19,646 research outputs found

    Chata Sia “I am Choctaw”. Using Images as a Methodology for Cultural and Technological Discourse

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    Unlike positivist quantitative designs, many qualitative researchers tend to dive right into data collection without benefit of an exploratory study or other pilot study. The purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) to share an image-based methodology adapted from a community strategic planning process and applied to an exploratory study of one native American tribes reaction to cultural images and\ud ICT’s, and (2) to share the many benefits of a pilot study in advance of a larger qualitative research study, including opportunities for discourse around ICT’s in relation to local culture

    Electrical analysis of new all-plastic electrochromic devices

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    New all-plastic electrochromic devices have been manufactured using commercial PEDOT foils and classical polymer electrolyte electrodeposition techniques. Several devices with different areas have been electrically characterized by using an impedance spectroscopy technique. After a brief description of the manufacturing process, we discuss electrical properties with the size of the device. Real and imaginary parts of the impedance have been plotted as a function of frequency. Some interesting conclusions have been derived from those plots, and some improvements in manufacturing process of this kind of devices are also proposed.Publicad

    The Cowl - v.79 - n.2 - Sep 11, 2014

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Vol 79 - No. 2 - September 11, 2014. 21 pages


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    هدف علماء البيئة هو إيجاد حل لمشكلة البيئة ويبدو أن البوليمر القابل للتحلل هو أحد هذه الحلول. البلاستيك الحيوي قابل للتحلل. يختلف عن غيره من البلاستيك غير القابل للتحلل. يوفر حلًا للصناعة كمواد ذكية وقدرة على التحلل البيولوجي في نهاية دورة حياة المنتج وباستخدام مادة البلاستيك الحيوي يمكن إعادة استخدام ورق النفايات وهذا سيساعد على التخلص من الحاجة إلى إعادة التدوير وتقليل انبعاث الغاز                  .()    أشارت مراجعة الأدبيات إلى أن مادة البلاستيك الحيوي عبارة عن بوليمر، منتج بلاستيكي حيوي من خليط من المكونات (بوليمرات قابلة للتحلل) ويتم إنتاج هذه المادة بتقنية القولبة بالحقن ، ويتم استخدام القولبة بالحقن في إنتاج قطع من المواد المرنة مثل البلاستيك وهي طريقة سريعة لإنتاج أنواع مختلفة من المواد البلاستيكية بجودة عالية وبصورة دقيقة. ومن الممكن خلال هذا البحث تطوير نماذج ثلاثية الأبعاد باستخدام مادة البلاستيك الحيوي التي توفر آلية تتضمن سهولة القطع والالتصاق حتى يستفيد ويتعلم الأطفال من هذه المادة ، والبلاستيك الحيوي مثل أي مادة أخرى له مزايا وعيوب.   يبحث هذا البحث في الخواص الميكانيكية لمادة البلاستيك الحيوي عن طريق اختبار الشد في المختبر واستخدام القطع بالليزر ، وقياس خشونة السطح ، وقدم البحث توصيات لتطبيق مادة البلاستيك الحيوي.Abstract The aim of environmental scientists is to find solution of environment problem and is appears that biodegradable polymer is one of these solutions. Bio-Plastic is biodegradable; it differs from other plastic which are non-degradable. It provide solution for industry as a smart material and ability to biodegrade in the end of life cycle for  product and by use  Bio-Plastic  material can reuse waste paper and this will help to eliminate need for recycling and reduction of  the emission of  gas.  Literature review has indicated that Bio-Plastic material is a smart polymer, Bio-Plastic produce from a mixture of components (Biodegradable polymers) and this material is generated by injection molding technique, and injection molding is used in the production of pieces of elastic material such as plastic and it is rapid way of producing varieties of plastic materials in a high quality precision manner. It has been possible during this research to develop 3D models using Bio-Plastic material which offers automata including easy cutting and sticking so children learning will benefit from this material, Bio-Plastic like any other material has its advantages and disadvantages.   The research has looked into mechanical properties of Bio-Plastic material via tensile testing in the lab and using laser cutting, and Measurement of Surface Roughness. The research has made recommendation for application of Bio-Plastic material.

    v. 60, no. 1, January 23, 1992

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    Playful and creative ICT pedagogical framing : A nursery school case study

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    This article reports on the findings of a one-year qualitative study in which a nursery school used information and communication technology (ICT) and a digital media consultant as a catalyst for cultural change leading to teachers’ improved pedagogical framing and children’s enhanced learning dispositions. The pedagogic framing included the children making mini-movies and avatars which were uploaded onto the nursery website. It is argued that such innovative and creative ICT pedagogy was strongly motivational and afforded opportunities for coconstruction and sustained shared thinking (SST) as it engaged with children’s and families’ digital cultural habitus. The research reports on field notes, interviews and observations (n ¼ 15) of child peer interactions and teacher child interactions

    Spartan Daily, August 27, 1981

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    Volume 77, Issue 1https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/6776/thumbnail.jp