5 research outputs found

    An Incremental Language Conversion Method to Convert C++ into Ada95

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    This thesis develops a methodology to incrementally convert a legacy object oriented C++ application into Ada95. Using the experience of converting a graphic application, called Remote Debriefing Tool (RDT), in the Graphics Lab of the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), this effort defined a process to convert a C++ application into Ada95. The methodology consists of five phases: (1) reorganizing the software application, (2) breaking mutual dependencies, (3) creating package specifications to interface the existing C++ classes, (4) converting C++ code into Ada programs, and (5) embellishing. This methodology used the GNAT\u27s C++ low level interface capabilities to support the incremental conversion. The goal of this methodology is not only to correctly convert C++ code into Ada95, but also to take advantage of Ada\u27s features which support good software engineering principles

    Replication of non-deterministic objects

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    This thesis discusses replication of non-deterministic objects in distributed systems to achieve fault tolerance against crash failures. The objects replicated are the virtual nodes of a distributed application. Replication is viewed as an issue that is to be dealt with only during the configuration of a distributed application and that should not affect the development of the application. Hence, replication of virtual nodes should be transparent to the application. Like all measures to achieve fault tolerance, replication introduces redundancy in the system. Not surprisingly, the main difficulty is guaranteeing the consistency of all replicas such that they behave in the same way as if the object was not replicated (replication transparency). This is further complicated if active objects (like virtual nodes) are replicated, and these objects themselves can be clients of still further objects in the distributed application. The problems of replication of active non-deterministic objects are analyzed in the context of distributed Ada 95 applications. The ISO standard for Ada 95 defines a model for distributed execution based on remote procedure calls (RPC). Virtual nodes in Ada 95 use this as their sole communication paradigm, but they may contain tasks to execute activities concurrently, thus making the execution potentially non-deterministic due to implicit timing dependencies. Such non-determinism cannot be avoided by choosing deterministic tasking policies. I present two different approaches to maintain replica consistency despite this non-determinism. In a first approach, I consider the run-time support of Ada 95 as a black box (except for the part handling remote communications). This corresponds to a non-deterministic computation model. I show that replication of non-deterministic virtual nodes requires that remote procedure calls are implemented as nested transactions. Unfortunately, effects of failures are not local to the replicas of a virtual node: when a failure occurs, nested remote calls made to other virtual nodes must be undone. Also, using transactional semantics for RPCs necessitates a compromise regarding transparency: the application must identify global state for it cannot be determined reliably in an automatic way. Further study reveals that this approach cannot be implemented in a transparent way at all because the consistency criterion of Ada 95 (linearizability) is much weaker than that of transactions (serializability). An execution of remote procedure calls as transactions may thus lead to incompatibilities with the semantics of the programming language. If remotely called subprograms on a replicated virtual node perform partial operations, i.e., entry calls on global protected objects, deadlocks that cannot be broken can occur in certain cases. Such deadlocks do not occur when the virtual node is not replicated. The transactional semantics of RPCs must therefore be exposed to the application. A second approach is based on a piecewise deterministic computation model, i.e., the execution of a virtual node is seen as a sequence of deterministic state intervals. Whenever a non-deterministic event occurs, a new state interval is started. I study replica organization under this computation model (semi-active replication). In this model, all non-deterministic decisions are made on one distinguished replica (the leader), while all other replicas (the followers) are forced to follow the same sequence of non-deterministic events. I show that it suffices to synchronize the followers with the leader upon each observable event, i.e., when the leader sends a message to some other virtual node. It is not necessary to synchronize upon each and every non-deterministic event — which would incur a prohibitively high overhead. Non-deterministic events occurring on the leader between observable events are logged and sent to the followers just before the leader executes an observable event. Consequently, it is guaranteed that the followers will reach the same state as the leader, and thus the effects of failures remain mostly local to the replicas. A prototype implementation called RAPIDS (Replicated Ada Partitions In Distributed Systems) serves as a proof of concept for this second approach, demonstrating its feasibility. RAPIDS is an Ada 95 implementation of a replication manager for semi-active replication for the GNAT development system for Ada 95. It is entirely contained within the run-time support and hence largely transparent for the application

    General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) Architectural Specification. Draft

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    Early in 2002, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) began to identify requirements for the flight dynamics software needed to fly upcoming missions that use formations of spacecraft to collect data. These requirements ranged from low level modeling features to large scale interoperability requirements. In 2003 we began work on a system designed to meet these requirement; this system is GMAT. The General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) is a general purpose flight dynamics modeling tool built on open source principles. The GMAT code is written in C++, and uses modern C++ constructs extensively. GMAT can be run through either a fully functional Graphical User Interface (GUI) or as a command line program with minimal user feedback. The system is built and runs on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Macintosh OS X platforms. The GMAT GUI is written using wxWidgets, a cross platform library of components that streamlines the development and extension of the user interface Flight dynamics modeling is performed in GMAT by building components that represent the players in the analysis problem that is being modeled. These components interact through the sequential execution of instructions, embodied in the GMAT Mission Sequence. A typical Mission Sequence will model the trajectories of a set of spacecraft evolving over time, calculating relevant parameters during this propagation, and maneuvering individual spacecraft to maintain a set of mission constraints as established by the mission analyst. All of the elements used in GMAT for mission analysis can be viewed in the GMAT GUI or through a custom scripting language. Analysis problems modeled in GMAT are saved as script files, and these files can be read into GMAT. When a script is read into the GMAT GUI, the corresponding user interface elements are constructed in the GMAT GUI. The GMAT system was developed from the ground up to run in a platform agnostic environment. The source code compiles on numerous different platforms, and is regularly exercised running on Windows, Linux and Macintosh computers by the development and analysis teams working on the project. The system can be run using either a graphical user interface, written using the open source wxWidgets framework, or from a text console. The GMAT source code was written using open source tools. GSFC has released the code using the NASA open source license