301 research outputs found

    Global Genomic Epidemiology of <i>Salmonella enterica</i> Serovar Typhimurium DT104

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    International audienceIt has been 30 years since the initial emergence and subsequent rapid global spread of multidrug-resistant Salmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium DT104 (MDR DT104). Nonetheless, its origin and transmission route have never been revealed. We used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and temporally structured sequence analysis within a Bayesian framework to reconstruct temporal and spatial phylogenetic trees and estimate the rates of mutation and divergence times of 315S Typhimurium DT104 isolates sampled from 1969 to 2012 from 21 countries on six continents. DT104 was estimated to have emerged initially as antimicrobial susceptible in ∼1948 (95% credible interval [CI], 1934 to 1962) and later became MDR DT104 in ∼1972 (95% CI, 1972 to 1988) through horizontal transfer of the 13-kb Salmonella genomic island 1 (SGI1) MDR region into susceptible strains already containing SGI1. This was followed by multiple transmission events, initially from central Europe and later between several European countries. An independent transmission to the United States and another to Japan occurred, and from there MDR DT104 was probably transmitted to Taiwan and Canada. An independent acquisition of resistance genes took place in Thailand in ∼1975 (95% CI, 1975 to 1990). In Denmark, WGS analysis provided evidence for transmission of the organism between herds of animals. Interestingly, the demographic history of Danish MDR DT104 provided evidence for the success of the program to eradicate Salmonellafrom pig herds in Denmark from 1996 to 2000. The results from this study refute several hypotheses on the evolution of DT104 and suggest that WGS may be useful in monitoring emerging clones and devising strategies for prevention of Salmonella infections


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    &nbsp;The proposes the epic Gray Deep Neural Network Model (GDNNM), Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) Neural Network (NN) and computer integration, Model Identification Failure Prediction (MIFP) schemes. Data analysis for financial they can approximate both GDNNM and non-linear individual frame elements as a class. Based on the neural network model, unlike previous discrimination proof strategies, GDNNM subordinates frame elements to acquire an independent direct characteristic. This model has a good relationship with the project structure but is difficult to fit. The PGDM program is installed online financial data as a common sample criteria to get the remaining amount between the frame release and the GDNNM release. Early Diagnosis of Problem detection is important when building a structure, as it can save a considerable amount of space and time. With the progress of intelligent assembly, the lack of information-based search becomes an interesting issue. There are so many sources Text mining is a wide range of information testing used in semi-primary and non-basic information inquiries. This type of data is expected to cause problems in the financial information industry and problems in text mining for basic non-information testing. Besides, the checkpoints have been application research in the field of currency data, past research, auditing and control

    Probabilistic best-fit multi-dimensional range query in Self-Organizing Cloud

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    With virtual machine (VM) technology being increasingly mature, computing resources in modern Cloud systems can be partitioned in fine granularity and allocated on demand with 'pay-as-you-go' model. In this work, we study the resource query and allocation problems in a Self- Organizing Cloud (SOC), where host machines are connected by a peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay network on the Internet. To run a user task in SOC, the requester needs to perform a multi-dimensional range search over the P2P network for locating host machines that satisfy its minimal demand on each type of resources. The multi-dimensional range search problem is known to be challenging as contentions along multiple dimensions could happen in the presence of the uncoordinated analogous queries. Moreover, low resource matching rate may happen while restricting query delay and network traffic. We design a novel resource discovery protocol, namely Proactive Index Diffusion CAN (PID-CAN), which can proactively diffuse resource indexes over the nodes and randomly route query messages among them. Such a protocol is especially suitable for the range query that needs to maximize its best-fit resource shares under possible competition along multiple resource dimensions. Via simulation, we show that PID-CAN could keep stable and optimized searching performance with low query delay and traffic overhead, for various test cases under different distributions of query ranges and competition degrees. It also performs satisfactorily in dynamic node-churning situation. © 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 40th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2011), Taipei City, Taiwan, 13-16 September 2011. In Proceedings of the 40th ICPP, 2011, p. 763-77

    Case-Based Reasoning of Man-Made Geohazards Induced by Rainfall on Transportation Systems

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    Due to global warming and environmental change, disastrous natural events have increased in scale and impact, e.g., Typhoon Morakot, in 2009 and 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and resulting tsunami in Japan. Hazard management is becoming increasingly important, making it a necessity to manage risk and fully understand critical scenarios. For example, the National Infrastructure Protection Plan of the United States emphasizes on lessons learned from past disasters. In this chapter, several selected cases of accidents caused by man-made geohazards in Taiwan are studied

    Searching and mining in enriched geo-spatial data

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    The emergence of new data collection mechanisms in geo-spatial applications paired with a heightened tendency of users to volunteer information provides an ever-increasing flow of data of high volume, complex nature, and often associated with inherent uncertainty. Such mechanisms include crowdsourcing, automated knowledge inference, tracking, and social media data repositories. Such data bearing additional information from multiple sources like probability distributions, text or numerical attributes, social context, or multimedia content can be called multi-enriched. Searching and mining this abundance of information holds many challenges, if all of the data's potential is to be released. This thesis addresses several major issues arising in that field, namely path queries using multi-enriched data, trend mining in social media data, and handling uncertainty in geo-spatial data. In all cases, the developed methods have made significant contributions and have appeared in or were accepted into various renowned international peer-reviewed venues. A common use of geo-spatial data is path queries in road networks where traditional methods optimise results based on absolute and ofttimes singular metrics, i.e., finding the shortest paths based on distance or the best trade-off between distance and travel time. Integrating additional aspects like qualitative or social data by enriching the data model with knowledge derived from sources as mentioned above allows for queries that can be issued to fit a broader scope of needs or preferences. This thesis presents two implementations of incorporating multi-enriched data into road networks. In one case, a range of qualitative data sources is evaluated to gain knowledge about user preferences which is subsequently matched with locations represented in a road network and integrated into its components. Several methods are presented for highly customisable path queries that incorporate a wide spectrum of data. In a second case, a framework is described for resource distribution with reappearance in road networks to serve one or more clients, resulting in paths that provide maximum gain based on a probabilistic evaluation of available resources. Applications for this include finding parking spots. Social media trends are an emerging research area giving insight in user sentiment and important topics. Such trends consist of bursts of messages concerning a certain topic within a time frame, significantly deviating from the average appearance frequency of the same topic. By investigating the dissemination of such trends in space and time, this thesis presents methods to classify trend archetypes to predict future dissemination of a trend. Processing and querying uncertain data is particularly demanding given the additional knowledge required to yield results with probabilistic guarantees. Since such knowledge is not always available and queries are not easily scaled to larger datasets due to the #P-complete nature of the problem, many existing approaches reduce the data to a deterministic representation of its underlying model to eliminate uncertainty. However, data uncertainty can also provide valuable insight into the nature of the data that cannot be represented in a deterministic manner. This thesis presents techniques for clustering uncertain data as well as query processing, that take the additional information from uncertainty models into account while preserving scalability using a sampling-based approach, while previous approaches could only provide one of the two. The given solutions enable the application of various existing clustering techniques or query types to a framework that manages the uncertainty.Das Erscheinen neuer Methoden zur Datenerhebung in räumlichen Applikationen gepaart mit einer erhöhten Bereitschaft der Nutzer, Daten über sich preiszugeben, generiert einen stetig steigenden Fluss von Daten in großer Menge, komplexer Natur, und oft gepaart mit inhärenter Unsicherheit. Beispiele für solche Mechanismen sind Crowdsourcing, automatisierte Wissensinferenz, Tracking, und Daten aus sozialen Medien. Derartige Daten, angereichert mit mit zusätzlichen Informationen aus verschiedenen Quellen wie Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen, Text- oder numerische Attribute, sozialem Kontext, oder Multimediainhalten, werden als multi-enriched bezeichnet. Suche und Datamining in dieser weiten Datenmenge hält viele Herausforderungen bereit, wenn das gesamte Potenzial der Daten genutzt werden soll. Diese Arbeit geht auf mehrere große Fragestellungen in diesem Feld ein, insbesondere Pfadanfragen in multi-enriched Daten, Trend-mining in Daten aus sozialen Netzwerken, und die Beherrschung von Unsicherheit in räumlichen Daten. In all diesen Fällen haben die entwickelten Methoden signifikante Forschungsbeiträge geleistet und wurden veröffentlicht oder angenommen zu diversen renommierten internationalen, von Experten begutachteten Konferenzen und Journals. Ein gängiges Anwendungsgebiet räumlicher Daten sind Pfadanfragen in Straßennetzwerken, wo traditionelle Methoden die Resultate anhand absoluter und oft auch singulärer Maße optimieren, d.h., der kürzeste Pfad in Bezug auf die Distanz oder der beste Kompromiss zwischen Distanz und Reisezeit. Durch die Integration zusätzlicher Aspekte wie qualitativer Daten oder Daten aus sozialen Netzwerken als Anreicherung des Datenmodells mit aus diesen Quellen abgeleitetem Wissen werden Anfragen möglich, die ein breiteres Spektrum an Anforderungen oder Präferenzen erfüllen. Diese Arbeit präsentiert zwei Ansätze, solche multi-enriched Daten in Straßennetze einzufügen. Zum einen wird eine Reihe qualitativer Datenquellen ausgewertet, um Wissen über Nutzerpräferenzen zu generieren, welches darauf mit Örtlichkeiten im Straßennetz abgeglichen und in das Netz integriert wird. Diverse Methoden werden präsentiert, die stark personalisierbare Pfadanfragen ermöglichen, die ein weites Spektrum an Daten mit einbeziehen. Im zweiten Fall wird ein Framework präsentiert, das eine Ressourcenverteilung im Straßennetzwerk modelliert, bei der einmal verbrauchte Ressourcen erneut auftauchen können. Resultierende Pfade ergeben einen maximalen Ertrag basieren auf einer probabilistischen Evaluation der verfügbaren Ressourcen. Eine Anwendung ist die Suche nach Parkplätzen. Trends in sozialen Medien sind ein entstehendes Forscchungsgebiet, das Einblicke in Benutzerverhalten und wichtige Themen zulässt. Solche Trends bestehen aus großen Mengen an Nachrichten zu einem bestimmten Thema innerhalb eines Zeitfensters, so dass die Auftrittsfrequenz signifikant über den durchschnittlichen Level liegt. Durch die Untersuchung der Fortpflanzung solcher Trends in Raum und Zeit präsentiert diese Arbeit Methoden, um Trends nach Archetypen zu klassifizieren und ihren zukünftigen Weg vorherzusagen. Die Anfragebearbeitung und Datamining in unsicheren Daten ist besonders herausfordernd, insbesondere im Hinblick auf das notwendige Zusatzwissen, um Resultate mit probabilistischen Garantien zu erzielen. Solches Wissen ist nicht immer verfügbar und Anfragen lassen sich aufgrund der \P-Vollständigkeit des Problems nicht ohne Weiteres auf größere Datensätze skalieren. Dennoch kann Datenunsicherheit wertvollen Einblick in die Struktur der Daten liefern, der mit deterministischen Methoden nicht erreichbar wäre. Diese Arbeit präsentiert Techniken zum Clustering unsicherer Daten sowie zur Anfragebearbeitung, die die Zusatzinformation aus dem Unsicherheitsmodell in Betracht ziehen, jedoch gleichzeitig die Skalierbarkeit des Ansatzes auf große Datenmengen sicherstellen

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio


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