2,563 research outputs found

    Peak shaving through battery storage for low-voltage enterprises with peak demand pricing

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    The renewable energy transition has introduced new electricity tariff structures. With the increased penetration of photovoltaic and wind power systems, users are being charged more for their peak demand. Consequently, peak shaving has gained attention in recent years. In this paper, we investigated the potential of peak shaving through battery storage. The analyzed system comprises a battery, a load and the grid but no renewable energy sources. The study is based on 40 load profiles of low-voltage users, located in Belgium, for the period 1 January 2014, 00:00-31 December 2016, 23:45, at 15 min resolution, with peak demand pricing. For each user, we studied the peak load reduction achievable by batteries of varying energy capacities (kWh), ranging from 0.1 to 10 times the mean power (kW). The results show that for 75% of the users, the peak reduction stays below 44% when the battery capacity is 10 times the mean power. Furthermore, for 75% of the users the battery remains idle for at least 80% of the time; consequently, the battery could possibly provide other services as well if the peak occurrence is sufficiently predictable. From an economic perspective, peak shaving looks interesting for capacity invoiced end users in Belgium, under the current battery capex and electricity prices (without Time-of-Use (ToU) dependency)

    Small-Scale Compressed Air Energy Storage Application for Renewable Energy Integration in a Listed Building

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    In the European Union (EU), where architectural heritage is significant, enhancing the energy performance of historical buildings is of great interest. Constraints such as the lack of space, especially within the historical centers and architectural peculiarities, make the application of technologies for renewable energy production and storage a challenging issue. This study presents a prototype system consisting of using the renewable energy from a photovoltaic (PV) array to compress air for a later expansion to produce electricity when needed. The PV-integrated small-scale compressed air energy storage system is designed to address the architectural constraints. It is located in the unoccupied basement of the building. An energy analysis was carried out for assessing the performance of the proposed system. The novelty of this study is to introduce experimental data of a CAES (compressed air energy storage) prototype that is suitable for dwelling applications as well as integration accounting for architectural constraints. The simulation, which was carried out for an average summer day, shows that the compression phase absorbs 32% of the PV energy excess in a vessel of 1.7 m(3), and the expansion phase covers 21.9% of the dwelling energy demand. The electrical efficiency of a daily cycle is equal to 11.6%. If air is compressed at 225 bar instead of 30 bar, 96.0% of PV energy excess is stored in a volume of 0.25 m3, with a production of 1.273 kWh, which is 26.0% of the demand

    Synthesis of major economic studies of residential photovoltaics

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    Six studies that analyze the cost effectiveness of grid connected residential photovoltaic systems are reviewed. These six studies were selected based on two criteria. First, the reports share common emphases on developing photovoltaic systems with certain engineering design goals in mind, and on performing economic analyses to assess the long term economic potential of the system design. The economic analyses presented are performed from the consumer's perspective

    Comprehensive study of the benefits of integrating a sharing energy strategy between prosumers

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    Publicado en IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, 2017, pp. 3609-3614, doi: 10.1109/IECON.2017.8216612La actualización de los sistemas de energía en los últimos años debido a la proliferación de la generación distribuida con fuentes de energía renovables, usuarios activos y vehículos eléctricos se ha convertido en un desafío. En este nuevo escenario, los prosumidores juegan un papel importante para amortiguar la curva de consumo y, por lo tanto, contribuir a los requisitos de la red. Los conjuntos fotovoltaicos (PV) integrados en edificios residenciales atraen una atención especial, ya que pueden complementarse con sistemas de almacenamiento de energía (ESS), como baterías o ultracondensadores (UC) o incluso una combinación de ambos, con el objetivo de lograr que los clientes puedan administrar su energía. Las razones anteriores justifican la necesidad de un sistema de gestión de energía (EMS) que coordine el funcionamiento de los dispositivos de almacenamiento de energía de manera optimizada, ya que son caros. En este documento, se propone un sistema de control integral para intercambiar energía entre los dispositivos de almacenamiento híbridos (baterías y UC) de dos viviendas con instalaciones fotovoltaicas con el fin de aumentar la disponibilidad de sus ESS y soportar los requisitos de energía durante el mayor tiempo posible, optimizando tamaños y costos, y evitando la saturación.The upgrade of power systems in the last years due to the proliferation of distributed generation with renewable energy sources, active users and electric vehicles has become a challenge. In this new scenario, prosumers play an important role in order to buffer the consumption curve and, therefore, contributing to the grid requirements. Special attention is attracted by photovoltaic (PV) arrays integrated in residential buildings, because they can be complemented with energy storage systems (ESSs), such as batteries or ultracapacitors (UCs) or even a combination of both, with the aim to achieve that customers could manage their energy. The above reasons justify the need of an energy management system (EMS) that coordinates the operation of the energy storage devices in an optimized way, as they are expensive. In this paper, a comprehensive control system is proposed to exchange energy between the hybrid storage devices (batteries and UCs) of two dwells with PV installations in order to increase the availability of their ESSs and support the energy requirements during the most time possible, optimizing sizes and costs and avoiding saturation.peerReviewe

    Energy management strategy to coordinate batteries and ultracapacitors of a hybrid energy storage system in a residential prosumer installation

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    Publicado en 2017 International Young Engineers Forum (YEF-ECE), Almada (Portugal), pp. 30-35, doi: 10.1109/YEF-ECE.2017.7935636En los últimos años, los sistemas de energía han experimentado un gran desarrollo como consecuencia de la aparición de la generación distribuida. Las fuentes de energía renovables, los usuarios activos y los vehículos eléctricos juegan un papel fundamental en los sistemas de energía, lo que supone un nuevo tema de investigación. En este escenario, la figura del prosumidor ha ganado relevancia debido a las múltiples ventajas que pueden aportar para mejorar el comportamiento de los sistemas de energía y lograr ahorros de energía y costos. En particular, se presta especial atención a los conjuntos fotovoltaicos (PV) integrados en edificios residenciales con sistemas de almacenamiento de energía (ESS), como baterías o ultracondensadores (UC) o incluso una combinación de ambos en un sistema de almacenamiento de energía híbrido (HESS). Este artículo presenta una estrategia de gestión de energía para intercambiar energía entre las baterías y las UC que forman un HESS instalado con una matriz FV en una vivienda de prosumidores para mantener su banco de UC disponible para satisfacer los requisitos de energía durante el mayor tiempo posible.In recent years, power systems have experimented a great development as a consequence of the apparition of the distributed generation. Renewable energy sources, active users and electric vehicles play a fundamental role in power systems, which has supposed a new topic research. In this scenario, the figure of prosumer has gained relevance due to the multiple advantages that they can contribute to improve the behavior of power systems and to achieve energy and cost savings. In particular, special attention is focus on photovoltaic (PV) arrays integrated in residential buildings with energy storage systems (ESSs), such as batteries or ultracapacitors (UCs) or even a combination of both in a hybrid energy storage system (HESS). This paper presents an energy management strategy to Exchange energy between the batteries and the UCs that form a HESS installed with a PV array in a prosumer dwell in order to maintain its UC bank available to support the energy requirements during the most time possible

    Solar Power System Modeling and Performance Analysis

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    At present the main source of our power and energy needs are from fossil fuel; almost all transportation tools and nearly 70% of electrical power are produced by fossil fuel. But unfortunately these materials are limited in our planet, with obvious drawback such as pollution. So looking for new kinds of energy supply is an urgent matter. Solar-powered photovoltaic system provides a clean energy solution to this problem. It is developing fast all over the world in terms of both research work and actual applications. It is estimated that the power supplied by solar energy can provide 10 percent of United States power needs. This thesis mainly discusses photovoltaic system modeling from the beginning of site selection to system sizing. Some tools are used during the project. A GIS application is used to help developers in the preliminary studies. Photovoltaic system simulation software PVsyst involves the system components setting and sizing process. Two types of systems are built in this study: stand-alone system and grid connected system; the location is set at Denver, Colorado. For each system the array mounting, analysis of loads and modules selection are studied. The simulation is performed after the system model is completed, the results includes loss diagrams, system energy yields and system efficiencies. At last the economic analysis and comparison between the two types of PV systems is analyzed

    Stand-alone hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES)

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    End of Energy Poverty and achieving Sustainable Energy for all by 2030 is a universal challenge. 1.3 billion people without energy access and 2.8 billion people using unsustainable solid fuel for cooking and heating are global challenges for human and societal sustainable development. Nearly 1 trillion of investment is expected in the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) scenario to achieve universal energy access in 2030. Around 60% of investments will be in isolated off-grid and mini-grid systems with the relevant goal of duplicating the renewable energy sources in the energy mix. Access to innovation trends in renewable energy off-grid would benefit future installations. This work brings to light the recent years research contributions in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) and related aspects that would benefit these required investments in isolated off-grid and mini-grid systems. An overview on the thematic focus of research in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) in the last decade, period 2005 - 2015, is provided. This review covers multiple key aspects of HRES as the main focus of the research (technical, economical, environmental, financial, etc.); the design of the system (type of load, energy sources, storage, availability of meteorology data, etc.); different optimization criteria and objective function; software and modelling tools; and the type of application and country among others. A methodology for searching, identifying and categorizing the innovations related to HRES is proposed. Applying this methodology during this PhD work results in a primary database with a categorized bibliography including nearly 400 entries. Currently system design is mainly technical driven with economic feasibility analysis regarding the energy cost. As for environmental aspects, the beneficial impacts of renewable energy are hardly introduced as an economical value that is so far the most important decision-making criteria. Regarding decision-making tools, the most currently used optimization algorithms and software tools for the design of HRES is HOMER and a case study for understanding is proposed. Following the analysis of most popular and relevant criteria, an easy to use guideline is proposed encouraging decision-making for more sustainable energy access. There are untapped research opportunities for HRES in multi-disciplinary thematic areas. The analysis of innovations regarding the system design for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) have identified potential for research community aligned with the trends to integrate the value chain and foster innovative business models and sustainable energy markets. After the analysis of those different focus that goes from technical and economical, to environmental, regulatory or policy aspects, an integrated value chain for HRES systems is defined. Knowledge, methodologies & tools are provided in this PhD work for more stand-alone hybrid systems creating value for more of the stakeholders involved. After reviewing the latest innovations in HRES per thematic focus, an integrated value chain for those systems has been proposed and multidisciplinary research opportunities have been identified. Identifying the need to include the environmental aspects in early stages of the decision-making has lead to propose an easy to use guideline integrating most relevant criteria for the design of stand-alone renewable power systems. Finally, the research opportunities identified and the untapped potential of transferring latest innovations have result in the creation of the website ElectrifyMe (www.electrifyme.org) to enable valuable international networking contacts among researchers and encouraging multi-disciplinary research. "Knowledge, methodologies & tools" are powerful contributions by research community and innovators to foster more sustainable energy for all.El fi de la pobresa energètica i l'assoliment d'energia sostenible per a tothom l'any 2030 és un repte universal. 1,3 mil milions de persones sense accés a l'energia i 2,8 mil milions de persones que utilitzen combustible sòlid insostenible per cuinar i escalfar són desafiaments globals pel desenvolupament humà sostenible i social. S'espera una inversió aproximada de 1 trilió en l'energia sostenible per a tots (SE4ALL) per aconseguir l'accés universal a l'energia en 2030. Al voltant del 60 % de les inversions seran en sistemes off-grid i mini-grid, amb la corresponent meta de duplicar les fonts d'energia renovables en el mix energétic. En aquesta tesis es facilita una visió general sobre els àmbits temàtics de la recerca en Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) en l'última dècada, període 2005-2015. Aquesta revisió es refereix a diversos aspectes clau deis HRES com: el focus principal de la investigació (tècnics, econòmics, ambientals, financers, etc.); el disseny del sistema (tipus de carrega, fonts d'energia, l'emmagatzematge, la disponibilitat de dades de meteorologia, etc.); diferents criteris d'optimització i funció objectiu; programari de modelatge eines; i el tipus d'aplicació i el país, entre d'altres. Es proposa una metodologia per buscar, identificar i categoritzar les innovacions relacionades amb els HRES. L'aplicació d'aquesta metodologia durant aquest treball de doctorat proporciona una base de dades primaria amb una bibliografia classificada incloent prop de 400 entrades. Actualment el disseny dels sistemes incorporen criteris tècnics amb anàlisi de viabilitat econòmica sobre el cost de l'energia. Pel que fa a les eines de presa de decisions, el métode d'optimització més utilitzats en l'actualitat pel disseny de HRES és HOMER, i es proposa un estudi de cas per a la comprensió deis criteris de disseny. Després de l'anàlisi de la majoria deis valors més habituals i rellevants, es proposa una senzilla guia per la presa de decisions per a l'accés a l'energia més sostenible. Després de compartir innovacions i proporcionar metodologies i eines, facilitar la creació de xarxes entre els investigadors ha demostrat ser una poderosa acció per promoure recerca sense explotar amb equips multidisciplinaris i internacionals. La pàgina web ElectrifyMe (www .electrifyme .org) ha estat creada amb la finalitat de facilitar a la comunitat d'investigació descobrir les innovacions i compartir projectes . Coneixements, metodologies i eines es proporcionen en aquest treball de doctorat per afavorir la creació de valor als sistemes aïllats híbrids renovables (stand-alone HRES) pels actors involucrats. Després de revisar les últimes innovacions en la introducció de renovables en sistemes aïllats en diferent enfoc temàtic, s'han estat identificat oportunitats de recerca multidisciplinars i s'ha proposat una cadena de valor integrada per aquests sistemes. La identificació de la necessitat d'incloure els aspectes ambientals en les primeres etapes de la presa de decisions ha portat a proposar una guia fàcil per utilitzar la integració de criteris més rellevants pel disseny de sistemes d'energia renovables independents. Finalment, tes oportunitats de recerca identificades i el potencial sense explotar de transferir les darreres innovacions tenen com a resultat la creació de la pàgina web ElectrifyMe (www.electrifyme.org) per promoure contactes i col·laboracions de xarxes internacionals entre investigadors i el foment de la investigació multidisciplinar. "El coneixement, les metodologies i les eines són poderoses contribucions de la comunitat de recerca per assolir un accés sostenible a l'energia per tots

    Analyzing energy storage system for energy arbitrage

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    The need for integration of renewable energy to the electricity grid promotes research and development of new energy storage technologies, as well as models and techniques to study them. In this sense, the present work proposes a model to evaluate the benefit that can be harnessed through energy arbitrage in function of a daily hourly rate differentiation. The Vanadium Redox Battery is one of the energy storage technologies that have proven most interesting for stationary applications in recent years, especially to medium and large-scale installations. A mathematical model is presented and applied to a case study to evaluate the feasibility of investing in an energy storage system of vanadium redox batteries. The results indicate that at present the capital cost should decrease around 75% to be considered profitable for the case study. Finally, real options approach analysis is suggested to assess the flexibility offered by VRB ESS, such as relocation, expansion and abandonment.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI