190,178 research outputs found

    Guía práctica de la educación digital

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    En esta guía se ofrece recomendaciones pedagógicas sobre el uso educativo de las tabletas en el aula apoyadas en la investigación del proyecto Samsung Smart School. Por un lado, se busca conocer cómo es la práctica educativa con tabletas en las aulas en el que la aplica el proyecto (cómo es) y, desde esta evidencia, proponer cómo se podría mejorar y potenciar esa práctica a través de una serie de recomendaciones pedagógicas (cómo puede ser). La estructura es: Prólogo de Francesc Pedró (UNESCO) Cap. 1: A modo de introducción Cap. 2: Ecosistema educativo con tecnología: “Samsung Smart School” Cap. 3: “Samsung Smart School” desde la práctica docente Cap. 4: Construcción del aula con tecnología. Recomendaciones desde “Samsung Smart School” Cap. 5: Lo que hemos aprendido en “Samsung Smart School” Anexo: Ejemplos de integración curricula

    Expanded CURB-65: A new score system predicts severity of community-acquired pneumonia with superior efficiency

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    Aim of this study was to develop a new simpler and more effective severity score for communityacquired pneumonia (CAP) patients. A total of 1640 consecutive hospitalized CAP patients in Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University were included. The effectiveness of different pneumonia severity scores to predict mortality was compared, and the performance of the new score was validated on an external cohort of 1164 patients with pneumonia admitted to a teaching hospital in Italy. Using age≥ 65 years, LDH>230u/L, albumin<3.5g/dL, platelet count<100×109/L, confusion, urea>7mmol/L, respiratory rate≥30/min, low blood pressure, we assembled a new severity score named as expanded-CURB-65. The 30-day mortality and length of stay were increased along with increased risk score. The AUCs in the prediction of 30-day mortality in the main cohort were 0.826 (95%CI, 0.807–0.844), 0.801 (95%CI, 0.781–0.820), 0.756 (95%CI, 0.735–0.777), 0.793 (95%CI, 0.773–0.813) and 0.759 (95%CI, 0.737–0.779) for the expanded-CURB-65, PSI, CURB-65, SMART-COP and A-DROP, respectively. The performance of this bedside score was confirmed in CAP patients of the validation cohort although calibration was not successful in patients with health care-associated pneumonia (HCAP). The expanded CURB-65 is objective, simpler and more accurate scoring system for evaluation of CAP severity, and the predictive efficiency was better than other score systems

    Tactical choices with smart beta approaches: an alternative to cap-weighted allocation

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    In this thesis is performed an analysis of smart beta indices. The main purpose is to assess tactical choices with smart beta approaches in comparison to cap wrichted approac

    Investigation of Asphaltene under Subcritical Water Treatment

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    A smart in-situ gas lift is the latest emerging technology in the oil and gas production. This intelligent system requires the reservoir to have high amount of gas supply either from reservoir’s gas cap itself or another gas formation. The aim of this study is to select the design consideration for smart in-situ gas lift. Theoretical analysis, simulation and also field applications have been critically reviewed to notice their effects on the field development and production strategy. Compared to conventional gas lift design, four main design factors have been addressed namely interval control valves (ICV), well selection, valve setting depth and valve opening. To further validate the effectiveness of the smart in-situ gas lift, the design has been applied on a well which is located in L-Field. The application of smart in-situ gas lift show great improvement to the productivity of the well when the natural production rate has increased up to 27% compared to the impact of conventional gas lift on natural production rate which has increased about 11% from natural production rate. Plus, the implementation of smart in-situ gas lift has maximized the production of oil from reservoir that characterize by large gas cap size. This paper generally endorses the fact that in situ gas lift method gives big advantage in extending the well life even at high water cut and reducing the high cost of installing expensive gas lift infrastructures in the conventional gas lift system

    Design Consideration for Smart In-Situ Gas Lift

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    A smart in-situ gas lift is the latest emerging technology in the oil and gas production. This intelligent system requires the reservoir to have high amount of gas supply either from reservoir’s gas cap itself or another gas formation. The aim of this study is to select the design consideration for smart in-situ gas lift. Theoretical analysis, simulation and also field applications have been critically reviewed to notice their effects on the field development and production strategy. Compared to conventional gas lift design, four main design factors have been addressed namely interval control valves (ICV), well selection, valve setting depth and valve opening. To further validate the effectiveness of the smart in-situ gas lift, the design has been applied on a well which is located in L-Field. The application of smart in-situ gas lift show great improvement to the productivity of the well when the natural production rate has increased up to 27% compared to the impact of conventional gas lift on natural production rate which has increased about 11% from natural production rate. Plus, the implementation of smart in-situ gas lift has maximized the production of oil from reservoir that characterize by large gas cap size. This paper generally endorses the fact that in situ gas lift method gives big advantage in extending the well life even at high water cut and reducing the high cost of installing expensive gas lift infrastructures in the conventional gas lift system

    La "domanda" di amministrazione delle reti intelligenti

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    La diffusione delle smart grid è dipesa ancora da alcune sperimentazioni che stanno avendo luogo in diverse aree territoriali del paese. Ciononostante, le prime realizzazioni manifestano già il bisogno di «pubblica amministrazione» che le trasformazioni connesse comportano. In primo luogo, un governo del territorio locale diverso da quello conosciuto finora dove l'unicità tra territorio e amministrazione rappresentativa viene profondamente meno. In secondo luogo, l'utilizzo degli incentivi conosce nuove frontiere di applicazione: l'UE promuove gli aiuti di stato per le reti intelligenti, le tariffe stabilite dalle autorità locali abbandonano il sistema del price-cap. Infine, muta il ruolo dell'amministrazione nei servizi pubblici: emerge un ruolo di mediazione tra modelli organizzativi diversi, in parte classici e in parte autoprodotti. Da un punto di vista organizzativo si assiste ulteriormente alla crescita delle strutture amministrative.The spread of smart grids still hinges on some experiments taking place in different areas of the country. In spite of this forthcoming feature, the first accomplishments are clearly displying the «demand» of new public administration they need. Firstly, the local government is not based anymore on the unity between territory and local authorities. Secondly, the policy of economic incentives has been changing: the EU has widened the field of application of State aids including the smart grids; price-cap is not anymore the only method of the tariff definition. Lastly, the role of administration is even changing as to public utilities: a task of mediation among different organisational models is increasing given that smart grids involves the development of «self-energy communities». At the end smart grids are feeding the public sector with new structures

    School Smart

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    In School Smart, I cap off my career as a student asking questions many do when childhood grows distant: What happened to us and how did we get here? Fed up with a society that gives individuals all the credit (or blame) for their education outcomes, the following essays crack open the stiff binding on “education stories” with hindsight, history, and a whole bunch of data. School Smart gives six examples of different women at different schools who put faces to murky concepts like “the achievement gap,” “the accountability movement,” and “special needs education.” To reform education, we need to understand our schools