1,542 research outputs found

    Mining High Utility Patterns Over Data Streams

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    Mining useful patterns from sequential data is a challenging topic in data mining. An important task for mining sequential data is sequential pattern mining, which discovers sequences of itemsets that frequently appear in a sequence database. In sequential pattern mining, the selection of sequences is generally based on the frequency/support framework. However, most of the patterns returned by sequential pattern mining may not be informative enough to business people and are not particularly related to a business objective. In view of this, high utility sequential pattern (HUSP) mining has emerged as a novel research topic in data mining recently. The main objective of HUSP mining is to extract valuable and useful sequential patterns from data by considering the utility of a pattern that captures a business objective (e.g., profit, users interest). In HUSP mining, the goal is to find sequences whose utility in the database is no less than a user-specified minimum utility threshold. Nowadays, many applications generate a huge volume of data in the form of data streams. A number of studies have been conducted on mining HUSPs, but they are mainly intended for non-streaming data and thus do not take data stream characteristics into consideration. Mining HUSP from such data poses many challenges. First, it is infeasible to keep all streaming data in the memory due to the high volume of data accumulated over time. Second, mining algorithms need to process the arriving data in real time with one scan of data. Third, depending on the minimum utility threshold value, the number of patterns returned by a HUSP mining algorithm can be large and overwhelms the user. In general, it is hard for the user to determine the value for the threshold. Thus, algorithms that can find the most valuable patterns (i.e., top-k high utility patterns) are more desirable. Mining the most valuable patterns is interesting in both static data and data streams. To address these research limitations and challenges, this dissertation proposes techniques and algorithms for mining high utility sequential patterns over data streams. We work on mining HUSPs over both a long portion of a data stream and a short period of time. We also work on how to efficiently identify the most significant high utility patterns (namely, the top-k high utility patterns) over data streams. In the first part, we explore a fundamental problem that is how the limited memory space can be well utilized to produce high quality HUSPs over the entire data stream. An approximation algorithm, called MAHUSP, is designed which employs memory adaptive mechanisms to use a bounded portion of memory, to efficiently discover HUSPs over the entire data streams. The second part of the dissertation presents a new sliding window-based algorithm to discover recent high utility sequential patterns over data streams. A novel data structure named HUSP-Tree is proposed to maintain the essential information for mining recenT HUSPs. An efficient and single-pass algorithm named HUSP-Stream is proposed to generate recent HUSPs from HUSP-Tree. The third part addresses the problem of top-k high utility pattern mining over data streams. Two novel methods, named T-HUDS and T-HUSP, for finding top-k high utility patterns over a data stream are proposed. T-HUDS discovers top-k high utility itemsets and T-HUSP discovers top-k high utility sequential patterns over a data stream. T-HUDS is based on a compressed tree structure, called HUDS-Tree, that can be used to efficiently find potential top-k high utility itemsets over data streams. T-HUSP incrementally maintains the content of top-k HUSPs in a data stream in a summary data structure, named TKList, and discovers top-k HUSPs efficiently. All of the algorithms are evaluated using both synthetic and real datasets. The performances, including the running time, memory consumption, precision, recall and Fmeasure, are compared. In order to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods in reallife applications, the fourth part of this dissertation presents applications of one of the proposed methods (i.e., MAHUSP) to extract meaningful patterns from a real web clickstream dataset and a real biosequence dataset. The utility-based sequential patterns are compared with the patterns in the frequency/support framework. The results show that high utility sequential pattern mining provides meaningful patterns in real-life applications

    Adaptive Learning and Mining for Data Streams and Frequent Patterns

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    Aquesta tesi està dedicada al disseny d'algorismes de mineria de dades per fluxos de dades que evolucionen en el temps i per l'extracció d'arbres freqüents tancats. Primer ens ocupem de cadascuna d'aquestes tasques per separat i, a continuació, ens ocupem d'elles conjuntament, desenvolupant mètodes de classificació de fluxos de dades que contenen elements que són arbres. En el model de flux de dades, les dades arriben a gran velocitat, i els algorismes que els han de processar tenen limitacions estrictes de temps i espai. En la primera part d'aquesta tesi proposem i mostrem un marc per desenvolupar algorismes que aprenen de forma adaptativa dels fluxos de dades que canvien en el temps. Els nostres mètodes es basen en l'ús de mòduls detectors de canvi i estimadors en els llocs correctes. Proposem ADWIN, un algorisme de finestra lliscant adaptativa, per la detecció de canvi i manteniment d'estadístiques actualitzades, i proposem utilitzar-lo com a caixa negra substituint els comptadors en algorismes inicialment no dissenyats per a dades que varien en el temps. Com ADWIN té garanties teòriques de funcionament, això obre la possibilitat d'ampliar aquestes garanties als algorismes d'aprenentatge i de mineria de dades que l'usin. Provem la nostre metodologia amb diversos mètodes d'aprenentatge com el Naïve Bayes, partició, arbres de decisió i conjunt de classificadors. Construïm un marc experimental per fer mineria amb fluxos de dades que varien en el temps, basat en el programari MOA, similar al programari WEKA, de manera que sigui fàcil pels investigadors de realitzar-hi proves experimentals. Els arbres són grafs acíclics connectats i són estudiats com vincles en molts casos. En la segona part d'aquesta tesi, descrivim un estudi formal dels arbres des del punt de vista de mineria de dades basada en tancats. A més, presentem algorismes eficients per fer tests de subarbres i per fer mineria d'arbres freqüents tancats ordenats i no ordenats. S'inclou una anàlisi de l'extracció de regles d'associació de confiança plena dels conjunts d'arbres tancats, on hem trobat un fenomen interessant: les regles que la seva contrapart proposicional és no trivial, són sempre certes en els arbres a causa de la seva peculiar combinatòria. I finalment, usant aquests resultats en fluxos de dades evolutius i la mineria d'arbres tancats freqüents, hem presentat algorismes d'alt rendiment per fer mineria d'arbres freqüents tancats de manera adaptativa en fluxos de dades que evolucionen en el temps. Introduïm una metodologia general per identificar patrons tancats en un flux de dades, utilitzant la Teoria de Reticles de Galois. Usant aquesta metodologia, desenvolupem un algorisme incremental, un basat en finestra lliscant, i finalment un que troba arbres freqüents tancats de manera adaptativa en fluxos de dades. Finalment usem aquests mètodes per a desenvolupar mètodes de classificació per a fluxos de dades d'arbres.This thesis is devoted to the design of data mining algorithms for evolving data streams and for the extraction of closed frequent trees. First, we deal with each of these tasks separately, and then we deal with them together, developing classification methods for data streams containing items that are trees. In the data stream model, data arrive at high speed, and the algorithms that must process them have very strict constraints of space and time. In the first part of this thesis we propose and illustrate a framework for developing algorithms that can adaptively learn from data streams that change over time. Our methods are based on using change detectors and estimator modules at the right places. We propose an adaptive sliding window algorithm ADWIN for detecting change and keeping updated statistics from a data stream, and use it as a black-box in place or counters or accumulators in algorithms initially not designed for drifting data. Since ADWIN has rigorous performance guarantees, this opens the possibility of extending such guarantees to learning and mining algorithms. We test our methodology with several learning methods as Naïve Bayes, clustering, decision trees and ensemble methods. We build an experimental framework for data stream mining with concept drift, based on the MOA framework, similar to WEKA, so that it will be easy for researchers to run experimental data stream benchmarks. Trees are connected acyclic graphs and they are studied as link-based structures in many cases. In the second part of this thesis, we describe a rather formal study of trees from the point of view of closure-based mining. Moreover, we present efficient algorithms for subtree testing and for mining ordered and unordered frequent closed trees. We include an analysis of the extraction of association rules of full confidence out of the closed sets of trees, and we have found there an interesting phenomenon: rules whose propositional counterpart is nontrivial are, however, always implicitly true in trees due to the peculiar combinatorics of the structures. And finally, using these results on evolving data streams mining and closed frequent tree mining, we present high performance algorithms for mining closed unlabeled rooted trees adaptively from data streams that change over time. We introduce a general methodology to identify closed patterns in a data stream, using Galois Lattice Theory. Using this methodology, we then develop an incremental one, a sliding-window based one, and finally one that mines closed trees adaptively from data streams. We use these methods to develop classification methods for tree data streams.Postprint (published version

    Distributed context discovering for predictive modeling

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    Click prediction has applications in various areas such as advertising, search and online sales. Usually user-intent information such as query terms and previous click history is used in click prediction. However, this information is not always available. For example, there are no queries from users on the webpages of content publishers, such as personal blogs. The available information for click prediction in this scenario are implicitly derived from users, such as visiting time and IP address. Thus, the existing approaches utilizing user-intent information may be inapplicable in this scenario; and the click prediction problem in this scenario remains unexplored to our knowledge. In addition, the challenges in handling skewed data streams also exist in prediction, since there is often a heavy traffic on webpages and few visitors click on them. In this thesis, we propose to use the pattern-based classification approach to tackle the click prediction problem. Attributes in webpage visits are combined by a pattern mining algorithm to enhance their power in prediction. To make the pattern-based classification handle skewed data streams, we adopt a sliding window to capture recent data, and an undersampling technique to handle the skewness. As a side problem raised by the pattern-based approach, mining patterns from large datasets is addressed by a distributed pattern sampling algorithm proposed by us. This algorithm shows its scalability in experiments. We validate our pattern-based approach in click prediction on a real-world dataset from a Dutch portal website. The experiments show our pattern-based approach can achieve an average AUC of 0.675 over a period of 36 days with a 5-day sized sliding window, which surpasses the baseline, a statically trained classification model without patterns by 0.002. Besides, the average weighted F-measure of our approach is 0.009 higher than the baseline. Therefore, our proposed approach can slightly improve classification performance; yet whether this improvement worth deployment in real scenarios remains a question. Click prediction has applications in various areas such as advertising, search and online sales. Usually user-intent information such as query terms and previous click history is used in click prediction. However, this information is not always available. For example, there are no queries from users on the webpages of content publishers, such as personal blogs. The available information for click prediction in this scenario are implicitly derived from users, such as visiting time and IP address. Thus, the existing approaches utilizing user-intent information may be inapplicable in this scenario; and the click prediction problem in this scenario remains unexplored to our knowledge. In addition, the challenges in handling skewed data streams also exist in prediction, since there is often a heavy traffic on webpages and few visitors click on them. In this thesis, we propose to use the pattern-based classification approach to tackle the click prediction problem. Attributes in webpage visits are combined by a pattern mining algorithm to enhance their power in prediction. To make the pattern-based classification handle skewed data streams, we adopt a sliding window to capture recent data, and an undersampling technique to handle the skewness. As a side problem raised by the pattern-based approach, mining patterns from large datasets is addressed by a distributed pattern sampling algorithm proposed by us. This algorithm shows its scalability in experiments. We validate our pattern-based approach in click prediction on a real-world dataset from a Dutch portal website. The experiments show our pattern-based approach can achieve an average AUC of 0.675 over a period of 36 days with a 5-day sized sliding window, which surpasses the baseline, a statically trained classification model without patterns by 0.002. Besides, the average weighted F-measure of our approach is 0.009 higher than the baseline. Therefore, our proposed approach can slightly improve classification performance; yet whether this improvement worth deployment in real scenarios remains a question

    Mining Weighted Frequent Closed Episodes over Multiple Sequences

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    Frequent episode discovery is introduced to mine useful and interesting temporal patterns from sequential data. The existing episode mining methods mainly focused on mining from a single long sequence consisting of events with time constraints. However, there can be multiple sequences of different importance as the persons or entities associated with each sequence can be of different importance. Aiming to mine episodes in multiple sequences of different importance, we first define a new kind of episodes, i.e., the weighted frequent closed episodes, to take sequence importance, episode distribution and occurrence frequency into account together. Secondly, to facilitate the mining of such new episodes, we present a new concept called maximal duration serial episodes to cut a whole sequence into multiple maximum episodes using duration constraints, and discuss its properties for episode shrinking processing. Finally, based on the theoretical properties, we propose a two-phase approach to efficiently mine these new episodes. In Phase I, we adopt a level-wise episode shrinking framework to discover the candidate frequent closed episodes with the same prefixes, and in Phase II, we match the candidates with different prefixes to find the frequent close episodes. Experiments on simulated and real datasets demonstrate that the proposed episode mining strategy has good mining effectiveness and efficiency

    Introduction to stream: An Extensible Framework for Data Stream Clustering Research with R

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    In recent years, data streams have become an increasingly important area of research for the computer science, database and statistics communities. Data streams are ordered and potentially unbounded sequences of data points created by a typically non-stationary data generating process. Common data mining tasks associated with data streams include clustering, classification and frequent pattern mining. New algorithms for these types of data are proposed regularly and it is important to evaluate them thoroughly under standardized conditions. In this paper we introduce stream, a research tool that includes modeling and simulating data streams as well as an extensible framework for implementing, interfacing and experimenting with algorithms for various data stream mining tasks. The main advantage of stream is that it seamlessly integrates with the large existing infrastructure provided by R. In addition to data handling, plotting and easy scripting capabilities, R also provides many existing algorithms and enables users to interface code written in many programming languages popular among data mining researchers (e.g., C/C++, Java and Python). In this paper we describe the architecture of stream and focus on its use for data stream clustering research. stream was implemented with extensibility in mind and will be extended in the future to cover additional data stream mining tasks like classification and frequent pattern mining

    Mining Frequent Item Sets Data Streams using "ÉclatAlgorithm"

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    Frequent pattern mining is the process of mining data in a set of items or some patterns from a largedatabase. The resulted frequent set data supports the minimum support threshold. A frequentpattern is a pattern that occurs frequently in a dataset. Association rule mining is defined as to findout association rules that satisfy the predefined minimum support and confidence from a given database. If an item set is said to be frequent, that item set supports the minimum support andconfidence. A Frequent item set should appear in all the transaction of that data base. Discoveringfrequent item sets play a very important role in mining association rules, sequence rules, web logmining and many other interesting patterns among complex data. Data stream is a real timecontinuous, ordered sequence of items. It is an uninterrupted flow of a long sequence of data. Somereal time examples of data stream data are sensor network data, telecommunication data,transactional data and scientific surveillances systems. These data produced trillions of updatesevery day. So it is very difficult to store the entire data. In that time some mining process is required.Data mining is the non-trivial process of identifying valid, original, potentially useful and ultimatelyunderstandable patterns in data. It is an extraction of the hidden predictive information from largedata base. There are lots of algorithms used to find out the frequent item set. In that Apriorialgorithm is the very first classical algorithm used to find the frequent item set. Apart from Apriori,lots of algorithms generated but they are similar to Apriori. They are based on prune and candidategeneration. It takes more memory and time to find out the frequent item set. In this paper, we havestudied about how the éclat algorithm is used in data streams to find out the frequent item sets.Éclat algorithm need not required candidate generation