163 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    Integrating Constraint-led and Step-Game approaches to develop sport performance: a season-long action-research study of a youth volleyball team.

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    A presente dissertação procura examinar a influência da combinação de uma abordagem ecológica (i.e., abordagem guiada por constrangimentos) com uma abordagem construtivista (i.e., abordagem progressiva ao jogo), através de um desenho de investigação-ação no qual o investigador assumiu o duplo papel de treinador-investigador, no desenvolvimento da performance desportiva de jovens jogadoras de voleibol ao longo de uma época competitiva. O carácter cíclico e interventivo da investigação-ação possibilitou a monitorização sistemática e contextualizada de variáveis de processo (i.e., conhecimento tático) e de produto (i.e., tendências de sincronização coletivas em ambiente competitivo), facilitando, portanto, a inter-relação entre a informação proveniente do treino e da competição. Ademais, dada a natureza interpretativa deste projeto de investigação, foi possível compreender o impacto que o uso de diferentes estratégicas pedagógicas característica de ambas as abordagens (p.e., aumento complexidade tática via manipulação de constrangimentos, questionamento) tiveram no desenvolvimento da performance desportiva das jogadoras, em cada momento da época. A evolução do processo ensino-aprendizagem foi captada através de um diário reflexivo, notas de campo, reuniões de grupo focal, e documentação dos planos de treinos e de jogos. As coordenadas posicionais das jogadoras foram obtidas através do software TACTO, e utilizadas para aferir acerca do desenvolvimento das tendências de sincronização coletivas pelo cálculo do método de fase-cluster. O uso combinado das duas abordagens, revelou-se benéfico para a evolução do conhecimento tático, bem como para o desenvolvimento das tendências de sincronização coletivas em competição. Em particular, o aumento da complexidade tática: (i) induziu um progressivo aumento do conhecimento tático (i.e., consciência tática, atenção focal, e pensamento estratégico); (ii) atuou como ruído, promovendo diminuição da sincronia da equipa a curto-prazo, mas um reaumento a longo-prazo. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: PEDAGOGIA DO DESPORTO, ANÁLISE DA PERFORMANCE, INVESTIGAÇÃO-AÇÃO, ABORDAGEM CENTRADA NO AMBIENTE E NO JOGADOR, VOLEIBOL.The aim of the present thesis was to examine the influence of combining an ecological approach (i.e., constraints-led approach) with an constructivist approach (i.e., step-game approach), using an insider action-research design where the researcher assumed the dual role of coach-researcher, on the development of sport performance in youth female volleyball players over a competitive season. The cyclical and interventive nature of the action-research design allowed for the systematic and contextualised monitoring of process variables (i.e., tactical knowledge) and product variables (i.e., collective synchronisation tendencies within competitive environment), thus facilitating the interplay between information from training and competition. Moreover, because of the interpretative nature of this research project, it was possible to comprehend the impact of using different pedagogical strategies with characteristics of both approaches (e.g., increasing tactical complexity via constraints manipulation, questioning) on the development of players' sport performance at each moment of the season. The evolution of the coaching-learning process was captured using a reflexive diary, field notes, focus group interviews, and by documenting training and game plans. The players' positional coordinates were collected using TACTO software and used to measure the development of collective synchronisation tendencies via the cluster-phase method calculation. The combined use of both approaches had benefits for evolving tactical knowledge, and for the development of collective synchronisation tendencies in competition. In particular, the increasing of tactical complexity: (i) induced a progressive enhancement of tactical knowledge (i.e., tactical awareness, attentional focus, and strategical thinking); and (ii) acted as noise, causing a decrease in team synchrony in the short-term, but a re-achievement in the long-term


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    The Analysis, Support and Development of Coaches' Tactical Knowledge in Practice

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    Game-based practices have been identified as significant approaches that support players to develop game understanding, strategic knowledge and decision making skills alongside developing their technical ability. However, for game-based approaches to be an effective method of practice, it is paramount for coaches to have extensive tactical knowledge. Despite the growing body of literature exploring the knowledge requirements of coaches, there is still a considerable lack of studies exploring how novice and intermediate level coaches develop their sport-specific knowledge. Moreover, the tactical knowledge concepts of sport-specific knowledge are still an underexplored area of research. Therefore, further investigation is required to enhance the understanding of coaches' tactical knowledge development. Accordingly, the thesis examined how, what and when novice/intermediate football coaches develop their tactical knowledge while studying on a level 3 qualification. In addition, the thesis explored if a conceptual model and framework could aid coaches’ tactical knowledge development. The thesis adopted a pragmatic research paradigm philosophy implementing scientific realism and pragmatism as the ontological and epistemological foundation. The methodology of an action research design-based approach incorporated methods such as; focus groups, object learning, reflective practice, participant observation, stimulated recall interviews, and case studies to collect and analyse the data. Findings illustrated a significant differentiation of coaches’ baseline knowledge at the start of the course. However, while several coaches were unable to define several key concepts of tactical knowledge when questioned (declarative knowledge), all coaches were able to show the application of several tactical concepts (procedural knowledge) of the game in their demonstrations. Moreover, findings exemplified that the moments of the game and principles of play are the two most significant concepts of tactical knowledge. Findings illustrated that coaches who displayed more advanced knowledge of the moments of the game and principles of play were able to demonstrate greater knowledge of the other tactical knowledge concepts (i.e., styles of play, systems of play, strategies and tactics) and display conditional knowledge in practice. In addition, findings suggest that the development of a conceptual model and framework significantly aided the coach’s declarative and procedural knowledge development, with the utmost change in tactical knowledge occurring once a coach had constructed their model. The discoveries of the thesis contribute to an evolving, problematic epistemology of football coaches’ tactical knowledge development and highlight shortcomings in terms of tactical concepts and the capacity to support tactical knowledge development. The thesis presents coach educators, coaches, academics and education providers’ opportunities to inform coach education delivery, academic literature and support football coaches develop tactical knowledge of the game

    Next generation cricket bowling machine

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    Cricket is a traditional team sport played in over 100 countries around the world. Unlike many mainstream sports, cricket has seen little research and development within the equipment used to play the game. Ball launching machines have been used as a training aid in a number of sports including cricket, however, as with the playing equipment used, these too have seen little development. Current cricket bowling machines enable players to train at a high intensity producing repeatable deliveries for batsmen to hone their skills. A need has been established by the coaching staff of the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) for a cricket training system that provides batsmen with a match realistic environment in which to train. Existing cricket bowling machines do not offer batsmen pre-release visual information that they would receive in a match situation and the most popular models release moulded, dimpled balls that do not replicate the performance of cricket balls.... cont'd

    Autonomous characters in virtual environments: The technologies involved in artificial life and their affects on perceived intelligence and playability of computer games

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    Computer games are viewed by academics as un֊grounded hack and patch experiments. "The industry lacks the formalism and requirement for a "perfect" solution often necessary in the academic world " [Woob]. Academic Artifical Intelligence (AI) is often viewed as un-implementable and narrow minded by the majority of ทon-AI programmer. "Historically, AI tended to be focused, containing detailed problems and domain-specific techniques. This focus makes for easier study - or engineering - of particular solutions. " [СһаОЗ .By implementing several well known AI techniques into the same gaming environment and judging users reactions this project aims to make links between the academic nature of AI, as well as investigate the nature of practical implementation in a gaming environment. An online Java implemented version of the 1970'ร classic Space Invaders has been developed and tested, with the Aliens being controlled by 6 different approaches to modelling AI functions. In total information from 334 individuals games was recorded. Different types of games AI can create highly varied gaming experience as highlighted by the range of values and high standard deviation values seen in the results. The link between complex behaviour, complex control systems and perceived intelligence was not supported. A positive correlation identified between how fun the users found the game and how intelligent they perceived the Aliens to be, would seem to be logical. As games get visually more and more impressive, the need for intelligent characters cannot be denied because it is one of the few way in which games can set themselves apart from the competition. Conclusions identified that computer games must remain focussed on their end- goal, that of producing a fun game. Whilst complex and clever AI can help to achieve it, the AI itself can never overshadow the end result

    Elite rugby union coaches' interpretation and use of Game Sense in Australia and New Zealand : an examination of coaches' habitus, learning and development

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    Contains fulltext : 139520.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 29 april 2015Promotores : Lagro-Janssen, A.L.M., Hutton, E.K. Co-promotor : Jonge, A. d