593 research outputs found

    Adversarial Training in Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis: Recent Advances and Perspectives

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    Over the past few years, adversarial training has become an extremely active research topic and has been successfully applied to various Artificial Intelligence (AI) domains. As a potentially crucial technique for the development of the next generation of emotional AI systems, we herein provide a comprehensive overview of the application of adversarial training to affective computing and sentiment analysis. Various representative adversarial training algorithms are explained and discussed accordingly, aimed at tackling diverse challenges associated with emotional AI systems. Further, we highlight a range of potential future research directions. We expect that this overview will help facilitate the development of adversarial training for affective computing and sentiment analysis in both the academic and industrial communities

    A review of domain adaptation without target labels

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    Domain adaptation has become a prominent problem setting in machine learning and related fields. This review asks the question: how can a classifier learn from a source domain and generalize to a target domain? We present a categorization of approaches, divided into, what we refer to as, sample-based, feature-based and inference-based methods. Sample-based methods focus on weighting individual observations during training based on their importance to the target domain. Feature-based methods revolve around on mapping, projecting and representing features such that a source classifier performs well on the target domain and inference-based methods incorporate adaptation into the parameter estimation procedure, for instance through constraints on the optimization procedure. Additionally, we review a number of conditions that allow for formulating bounds on the cross-domain generalization error. Our categorization highlights recurring ideas and raises questions important to further research.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    A Speech Representation Anonymization Framework via Selective Noise Perturbation

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    Privacy and security are major concerns when communicating speech signals to cloud services such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech emotion recognition (SER). Existing solutions for speech anonymization mainly focus on voice conversion or voice modification to convert a raw utterance into another one with similar content but different, or no, identity-related information. However, an alternative approach to share speech data under the form of privacy-preserving representation has been largely under-explored. In this paper, we propose a speech anonymization framework that achieves privacy via noise perturbation to a selected subset of the high-utility representations extracted using a pre-trained speech encoder. The subset is chosen with a Transformer-based privacy-risk saliency estimator. We validate our framework on four tasks, namely, Automatic Speaker Verification (ASV), ASR, SER and Intent Classification (IC) for privacy and utility assessment. Experimental results show that our approach is able to achieve a competitive, or even better, utility compared to the speech anonymization baselines from the VoicePrivacy2022 Challenges, providing the same level of privacy. Moreover, the easily-controlled amount of perturbation allows our framework to have a flexible range of privacy-utility trade-offs without re-training any component


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    Abstract: Detecting the mental state of a person has implications in psychiatry, medicine, psychology and human-computer interaction systems among others. It includes (but is not limited to) a wide variety of problems such as emotion detection, valence-affect-dominance states prediction, mood detection and detection of clinical depression. In this thesis we focus primarily on emotion recognition. Like any recognition system, building an emotion recognition model consists of the following two steps: 1. Extraction of meaningful features that would help in classification 2. Development of an appropriate classifier Speech data being non-invasive and the ease with which it can be collected has made it a popular candidate for feature extraction. However, an ideal system designed should be agnostic to speaker and channel effects. While feature normalization schemes can counter these problems to some extent, we still see a drastic drop in performance when the training and test data-sets are unmatched. In this dissertation we explore some novel ways towards building models that are more robust to speaker and domain differences. Training discriminative classifiers involves learning a conditional distribution p(y_i|x_i), given a set of feature vectors x_i and the corresponding labels y_i; i=1,...N. For a classifier to be generalizable and not overfit to training data, the resulting conditional distribution p(y_i|x_i) is desired to be smoothly varying over the inputs x_i. Adversarial training procedures enforce this smoothness using manifold regularization techniques. Manifold regularization makes the model’s output distribution more robust to local perturbation added to a datapoint x_i. In the first part of the dissertation, we investigate two training procedures: (i) adversarial training where we determine the perturbation direction based on the given labels for the training data and, (ii) virtual adversarial training where we determine the perturbation direction based only on the output distribution of the training data. We demonstrate the efficacy of adversarial training procedures by performing a k-fold cross validation experiment on the Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture (IEMOCAP) and a cross-corpus performance analysis on three separate corpora. We compare their performances to that of a model utilizing other regularization schemes such as L1/L2 and graph based manifold regularization scheme. Results show improvement over a purely supervised approach, as well as better generalization capability to cross-corpus settings. Our second approach to better discriminate between emotions leverages multi-modal learning and automated speech recognition (ASR) systems toward improving the generalizability of an emotion recognition model that requires only speech as input. Previous studies have shown that emotion recognition models using only acoustic features do not perform satisfactorily in detecting valence level. Text analysis has been shown to be helpful for sentiment classification. We compared classification accuracies obtained from an audio-only model, a text-only model and a multi-modal system leveraging both by performing a cross-validation analysis on IEMOCAP dataset. Confusion matrices show it’s the valence level detection that is being improved by incorporating textual information. In the second stage of experiments, we used three ASR application programming interfaces (APIs) to get the transcriptions. We compare the performances of multi-modal systems using the ASR transcriptions with each other and with that of one using ground truth transcription. This is followed by a cross-corpus study. In the third part of the study we investigate the generalizability of generative of generative adversarial networks (GANs) based models. GANs have gained a lot of attention from machine learning community due to their ability to learn and mimic an input data distribution. GANs consist of a discriminator and a generator working in tandem playing a min-max game to learn a target underlying data distribution; when fed with data-points sampled from a simpler distribution (like uniform or Gaussian distribution). Once trained, they allow synthetic generation of examples sampled from the target distribution. We investigate the applicability of GANs to get lower dimensional representations from the higher dimensional feature vectors pertinent for emotion recognition. We also investigate their ability to generate synthetic higher dimensional feature vectors using points sampled from a lower dimensional prior. Specifically, we investigate two set ups: (i) when the lower dimensional prior from which synthetic feature vectors are generated is pre-defined, (ii) when the distribution of lower dimensional prior is learned from training data. We define the metrics that we used to measure and analyze the performance of these generative models in different train/test conditions. We perform cross validation analysis followed by a cross-corpus study. Finally we make an attempt towards understanding the relation between two different sub-problems encompassed under mental state detection namely depression detection and emotion recognition. We propose approaches that can be investigated to build better depression detection models by leveraging our ability to recognize emotions accurately

    Efficient, end-to-end and self-supervised methods for speech processing and generation

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    Deep learning has affected the speech processing and generation fields in many directions. First, end-to-end architectures allow the direct injection and synthesis of waveform samples. Secondly, the exploration of efficient solutions allow to implement these systems in computationally restricted environments, like smartphones. Finally, the latest trends exploit audio-visual data with least supervision. In this thesis these three directions are explored. Firstly, we propose the use of recent pseudo-recurrent structures, like self-attention models and quasi-recurrent networks, to build acoustic models for text-to-speech. The proposed system, QLAD, turns out to synthesize faster on CPU and GPU than its recurrent counterpart whilst preserving the good synthesis quality level, which is competitive with state of the art vocoder-based models. Then, a generative adversarial network is proposed for speech enhancement, named SEGAN. This model works as a speech-to-speech conversion system in time-domain, where a single inference operation is needed for all samples to operate through a fully convolutional structure. This implies an increment in modeling efficiency with respect to other existing models, which are auto-regressive and also work in time-domain. SEGAN achieves prominent results in noise supression and preservation of speech naturalness and intelligibility when compared to the other classic and deep regression based systems. We also show that SEGAN is efficient in transferring its operations to new languages and noises. A SEGAN trained for English performs similarly to this language on Catalan and Korean with only 24 seconds of adaptation data. Finally, we unveil the generative capacity of the model to recover signals from several distortions. We hence propose the concept of generalized speech enhancement. First, the model proofs to be effective to recover voiced speech from whispered one. Then the model is scaled up to solve other distortions that require a recomposition of damaged parts of the signal, like extending the bandwidth or recovering lost temporal sections, among others. The model improves by including additional acoustic losses in a multi-task setup to impose a relevant perceptual weighting on the generated result. Moreover, a two-step training schedule is also proposed to stabilize the adversarial training after the addition of such losses, and both components boost SEGAN's performance across distortions.Finally, we propose a problem-agnostic speech encoder, named PASE, together with the framework to train it. PASE is a fully convolutional network that yields compact representations from speech waveforms. These representations contain abstract information like the speaker identity, the prosodic features or the spoken contents. A self-supervised framework is also proposed to train this encoder, which suposes a new step towards unsupervised learning for speech processing. Once the encoder is trained, it can be exported to solve different tasks that require speech as input. We first explore the performance of PASE codes to solve speaker recognition, emotion recognition and speech recognition. PASE works competitively well compared to well-designed classic features in these tasks, specially after some supervised adaptation. Finally, PASE also provides good descriptors of identity for multi-speaker modeling in text-to-speech, which is advantageous to model novel identities without retraining the model.L'aprenentatge profund ha afectat els camps de processament i generació de la parla en vàries direccions. Primer, les arquitectures fi-a-fi permeten la injecció i síntesi de mostres temporals directament. D'altra banda, amb l'exploració de solucions eficients permet l'aplicació d'aquests sistemes en entorns de computació restringida, com els telèfons intel·ligents. Finalment, les darreres tendències exploren les dades d'àudio i veu per derivar-ne representacions amb la mínima supervisió. En aquesta tesi precisament s'exploren aquestes tres direccions. Primer de tot, es proposa l'ús d'estructures pseudo-recurrents recents, com els models d’auto atenció i les xarxes quasi-recurrents, per a construir models acústics text-a-veu. Així, el sistema QLAD proposat en aquest treball sintetitza més ràpid en CPU i GPU que el seu homòleg recurrent, preservant el mateix nivell de qualitat de síntesi, competitiu amb l'estat de l'art en models basats en vocoder. A continuació es proposa un model de xarxa adversària generativa per a millora de veu, anomenat SEGAN. Aquest model fa conversions de veu-a-veu en temps amb una sola operació d'inferència sobre una estructura purament convolucional. Això implica un increment en l'eficiència respecte altres models existents auto regressius i que també treballen en el domini temporal. La SEGAN aconsegueix resultats prominents d'extracció de soroll i preservació de la naturalitat i la intel·ligibilitat de la veu comparat amb altres sistemes clàssics i models regressius basats en xarxes neuronals profundes en espectre. També es demostra que la SEGAN és eficient transferint les seves operacions a nous llenguatges i sorolls. Així, un model SEGAN entrenat en Anglès aconsegueix un rendiment comparable a aquesta llengua quan el transferim al català o al coreà amb només 24 segons de dades d'adaptació. Finalment, explorem l'ús de tota la capacitat generativa del model i l’apliquem a recuperació de senyals de veu malmeses per vàries distorsions severes. Això ho anomenem millora de la parla generalitzada. Primer, el model demostra ser efectiu per a la tasca de recuperació de senyal sonoritzat a partir de senyal xiuxiuejat. Posteriorment, el model escala a poder resoldre altres distorsions que requereixen una reconstrucció de parts del senyal que s’han malmès, com extensió d’ample de banda i recuperació de seccions temporals perdudes, entre d’altres. En aquesta última aplicació del model, el fet d’incloure funcions de pèrdua acústicament rellevants incrementa la naturalitat del resultat final, en una estructura multi-tasca que prediu característiques acústiques a la sortida de la xarxa discriminadora de la nostra GAN. També es proposa fer un entrenament en dues etapes del sistema SEGAN, el qual mostra un increment significatiu de l’equilibri en la sinèrgia adversària i la qualitat generada finalment després d’afegir les funcions acústiques. Finalment, proposem un codificador de veu agnòstic al problema, anomenat PASE, juntament amb el conjunt d’eines per entrenar-lo. El PASE és un sistema purament convolucional que crea representacions compactes de trames de veu. Aquestes representacions contenen informació abstracta com identitat del parlant, les característiques prosòdiques i els continguts lingüístics. També es proposa un entorn auto-supervisat multi-tasca per tal d’entrenar aquest sistema, el qual suposa un avenç en el terreny de l’aprenentatge no supervisat en l’àmbit del processament de la parla. Una vegada el codificador esta entrenat, es pot exportar per a solventar diferents tasques que requereixin tenir senyals de veu a l’entrada. Primer explorem el rendiment d’aquest codificador per a solventar tasques de reconeixement del parlant, de l’emoció i de la parla, mostrant-se efectiu especialment si s’ajusta la representació de manera supervisada amb un conjunt de dades d’adaptació

    Efficient, end-to-end and self-supervised methods for speech processing and generation

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    Deep learning has affected the speech processing and generation fields in many directions. First, end-to-end architectures allow the direct injection and synthesis of waveform samples. Secondly, the exploration of efficient solutions allow to implement these systems in computationally restricted environments, like smartphones. Finally, the latest trends exploit audio-visual data with least supervision. In this thesis these three directions are explored. Firstly, we propose the use of recent pseudo-recurrent structures, like self-attention models and quasi-recurrent networks, to build acoustic models for text-to-speech. The proposed system, QLAD, turns out to synthesize faster on CPU and GPU than its recurrent counterpart whilst preserving the good synthesis quality level, which is competitive with state of the art vocoder-based models. Then, a generative adversarial network is proposed for speech enhancement, named SEGAN. This model works as a speech-to-speech conversion system in time-domain, where a single inference operation is needed for all samples to operate through a fully convolutional structure. This implies an increment in modeling efficiency with respect to other existing models, which are auto-regressive and also work in time-domain. SEGAN achieves prominent results in noise supression and preservation of speech naturalness and intelligibility when compared to the other classic and deep regression based systems. We also show that SEGAN is efficient in transferring its operations to new languages and noises. A SEGAN trained for English performs similarly to this language on Catalan and Korean with only 24 seconds of adaptation data. Finally, we unveil the generative capacity of the model to recover signals from several distortions. We hence propose the concept of generalized speech enhancement. First, the model proofs to be effective to recover voiced speech from whispered one. Then the model is scaled up to solve other distortions that require a recomposition of damaged parts of the signal, like extending the bandwidth or recovering lost temporal sections, among others. The model improves by including additional acoustic losses in a multi-task setup to impose a relevant perceptual weighting on the generated result. Moreover, a two-step training schedule is also proposed to stabilize the adversarial training after the addition of such losses, and both components boost SEGAN's performance across distortions.Finally, we propose a problem-agnostic speech encoder, named PASE, together with the framework to train it. PASE is a fully convolutional network that yields compact representations from speech waveforms. These representations contain abstract information like the speaker identity, the prosodic features or the spoken contents. A self-supervised framework is also proposed to train this encoder, which suposes a new step towards unsupervised learning for speech processing. Once the encoder is trained, it can be exported to solve different tasks that require speech as input. We first explore the performance of PASE codes to solve speaker recognition, emotion recognition and speech recognition. PASE works competitively well compared to well-designed classic features in these tasks, specially after some supervised adaptation. Finally, PASE also provides good descriptors of identity for multi-speaker modeling in text-to-speech, which is advantageous to model novel identities without retraining the model.L'aprenentatge profund ha afectat els camps de processament i generació de la parla en vàries direccions. Primer, les arquitectures fi-a-fi permeten la injecció i síntesi de mostres temporals directament. D'altra banda, amb l'exploració de solucions eficients permet l'aplicació d'aquests sistemes en entorns de computació restringida, com els telèfons intel·ligents. Finalment, les darreres tendències exploren les dades d'àudio i veu per derivar-ne representacions amb la mínima supervisió. En aquesta tesi precisament s'exploren aquestes tres direccions. Primer de tot, es proposa l'ús d'estructures pseudo-recurrents recents, com els models d’auto atenció i les xarxes quasi-recurrents, per a construir models acústics text-a-veu. Així, el sistema QLAD proposat en aquest treball sintetitza més ràpid en CPU i GPU que el seu homòleg recurrent, preservant el mateix nivell de qualitat de síntesi, competitiu amb l'estat de l'art en models basats en vocoder. A continuació es proposa un model de xarxa adversària generativa per a millora de veu, anomenat SEGAN. Aquest model fa conversions de veu-a-veu en temps amb una sola operació d'inferència sobre una estructura purament convolucional. Això implica un increment en l'eficiència respecte altres models existents auto regressius i que també treballen en el domini temporal. La SEGAN aconsegueix resultats prominents d'extracció de soroll i preservació de la naturalitat i la intel·ligibilitat de la veu comparat amb altres sistemes clàssics i models regressius basats en xarxes neuronals profundes en espectre. També es demostra que la SEGAN és eficient transferint les seves operacions a nous llenguatges i sorolls. Així, un model SEGAN entrenat en Anglès aconsegueix un rendiment comparable a aquesta llengua quan el transferim al català o al coreà amb només 24 segons de dades d'adaptació. Finalment, explorem l'ús de tota la capacitat generativa del model i l’apliquem a recuperació de senyals de veu malmeses per vàries distorsions severes. Això ho anomenem millora de la parla generalitzada. Primer, el model demostra ser efectiu per a la tasca de recuperació de senyal sonoritzat a partir de senyal xiuxiuejat. Posteriorment, el model escala a poder resoldre altres distorsions que requereixen una reconstrucció de parts del senyal que s’han malmès, com extensió d’ample de banda i recuperació de seccions temporals perdudes, entre d’altres. En aquesta última aplicació del model, el fet d’incloure funcions de pèrdua acústicament rellevants incrementa la naturalitat del resultat final, en una estructura multi-tasca que prediu característiques acústiques a la sortida de la xarxa discriminadora de la nostra GAN. També es proposa fer un entrenament en dues etapes del sistema SEGAN, el qual mostra un increment significatiu de l’equilibri en la sinèrgia adversària i la qualitat generada finalment després d’afegir les funcions acústiques. Finalment, proposem un codificador de veu agnòstic al problema, anomenat PASE, juntament amb el conjunt d’eines per entrenar-lo. El PASE és un sistema purament convolucional que crea representacions compactes de trames de veu. Aquestes representacions contenen informació abstracta com identitat del parlant, les característiques prosòdiques i els continguts lingüístics. També es proposa un entorn auto-supervisat multi-tasca per tal d’entrenar aquest sistema, el qual suposa un avenç en el terreny de l’aprenentatge no supervisat en l’àmbit del processament de la parla. Una vegada el codificador esta entrenat, es pot exportar per a solventar diferents tasques que requereixin tenir senyals de veu a l’entrada. Primer explorem el rendiment d’aquest codificador per a solventar tasques de reconeixement del parlant, de l’emoció i de la parla, mostrant-se efectiu especialment si s’ajusta la representació de manera supervisada amb un conjunt de dades d’adaptació.Postprint (published version

    Enhanced Multimodal Representation Learning with Cross-modal KD

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    This paper explores the tasks of leveraging auxiliary modalities which are only available at training to enhance multimodal representation learning through cross-modal Knowledge Distillation (KD). The widely adopted mutual information maximization-based objective leads to a short-cut solution of the weak teacher, i.e., achieving the maximum mutual information by simply making the teacher model as weak as the student model. To prevent such a weak solution, we introduce an additional objective term, i.e., the mutual information between the teacher and the auxiliary modality model. Besides, to narrow down the information gap between the student and teacher, we further propose to minimize the conditional entropy of the teacher given the student. Novel training schemes based on contrastive learning and adversarial learning are designed to optimize the mutual information and the conditional entropy, respectively. Experimental results on three popular multimodal benchmark datasets have shown that the proposed method outperforms a range of state-of-the-art approaches for video recognition, video retrieval and emotion classification.Comment: Accepted by CVPR202

    Broadening the Horizon of Adversarial Attacks in Deep Learning

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    152 p.Los modelos de Aprendizaje Automático como las Redes Neuronales Profundas son actualmente el núcleo de una amplia gama de tecnologías aplicadas en tareas críticas, como el reconocimiento facial o la conducción autónoma, en las que tanto la capacidad predictiva como la fiabilidad son requisitos fundamentales. Sin embargo, estos modelos pueden ser fácilmente engañados por inputs manipulados deforma imperceptible para el ser humano, denominados ejemplos adversos (adversarial examples), lo que implica una brecha de seguridad que puede ser explotada por un atacante con fines ilícitos. Dado que estas vulnerabilidades afectan directamente a la integridad y fiabilidad de múltiples sistemas que,progresivamente, están siendo desplegados en aplicaciones del mundo real, es crucial determinar el alcance de dichas vulnerabilidades para poder garantizar así un uso más responsable, informado y seguro de esos sistemas. Por estos motivos, esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal investigar nuevas nociones de ataques adversos y vulnerabilidades en las Redes Neuronales Profundas. Como resultado de esta investigación, a lo largo de esta tesis se exponen nuevos paradigmas de ataque que exceden o amplían las capacidades de los métodos actualmente disponibles en la literatura, ya que son capaces de alcanzar objetivos más generales, complejos o ambiciosos. Al mismo tiempo, se exponen nuevas brechas de seguridad en casos de uso y escenarios en los que las consecuencias de los ataques adversos no habían sido investigadas con anterioridad. Nuestro trabajo también arroja luz sobre diferentes propiedades de estos modelos que los hacen más vulnerables a los ataques adversos, contribuyendo a una mejor comprensión de estos fenómenos

    Computer audition for emotional wellbeing

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    This thesis is focused on the application of computer audition (i. e., machine listening) methodologies for monitoring states of emotional wellbeing. Computer audition is a growing field and has been successfully applied to an array of use cases in recent years. There are several advantages to audio-based computational analysis; for example, audio can be recorded non-invasively, stored economically, and can capture rich information on happenings in a given environment, e. g., human behaviour. With this in mind, maintaining emotional wellbeing is a challenge for humans and emotion-altering conditions, including stress and anxiety, have become increasingly common in recent years. Such conditions manifest in the body, inherently changing how we express ourselves. Research shows these alterations are perceivable within vocalisation, suggesting that speech-based audio monitoring may be valuable for developing artificially intelligent systems that target improved wellbeing. Furthermore, computer audition applies machine learning and other computational techniques to audio understanding, and so by combining computer audition with applications in the domain of computational paralinguistics and emotional wellbeing, this research concerns the broader field of empathy for Artificial Intelligence (AI). To this end, speech-based audio modelling that incorporates and understands paralinguistic wellbeing-related states may be a vital cornerstone for improving the degree of empathy that an artificial intelligence has. To summarise, this thesis investigates the extent to which speech-based computer audition methodologies can be utilised to understand human emotional wellbeing. A fundamental background on the fields in question as they pertain to emotional wellbeing is first presented, followed by an outline of the applied audio-based methodologies. Next, detail is provided for several machine learning experiments focused on emotional wellbeing applications, including analysis and recognition of under-researched phenomena in speech, e. g., anxiety, and markers of stress. Core contributions from this thesis include the collection of several related datasets, hybrid fusion strategies for an emotional gold standard, novel machine learning strategies for data interpretation, and an in-depth acoustic-based computational evaluation of several human states. All of these contributions focus on ascertaining the advantage of audio in the context of modelling emotional wellbeing. Given the sensitive nature of human wellbeing, the ethical implications involved with developing and applying such systems are discussed throughout
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