2,134 research outputs found

    Unen mittaaminen voimasensoreilla

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    This thesis presents methods for comfortable sleep measurement at home. Existing medical sleep measurement systems are costly, disturb sleep quality, and are only suited for short-term measurement. As sleeping problems are affecting about 30% of the population, new approaches for everyday sleep measurement are needed. We present sleep measurement methods that are based on measuring the body with practically unnoticeable force sensors installed in the bed. The sensors pick up forces caused by heartbeats, respiration, and movements, so those physiological parameters can be measured. Based on the parameters, the quality and quantity of sleep is analyzed and presented to the user. In the first part of the thesis, we propose new signal processing algorithms for measuring heart rate and respiration during sleep. The proposed heart rate detection method enables measurement of heart rate variability from a ballistocardiogram signal, which represents the mechanical activity of the heart. A heartbeat model is adaptively inferred from the signal using a clustering algorithm, and the model is utilized in detecting heartbeat intervals in the signal. We also propose a novel method for extracting respiration rate variation from a force sensor signal. The method solves a problem present with some respiration sensors, where erroneous cyclicity arises in the signal and may cause incorrect measurement. The correct respiration cycles are found by filtering the input signal with multiple filters and selecting correct results with heuristics. The accuracy of heart rate measurement has been validated with a clinical study of 60 people and the respiration rate method has been tested with a one-person case study. In the second part of the thesis, we describe an e-health system for sleep measurement in the home environment. The system measures sleep automatically, by uploading measured force sensor signals to a web service. The sleep information is presented to the user in a web interface. Such easy-to-use sleep measurement may help individuals to tackle sleeping problems. The user can track important aspects of sleep such as sleep quantity and nocturnal heart rate and learn how different lifestyle choices affect sleep.Unen mittaaminen voimasensoreilla Noin joka kolmannella on ongelmia unen kanssa. Nukahtamisvaikeus, heräily, huono unen laatu sekä erilaiset unenaikaiset hengitysongelmat ovat yleisiä. Helppo ja mukava unen seuranta voisi auttaa unenlaadun parantamisessa. Nykyiset mittausmenetelmät ovat kuitenkin epämukavia ja suunniteltu lähinnä lääketieteellisten diagnoosien tekemiseen. Ne eivät siis sovellu unen mittaamiseen itsenäisesti kotona. Tämä väitöskirja esittelee uuden mittausmenetelmän, joka mahdollistaa unen määrän sekä laadun mittaamisen helposti omassa sängyssä. Lakanan alle laitetaan pehmeästä kalvosta tehty anturi, joka mittaa nukkujan liikkeitä, sydämen sykettä sekä hengitystä. Anturi tunnistaa näiden mittausten perusteella useita uneen liittyviä asioita, kuten unenmäärä, kuorsaaminen sekä yön aikana mitattu leposyke. Uni-informaatio näytetään laitteen käyttäjälle verkkopalvelun tai mobiililaitteen avulla. Väitöskirjassa esitellyn unenmittausmenetelmän etu on, että syke- ja hengitystieto saadaan mitattua siitä huolimatta että anturi ei ole suoraan kosketuksissa nukkujan kehon kanssa. Kehitetyt signaalinkäsittelymenetelmät pystyvät erottamaan signaalista sykkeen ja hengityksen, sillä erilaisten mittaushäiriöiden ilmaantuminen signaaliin on otettu huomioon. Uutta unimittausmenetelmää on ehditty jo soveltaa käytännössä. Kehitetty tuote toimii siten, että mittaus lähetetään sensorilta langattomasti mobiililaitteelle, jossa unitiedot näytetään käyttäjälle. Mobiilisovellus antaa ohjeita unen parantamiseksi mittausten sekä käyttäjän profiilin perusteella

    Deep Learning-Enabled Sleep Staging From Vital Signs and Activity Measured Using a Near-Infrared Video Camera

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    Conventional sleep monitoring is time-consuming, expensive and uncomfortable, requiring a large number of contact sensors to be attached to the patient. Video data is commonly recorded as part of a sleep laboratory assessment. If accurate sleep staging could be achieved solely from video, this would overcome many of the problems of traditional methods. In this work we use heart rate, breathing rate and activity measures, all derived from a near-infrared video camera, to perform sleep stage classification. We use a deep transfer learning approach to overcome data scarcity, by using an existing contact-sensor dataset to learn effective representations from the heart and breathing rate time series. Using a dataset of 50 healthy volunteers, we achieve an accuracy of 73.4\% and a Cohen's kappa of 0.61 in four-class sleep stage classification, establishing a new state-of-the-art for video-based sleep staging.Comment: Accepted to the 6th International Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM) at CVPR 2023. 10 pages, 12 figures, 5 table

    Vauvojen unen luokittelu patja-sensorilla ja EKG:lla

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    Infants spend the majority of their time asleep. Although extensive studies have been carried out, the role of sleep for infant cognitive, psychomotor, temperament and developmental outcomes is not clear. The current contradictory results may be due to the limited precision when monitoring infant sleep for prolonged periods of time, from weeks to even months. Sleep-wake cycle can be assessed with sleep questionnaires and actigraphy, but they cannot separate sleep stages. The gold standard for sleep state annotation is polysomnography (PSG), which consist of several signal modalities such as electroencephalogram, electrooculogram, electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram, respiration sensor and pulse oximetry. A sleep clinician manually assigns sleep stages for 30 sec epochs based on the visual observation of these signals. Because method is obtrusive and laborious it is not suitable for monitoring long periods. There is, therefore, a need for an automatic and unobtrusive sleep staging approach. In this work, a set of classifiers for infant sleep staging was created and evaluated. The cardiorespiratory and gross body movement signals were used as an input. The different classifiers aim to distinguish between two or more different sleep states. The classifiers were built on a clinical sleep polysomnography data set of 48 infants with ages ranging from 1 week to 18 weeks old (a median of 5 weeks). Respiration and gross body movements were observed using an electromechanical film bed mattress sensor manufactured by Emfit Ltd. ECG of the PSG setup was used for extracting cardiac activity. Signals were preprocessed to remove artefacts and an extensive set of features (N=81) were extracted on which the classifiers were trained. The NREM3 vs other states classifier provided the most accurate results. The median accuracy was 0.822 (IQR: 0.724-0.914). This is comparable to previously published studies on other sleep classifiers, as well as to the level of clinical interrater agreement. Classification methods were confounded by the lack of muscle atonia and amount of gross body movements in REM sleep. The proposed method could be readily applied for home monitoring, as well as for monitoring in neonatal intensive care units.Vauvat nukkuvat suurimman osan vuorokaudesta. Vaikkakin laajasti on tutkittu unen vaikutusta lapsen kognitioon, psykomotoriikkaan, temperamenttiin ja kehitykseen, selkeää kuvaa ja yhtenäistä konsensusta tiedeyhteisössä ei ole saavutettu. Yksi syy tähän on että ei ole olemassa menetelmää, joka soveltuisi jatkuva-aikaiseen ja pitkäkestoiseen unitilan monitorointiin. Vauvojen uni-valve- sykliä voidaan selvittää vanhemmille suunnatuilla kyselyillä ja aktigrafialla, mutta näillä ei voi havaita unitilojen rakennetta. Kliinisenä standardina unitilojen seurannassa on polysomnografia, jossa samanaikaisesti mitataan mm. potilaan elektroenkelografiaa, elektro-okulografiaa, elektrokardiografiaa, electromyografiaa, hengitysinduktiivisesta pletysmografiaa, happisaturaatiota ja hengitysvirtauksia. Kliinikko suorittaa univaiheluokittelun signaaleista näkyvien, vaiheille tyypillisten, hahmojen perusteella. Työläyden ja häiritsevän mittausasetelman takia menetelmä ei sovellu pitkäaikaiseen seurantaan. On tarvetta kehittää tarkoitukseen sopivia automaattisia ja huomaamattomia unenseurantamenetelmiä. Tässä työssä kehitettiin ja testattiin sydämen syke-, hengitys ja liikeanalyysiin perustuvia koneluokittimia vauvojen unitilojen havainnointiin. Luokittimet opetettiin kliinisessa polysomnografiassa kerätyllä datalla 48 vauvasta, joiden ikä vaihteli 1. viikosta 18. viikkoon (mediaani 5 viikkoa). Vauvojen hengitystä ja liikkeitä seurattiin Emfit Oy:n valmistamalla elektromekaaniseen filmiin pohjatuvalla patja-sensorilla. Lisäksi ECG:lla seurattiin sydäntä ja opetuksessa käytettiin lääkärin suorittamaa PSG-pohjaista luokitusta. Esikäsittelyn jälkeen signaaleista laskettiin suuri joukko piirrevektoreita (N=81), joihin luokittelu perustuu. NREM3-univaiheen tunnistus onnistui parhaiten 0.822 mediaani-tarkkuudella ja [0.724,0.914] kvartaaleilla. Tulos on yhtenevä kirjallisuudessa esitettyjen arvojen kanssa ja vastaa kliinikkojen välistä toistettavuutta. Muilla luokittimilla univaiheet sekoituivat keskenään, mikä on oletattavasti selitettävissä aikuisista poikeavalla REM-unen aikaisella lihasjäykkyydellä ja kehon liikkeillä. Työ osoittaa, että menetelmällä voi seurata vauvojen uniluokkien oskillaatiota. Järjestelmää voisi käyttää kotiseurannassa tai vastasyntyneiden teholla unenvalvontaan

    Self-adjustable domain adaptation in personalized ECG monitoring integrated with IR-UWB radar

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    To enhance electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring systems in personalized detections, deep neural networks (DNNs) are applied to overcome individual differences by periodical retraining. As introduced previously [4], DNNs relieve individual differences by fusing ECG with impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) radar. However, such DNN-based ECG monitoring system tends to overfit into personal small datasets and is difficult to generalize to newly collected unlabeled data. This paper proposes a self-adjustable domain adaptation (SADA) strategy to prevent from overfitting and exploit unlabeled data. Firstly, this paper enlarges the database of ECG and radar data with actual records acquired from 28 testers and expanded by the data augmentation. Secondly, to utilize unlabeled data, SADA combines self organizing maps with the transfer learning in predicting labels. Thirdly, SADA integrates the one-class classification with domain adaptation algorithms to reduce overfitting. Based on our enlarged database and standard databases, a large dataset of 73200 records and a small one of 1849 records are built up to verify our proposal. Results show SADA\u27s effectiveness in predicting labels and increments in the sensitivity of DNNs by 14.4% compared with existing domain adaptation algorithms

    Huomaamattomat mittausmenetelmät unen laadun tarkkailussa

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    Sleep is an important part of health and well-being. While sleep quantity is directly measurable, sleep quality has traditionally been assessed with subjective methods such as questionnaires. The study of sleep disorders has for a long time been confined to clinical environments, and patients have had to endure cumbersome procedures involving multiple electrodes placed on the body. Recent developments in sensor technology as well as data analysis methods have enabled continuous, unobtrusive sleep data recording in the home environment. This has opened new possibilities for studying various sleep parameters and their effect on the quality of sleep. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part is a literature review examining the field of sleep quality research with focus on the application of intelligent methods and signal processing. The second part is a descriptive data analysis look at sleep data obtained with non-invasive sensors.Uni on terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin keskeinen tekijä. Unen määrä on helposti mitattavissa, mutta unen laatua on perinteisesti seurattu kyselylomakkeiden kaltaisin subjektiivisin menetelmin. Unihäiriöiden tutkiminen on pitkään rajoittunut kliinisiin ympäristöihin, ja potilaiden on täytynyt sietää hankalia tutkimusmenetelmiä useine kehoon kiinnitettävine elektrodeineen. Anturiteknologian ja data-analyysimenetelmien kehittyminen on mahdollistanut unidatan jatkuvan ja huomaamattoman tallentamisen kotiympäristössä. Tämä on avannut uusia mahdollisuuksia sekä unen ominaisuuksien että niiden unen laatuun vaikuttavien tekijöiden tutkimiselle. Tämä tutkimus jakautuu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäinen osa on kirjallisuuskatsaus unen laadun tutkimukseen, painopisteenä älykkäiden menetelmien ja signaalinkäsittelyn soveltaminen. Toisessa osassa esitellään huomaamattomilla sensoreilla kerättävän unidatan tutkimista ja sen deskriptiivistä data-analyysiä, esimerkkinä ballistokardiografia

    Automatic sleep staging from ventilator signals in non-invasive ventilation

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    AbstractNon-invasive ventilation (NIV), a recognized treatment for chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure, is predominantly applied at night. Nevertheless, the quality of sleep is rarely evaluated due to the required technological complexity. A new technique for automatic sleep staging is here proposed for patients treated by NIV. This new technique only requires signals (airflow and hemoglobin oxygen saturation) available in domiciliary ventilators plus a photo-plethysmogram, a signal already managed by some ventilators. Consequently, electroencephalogram, electrooculogram, electromyogram, and electrocardiogram recordings are not needed. Cardiorespiratory features are extracted from the three selected signals and used as input to a Support Vector Machine (SVM) multi-class classifier. Two different types of sleep scoring were investigated: the first type was used to distinguish three stages (wake, REM sleep and nonREM sleep), and the second type was used to evaluate five stages (wake, REM sleep, N1, N2 and N3 stages). Patient-dependent and patient-independent classifiers were tested comparing the resulting hypnograms with those obtained from visual/manual scoring by a sleep specialist. An average accuracy of 91% (84%) was obtained with three-stage (five-stage) patient-dependent classifiers. With patient-independent classifiers, an average accuracy of 78% (62%) was obtained when three (five) sleep stages were scored. Also if the PPG-based and flow features are left out, a reduction of 4.5% (resp. 5%) in accuracy is observed for the three-stage (resp. five-stage) cases. Our results suggest that long-term sleep evaluation and nocturnal monitoring at home is feasible in patients treated by NIV. Our technique could even be integrated into ventilators

    Performance Comparison for Ballistocardiogram Peak Detection Methods

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    Citation: Suliman, A., Carlson, C., Ade, C. J., Warren, S., & Thompson, D. E. (2019). Performance Comparison for Ballistocardiogram Peak Detection Methods. IEEE Access, 7, 53945–53955. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2912650A number of research groups have proposed methods for ballistocardiogram (BCG) peak detection toward the identification of individual cardiac cycles. However, objective comparisons of these proposed methods are lacking. This paper, therefore, conducts a systematic and objective performance evaluation and comparison of several of these approaches. Five peak-detection methods (three replicated from the literature and two adapted from code provided by the methods' authors) are compared using data from 30 volunteers. A basic cross-correlation approach was also included as a sixth method. Two high-performing methods were identified: the method proposed by Sadek et al. and the method proposed by Brüser et al. The first achieved the highest average peak-detection rate of 94%, the lowest average false alarm rate of 0.0552 false alarms per second, and a relatively small mean absolute error between the real and detected peaks: 0.0175 seconds. The second method achieved the lowest mean absolute error of 0.0088 seconds between the real and detected peaks, an average peak-detection success rate of 89%, and 0.0766 false alarms per second. All metrics are averaged across participants

    Sleep stage classification using hydraulic bed sensor

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    Sleep monitoring can help physicians diagnose and treat sleep disorders. Polysomnography(PSG) system is the most accurate and comprehensive method widely used in sleep labs to monitor sleep. However, it is expensive and not comfortable, patients have to wear numerous devices on their body surface. So a non-invasive hydraulic bed sensor has been developed to monitor sleep at home. In this thesis, the sleep stage classification problem using hydraulic bed sensor was proposed. The sleep process divided into three classes, awake, rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM). The ground truth sleep stage came from regularly scheduled PSG studies conducted by a sleep-credentialed physician at the Sleep Center at the Boone Hospital Center (BHC) in Columbia, Missouri. And we were allowed to install our hydraulic bed sensors to their study protocol for consenting patients. The heart rate variability (HRV) features, respiratory rate (RV) features, and linear frequency cepstral coefficient(LFCC) were extracted from the bed sensors' signals. In this study, two scenarios were applied, put all subjects together and leave one subject out. In each scenario, two types of classification structures were implemented, a single classifier and a multi-layered hierarchical method. The results show both potential benefits and limitations for using the hydraulic bed sensors to classify sleep stages.Includes bibliographical reference