513 research outputs found

    Singularity avoidance of a six degree of freedom three dimensional redundant planar manipulator

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    AbstractThis paper focuses on the improvement of singularity avoidance of three dimensional planar redundant manipulators by increasing its degrees of freedom without increasing the number of motors controlling the manipulator. Consequently, the method to build a three dimensional planar manipulator with six-degrees of freedom using three motors instead of six is discussed in detail. A comparison of the manipulability index values for the proposed manipulator is made with the manipulability index values of PUMA arm to demonstrate the effectiveness of using the proposed manipulator for singularity avoidance

    On the false positives and false negatives of the Jacobian Matrix in kinematically redundant parallel mechanisms

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    The Jacobian matrix is a highly popular tool for the control and performance analysis of closed-loop robots. Its usefulness in parallel mechanisms is certainly apparent, and its application to solve motion planning problems, or other higher level questions, has been seldom queried, or limited to non-redundant systems. In this paper, we discuss the shortcomings of the use of the Jacobian matrix under redundancy, in particular when applied to kinematically redundant parallel architectures with non-serially connected actuators. These architectures have become fairly popular recently as they allow the end-effector to achieve full rotations, which is an impossible task with traditional topologies. The problems with the Jacobian matrix in these novel systems arise from the need to eliminate redundant variables when forming it, resulting in both situations where the Jacobian incorrectly identifies singularities (false positive), and where it fails to identify singularities (false negative). These issues have thus far remained unaddressed in the literature. We highlight these limitations herein by demonstrating several cases using numerical examples of both planar and spatial architectures

    Kinematically Redundant Octahedral Motion Platform for Virtual Reality Simulations

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    We propose a novel design of a parallel manipulator of Stewart Gough type for virtual reality application of single individuals; i.e. an omni-directional treadmill is mounted on the motion platform in order to improve VR immersion by giving feedback to the human body. For this purpose we modify the well-known octahedral manipulator in a way that it has one degree of kinematical redundancy; namely an equiform reconfigurability of the base. The instantaneous kinematics and singularities of this mechanism are studied, where especially "unavoidable singularities" are characterized. These are poses of the motion platform, which can only be realized by singular configurations of the mechanism despite its kinematic redundancy.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Method and apparatus for configuration control of redundant robots

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    A method and apparatus to control a robot or manipulator configuration over the entire motion based on augmentation of the manipulator forward kinematics is disclosed. A set of kinematic functions is defined in Cartesian or joint space to reflect the desirable configuration that will be achieved in addition to the specified end-effector motion. The user-defined kinematic functions and the end-effector Cartesian coordinates are combined to form a set of task-related configuration variables as generalized coordinates for the manipulator. A task-based adaptive scheme is then utilized to directly control the configuration variables so as to achieve tracking of some desired reference trajectories throughout the robot motion. This accomplishes the basic task of desired end-effector motion, while utilizing the redundancy to achieve any additional task through the desired time variation of the kinematic functions. The present invention can also be used for optimization of any kinematic objective function, or for satisfaction of a set of kinematic inequality constraints, as in an obstacle avoidance problem. In contrast to pseudoinverse-based methods, the configuration control scheme ensures cyclic motion of the manipulator, which is an essential requirement for repetitive operations. The control law is simple and computationally very fast, and does not require either the complex manipulator dynamic model or the complicated inverse kinematic transformation. The configuration control scheme can alternatively be implemented in joint space

    Constrained trajectory optimization for kinematically redundant arms

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    Two velocity optimization schemes for resolving redundant joint configurations are compared. The Extended Moore-Penrose Technique minimizes the joint velocities and avoids obstacles indirectly by adjoining a cost gradient to the solution. A new method can incorporate inequality constraints directly to avoid obstacles and singularities in the workspace. A four-link arm example is used to illustrate singularity avoidance while tracking desired end-effector paths

    Path planning and obstacle avoidance for a robot with large degree of redundancy

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    An algorithm to allow a redundant robot to avoid obstacles in its workspace is proposed. The task of path planning is formulated as a sequence of nonlinear programming problems. For each problem, the objective is to minimize the distance between the current location of the end-effector and some intermediate point along a desired path. Two penalties are added to the objective function to ensure that the robot is not colliding with an obstacle and that its links are intersecting one another. Inequality constraints describing the mechanical stops and limiting values for joint movements are incorporated. Obstacles are represented as polygons, which are composed of series of connecting line segments. Successive quadratic programming algorithm is used to solve the path planning problem. To save computation time, the algorithm activates the joints that are closer to the end effector. If activations of those joints cannot satisfactory complete the task, other joints will be sequentially mobilized until the desired path is reached. The proposed method is demonstrated especially efficient when the degrees of freedom are large

    Numerical computation and avoidance of manipulator singularities

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    This thesis develops general solutions to two open problems of robot kinematics: the exhaustive computation of the singularity set of a manipulator, and the synthesis of singularity-free paths between given configurations. Obtaining proper solutions to these problems is crucial, because singularities generally pose problems to the normal operation of a robot and, thus, they should be taken into account before the actual construction of a prototype. The ability to compute the whole singularity set also provides rich information on the global motion capabilities of a manipulator. The projections onto the task and joint spaces delimit the working regions in such spaces, may inform on the various assembly modes of the manipulator, and highlight areas where control or dexterity losses can arise, among other anomalous behaviour. These projections also supply a fair view of the feasible movements of the system, but do not reveal all possible singularity-free motions. Automatic motion planners allowing to circumvent problematic singularities should thus be devised to assist the design and programming stages of a manipulator. The key role played by singular configurations has been thoroughly known for several years, but existing methods for singularity computation or avoidance still concentrate on specific classes of manipulators. The absence of methods able to tackle these problems on a sufficiently large class of manipulators is problematic because it hinders the analysis of more complex manipulators or the development of new robot topologies. A main reason for this absence has been the lack of computational tools suitable to the underlying mathematics that such problems conceal. However, recent advances in the field of numerical methods for polynomial system solving now permit to confront these issues with a very general intention in mind. The purpose of this thesis is to take advantage of this progress and to propose general robust methods for the computation and avoidance of singularities on non-redundant manipulators of arbitrary architecture. Overall, the work seeks to contribute to the general understanding on how the motions of complex multibody systems can be predicted, planned, or controlled in an efficient and reliable way.Aquesta tesi desenvolupa solucions generals per dos problemes oberts de la cinemàtica de robots: el càlcul exhaustiu del conjunt singular d'un manipulador, i la síntesi de camins lliures de singularitats entre configuracions donades. Obtenir solucions adequades per aquests problemes és crucial, ja que les singularitats plantegen problemes al funcionament normal del robot i, per tant, haurien de ser completament identificades abans de la construcció d'un prototipus. La habilitat de computar tot el conjunt singular també proporciona informació rica sobre les capacitats globals de moviment d'un manipulador. Les projeccions cap a l'espai de tasques o d'articulacions delimiten les regions de treball en aquests espais, poden informar sobre les diferents maneres de muntar el manipulador, i remarquen les àrees on poden sorgir pèrdues de control o destresa, entre d'altres comportaments anòmals. Aquestes projeccions també proporcionen una imatge fidel dels moviments factibles del sistema, però no revelen tots els possibles moviments lliures de singularitats. Planificadors de moviment automàtics que permetin evitar les singularitats problemàtiques haurien de ser ideats per tal d'assistir les etapes de disseny i programació d'un manipulador. El paper clau que juguen les configuracions singulars ha estat àmpliament conegut durant anys, però els mètodes existents pel càlcul o evitació de singularitats encara es concentren en classes específiques de manipuladors. L'absència de mètodes capaços de tractar aquests problemes en una classe suficientment gran de manipuladors és problemàtica, ja que dificulta l'anàlisi de manipuladors més complexes o el desenvolupament de noves topologies de robots. Una raó principal d'aquesta absència ha estat la manca d'eines computacionals adequades a les matemàtiques subjacents que aquests problemes amaguen. No obstant, avenços recents en el camp de mètodes numèrics per la solució de sistemes polinòmics permeten ara enfrontar-se a aquests temes amb una intenció molt general en ment. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi és aprofitar aquest progrés i proposar mètodes robustos i generals pel càlcul i evitació de singularitats per manipuladors no redundants d'arquitectura arbitrària. En global, el treball busca contribuir a la comprensió general sobre com els moviments de sistemes multicos complexos es poden predir, planificar o controlar d'una manera eficient i segur

    A heuristic approach for path planning for redundant robots

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    A new method to solve the trajectory generation for a redundant manipulator is proposed. It avoids traditional computationally intensive methods by relying on the human experience; The proposed method uses a fuzzy logic controller to generate the magnitude of the angles needed to move the end effector to the next target point. The inputs to the controller are the desired displacement of the end effector and the elements of the jacobian matrix that correspond to the considered joint, while the output is the angle magnitude of the joint needed to reach the target point; An algorithm is used to determine the sign of the output from the fuzzy logic controller. Inverse kinematics is used to bring the end-effector to the target point; Several fuzzy logic controllers combined with heuristic algorithms are used to avoid the obstacles in the workspace and to avoid self collision of the links

    A general method for the numerical computation of manipulator singularity sets

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    The analysis of singularities is central to the development and control of a manipulator. However, existing methods for singularity set computation still concentrate on specific classes of manipulators. The absence of general methods able to perform such computation on a large class of manipulators is problematic because it hinders the analysis of unconventional manipulators and the development of new robot topologies. The purpose of this paper is to provide such a method for nonredundant mechanisms with algebraic lower pairs and designated input and output speeds. We formulate systems of equations that describe the whole singularity set and each one of the singularity types independently, and show how to compute the configurations in each type using a numerical technique based on linear relaxations. The method can be used to analyze manipulators with arbitrary geometry, and it isolates the singularities with the desired accuracy. We illustrate the formulation of the conditions and their numerical solution with examples, and use 3-D projections to visualize the complex partitions of the configuration space induced by the singularities.Preprin

    Solving robotic kinematic problems : singularities and inverse kinematics

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    Kinematics is a branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of points, bodies, and systems of bodies without considering the forces that cause such motion. For serial robot manipulators, kinematics consists of describing the open chain geometry as well as the position, velocity and/or acceleration of each one of its components. Rigid serial robot manipulators are designed as a sequence of rigid bodies, called links, connected by motor-actuated pairs, called joints, that provide relative motion between consecutive links. Two kinematic problems of special relevance for serial robots are: - Singularities: are the configurations where the robot loses at least one degree of freedom (DOF). This is equivalent to: (a) The robot cannot translate or rotate its end-effector in at least one direction. (b) Unbounded joint velocities are required to generate finite linear and angular velocities. Either if it is real-time teleoperation or off-line path planning, singularities must be addressed to make the robot exhibit a good performance for a given task. The objective is not only to identify the singularities and their associated singular directions but to design strategies to avoid or handle them. - Inverse kinematic problem: Given a particular position and orientation of the end-effector, also known as the end-effector pose, the inverse kinematics consists of finding the configurations that provide such desired pose. The importance of the inverse kinematics relies on its role in the programming and control of serial robots. Besides, since for each given pose the inverse kinematics has up to sixteen different solutions, the objective is to find a closed-form method for solving this problem, since closed-form methods allow to obtain all the solutions in a compact form. The main goal of the Ph.D. dissertation is to contribute to the solution of both problems. In particular, with respect to the singularity problem, a novel scheme for the identification of the singularities and their associated singular directions is introduced. Moreover, geometric algebra is used to simplify such identification and to provide a distance function in the configuration space of the robot that allows the definition of algorithms for avoiding them. With respect to the inverse kinematics, redundant robots are reduced to non-redundant ones by selecting a set of joints, denoted redundant joints, and by parameterizing their joint variables. This selection is made through a workspace analysis which also provides an upper bound for the number of different closed-form solutions. Once these joints have been identified, several closed-form methods developed for non-redundant manipulators can be applied to obtain the analytical expressions of all the solutions. One of these methods is a novel strategy developed using again the conformal model of the spatial geometric algebra. To sum up, the Ph.D dissertation provides a rigorous analysis of the two above-mentioned kinematic problems as well as novel strategies for solving them. To illustrate the different results introduced in the Ph.D. memory, examples are given at the end of each of its chapters.La cinemática es una rama de la mecánica clásica que describe el movimiento de puntos, cuerpos y sistemas de cuerpos sin considerar las fuerzas que causan dicho movimiento. Para un robot manipulador serie, la cinemática consiste en la descripción de su geometría, su posición, velocidad y/o aceleración. Los robots manipuladores serie están diseñados como una secuencia de elementos estructurales rígidos, llamados eslabones, conectados entres si por articulaciones actuadas, que permiten el movimiento relativo entre pares de eslabones consecutivos. Dos problemas cinemáticos de especial relevancia para robots serie son: - Singularidades: son aquellas configuraciones donde el robot pierde al menos un grado de libertad (GDL). Esto equivale a: (a) El robot no puede trasladar ni rotar su elemento terminal en al menos una dirección. (b) Se requieren velocidades articulares no acotadas para generar velocidades lineales y angulares finitas. Ya sea en un sistema teleoperado en tiempo real o planificando una trayectoria, las singularidades deben manejarse para que el robot muestre un rendimiento óptimo mientras realiza una tarea. El objetivo no es solo identificar las singularidades y sus direcciones singulares asociadas, sino diseñar estrategias para evitarlas o manejarlas. - Problema de la cinemática inversa: dada una posición y orientación del elemento terminal (también conocida como la pose del elemento terminal), la cinemática inversa consiste en obtener las configuraciones asociadas a dicha pose. La importancia de la cinemática inversa se basa en el papel que juega en la programación y el control de robots serie. Además, dado que para cada pose la cinemática inversa tiene hasta dieciséis soluciones diferentes, el objetivo es encontrar un método cerrado para resolver este problema, ya que los métodos cerrados permiten obtener todas las soluciones en una forma compacta. El objetivo principal de la tesis doctoral es contribuir a la solución de ambos problemas. En particular, con respecto al problema de las singularidades, se presenta un nuevo método para su identificación basado en el álgebra geométrica. Además, el álgebra geométrica permite definir una distancia en el espacio de configuraciones del robot que permite la definición de distintos algoritmos para evitar las configuraciones singulares. Con respecto a la cinemática inversa, los robots redundantes se reducen a robots no-redundantes mediante la selección de un conjunto de articulaciones, las articulaciones redundantes, para después parametrizar sus variables articulares. Esta selección se realiza a través de un análisis de espacio de trabajo que también proporciona un límite superior para el número de diferentes soluciones en forma cerrada. Una vez las articulaciones redundantes han sido identificadas, varios métodos en forma cerrada desarrollados para robots no-redundantes pueden aplicarse a fin de obtener las expresiones analíticas de todas las soluciones. Uno de dichos métodos es una nueva estrategia desarrollada usando el modelo conforme del álgebra geométrica tridimensional. En resumen, la tesis doctoral proporciona un análisis riguroso de los dos problemas cinemáticos mencionados anteriormente, así como nuevas estrategias para resolverlos. Para ilustrar los diferentes resultados presentados en la tesis, la memoria contiene varios ejemplos al final de cada uno de sus capítulos