83 research outputs found

    Snap-Stabilization in Message-Passing Systems

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    In this paper, we tackle the open problem of snap-stabilization in message-passing systems. Snap-stabilization is a nice approach to design protocols that withstand transient faults. Compared to the well-known self-stabilizing approach, snap-stabilization guarantees that the effect of faults is contained immediately after faults cease to occur. Our contribution is twofold: we show that (1) snap-stabilization is impossible for a wide class of problems if we consider networks with finite yet unbounded channel capacity; (2) snap-stabilization becomes possible in the same setting if we assume bounded-capacity channels. We propose three snap-stabilizing protocols working in fully-connected networks. Our work opens exciting new research perspectives, as it enables the snap-stabilizing paradigm to be implemented in actual networks

    Two snap-stabilizing point-to-point communication protocols in message-switched networks

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    A snap-stabilizing protocol, starting from any configuration, always behaves according to its specification. In this paper, we present a snap-stabilizing protocol to solve the message forwarding problem in a message-switched network. In this problem, we must manage resources of the system to deliver messages to any processor of the network. In this purpose, we use information given by a routing algorithm. By the context of stabilization (in particular, the system starts in an arbitrary configuration), this information can be corrupted. So, the existence of a snap-stabilizing protocol for the message forwarding problem implies that we can ask the system to begin forwarding messages even if routing information are initially corrupted. In this paper, we propose two snap-stabilizing algorithms (in the state model) for the following specification of the problem: - Any message can be generated in a finite time. - Any emitted message is delivered to its destination once and only once in a finite time. This implies that our protocol can deliver any emitted message regardless of the state of routing tables in the initial configuration. These two algorithms are based on the previous work of [MS78]. Each algorithm needs a particular method to be transform into a snap-stabilizing one but both of them do not introduce a significant overcost in memory or in time with respect to algorithms of [MS78]

    Stabilizing data-link over non-FIFO channels with optimal fault-resilience

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    Self-stabilizing systems have the ability to converge to a correct behavior when started in any configuration. Most of the work done so far in the self-stabilization area assumed either communication via shared memory or via FIFO channels. This paper is the first to lay the bases for the design of self-stabilizing message passing algorithms over unreliable non-FIFO channels. We propose a fault-send-deliver optimal stabilizing data-link layer that emulates a reliable FIFO communication channel over unreliable capacity bounded non-FIFO channels

    Optimization in a Self-Stabilizing Service Discovery Framework for Large Scale Systems

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    Ability to find and get services is a key requirement in the development of large-scale distributed sys- tems. We consider dynamic and unstable environments, namely Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems. In previous work, we designed a service discovery solution called Distributed Lexicographic Placement Table (DLPT), based on a hierar- chical overlay structure. A self-stabilizing version was given using the Propagation of Information with Feedback (PIF) paradigm. In this paper, we introduce the self-stabilizing COPIF (for Collaborative PIF) scheme. An algo- rithm is provided with its correctness proof. We use this approach to improve a distributed P2P framework designed for the services discovery. Significantly efficient experimental results are presented

    Performance Evaluation of Self-stabilizing Algorithms by Probabilistic Model Checking

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    A self-stabilizing protocol is one that starting from any arbitrary initial state recovers to legitimate states in a finite number of steps, and once it stabilizes to a set of legitimate states, it remains there unless it is perturbed by transient faults. The traditional methods existing for performance evaluation of a self-stabilizing algorithm usually work based on the analysis of worst case computational complexity. Another method that has been commonly used in evaluating these algorithms is simulation, which assumes the system starts from an initial state. Here, it is argued that the traditional methods have shortcomings and do not give enough insight about the behavior of the system. Moreover, they do not provide a decent method of comparison. We propose a novel method for evaluation of self-stabilizing algorithms. This method works based on probabilistic model checking and computation of the expected number of recovery steps. We execute some experiments on the case studies, and the results indicate that we can gain insight about the faults and their structure in the protocol. Next, we explain the difficulty of designing a self-stabilizing algorithm for a system and show how it is impossible to do so for some classes of protocols. This resulted in some relaxation in the definition of self-stabilization. One of the relaxations made in the definition of self-stabilization is weak-stabilization. A weak-stabilizing protocol ensures the existence of a recovery path from an arbitrary initial configuration. Thus, some paths may contain connected components or cycles. Since a weak-stabilizing algorithm may get stuck in connected components forever, we cannot evaluate weak-stabilizing protocols by traditional and existing methods. We calculate the expected number of recovery steps for evaluating weak-stabilization. However, since it does not give us enough intuition about the structure of faults, we apply a graph-theoretic formula for estimating the weak-stabilizing algorithm's performance. This formula is based on the number of cycles and their reachability. Based on the observations we made by performance evaluation of these protocols, we suggest algorithms called state encoding for modifying the performance of the algorithms. State encoding works based on changing the bit mapping of the states of the system. The aim is to make the states with faster recovery steps more probable to occur. There are three algorithms, one of which works based on betweenness centrality which is a measure of centrality of a node within a graph. The other one works based on feedback arc set which is a set of arcs whose removal makes a graph acyclic. The third algorithm works based on the length of the shortest recovery path for the states. The other problem investigated here is the problem of state space explosion in model checking. Similar to traditional methods of model checking, probabilistic model checking also suffers from the problem of state space explosion, i.e., the number of states grows exponentially in terms of the number of components in the distributed system. Abstraction methods, which are described briefly here, are designed to combat this problem. We argue that they are not effcient enough, and there is still the lack of a suffcient abstraction method that works for systems with an arbitrary number of processes. We also propose a new approach for evaluation of an abstraction function. Then, based on the intuition gained, a new abstraction algorithm is proposed that is exclusively designed for verification of reachability properties. After executing experiments on a case study, we compare the result of our algorithm with the results obtained by existing methods. The results support our claim that our method is more effcient and precise

    Self-stabilizing binary search tree maintenance algorithm

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    Binary search tree is one of the most studied data structures. The main application of the binary search tree is in implementing efficient search operations. A binary search tree is a special binary tree which satisfies the property that for every processor p in the binary tree, the values of all the keys in the left subtree of p are smaller than that of p, and the values of all the keys in the right subtree of p are larger than that of p; We present a self-stabilizing [Dij74] algorithm to maintain a binary search tree given a binary tree structure and a sequence of integers as input. This protocol uses neither the processors identifiers nor the size of the tree but assumes the existence of a distinguished processor (the root). The algorithm is self-stabilizing, meaning that starting from an arbitrary state, it is guaranteed to reach a legitimate state in a finite number of steps. The proposed algorithm assures that the set of integers eventually sent to the output environment is a permutation of the integers received from the input environment. The algorithm stabilizes in 0(hn) time units, where h and n represent the height and size, respectively, of the tree. The proposed algorithm is aimed at the hardwired binary tree structures where the topology of the trees cannot be adaptive to the change of the input values, but the input values are organized within a predefined environment