67 research outputs found

    Software Factory - ein Statusbericht

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    Die Fabrik scheint nicht mehr das Vorbild der Softwareproduktion zu sein. Dennoch zeigt sich bei genauerer Betrachtung, daß sowohl das Ziel, Softwareprozesse wie Fabrikprozesse zu beherrschen, als auch die Fabrikanalogie, Softwareprozesse wie Fabrikprozesse zu betrachten, im wesentlichen weiterhin bestehen. Weil Erwartung und Erfolg so weit auseinanderklafften, hat die zunehmend auf technische Aspekte eingeengte und auf Automatisierung zielende Interpretation die Software Factory in Mißkredit gebracht. Daß die Praxis aus den technischen Lösungsansätzen in der Forschung und Softwarewerkzeugentwicklung nicht den Nutzen ziehen konnte, den man erwartet hat, muß nicht gegen die Lösungsansätze oder die Werkzeuge sprechen. Es ist aber deutlich geworden und dies wird auch durch eine Studie unseres Lehrstuhls bestätigt, daß die Umsetzungsprobleme in der Praxis außer auf technische Probleme wesentlich auf einem Mangel an Verständnis und Beherrschung der organisatorischen und methodischen Aspekte zurückzuführen sind. Es ist also die Bedeutung der im ursprünglichen Konzept der Software Factory wesentlichen organisatorischen und methodischen Aspekte wiederentdeckt worden. Allerdings wird die Verbesserung der organisatorischen und methodischen Rahmenbedingungen der Softwareentwicklung nicht mehr unter dem inzwischen als kontaminiert geltenden Begriff Software Factory belrieben, sondern unter den Begriffen: Prozeßorientierung, Total Quality Management etc. Aber es gibt inzwischen neben der Kritik einer zu eingeschränkten Problemsicht auch substantielle Kritik an der Fabrikanalogie selbst. Das verbesserte Verständnis der Softwareprozesse hat die Grenzen der Analogie zu den Fabrikprozessen deutlich gemacht


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    The implementation of electronic procurement processes for product-service bundles, consisting of product- and service components requires a consideration of strategic, tactical and operational procurement and information and communication technologies in value networks. In the past, the scientific discussion oriented on traditional procurement processes for products and technology-solutions. Increasingly, the design of hybrid procurement processes in value networks is of scientific interest. The combination of different procurement processes for products and services, however, includes problems. This paper shows the need for a process-oriented approach in procurement at several abstraction levels. We describe a model for the design of the electronic procurement process in value networks to serve product-service bundles. Different process characteristics are investigated for the applicability of product-service bundles and SCOR. We adjust a proposal for the procurement process in value networks

    Entwicklung von Anwendungsszenarien fĂĽr adaptive Prozessmodelle im Kontext der Industrie 4.0

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    Die vorliegende Masterarbeit gibt einen wichtigen Überblick über die adaptiven Prozessmodelle im Zusammenhang mit der Industrie 4.0. Hierzu werden diesbezüglich nicht nur allgemeine Ziele für die Prozessmodelle sowie der vierten industriellen Revolution betrachtet, sondern auch mögliche zusammenhängende Herausforderungen und Problematiken beschrieben. Anhand eines realen Anwendungsszenarios werden darüber hinaus auch dynamische Prozessmodelle betrachtet und versucht, diese mit der „Business Process Modelling and Notation-Methode“ zu visualisieren. Anschließend werden mögliche Chancen, welche durch computergestützte Sensordaten für adaptive Prozessmodelle entstehen können, nochmals aufgezeigt und hervorgehoben

    World class patents in cutting-edge technologies: The innovation power of East Asia, North America, and Europe

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    The patent portfolio of an economy forms an import- ant basis for its innovation, and, as a result, competi- tiveness. In this study, we look at how this portfolio of individual countries and regions has developed since the turn of the millennium. We focus on 58 important cutting-edge technologies, sorted into ten subject fields. In contrast to most other studies on this sub- ject, we focus on the world class patents, i.e. the most important 10 percent among all patents, instead of considering all patent applications. We hope to con- tribute to a better assessment of the innovation ca- pacity of large economies, which has become even more important during the coronavirus crisis

    Projekt Nukleare Sicherheitsforschung. Jahresbericht 1994

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    Performanz Evaluation von PQC in TLS 1.3 unter variierenden Netzwerkcharakteristiken

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    Quantum computers could break currently used asymmetric cryptographic schemes in a few years using Shor's algorithm. They are used in numerous protocols and applications to secure authenticity as well as key agreement, and quantum-safe alternatives are urgently needed. NIST therefore initiated a standardization process. This requires intensive evaluation, also with regard to performance and integrability. Here, the integration into TLS 1.3 plays an important role, since it is used for 90% of all Internet connections. In the present work, algorithms for quantum-safe key exchange during TLS 1.3 handshake were reviewed. The focus is on the influence of dedicated network parameters such as transmission rate or packet loss in order to gain insights regarding the suitability of the algorithms under corresponding network conditions. For the implementation, a framework by Paquin et al. was extended to emulate network scenarios and capture the handshake duration for selected algorithms. It is shown that the evaluated candidates Kyber, Saber and NTRU as well as the alternative NTRU Prime have a very good overall performance and partly undercut the handshake duration of the classical ECDH. The choice of a higher security level or hybrid variants does not make a significant difference here. This is not the case with alternatives such as FrodoKEM, SIKE, HQC or BIKE, which have individual disadvantages and whose respective performance varies greatly depending on the security level and hybrid implementation. This is especially true for the data-intensive algorithm FrodoKEM. In general, the prevailing network characteristics should be taken into account when choosing scheme and variant. Further it becomes clear that the performance of the handshake is influenced by external factors such as TCP mechanisms or MTU, which could compensate for possible disadvantages due to PQC if configured appropriately.Comment: Master's thesis, 160 pages, in Germa

    Cross-sectoral impacts of the 2018–2019 Central European drought and climate resilience in the German part of the Elbe River basin

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    The 2018–2019 Central European drought was probably the most extreme in Germany since the early sixteenth century. We assess the multiple consequences of the drought for natural systems, the economy and human health in the German part of the Elbe River basin, an area of 97,175 km2 including the cities of Berlin and Hamburg and contributing about 18% to the German GDP. We employ meteorological, hydrological and socio-economic data to build a comprehensive picture of the drought severity, its multiple effects and cross-sectoral consequences in the basin. Time series of different drought indices illustrate the severity of the 2018–2019 drought and how it progressed from meteorological water deficits via soil water depletion towards low groundwater levels and river runoff, and losses in vegetation productivity. The event resulted in severe production losses in agriculture (minus 20–40% for staple crops) and forestry (especially through forced logging of damaged wood: 25.1 million tons in 2018–2020 compared to only 3.4 million tons in 2015–2017), while other economic sectors remained largely unaffected. However, there is no guarantee that this socio-economic stability will be sustained in future drought events; this is discussed in the light of 2022, another dry year holding the potential for a compound crisis. Given the increased probability for more intense and long-lasting droughts in most parts of Europe, this example of actual cross-sectoral drought impacts will be relevant for drought awareness and preparation planning in other regions

    Essays on the Political Economy of Animal Welfare: Empirical Studies on Voter Behaviour and Stakeholder Participation

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    Animal welfare has become an important issue in the political discussion. In particular, the current agricultural housing standards no longer meet the increased social requirements. At the same time, existing literature focuses on economic analysis, i.e. the willingness to pay for different animal welfare aspects as well as the analysis of the reasons for market failure with regard to the provision of animal welfare. These analyses do not explicitly include political provision of animal welfare. In particular, the question to which extent concrete animal welfare policies are determined by lobbying or voting behaviour has not been empirically investigated yet. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to contribute to the research on the political economy of farm animal welfare. It addresses questions regarding animal welfare policy, considering the role of voters’ behaviour as well as the political influence of stakeholder. For both, voters as well as stakeholders, the empirical works takes into account policy beliefs. These are naive mental models of political actors with regard to the effect of specific policies on the relevant policy outcomes. At a methodical level, discrete choice models are applied to study voters’ behaviour. In particular, the corresponding contributions use probabilistic voter models as well as discrete choice experiment based willingness to pay measurements. Both approaches are combined to measure voters’ beliefs. The influence of stakeholder organizations is analysed using the social network based framework of informational lobbying as well as Bayesian estimation of exponential random graph models. The results show that the effect of animal welfare on voting behaviour is not as important as climate protection or social policy, but it is more important than water protection. Moreover, a gap between voters’ private willingness to pay for husbandry standards and their collective willingness to pay, i.e. trade-offs between animal welfare and other public goods, is identified. The combination of probabilistic voter models and willingness to pay measures reveals heterogeneous beliefs about the costs of providing animal welfare as well as other ecological goods. Furthermore, a systematic distortion of the voter beliefs has a significant influence on the preferred political provision of animal welfare. The analysis of stakeholder influence shows that especially actors of agriculture and animal production as well as animal protection organizations have strong informational lobbying influence. This structure implies that stakeholders evaluate a standardized testing and approval procedure for mass-produced livestock facilities as rather useful while the right for collective action is still evaluated as rather useless. Communication also lowers the evaluations of an animal husbandry knowledge certificate and the ban of living animal transports. The estimation results of a Bayesian exponential random graph model indicate that the influence structures are statistically robust and significant. Additionally, determinants of political communication can be identified

    Cross-sectoral impacts of the 2018–2019 Central European drought and climate resilience in the German part of the Elbe River basin

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    The 2018–2019 Central European drought was probably the most extreme in Germany since the early sixteenth century. We assess the multiple consequences of the drought for natural systems, the economy and human health in the German part of the Elbe River basin, an area of 97,175 km2 including the cities of Berlin and Hamburg and contributing about 18% to the German GDP. We employ meteorological, hydrological and socio-economic data to build a comprehensive picture of the drought severity, its multiple effects and cross-sectoral consequences in the basin. Time series of different drought indices illustrate the severity of the 2018–2019 drought and how it progressed from meteorological water deficits via soil water depletion towards low groundwater levels and river runoff, and losses in vegetation productivity. The event resulted in severe production losses in agriculture (minus 20–40% for staple crops) and forestry (especially through forced logging of damaged wood: 25.1 million tons in 2018–2020 compared to only 3.4 million tons in 2015–2017), while other economic sectors remained largely unaffected. However, there is no guarantee that this socio-economic stability will be sustained in future drought events; this is discussed in the light of 2022, another dry year holding the potential for a compound crisis. Given the increased probability for more intense and long-lasting droughts in most parts of Europe, this example of actual cross-sectoral drought impacts will be relevant for drought awareness and preparation planning in other regions
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