798 research outputs found

    Using direct manipulation for real-time structural design exploration

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    Before a new structure can be built, it must be designed. This design phase is a very important step in the building process. The total cost of the structure and its structural performance are largely dependent on the structural design process. The impact of decisions on the design process is initially high and declines as the design matures. However, few computational tools are available for the conceptual design phase; thus, an opportunity exists to create such tools. In the conventional workflow, the architect uses geometric modeling tools and the engineer uses structural analysis tools in sequential steps. Parametric modeling tools represent an improvement to this workflow, as structural analysis plug-ins are available. This allows the architect or engineer to receive structural feedback at an earlier stage, but still as a sequential step to the geometric modeling. The present work aims to improve this workflow by integrating structural feedback with geometric modeling.The user interfaces of conceptual design tools should be interactive and agile enough to follow the designer’s iterative workflow. Direct manipulation involves human-computer interaction, which enables an interactive user interface. In this user interface style, users can directly manipulate on-screen objects using real-world metaphors, which engages the users with their task and encourages further explorations. This is achieved by reducing the perceptual and cognitive resources required to understand and use the interface. New technologies have opened up the possibility of creating new design tools that make use of very direct manipulation. This possibility is further explored in this thesis through the development of two such applications. The first application makes use of multi-touch tablets. The multi-touch interface has literally closed the gap between humans and computers, enabling very direct manipulation interactions with two-dimensional user interfaces. The developed application is an interactive conceptual design tool with real-time structural feedback that allows the user to quickly input and modify structural models through the use of gestures. The second application extends these concepts and ideas into a three-dimensional user interface using an input device named the Leap Motion Controller

    An intelligent sketchpad : a gestural language for denoting temporal relations in dynamic design

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Media Arts & Sciences, 1993.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 65-71).by Karen Donoghue.M.S

    A literature review of User Interface interaction devices

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    A literature review of User Interface interaction devices

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    Improvisatory music and painting interface

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-104).(cont.) theoretical section is accompanied by descriptions of historic and contemporary works that have influenced IMPI.Shaping collective free improvisations in order to obtain solid and succinct works with surprising and synchronized events is not an easy task. This thesis is a proposal towards that goal. It presents the theoretical, philosophical and technical framework of the Improvisatory Music and Painting Interface (IMPI) system: a new computer program for the creation of audiovisual improvisations performed in real time by ensembles of acoustic musicians. The coordination of these improvisations is obtained using a graphical language. This language is employed by one "conductor" in order to generate musical scores and abstract visual animations in real time. Doodling on a digital tablet following the syntax of the language allows both the creation of musical material with different levels of improvisatory participation from the ensemble and also the manipulation of the projected graphics in coordination with the music. The generated musical information is displayed in several formats on multiple computer screens that members of the ensemble play from. The digital graphics are also projected on a screen to be seen by an audience. This system is intended for a non-tonal, non-rhythmic, and texture-oriented musical style, which means that strong emphasis is put on the control of timbral qualities and continuum transitions. One of the main goals of the system is the translation of planned compositional elements (such as precise structure and synchronization between instruments) into the improvisatory domain. The graphics that IMPI generates are organic, fluid, vivid, dynamic, and unified with the music. The concept of controlled improvisation as well as the paradigm of the relationships between acoustic and visual material are both analyzed from an aesthetic point of view. TheHugo Solís García.S.M

    Predicting and Reducing the Impact of Errors in Character-Based Text Entry

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    This dissertation focuses on the effect of errors in character-based text entry techniques. The effect of errors is targeted from theoretical, behavioral, and practical standpoints. This document starts with a review of the existing literature. It then presents results of a user study that investigated the effect of different error correction conditions on popular text entry performance metrics. Results showed that the way errors are handled has a significant effect on all frequently used error metrics. The outcomes also provided an understanding of how users notice and correct errors. Building on this, the dissertation then presents a new high-level and method-agnostic model for predicting the cost of error correction with a given text entry technique. Unlike the existing models, it accounts for both human and system factors and is general enough to be used with most character-based techniques. A user study verified the model through measuring the effects of a faulty keyboard on text entry performance. Subsequently, the work then explores the potential user adaptation to a gesture recognizer’s misrecognitions in two user studies. Results revealed that users gradually adapt to misrecognition errors by replacing the erroneous gestures with alternative ones, if available. Also, users adapt to a frequently misrecognized gesture faster if it occurs more frequently than the other error-prone gestures. Finally, this work presents a new hybrid approach to simulate pressure detection on standard touchscreens. The new approach combines the existing touch-point- and time-based methods. Results of two user studies showed that it can simulate pressure detection more reliably for at least two pressure levels: regular (~1 N) and extra (~3 N). Then, a new pressure-based text entry technique is presented that does not require tapping outside the virtual keyboard to reject an incorrect or unwanted prediction. Instead, the technique requires users to apply extra pressure for the tap on the next target key. The performance of the new technique was compared with the conventional technique in a user study. Results showed that for inputting short English phrases with 10% non-dictionary words, the new technique increases entry speed by 9% and decreases error rates by 25%. Also, most users (83%) favor the new technique over the conventional one. Together, the research presented in this dissertation gives more insight into on how errors affect text entry and also presents improved text entry methods

    Mobile Application to Calculate the Parameters of Top Wear Basic Design

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    Introduction. Thanks to a rapid advancement of technology, the clothing industry is rapidly developing into a high-tech and capital-intensive production. This contributes to a high quality of design, pattern cutting, and manufacture. The industry is one of the fastest growing in the manufacture sector. Therefore, it is extremely important to enable industry professionals and researchers to keep pace with changes to achieve the desired competitiveness of products. Mobile applications for the garment industry (Stylebook, Cloth, Polyvore, etc.) have been analyzed. These applications contain galleries of clothing models, but only for specific styles of fashion and unrecognizable sizes. Therefore, they can be used as a guide for creating clothes of similar fashion styles but without the necessary level of accuracy. Problem Statement. Mobile applications that are now available for use in the clothing industry are oriented towards the sale of finished products. Since the design and manufacturing stages are provided with software products only at the "home" level, there is a need for the development of mobile applications for clothing industry experts. To develop such an application, it is advisable to choose a design methodology that is both simple, accessible, and known to a wide range of users. Purpose. To develop a mobile application for calculating the parameters of the main blocks of clothing. Materials and Methods. To create our application, an advanced and convenient programming language Kotlin has been used. Results. Based on the comparative analysis of the means of calculating the basic clothing designs, the expediency of using mobile applications in the garment industry has been proved. The existing mobile applications that are used or can be used in the design and manufacture of clothing have been classified. The quantitative classification analysis has confirmed the original hypothesis on the lack of mobile applications used while making a typical basic design. To calculate the parameters of the basic design of top wear, a mobile application has been developed. It provides support for the automated process of creating clothes designs, both in individual or small-scale production, as well as in the learning process. Conclusions. The developed package enables making specific drawings for top wear of any size. The user gets the coordinates of basic design for making patterns for mass production or for individual pattern cutting.Вступ. На сьогодні швейна промисловість стрімко перетворюється на високотехнологічну, капіталомістку інду- стрію завдяки сучасним досягненням технології, що сприяє високій якості проектування, розкрою та виготовлення одягу. Розвиток цієї галузі у виробничому секторі є досить інтенсивним, тому надзвичайно важливим є забезпечення відповідних фахівців та дослідників сучасними технологічними розробками для створення конкурентоздатної продукції. Одним із засобів, що дозволяють залучити нових споживачів продукції, які орієнтовані на технології та живуть в режимі он-лайн, є мобільний сервіс (мобільні додатки) Stylebook, Cloth, Polyvore та інші. Проте зазначені програми містять переважно галереї моделей одягу або конструкції для певних моделей одягу, які зазвичай не мають чітко вказаних розмірів. Постановка проблеми. Мобільні додатки, які сьогодні доступні для використання у швейній галузі, зорієнтовано на збут уже готової продукції. В той час, як етапи проектування та виготовлення забезпечені програмними продуктами лише на «домашньому» рівні, існує потреба в розробці мобільних додатків, що будуть спрямовані на використання саме фахівцями швейної галузі. Для розробки зазначеного додатку доцільно обирати методику конструювання, яка є водночас простою, доступною і відомою для широкого кола користувачів. Мета. Розробка мобільного додатку для розрахунку параметрів основних деталей плечового одягу. Матеріали й методи. Розробку програми виконано у операційній системі Android з використанням сучасної та зручної мови програмування Котлін. Результати. Шляхом порівняльного аналізу засобів розрахунку базових конструкцій одягу доведено доцільність використання мобільних додатків у швейному виробництві. Розроблено класифікацію наявних мобільних додатків, що використовуються або можуть бути використані у процесах конструювання та виготовлення одягу. Кількісний аналіз класифікації підтвердив вихідну гіпотезу щодо відсутності мобільних додатків, які використовуються на етапі побудови типової базової конструкції. Для розрахунку параметрів базової конструкції плечового одягу було розроблено програму мобільного додатку, який забезпечує підтримку автоматизованого процесу створення конструкцій одягу як в умовах індивідуального чи дрібносерійного виробництва, так і в процесі навчання. Висновки. Використання розробленого пакету дає змогу виконати конкретне креслення для будь-якого розміру плечового виробу. Користувач отримує координати базової конструкції моделі, що готова до розробки лекал у масовому виробництві або при індивідуальному розкрої.Введение. Швейная промышленность быстро превращается в высокотехнологичную, капиталоемкую индустрию благодаря быстрым достижениям технологии, способствующей высокому качеству проектирования, раскроя и изготовления. Отрасль является одной из наиболее быстро развивающихся в производственном секторе, и поэтому чрезвычайно важно обеспечить возможность специалистам отрасли и исследователям идти в ногу с изменениями для достижения желаемой конкурентоспособности продукции. Одним из средств, позволяющих обеспечить привлечение новых потребителей продукции, которые ориентированы на технологии и живут в режиме он-лайн, — это мобильный сервис (мобильные приложения): Stylebook, Cloth, Polyvore и другие. Указанные программы преимущественно содержат галереи моделей одежды, или конструкции для определенных моделей одежды, которые обычно не имеют четко указанных размеров. Постановка задачи. Мобильные приложения, которые сегодня доступны для использования в швейной отрасли, ориентированы на сбыт уже готовой продукции. В то время, как этапы проектирования и изготовления обеспечены программными продуктами только на «домашнем» уровне, существует потребность в разработке мобильных приложений, которые будут направлены на использование именно специалистами швейной отрасли. Для разработки приложения целесообразно выбрать методику конструирования, которая является простой, доступной и известной для широкого круга пользователей. Цель. Разработка мобильного приложения для расчета параметров основных деталей плечевых изделий. Материалы и методы. Разработка мобильного приложения выполнена в операционной системе Android с использованием современного и удобного языка программирования Котлин. Результаты. Путем сравнительного анализа средств расчета базовых конструкций одежды доказана целесообразность использования мобильных приложений в швейном производстве. Разработана классификация существующих мобильных приложений, которые используются или могут быть использованы в процессах конструирования и изготовления одежды. Количественный анализ классификации подтвердил исходную гипотезу об отсутствии мобильных приложений, используемых на этапе построения типовой базовой конструкции. Для расчета параметров базовой конструкции плечевой одежды была разработана программа для мобильного приложения, которое обеспечивает поддержку автоматизированного процесса создания конструкций одежды как в условиях индивидуального или мелкосерийного производства, так и в процессе обучения. Выводы. С помощью разработанного пакета можно выполнить конкретный чертеж для любого размера плечевого изделия. Пользователь получает координаты базовой конструкции модели, которая готова к разработке лекал в массовом производстве или в индивидуальном раскрое

    Using natural user interfaces to support synchronous distributed collaborative work

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    Synchronous Distributed Collaborative Work (SDCW) occurs when group members work together at the same time from different places together to achieve a common goal. Effective SDCW requires good communication, continuous coordination and shared information among group members. SDCW is possible because of groupware, a class of computer software systems that supports group work. Shared-workspace groupware systems are systems that provide a common workspace that aims to replicate aspects of a physical workspace that is shared among group members in a co-located environment. Shared-workspace groupware systems have failed to provide the same degree of coordination and awareness among distributed group members that exists in co-located groups owing to unintuitive interaction techniques that these systems have incorporated. Natural User Interfaces (NUIs) focus on reusing natural human abilities such as touch, speech, gestures and proximity awareness to allow intuitive human-computer interaction. These interaction techniques could provide solutions to the existing issues of groupware systems by breaking down the barrier between people and technology created by the interaction techniques currently utilised. The aim of this research was to investigate how NUI interaction techniques could be used to effectively support SDCW. An architecture for such a shared-workspace groupware system was proposed and a prototype, called GroupAware, was designed and developed based on this architecture. GroupAware allows multiple users from distributed locations to simultaneously view and annotate text documents, and create graphic designs in a shared workspace. Documents are represented as visual objects that can be manipulated through touch gestures. Group coordination and awareness is maintained through document updates via immediate workspace synchronization, user action tracking via user labels and user availability identification via basic proxemic interaction. Members can effectively communicate via audio and video conferencing. A user study was conducted to evaluate GroupAware and determine whether NUI interaction techniques effectively supported SDCW. Ten groups of three members each participated in the study. High levels of performance, user satisfaction and collaboration demonstrated that GroupAware was an effective groupware system that was easy to learn and use, and effectively supported group work in terms of communication, coordination and information sharing. Participants gave highly positive comments about the system that further supported the results. The successful implementation of GroupAware and the positive results obtained from the user evaluation provides evidence that NUI interaction techniques can effectively support SDCW