78 research outputs found

    Learning Ground Traversability from Simulations

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    Mobile ground robots operating on unstructured terrain must predict which areas of the environment they are able to pass in order to plan feasible paths. We address traversability estimation as a heightmap classification problem: we build a convolutional neural network that, given an image representing the heightmap of a terrain patch, predicts whether the robot will be able to traverse such patch from left to right. The classifier is trained for a specific robot model (wheeled, tracked, legged, snake-like) using simulation data on procedurally generated training terrains; the trained classifier can be applied to unseen large heightmaps to yield oriented traversability maps, and then plan traversable paths. We extensively evaluate the approach in simulation on six real-world elevation datasets, and run a real-robot validation in one indoor and one outdoor environment.Comment: Webpage: http://romarcg.xyz/traversability_estimation

    Adaptive and intelligent navigation of autonomous planetary rovers - A survey

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    The application of robotics and autonomous systems in space has increased dramatically. The ongoing Mars rover mission involving the Curiosity rover, along with the success of its predecessors, is a key milestone that showcases the existing capabilities of robotic technology. Nevertheless, there has still been a heavy reliance on human tele-operators to drive these systems. Reducing the reliance on human experts for navigational tasks on Mars remains a major challenge due to the harsh and complex nature of the Martian terrains. The development of a truly autonomous rover system with the capability to be effectively navigated in such environments requires intelligent and adaptive methods fitting for a system with limited resources. This paper surveys a representative selection of work applicable to autonomous planetary rover navigation, discussing some ongoing challenges and promising future research directions from the perspectives of the authors

    System of Terrain Analysis, Energy Estimation and Path Planning for Planetary Exploration by Robot Teams

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    NASA’s long term plans involve a return to manned moon missions, and eventually sending humans to mars. The focus of this project is the use of autonomous mobile robotics to enhance these endeavors. This research details the creation of a system of terrain classification, energy of traversal estimation and low cost path planning for teams of inexpensive and potentially expendable robots. The first stage of this project was the creation of a model which estimates the energy requirements of the traversal of varying terrain types for a six wheel rocker-bogie rover. The wheel/soil interaction model uses Shibly’s modified Bekker equations and incorporates a new simplified rocker-bogie model for estimating wheel loads. In all but a single trial the relative energy requirements for each soil type were correctly predicted by the model. A path planner for complete coverage intended to minimize energy consumption was designed and tested. It accepts as input terrain maps detailing the energy consumption required to move to each adjacent location. Exploration is performed via a cost function which determines the robot’s next move. This system was successfully tested for multiple robots by means of a shared exploration map. At peak efficiency, the energy consumed by our path planner was only 56% that used by the best case back and forth coverage pattern. After performing a sensitivity analysis of Shibly’s equations to determine which soil parameters most affected energy consumption, a neural network terrain classifier was designed and tested. The terrain classifier defines all traversable terrain as one of three soil types and then assigns an assumed set of soil parameters. The classifier performed well over all, but had some difficulty distinguishing large rocks from sand. This work presents a system which successfully classifies terrain imagery into one of three soil types, assesses the energy requirements of terrain traversal for these soil types and plans efficient paths of complete coverage for the imaged area. While there are further efforts that can be made in all areas, the work achieves its stated goals

    Autonomous Systems, Robotics, and Computing Systems Capability Roadmap: NRC Dialogue

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    Contents include the following: Introduction. Process, Mission Drivers, Deliverables, and Interfaces. Autonomy. Crew-Centered and Remote Operations. Integrated Systems Health Management. Autonomous Vehicle Control. Autonomous Process Control. Robotics. Robotics for Solar System Exploration. Robotics for Lunar and Planetary Habitation. Robotics for In-Space Operations. Computing Systems. Conclusion

    Percepción basada en visión estereoscópica, planificación de trayectorias y estrategias de navegación para exploración robótica autónoma

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia artificial, leída el 13-05-2015En esta tesis se trata el desarrollo de una estrategia de navegación autónoma basada en visión artificial para exploración robótica autónoma de superficies planetarias. Se han desarrollado una serie de subsistemas, módulos y software específicos para la investigación desarrollada en este trabajo, ya que la mayoría de las herramientas existentes para este dominio son propiedad de agencias espaciales nacionales, no accesibles a la comunidad científica. Se ha diseñado una arquitectura software modular multi-capa con varios niveles jerárquicos para albergar el conjunto de algoritmos que implementan la estrategia de navegación autónoma y garantizar la portabilidad del software, su reutilización e independencia del hardware. Se incluye también el diseño de un entorno de trabajo destinado a dar soporte al desarrollo de las estrategias de navegación. Éste se basa parcialmente en herramientas de código abierto al alcance de cualquier investigador o institución, con las necesarias adaptaciones y extensiones, e incluye capacidades de simulación 3D, modelos de vehículos robóticos, sensores, y entornos operacionales, emulando superficies planetarias como Marte, para el análisis y validación a nivel funcional de las estrategias de navegación desarrolladas. Este entorno también ofrece capacidades de depuración y monitorización.La presente tesis se compone de dos partes principales. En la primera se aborda el diseño y desarrollo de las capacidades de autonomía de alto nivel de un rover, centrándose en la navegación autónoma, con el soporte de las capacidades de simulación y monitorización del entorno de trabajo previo. Se han llevado a cabo un conjunto de experimentos de campo, con un robot y hardware real, detallándose resultados, tiempo de procesamiento de algoritmos, así como el comportamiento y rendimiento del sistema en general. Como resultado, se ha identificado al sistema de percepción como un componente crucial dentro de la estrategia de navegación y, por tanto, el foco principal de potenciales optimizaciones y mejoras del sistema. Como consecuencia, en la segunda parte de este trabajo, se afronta el problema de la correspondencia en imágenes estéreo y reconstrucción 3D de entornos naturales no estructurados. Se han analizado una serie de algoritmos de correspondencia, procesos de imagen y filtros. Generalmente se asume que las intensidades de puntos correspondientes en imágenes del mismo par estéreo es la misma. Sin embargo, se ha comprobado que esta suposición es a menudo falsa, a pesar de que ambas se adquieren con un sistema de visión compuesto de dos cámaras idénticas. En consecuencia, se propone un sistema experto para la corrección automática de intensidades en pares de imágenes estéreo y reconstrucción 3D del entorno basado en procesos de imagen no aplicados hasta ahora en el campo de la visión estéreo. Éstos son el filtrado homomórfico y la correspondencia de histogramas, que han sido diseñados para corregir intensidades coordinadamente, ajustando una imagen en función de la otra. Los resultados se han podido optimizar adicionalmente gracias al diseño de un proceso de agrupación basado en el principio de continuidad espacial para eliminar falsos positivos y correspondencias erróneas. Se han estudiado los efectos de la aplicación de dichos filtros, en etapas previas y posteriores al proceso de correspondencia, con eficiencia verificada favorablemente. Su aplicación ha permitido la obtención de un mayor número de correspondencias válidas en comparación con los resultados obtenidos sin la aplicación de los mismos, consiguiendo mejoras significativas en los mapas de disparidad y, por lo tanto, en los procesos globales de percepción y reconstrucción 3D.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    An Intelligent Architecture for Legged Robot Terrain Classification Using Proprioceptive and Exteroceptive Data

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    In this thesis, we introduce a novel architecture called Intelligent Architecture for Legged Robot Terrain Classification Using Proprioceptive and Exteroceptive Data (iARTEC ) . The proposed architecture integrates different terrain characterization and classification with other robotic system components. Within iARTEC , we consider the problem of having a legged robot autonomously learn to identify different terrains. Robust terrain identification can be used to enhance the capabilities of legged robot systems, both in terms of locomotion and navigation. For example, a robot that has learned to differentiate sand from gravel can autonomously modify (or even select a different) path in favor of traversing over a better terrain. The same knowledge of the terrain type can also be used to guide a robot in order to avoid specific terrains. To tackle this problem, we developed four approaches for terrain characterization, classification, path planning, and control for a mobile legged robot. We developed a particle system inspired approach to estimate the robot footâ ground contact interaction forces. The approach is derived from the well known Bekkerâ s theory to estimate the contact forces based on its point contact model concepts. It is realistically model real-time 3-dimensional contact behaviors between rigid body objects and the soil. For a real-time capable implementation of this approach, its reformulated to use a lookup table generated from simple contact experiments of the robot foot with the terrain. Also, we introduced a short-range terrain classifier using the robot embodied data. The classifier is based on a supervised machine learning approach to optimize the classifier parameters and terrain it using proprioceptive sensor measurements. The learning framework preprocesses sensor data through channel reduction and filtering such that the classifier is trained on the feature vectors that are closely associated with terrain class. For the long-range terrain type prediction using the robot exteroceptive data, we present an online visual terrain classification system. It uses only a monocular camera with a feature-based terrain classification algorithm which is robust to changes in illumination and view points. For this algorithm, we extract local features of terrains using Speed Up Robust Feature (SURF). We encode the features using the Bag of Words (BoW) technique, and then classify the words using Support Vector Machines (SVMs). In addition, we described a terrain dependent navigation and path planning approach that is based on E* planer and employs a proposed metric that specifies the navigation costs associated terrain types. This generated path naturally avoids obstacles and favors terrains with lower values of the metric. At the low level, a proportional input-scaling controller is designed and implemented to autonomously steer the robot to follow the desired path in a stable manner. iARTEC performance was tested and validated experimentally using several different sensing modalities (proprioceptive and exteroceptive) and on the six legged robotic platform CREX. The results show that the proposed architecture integrating the aforementioned approaches with the robotic system allowed the robot to learn both robot-terrain interaction and remote terrain perception models, as well as the relations linking those models. This learning mechanism is performed according to the robot own embodied data. Based on the knowledge available, the approach makes use of the detected remote terrain classes to predict the most probable navigation behavior. With the assigned metric, the performance of the robot on a given terrain is predicted. This allows the navigation of the robot to be influenced by the learned models. Finally, we believe that iARTEC and the methods proposed in this thesis can likely also be implemented on other robot types (such as wheeled robots), although we did not test this option in our work

    Occupancy grid mapping for rover navigation based on semantic segmentation

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    Obstacle mapping is a fundamental building block of the autonomous navigation pipeline of many robotic platforms such as planetary rovers. Nowadays, occupancy grid mapping is a widely used tool for obstacle perception. It foreseen the representation of the environment in evenly spaced cells, whose posterior probability of being occupied is updated based on range sensors measurement. In more classic approaches, the cells are updated to occupied at the point where the ray emitted by the range sensor encounters an obstacle, such as a wall. The main limitation of this kind of methods is that they are not able to identify planar obstacles, such as slippery, sandy, or rocky soils. In this work, we use the measurements of a stereo camera combined with a pixel labeling technique based on Convolution Neural Networks to identify the presence of rocky obstacles in planetary environment. Once identified, the obstacles are converted into a scan-like model. The estimation of the relative pose between successive frames is carried out using ORB-SLAM algorithm. The final step consists of updating the occupancy grid map using the Bayes' update Rule. To evaluate the metrological performances of the proposed method images from the Martian analogous dataset, the ESA Katwijk Beach Planetary Rover Dataset have been used. The evaluation has been performed by comparing the generated occupancy map with a manually segmented ortomosaic map, obtained by drones' survey of the area used as reference

    Tapered whisker reservoir computing for real-time terrain identification-based navigation

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    This paper proposes a new method for real-time terrain recognition-based navigation for mobile robots. Mobile robots performing tasks in unstructured environments need to adapt their trajectories in real-time to achieve safe and efficient navigation in complex terrains. However, current methods largely depend on visual and IMU (inertial measurement units) that demand high computational resources for real-time applications. In this paper, a real-time terrain identification-based navigation method is proposed using an on-board tapered whisker-based reservoir computing system. The nonlinear dynamic response of the tapered whisker was investigated in various analytical and Finite Element Analysis frameworks to demonstrate its reservoir computing capabilities. Numerical simulations and experiments were cross-checked with each other to verify that whisker sensors can separate different frequency signals directly in the time domain and demonstrate the computational superiority of the proposed system, and that different whisker axis locations and motion velocities provide variable dynamical response information. Terrain surface-following experiments demonstrated that our system could accurately identify changes in the terrain in real-time and adjust its trajectory to stay on specific terrain

    Computing fast search heuristics for physics-based mobile robot motion planning

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    Mobile robots are increasingly being employed to assist responders in search and rescue missions. Robots have to navigate in dangerous areas such as collapsed buildings and hazardous sites, which can be inaccessible to humans. Tele-operating the robots can be stressing for the human operators, which are also overloaded with mission tasks and coordination overhead, so it is important to provide the robot with some degree of autonomy, to lighten up the task for the human operator and also to ensure robot safety. Moving robots around requires reasoning, including interpretation of the environment, spatial reasoning, planning of actions (motion), and execution. This is particularly challenging when the environment is unstructured, and the terrain is \textit{harsh}, i.e. not flat and cluttered with obstacles. Approaches reducing the problem to a 2D path planning problem fall short, and many of those who reason about the problem in 3D don't do it in a complete and exhaustive manner. The approach proposed in this thesis is to use rigid body simulation to obtain a more truthful model of the reality, i.e. of the interaction between the robot and the environment. Such a simulation obeys the laws of physics, takes into account the geometry of the environment, the geometry of the robot, and any dynamic constraints that may be in place. The physics-based motion planning approach by itself is also highly intractable due to the computational load required to perform state propagation combined with the exponential blowup of planning; additionally, there are more technical limitations that disallow us to use things such as state sampling or state steering, which are known to be effective in solving the problem in simpler domains. The proposed solution to this problem is to compute heuristics that can bias the search towards the goal, so as to quickly converge towards the solution. With such a model, the search space is a rich space, which can only contain states which are physically reachable by the robot, and also tells us enough information about the safety of the robot itself. The overall result is that by using this framework the robot engineer has a simpler job of encoding the \textit{domain knowledge} which now consists only of providing the robot geometric model plus any constraints