper exploration is indispensable. This dissertation investigates customizability and proposes novel solutions for heterogeneous architectures, focusing on mechanisms related to coherence and network-on-chip (NoC). First, the work presents a non-coherent scratchpad memory with a configurable bank remapping system to reduce bank conflicts. The experimental results show the benefits of both using a customizable hardware bank remapping function and non-coherent memories for some types of algorithms. Next, we demonstrate how a distributed synchronization master better suits many-cores than standard centralized solutions. This solution, inspired by the directory-based coherence mechanism, supports concurrent synchronizations without relying on memory transactions. The results collected for different NoC sizes provided indications about the area overheads incurred by our solution and demonstrated the benefits of using a dedicated hardware synchronization support. Finally, this dissertation proposes an advanced coherence subsystem, based on the sparse directory approach, with a selective coherence maintenance system which allows coherence to be deactivated for blocks that do not require it. Experimental results show that the use of a hybrid coherent and non-coherent architectural mechanism along with an extended coherence protocol can enhance performance. The above results were all collected by means of a modular and customizable heterogeneous many-core system developed to support the exploration of power-efficient high-performance computing architectures. The system is based on a NoC and a customizable GPU-like accelerator core, as well as a reconfigurable coherence subsystem, ensuring application-specific configuration capabilities. All the explored solutions were evaluated on this real heterogeneous system, which comes along with the above methodological results as part of the contribution in this dissertation. In fact, as a key benefit, the experimental platform enables users to integrate novel hardware/software solutions on a full-system scale, whereas existing platforms do not always support a comprehensive heterogeneous architecture exploration

    Realizing Software Defined Radio - A Study in Designing Mobile Supercomputers.

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    The physical layer of most wireless protocols is traditionally implemented in custom hardware to satisfy the heavy computational requirements while keeping power consumption to a minimum. These implementations are time consuming to design and difficult to verify. A programmable hardware platform capable of supporting software implementations of the physical layer, or Software Defined Radio (SDR), has a number of advantages. These include support for multiple protocols, faster time-to-market, higher chip volumes, and support for late implementation changes. The challenge is to achieve this under the power budget of a mobile device. Wireless communications belong to an emerging class of applications with the processing requirements of a supercomputer but the power constraints of a mobile device -- mobile supercomputing. This thesis presents a set of design proposals for building a programmable wireless communication solution. In order to design a solution that can meet the lofty requirements of SDR, this thesis takes an application-centric design approach -- evaluate and optimize all aspects of the design based on the characteristics of wireless communication protocols. This includes a DSP processor architecture optimized for wireless baseband processing, wireless algorithm optimizations, and language and compilation tool support for the algorithm software and the processor hardware. This thesis first analyzes the software characteristics of SDR. Based on the analysis, this thesis proposes the Signal-Processing On-Demand Architecture (SODA), a fully programmable multi-core architecture that can support the computation requirements of third generation wireless protocols, while operating within the power budget of a mobile device. This thesis then presents wireless algorithm implementations and optimizations for the SODA processor architecture. A signal processing language extension (SPEX) is proposed to help the software development efforts of wireless communication protocols on SODA-like multi-core architecture. And finally, the SPIR compiler is proposed to automatically map SPEX code onto the multi-core processor hardware.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61760/1/linyz_1.pd

    Transparent management of scratchpad memories in shared memory programming models

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    Cache-coherent shared memory has traditionally been the favorite memory organization for chip multiprocessors thanks to its high programmability. In this organization the cache hierarchy is in charge of moving the data and keeping it coherent between all the caches, enabling the usage of shared memory programming models where the programmer does not need to carry out any data management operation. Unfortunately, performing all the data management operations in hardware causes severe problems, being the primary concerns the power consumption originated in the caches and the amount of coherence traffic in the interconnection network. A good solution is to introduce ScratchPad Memories (SPMs) alongside the cache hierarchy, forming a hybrid memory hierarchy. SPMs are more power-efficient than caches and do not generate coherence traffic, but they degrade programmability. In particular, SPMs require the programmer to partition the data, to program data transfers, and to keep coherence between different copies of the data. A promising solution to exploit the benefits of the SPMs without harming programmability is to allow programmers to use shared memory programming models and to automatically generate code that manages the SPMs. Unfortunately, current compilers and runtime systems encounter serious limitations to automatically generate code for hybrid memory hierarchies from shared memory programming models. This thesis proposes to transparently manage the SPMs of hybrid memory hierarchies in shared memory programming models. In order to achieve this goal this thesis proposes a combination of hardware and compiler techniques to manage the SPMs in fork-join programming models and a set of runtime system techniques to manage the SPMs in task programming models. The proposed techniques allow to program hybrid memory hierarchies with these two well-known and easy-to-use forms of shared memory programming models, capitalizing on the benefits of hybrid memory hierarchies in power consumption and network traffic without harming programmability. The first contribution of this thesis is a hardware/software co-designed coherence protocol to transparently manage the SPMs of hybrid memory hierarchies in fork-join programming models. The solution allows the compiler to always generate code to manage the SPMs with tiling software caches, even in the presence of unknown memory aliasing hazards between memory references to the SPMs and to the cache hierarchy. On the software side, the compiler generates a special form of memory instruction for memory references with possible aliasing hazards. On the hardware side, the special memory instructions are diverted to the correct copy of the data using a set of directories that track what data is mapped to the SPMs. The second contribution of this thesis is a set of runtime system techniques to manage the SPMs of hybrid memory hierarchies in task programming models. The proposed runtime system techniques exploit the characteristics of these programming models to map the data specified in the task dependences to the SPMs. Different policies are proposed to mitigate the communication costs of the data transfers, overlapping them with other execution phases such as the task scheduling phase or the execution of the previous task. The runtime system can also reduce the number of data transfers by using a task scheduler that exploits data locality in the SPMs. In addition, the proposed techniques are combined with mechanisms that reduce the impact of fine-grained tasks, such as hardware runtime systems or large SPM sizes. The accomplishment of this thesis is that hybrid memory hierarchies can be programmed with fork-join and task programming models. Consequently, architectures with hybrid memory hierarchies can be exposed to the programmer as a shared memory multiprocessor, taking advantage of the benefits of the SPMs while maintaining the programming simplicity of shared memory programming models.La memoria compartida con coherencia de caches es la jerarquía de memoria más utilizada en multiprocesadores gracias a su programabilidad. En esta solución la jerarquía de caches se encarga de mover los datos y mantener la coherencia entre las caches, habilitando el uso de modelos de programación de memoria compartida donde el programador no tiene que realizar ninguna operación para gestionar las memorias. Desafortunadamente, realizar estas operaciones en la arquitectura causa problemas severos, siendo especialmente relevantes el consumo de energía de las caches y la cantidad de tráfico de coherencia en la red de interconexión. Una buena solución es añadir Memorias ScratchPad (SPMs) acompañando la jerarquía de caches, formando una jerarquía de memoria híbrida. Las SPMs son más eficientes en energía y tráfico de coherencia, pero dificultan la programabilidad ya que requieren que el programador particione los datos, programe transferencias de datos y mantenga la coherencia entre diferentes copias de datos. Una solución prometedora para beneficiarse de las ventajas de las SPMs sin dificultar la programabilidad es permitir que el programador use modelos de programación de memoria compartida y generar código para gestionar las SPMs automáticamente. El problema es que los compiladores y los entornos de ejecución actuales sufren graves limitaciones al gestionar automáticamente una jerarquía de memoria híbrida en modelos de programación de memoria compartida. Esta tesis propone gestionar automáticamente una jerarquía de memoria híbrida en modelos de programación de memoria compartida. Para conseguir este objetivo esta tesis propone una combinación de técnicas hardware y de compilador para gestionar las SPMs en modelos de programación fork-join, y técnicas en entornos de ejecución para gestionar las SPMs en modelos de programación basados en tareas. Las técnicas propuestas hacen que las jerarquías de memoria híbridas puedan programarse con estos dos modelos de programación de memoria compartida, de tal forma que las ventajas en energía y tráfico de coherencia se puedan explotar sin dificultar la programabilidad. La primera contribución de esta tesis en un protocolo de coherencia hardware/software para gestionar SPMs en modelos de programación fork-join. La propuesta consigue que el compilador siempre pueda generar código para gestionar las SPMs, incluso cuando hay posibles alias de memoria entre referencias a memoria a las SPMs y a la jerarquía de caches. En la solución el compilador genera instrucciones especiales para las referencias a memoria con posibles alias, y el hardware sirve las instrucciones especiales con la copia válida de los datos usando directorios que guardan información sobre qué datos están mapeados en las SPMs. La segunda contribución de esta tesis son una serie de técnicas para gestionar SPMs en modelos de programación basados en tareas. Las técnicas aprovechan las características de estos modelos de programación para mapear las dependencias de las tareas en las SPMs y se complementan con políticas para minimizar los costes de las transferencias de datos, como solaparlas con fases del entorno de ejecución o la ejecución de tareas anteriores. El número de transferencias también se puede reducir utilizando un planificador que tenga en cuenta la localidad de datos y, además, las técnicas se pueden combinar con mecanismos para reducir los efectos negativos de tener tareas pequeñas, como entornos de ejecución en hardware o SPMs de más capacidad. Las propuestas de esta tesis consiguen que las jerarquías de memoria híbridas se puedan programar con modelos de programación fork-join y basados en tareas. En consecuencia, las arquitecturas con jerarquías de memoria híbridas se pueden exponer al programador como multiprocesadores de memoria compartida, beneficiándose de las ventajas de las SPMs en energía y tráfico de coherencia y manteniendo la simplicidad de uso de los modelos de programación de memoria compartida

    Improving GPU performance : reducing memory conflicts and latency

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