51 research outputs found

    Exploiting the Use of Cooperation in Self-Organizing Reliable Multiagent Systems

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    In this paper, a novel and cooperative approach is exploited introducing a self-organizing engine to achieve high reliability and availability in multiagent systems. The Adaptive Multiagent Systems theory is applied to design adaptive groups of agents in order to build reliable multiagent systems. According to this theory, adaptiveness is achieved via the cooperative behaviors of agents and their ability to change the communication links autonomously. In this approach, there is not a centralized control mechanism in the multiagent system and there is no need of global knowledge of the system to achieve reliability. This approach was implemented to demonstrate its performance gain in a set of experiments performed under different operating conditions. The experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of this approach

    Reasoning About Willingness in Networks of Agents

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    The i* Strategic Dependency model has been successfully employed to analyze trust relationships of networks of agents during the early stages of multiagent systems development. However, the model only supports limited trust reasoning due to its limitation to deal with the vulnerability of the depender regarding the failure of the dependency. In this paper, we introduce the concept of willingness, which provides a solution to the above problem and therefore allows a more complete analysis and reasoning of trust relationships in networks of agents

    Méthodes orientées agent et multi-agent

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    http://www.emse.fr/~picard/publications/bernon09industrie.pdfNational audienceLes systèmes multi-agents (SMA) ont montré leur pertinence pour la conception d'applications distribuées (logiquement ou physiquement), complexes et robustes. Le concept d'agent est aujourd'hui plus qu'une technologie efficace, il représente un nouveau paradigme pour le développement de logiciels dans lesquels l'agent est un logiciel autonome qui a un objectif, évolue dans un environnement et interagit avec d'autres agents au moyen de langages et de protocoles (voir le chapitre 1 " Introduction aux systèmes multi-agents "). Souvent, l'agent est considéré comme un objet " intelligent " ou comme un niveau d'abstraction au-dessus des objets et des composants (voir le chapitre 5 " Composants logiciels et systèmes multi-agents "). Les méthodes de développement orientées objet - au vu des différences entre les objets et les agents - ne sont pas directement applicables au développement de SMA. Il est alors devenu nécessaire d'étendre ou de développer de nouveaux modèles, de nouvelles méthodologies et de nouveaux outils adaptés au concept d'agent

    A platform-independent model for agents

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    Various agent-oriented methodologies and metamodels exist to describe multiagent systems ([VIAS) in an abstract manner. Frequently, these frameworks specialize on particular parts of the MAS and only few works have been invested to derive a common standardization. This limits t he impact of agent-related systems in commercial applications. In this paper, we present a metamodel for agent systems that abstract from existing agent-oriented methodologies and platforms and could thus be called platform-independent. This metamodel provides the core language that is used in our agentoriented software development process that conforms to the principles of Model-Driven Developrnent (MDD). Beside the domain-specific modelling language, we further provide two model transformations that allow to transform the generated models into textual code that call be executed with JACK and JADE

    Text Mining Dan Pola Algoritma Dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Informasi : (Sebuah Ulasan)

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    AbstrakText Mining bertujuan untuk menemukan informasi berharga yang tersembunyi baik dari sumber informasi terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur. Web merupakan sumber utama tempat keberadaan text yang menyimpan informasi tekstual yang tersedia bagi kita. Jumlah text ini seiring waktu terus mengalami peningkatan secara terus menerus. Text Mining merupakan suatu penemuan baru yang sebelumnya informasinya tidak diketahui. Informasi yang diekstrak dari berbagai sumber daya tertulis dilakukan secara otomatis. Elemen kuncinya adalah menghubungkan beberapa informasi yang diekstraksi menjadi satu sehingga dapat membentuk fakta baru atau hipotesis baru untuk dieksplorasi lebih lanjut. Pada makalah ini hanya fokus untuk meninjau dan memberikan ulasan tentang pola dan konsep dasar dari berbagai teknik text mining yang banyak digunakan untuk penyelesaian masalah informasi yang sudah dipulikasi oleh beberapa orang penulis. Selain itu penulis juga menunjukkan ulasan utama tentang teks mining dan tema utamanya pada sekitar tahun 1980 hingga 2010-an. yang semula berawal dari ilmu informasi menjadi sistem informasi serta merambah ke manajemen teknologi, di bidang-bidang arsitektur, dan ekologi sosial. Kata Kunci : Teks Mining, Tren, Pola, Algoritma, Informasi  AbstractText Mining to find aims valuable hidden information from both structured and unstructured sources of information. The web is the main source of textual existence which stores the textual information available to us. The amount of text is continuously increasing over time. Text Mining is a new discovery whose information was previously unknown. Information extracted from various written resources is done automatically. The key element is to connect some of the extracted information into one so that it can form new facts or new hypotheses for further exploration. This paper only focuses on reviewing and providing an overview of the basic patterns and concepts of various text mining techniques that are widely used for solving information problems that have been published by several authors. In addition, the author also shows a major review of text mining and its main themes from around the 1980s to 2010s. which originally started from information science into information systems and penetrated into technology management, in the fields of architecture, and social ecology. Keywords : Text Mining, Trends, Patterns, Algorithms, Informatio

    Modelling Web Services in the agent-oriented modelling language and environment CAMLE

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    A particular difficulty in the development of Web Services applications is caused by the lack of communications between developers from different vendors. This paper investigates how modelling can help to solve the problem using the caste-centric agent-oriented modelling language and environment CAMLE, and illustrates the method by an example of online auction service. The use of CAMLE in model consistency check and specification generation is also discussed. Software engineers are enabled to specify not only the service provider's functionality and behaviour, but also the requirements and restrictions on service requesters' behaviours

    A Query-Centric Approach to Supporting the Development of Context-Aware Applications for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Doctoral Dissertation, August 2006

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    The wide-spread use of mobile computing devices has led to an increased demand for applications that operate dependably in opportunistically formed networks. A promising approach to supporting software development for such dynamic settings is to rely on the context-aware computing paradigm, in which an application views the state of the surrounding ad hoc network as a valuable source of contextual information that can be used to adapt its behavior. Collecting context information distributed across a constantly changing network remains a significant technical challenge. This dissertation presents a query-centered approach to simplifying context interactions in mobile ad hoc networks. Using such an approach, an application programmer views the surrounding world asa single data repository over which descriptive queries can be issued. Distributed context information appears to be locally available, effectively hiding the complex networking tasks required to acquire context in an open and dynamic setting. This dissertation identifies the research issues associated with developing a query-centric approach and discusses solutions to providing query-centric support to application developers. To promote rapid and dependable software development, a query-centric middleware is provided to the application programmer. These solutions provide the means to reason about the correctness of an application\u27s design and potentially to reduce programmer effort and error
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