146 research outputs found

    Frequent itemset mining in big data with effective single scan algorithms

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    © 2013 IEEE. This paper considers frequent itemsets mining in transactional databases. It introduces a new accurate single scan approach for frequent itemset mining (SSFIM), a heuristic as an alternative approach (EA-SSFIM), as well as a parallel implementation on Hadoop clusters (MR-SSFIM). EA-SSFIM and MR-SSFIM target sparse and big databases, respectively. The proposed approach (in all its variants) requires only one scan to extract the candidate itemsets, and it has the advantage to generate a fixed number of candidate itemsets independently from the value of the minimum support. This accelerates the scan process compared with existing approaches while dealing with sparse and big databases. Numerical results show that SSFIM outperforms the state-of-the-art FIM approaches while dealing with medium and large databases. Moreover, EA-SSFIM provides similar performance as SSFIM while considerably reducing the runtime for large databases. The results also reveal the superiority of MR-SSFIM compared with the existing HPC-based solutions for FIM using sparse and big databases

    Exploring Pattern Mining Algorithms for Hashtag Retrieval Problem

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    Hashtag is an iconic feature to retrieve the hot topics of discussion on Twitter or other social networks. This paper incorporates the pattern mining approaches to improve the accuracy of retrieving the relevant information and speeding up the search performance. A novel algorithm called PM-HR (Pattern Mining for Hashtag Retrieval) is designed to first transform the set of tweets into a transactional database by considering two different strategies (trivial and temporal). After that, the set of the relevant patterns is discovered, and then used as a knowledge-based system for finding the relevant tweets based on users\u27 queries under the similarity search process. Extensive results are carried out on large and different tweet collections, and the proposed PM-HR outperforms the baseline hashtag retrieval approaches in terms of runtime, and it is very competitive in terms of accuracy

    Exploring Pattern Mining Algorithms for Hashtag Retrieval Problem

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    Hashtag is an iconic feature to retrieve the hot topics of discussion on Twitter or other social networks. This paper incorporates the pattern mining approaches to improve the accuracy of retrieving the relevant information and speeding up the search performance. A novel algorithm called PM-HR (Pattern Mining for Hashtag Retrieval) is designed to first transform the set of tweets into a transactional database by considering two different strategies (trivial and temporal). After that, the set of the relevant patterns is discovered, and then used as a knowledge-based system for finding the relevant tweets based on users' queries under the similarity search process. Extensive results are carried out on large and different tweet collections, and the proposed PM-HR outperforms the baseline hashtag retrieval approaches in terms of runtime, and it is very competitive in terms of accuracy.publishedVersio

    Exploring Decomposition for Solving Pattern Mining Problems

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    This article introduces a highly efficient pattern mining technique called Clustering-based Pattern Mining (CBPM). This technique discovers relevant patterns by studying the correlation between transactions in the transaction database based on clustering techniques. The set of transactions is first clustered, such that highly correlated transactions are grouped together. Next, we derive the relevant patterns by applying a pattern mining algorithm to each cluster. We present two different pattern mining algorithms, one applying an approximation-based strategy and another based on an exact strategy. The approximation-based strategy takes into account only the clusters, whereas the exact strategy takes into account both clusters and shared items between clusters. To boost the performance of the CBPM, a GPU-based implementation is investigated. To evaluate the CBPM framework, we perform extensive experiments on several pattern mining problems. The results from the experimental evaluation show that the CBPM provides a reduction in both the runtime and memory usage. Also, CBPM based on the approximate strategy provides good accuracy, demonstrating its effectiveness and feasibility. Our GPU implementation achieves significant speedup of up to 552× on a single GPU using big transaction databases.publishedVersio

    Similarity processing in multi-observation data

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    Many real-world application domains such as sensor-monitoring systems for environmental research or medical diagnostic systems are dealing with data that is represented by multiple observations. In contrast to single-observation data, where each object is assigned to exactly one occurrence, multi-observation data is based on several occurrences that are subject to two key properties: temporal variability and uncertainty. When defining similarity between data objects, these properties play a significant role. In general, methods designed for single-observation data hardly apply for multi-observation data, as they are either not supported by the data models or do not provide sufficiently efficient or effective solutions. Prominent directions incorporating the key properties are the fields of time series, where data is created by temporally successive observations, and uncertain data, where observations are mutually exclusive. This thesis provides research contributions for similarity processing - similarity search and data mining - on time series and uncertain data. The first part of this thesis focuses on similarity processing in time series databases. A variety of similarity measures have recently been proposed that support similarity processing w.r.t. various aspects. In particular, this part deals with time series that consist of periodic occurrences of patterns. Examining an application scenario from the medical domain, a solution for activity recognition is presented. Finally, the extraction of feature vectors allows the application of spatial index structures, which support the acceleration of search and mining tasks resulting in a significant efficiency gain. As feature vectors are potentially of high dimensionality, this part introduces indexing approaches for the high-dimensional space for the full-dimensional case as well as for arbitrary subspaces. The second part of this thesis focuses on similarity processing in probabilistic databases. The presence of uncertainty is inherent in many applications dealing with data collected by sensing devices. Often, the collected information is noisy or incomplete due to measurement or transmission errors. Furthermore, data may be rendered uncertain due to privacy-preserving issues with the presence of confidential information. This creates a number of challenges in terms of effectively and efficiently querying and mining uncertain data. Existing work in this field either neglects the presence of dependencies or provides only approximate results while applying methods designed for certain data. Other approaches dealing with uncertain data are not able to provide efficient solutions. This part presents query processing approaches that outperform existing solutions of probabilistic similarity ranking. This part finally leads to the application of the introduced techniques to data mining tasks, such as the prominent problem of probabilistic frequent itemset mining.Viele Anwendungsgebiete, wie beispielsweise die Umweltforschung oder die medizinische Diagnostik, nutzen Systeme der Sensorüberwachung. Solche Systeme müssen oftmals in der Lage sein, mit Daten umzugehen, welche durch mehrere Beobachtungen repräsentiert werden. Im Gegensatz zu Daten mit nur einer Beobachtung (Single-Observation Data) basieren Daten aus mehreren Beobachtungen (Multi-Observation Data) auf einer Vielzahl von Beobachtungen, welche zwei Schlüsseleigenschaften unterliegen: Zeitliche Veränderlichkeit und Datenunsicherheit. Im Bereich der Ähnlichkeitssuche und im Data Mining spielen diese Eigenschaften eine wichtige Rolle. Gängige Lösungen in diesen Bereichen, die für Single-Observation Data entwickelt wurden, sind in der Regel für den Umgang mit mehreren Beobachtungen pro Objekt nicht anwendbar. Der Grund dafür liegt darin, dass diese Ansätze entweder nicht mit den Datenmodellen vereinbar sind oder keine Lösungen anbieten, die den aktuellen Ansprüchen an Lösungsqualität oder Effizienz genügen. Bekannte Forschungsrichtungen, die sich mit Multi-Observation Data und deren Schlüsseleigenschaften beschäftigen, sind die Analyse von Zeitreihen und die Ähnlichkeitssuche in probabilistischen Datenbanken. Während erstere Richtung eine zeitliche Ordnung der Beobachtungen eines Objekts voraussetzt, basieren unsichere Datenobjekte auf Beobachtungen, die sich gegenseitig bedingen oder ausschließen. Diese Dissertation umfasst aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus den beiden genannten Bereichen, wobei Methoden zur Ähnlichkeitssuche und zur Anwendung im Data Mining vorgestellt werden. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Ähnlichkeitssuche und Data Mining in Zeitreihendatenbanken. Insbesondere werden Zeitreihen betrachtet, welche aus periodisch auftretenden Mustern bestehen. Im Kontext eines medizinischen Anwendungsszenarios wird ein Ansatz zur Aktivitätserkennung vorgestellt. Dieser erlaubt mittels Merkmalsextraktion eine effiziente Speicherung und Analyse mit Hilfe von räumlichen Indexstrukturen. Für den Fall hochdimensionaler Merkmalsvektoren stellt dieser Teil zwei Indexierungsmethoden zur Beschleunigung von ähnlichkeitsanfragen vor. Die erste Methode berücksichtigt alle Attribute der Merkmalsvektoren, während die zweite Methode eine Projektion der Anfrage auf eine benutzerdefinierten Unterraum des Vektorraums erlaubt. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Ähnlichkeitssuche im Kontext probabilistischer Datenbanken behandelt. Daten aus Sensormessungen besitzen häufig Eigenschaften, die einer gewissen Unsicherheit unterliegen. Aufgrund von Mess- oder übertragungsfehlern sind gemessene Werte oftmals unvollständig oder mit Rauschen behaftet. In diversen Szenarien, wie beispielsweise mit persönlichen oder medizinisch vertraulichen Daten, können Daten auch nachträglich von Hand verrauscht werden, so dass eine genaue Rekonstruktion der ursprünglichen Informationen nicht möglich ist. Diese Gegebenheiten stellen Anfragetechniken und Methoden des Data Mining vor einige Herausforderungen. In bestehenden Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Bereich der unsicheren Datenbanken werden diverse Probleme oftmals nicht beachtet. Entweder wird die Präsenz von Abhängigkeiten ignoriert, oder es werden lediglich approximative Lösungen angeboten, welche die Anwendung von Methoden für sichere Daten erlaubt. Andere Ansätze berechnen genaue Lösungen, liefern die Antworten aber nicht in annehmbarer Laufzeit zurück. Dieser Teil der Arbeit präsentiert effiziente Methoden zur Beantwortung von Ähnlichkeitsanfragen, welche die Ergebnisse absteigend nach ihrer Relevanz, also eine Rangliste der Ergebnisse, zurückliefern. Die angewandten Techniken werden schließlich auf Problemstellungen im probabilistischen Data Mining übertragen, um beispielsweise das Problem des Frequent Itemset Mining unter Berücksichtigung des vollen Gehalts an Unsicherheitsinformation zu lösen

    Profiling relational data: a survey

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    Profiling data to determine metadata about a given dataset is an important and frequent activity of any IT professional and researcher and is necessary for various use-cases. It encompasses a vast array of methods to examine datasets and produce metadata. Among the simpler results are statistics, such as the number of null values and distinct values in a column, its data type, or the most frequent patterns of its data values. Metadata that are more difficult to compute involve multiple columns, namely correlations, unique column combinations, functional dependencies, and inclusion dependencies. Further techniques detect conditional properties of the dataset at hand. This survey provides a classification of data profiling tasks and comprehensively reviews the state of the art for each class. In addition, we review data profiling tools and systems from research and industry. We conclude with an outlook on the future of data profiling beyond traditional profiling tasks and beyond relational databases

    Pattern mining under different conditions

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    New requirements and demands on pattern mining arise in modern applications, which cannot be fulfilled using conventional methods. For example, in scientific research, scientists are more interested in unknown knowledge, which usually hides in significant but not frequent patterns. However, existing itemset mining algorithms are designed for very frequent patterns. Furthermore, scientists need to repeat an experiment many times to ensure reproducibility. A series of datasets are generated at once, waiting for clustering, which can contain an unknown number of clusters with various densities and shapes. Using existing clustering algorithms is time-consuming because parameter tuning is necessary for each dataset. Many scientific datasets are extremely noisy. They contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. Most existing clustering algorithms can only handle noises up to a moderate level. Temporal pattern mining is also important in scientific research. Existing temporal pattern mining algorithms only consider pointbased events. However, most activities in the real-world are interval-based with a starting and an ending timestamp. This thesis developed novel pattern mining algorithms for various data mining tasks under different conditions. The first part of this thesis investigates the problem of mining less frequent itemsets in transactional datasets. In contrast to existing frequent itemset mining algorithms, this part focus on itemsets that occurred not that frequent. Algorithms NIIMiner, RaCloMiner, and LSCMiner are proposed to identify such kind of itemsets efficiently. NIIMiner utilizes the negative itemset tree to extract all patterns that occurred less than a given support threshold in a top-down depth-first manner. RaCloMiner combines existing bottom-up frequent itemset mining algorithms with a top-down itemset mining algorithm to achieve a better performance in mining less frequent patterns. LSCMiner investigates the problem of mining less frequent closed patterns. The second part of this thesis studied the problem of interval-based temporal pattern mining in the stream environment. Interval-based temporal patterns are sequential patterns in which each event is aligned with a starting and ending temporal information. The ability to handle interval-based events and stream data is lacking in existing approaches. A novel intervalbased temporal pattern mining algorithm for stream data is described in this part. The last part of this thesis studies new problems in clustering on numeric datasets. The first problem tackled in this part is shape alternation adaptivity in clustering. In applications such as scientific data analysis, scientists need to deal with a series of datasets generated from one experiment. Cluster sizes and shapes are different in those datasets. A kNN density-based clustering algorithm, kadaClus, is proposed to provide the shape alternation adaptability so that users do not need to tune parameters for each dataset. The second problem studied in this part is clustering in an extremely noisy dataset. Many real-world datasets contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. A novel clustering algorithm, kenClus, is proposed to identify clusters in arbitrary shapes from extremely noisy datasets. Both clustering algorithms are kNN-based, which only require one parameter k. In each part, the efficiency and effectiveness of the presented techniques are thoroughly analyzed. Intensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets are conducted to show the benefits of the proposed algorithms over conventional approaches

    Associative pattern mining for supervised learning

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    The Internet era has revolutionized computational sciences and automated data collection techniques, made large amounts of previously inaccessible data available and, consequently, broadened the scope of exploratory computing research. As a result, data mining, which is still an emerging field of research, has gained importance because of its ability to analyze and discover previously unknown, hidden, and useful knowledge from these large amounts of data. One aspect of data mining, known as frequent pattern mining, has recently gained importance due to its ability to find associative relationships among the parts of data, thereby aiding a type of supervised learning known as associative learning . The purpose of this dissertation is two-fold: to develop and demonstrate supervised associative learning in non-temporal data for multi-class classification and to develop a new frequent pattern mining algorithm for time varying (temporal) data which alleviates the current issues in analyzing this data for knowledge discovery. In order to use associative relationships for classification, we have to algorithmically learn their discriminatory power. While it is well known that multiple sets of features work better for classification, we claim that the isomorphic relationships among the features work even better and, therefore, can be used as higher order features. To validate this claim, we exploit these relationships as input features for classification instead of using the underlying raw features. The next part of this dissertation focuses on building a new classifier using associative relationships as a basis for the multi-class classification problem. Most of the existing associative classifiers represent the instances from a class in a row-based format wherein one row represents features of one instance and extract association rules from the entire dataset. The rules formed in this way are known as class constrained rules, as they have class labels on the right side of the rules. We argue that this class constrained representation schema lacks important information that is necessary for multi-class classification. Further, most existing works use either the intraclass or inter-class importance of the association rules, both of which sets of techniques offer empirical benefits. We hypothesize that both intra-class and inter-class variations are important for fast and accurate multi-class classification. We also present a novel weighted association rule-based classification mechanism that uses frequent relationships among raw features from an instance as the basis for classifying the instance into one of the many classes. The relationships are weighted according to both their intra-class and inter-class importance. The final part of this dissertation concentrates on mining time varying data. This problem is known as inter-transaction association rule mining in the data-mining field. Most of the existing work transforms the time varying data into a static format and then use multiple scans over the new data to extract patterns. We present a unique index-based algorithmic framework for inter-transaction association rule mining. Our proposed technique requires only one scan of the original database. Further, the proposed technique can also provide the location information of each extracted pattern. We use mathematical induction to prove that the new representation scheme captures all underlying frequent relationships

    An ontology matching approach for semantic modeling: A case study in smart cities

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    This paper investigates the semantic modeling of smart cities and proposes two ontology matching frameworks, called Clustering for Ontology Matching-based Instances (COMI) and Pattern mining for Ontology Matching-based Instances (POMI). The goal is to discover the relevant knowledge by investigating the correlations among smart city data based on clustering and pattern mining approaches. The COMI method first groups the highly correlated ontologies of smart-city data into similar clusters using the generic k-means algorithm. The key idea of this method is that it clusters the instances of each ontology and then matches two ontologies by matching their clusters and the corresponding instances within the clusters. The POMI method studies the correlations among the data properties and selects the most relevant properties for the ontology matching process. To demonstrate the usefulness and accuracy of the COMI and POMI frameworks, several experiments on the DBpedia, Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative, and NOAA ontology databases were conducted. The results show that COMI and POMI outperform the state-of-the-art ontology matching models regarding computational cost without losing the quality during the matching process. Furthermore, these results confirm the ability of COMI and POMI to deal with heterogeneous large-scale data in smart-city environments.publishedVersio