498 research outputs found

    Self-efficacy beliefs in pre-service chilean english teachers

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)This research study investigated Chilean pre-service teachers of English. A mixed-method research design was employed to obtain relevant data in this study. The quantitative instrument selected was an adapted version of the questionnaire developed by Tschannen-Moran & Hoy called “Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy Scale” (1998). This version of the questionnaire was applied to 39 participants who were the total number of students going through their last semester at the English Teaching Training Programme at Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello. The qualitative instrument employed was an interview developed by the researchers. After having conducted the questionnaire, 10 participants were randomly chosen to implement a one-on-one interview, in order to explore more in depth in the questionnaire results. Therefore, the results were divided into two sections: quantitative and qualitative. An analysis of the questionnaire was made in the quantitative results section likewise, for the interview in the qualitative results section. Finally, in the conclusion, a thorough analysis was provided so that self-efficacy beliefs of pre-service teachers were described. The findings in this research exhibited that in general the levels of self-efficacy of pre-service teachers are high.Este estudio investigó las nociones de autoeficacia de los profesores chilenos en formación. El método mixto fue empleado para obtener información relevante en este estudio. El instrumento cuantitativo seleccionado fue una versión adaptada de la cuestionario desarrollado por Tschannen-Moran & Hoy llamada “Teachers’ Sense of Self-efficacy Scale” (1998). Esta versión del cuestionario fue aplicada a 39 participantes quienes constituyen la totalidad de alumnos cursando el último semestre del Programa de Formación de Profesores de Inglés de la Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello. El instrumento cualitativo seleccionado fue una entrevista creada por los investigadores. Después de haber realizado la encuesta, 10 participantes fueron aleatoriamente seleccionados para llevar a cabo entrevistas personales con la finalidad de explorar más a fondo los resultados de la encuesta. Por consiguiente, los resultados están divididos en dos secciones: cuantitativos y cualitativos. Un análisis de la encuesta fue realizado en la sección de resultados cuantitativos y de igual manera, de la entrevista en la sección de resultados cualitativos. Finalmente, en la conclusión un exhaustivo análisis fue proporcionado de modo que las percepciones de autoeficacia de los profesores en formación fueron retratadas. Los hallazgos en esta investigación mostraron que en general los niveles de autoeficacia de los profesores en formación son altos

    Learning Relations

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    This thesis reports a twelve year action -research study (1974-1986). Starting from the fact of inner city under achievment, it sought to harness recent research evidence on three issues: the importance of parents as educators of their own children (eg, Schaefer, Bronfenbrenner, Halsey.); the role of language in intellectual development (eg, Luria, Bruner, Donaldson.); and the effect of dialogue as an educational process (eg, Freire.). The application of this theory, first in an inner city enclave and later in a peripheral housing estate, was realized through four projects: Stairhead Seminars (1974-76), The Govan Project (1976-79), The Home and School Centre development (1979-82), and phase I of the Partnership in Education Project (1983-86). Prior research evidence was re-interpreted through the insights of parents and professionals, who translated its general concepts into a local reality. This spiral of action, reflection and improved action forms the first eleven chapters of this thesis. The data used in the study (and included with this thesis) was gathered and analysed according to a Freirian rationale. It comprises 109 transcripts of small group discussions (1974 -79); 16 interview transcripts (1978); 40 Reflection papers (1974-82); 27 video tapes (1974-86); and 47 'Benchmark' (ie. working) papers (1968-86). A Freirian stance has also been used in the preparation of this thesis; that is, particular attention has been paid to finding a 'voice' which allows the active and critical participation of the reader. Chapter twelve concludes the thesis. It re-evaluates the initial research evidence and identifies a component commnonly omitted from intervention programmes. To sueceed, it is vital that t he ordinary resources supplied by parents and professionals are positively co-ordinated in the interests of providing children with a unified learning milieu

    An exploration of the experience of midwifery care by women asylum seekers and refugees

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    Background: There were approximately 63,097 known asylum seekers in England in 2002 (Heath et aL 2003). Women asylum seekers may be more seriously affected by displacement than men, leading to increased isolation, poverty, hostility and racism (Burnett and Peel, 2001a). In England, Black African including asylum seekers and newly arrived refugees had a seven times greater chance of maternal modality than White women (CEMACH, 2004 p244). Furthermore, women from ethnic groups other than white are twice as likely to die as women in the white group. In the CEMACH report a large number of women who died spoke little English. Access to local information about asylum seekers and refugees was difficult to obtain and suggested a disorganised service provision for this group of women. Aim: It was the intention of this study to explore and synthesise the experience of midwifery care by women asylum seekers and refugees in one large maternity unit in England. Design: Longitudinal exploratory case study research utilising a series of interviews. Sample: Four women from: Afghanistan, Rwanda, Somalia and Zaire. Three women were asylum seekers and one was a refugee. One woman spoke fluent English. Setting: Liverpool Women's Hospital and the women's homes. Years: The study took place from December 2002 - July 2003. Methodology: The research was developed from a constructionist paradigm which identifies that multiple realities can exist for individuals who experience 10 a similar phenomenon. Truth within this perspective is constructed by the individual. The researcher (LB) was the main instrument of data collection. Interpretation was generated via the researcher and was verified by the women at the final interview. The underpinning foundation for this study emerged as symbolic interaction theory (Mead, cited in Morris, 1967 p43; Blumer, 1969). Methods: Following ethical approval consent was obtained with the help of professional interpreters. Exploration was facilitated by in-depth interviews at five time points throughout the antenatal and postnatal period. Photographs taken by the women themselves were used as a prompt for conversation. Analysis: The researcher's interpretation of the data identified emerging themes and categories. The process of analysis involved decontextualisation, display, data complication and re-conceptualisation (Miles and Huberman, 1994 p10). Three key themes were generated: the influence of social policy, understanding in practice and the perception of 'self. Results: Synthesis of the results suggested that social policy directly affected the lives of the women. At times, "taken for granted" communication created a barrier to understanding for the women. Stereotype was socially constructed and pervaded the care environment. The women perceived 'self as a response to social interaction. The midwife-woman relationship relied heavily on gestures and symbols and the women's descriptions are related to symbolic interaction theory. Midwives capable of understanding the subtle cues in communication may be able to negotiate negative stereotypical images generated by society. Women had little or no information around childbirth. Recommendations: Midwifery care would benefit from a deeper understanding of how the women in this study perceived 'self. An advisory post may provide the link between maternity care and broader public health issues. Midwives should engage with asylum seekers and refugees to develop partnerships in care. A collaborative partnership may assist in creating relevant information around childbirth for other asylum seekers and refugees. Innovative methods of dissemination of information related to childbirth should be facilitated by a collaborative approach with non-governmental and community organisations

    School Psychologists’ Experience of Identifying Students With Specific Learning Disabilities In Urban Schools

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    The largest group of students receiving special education services in the United States qualify under the category of Specific Learning Disability (SLD) (Cottrell & Barrett, 2015). The most recent reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) was the first time that federal special education law substantially changed the way in which Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) could identify students as having SLDs. Because of their specialized training, school psychologists are considered to be the disability identification expert of the team (NASP, 2010a). This instrumental case study investigated school psychologists’ experience of identifying SLDs in urban schools and how they make sense of the process. This study was conducted with school psychologists who have at least five years of experience and currently work in an urban school in Cuyahoga County. School psychologists from all ten school districts that are designated as urban by ODE were solicited for participation. Seven school psychologists from six districts consented to participate in this study. Participants completed a brief demographic questionnaire and two semi-structured interviews, answering interview questions to address the following primary research questions: (1) What resources and existing knowledge do school psychologists draw on in the processes of SLD identification; and (2) What challenges occur for them in the SLD identification process. Participants identified themes regarding resources and existing knowledge that they use during the identification process as well as challenges related to their training, professional development, team dynamics, school and community iv resources, the legal definition of SLD, inconsistent application of policy, and SLD guidance and policy during this study. These findings highlighted the need for changes to university-level educator training programs, professional development, and community outreach and inclusion, as well as the need to recommit to students’ right to a Free Appropriate Public Education