307 research outputs found

    Real-time digital signal processing for new wavelength-to-the-user optical access networks

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    Nowadays, optical access networks provide high capacity to end users with growing availability of multimedia contents that can be streamed to fixed or mobile devices. In this regard, one of the most flexible and low-cost approaches is Passive Optical Network (PON) that is used in Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH). Due to the growing of the bandwidth demands, Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), and later on ultra-dense WDM (udWDM) PON, with a narrow channel spacing, to increase the number of users through a single fiber, has been deployed. The udWDM-PON with coherent technology is an attractive solution for the next generation optical access networks with advanced digital signal processing (DSP). Thanks to the higher sensitivity and improved channel selectivity in coherent detection with efficient DSP, optical networks support larger number of users in longer distances. Since the cost is the main concern in the optical access networks, this thesis presents DSP architectures in coherent receiver (Rx), based on low-cost direct phase modulated commercial DFB lasers. The proposals are completely in agreement with consept of wavelength-to-the-user, where each client in optical network is dedicated to an individual wavelength. Next, in a 6.25 GHz spaced udWDM grid with the optimized DSP techniques and phase-shift-keying (PSK) modulation format, the high sensitivity is achieved in real-time field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) implementations. Moreover, this thesis reduces hardware complexity of optical carrier recovery (CR) with two various strategies. First, based on differential mth-power frequency estimator (FE) by using look-up-tables (LUTs) and second, LUT-free CR architecture, with optimizing the power consumption and hardware resources, as well as improving the channel selectivity in terms of speed and robustness. Furthermore, by designing very simple but efficient clock recovery, a symbol-rate DSP architecture, which process data using only one sample per symbol (1-sps), for polarization diversity (POD) structure, becomes possible. It makes the DSP independent from state-of-polarization (SOP), even in the case of low-cost optical front-end and low-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), keeps the performance high as well as sensitivity in real-time implementations on FPGA.Avui en dia, les xarxes d'accés òptic proporcionen una alta capacitat als usuaris finals amb una creixent disponibilitat de continguts multimèdia que es poden transmetre a dispositius fixos o mòbils. En aquest sentit, un dels enfocaments més flexibles i de baix cost és la Xarxa Òptica Passiva (PON) que s'utilitza a Fibra-fins-la-Llar (FTTH). A causa del creixent requeriment de l'ample de banda, s'ha desplegat la multiplexació de divisió d'ona (WDM) i, posteriorment, el PON amb WDM d'alta densitat (udWDM), amb un espaiat estret de canals, per augmentar el nombre d'usuaris a través d'una sola fibra. L'udWDM-PON amb tecnologia coherent és una solució atractiva per a les xarxes d'accés òptic d'última generació amb processament avançat de senyal digital (DSP). Gràcies a la major sensibilitat i a la selectivitat millorada del canal en la detecció coherent amb DSP eficient, les xarxes òptiques suporten un nombre més gran d'usuaris a distàncies més llargues. Atès que el cost és la principal preocupació en les xarxes d'accés òptic, aquesta tesi presenta arquitectures DSP en receptor coherent (Rx), basades en làsers DFB comercials modulats en fase directa de baix cost. Les propostes estan d'acord amb la asignació de la longitud d'ona a l'usuari, on a cada client de la xarxa òptica se li dedica a una longitud d'ona individual. A continuació, en una graella udWDM espaciada de 6,25 GHz amb les tècniques de DSP optimitzades i el format de modulació de fase (PSK), s'aconsegueix l'alta sensibilitat en implementacions field-programable-gate-array (FPGA) en temps real. A més, aquesta tesi redueix la complexitat del maquinari de recuperació òptica de portadors (CR) amb dues estratègies diverses. Primer, basat en un estimador de freqüència de potència diferencial (FE) mitjançant l'ús de taules de cerca (LUTs) i, en segon lloc, l'arquitectura CR sense LUT, amb l'optimització del consum d'energia i els recursos de maquinari, a més de millorar la selectivitat del canal en termes de velocitat i robustesa. A més, al dissenyar una recuperació de rellotge molt simple, però eficaç, es fa possible una arquitectura DSP a la velocitat dels símbols, que processa dades utilitzant només una mostra per símbol (1-sps) per a l'estructura de la diversitat de polarització òptica (POD). Fa que el DSP sigui independent de l'estat de polarització (SOP), fins i tot en el cas dels analog-to-digital converters (ADC) de front-end òptics de baix cost, i manté el rendiment alt i la sensibilitat en les implementacions en temps real de FPGA.Postprint (published version

    Real-time digital signal processing for new wavelength-to-the-user optical access networks

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    Nowadays, optical access networks provide high capacity to end users with growing availability of multimedia contents that can be streamed to fixed or mobile devices. In this regard, one of the most flexible and low-cost approaches is Passive Optical Network (PON) that is used in Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH). Due to the growing of the bandwidth demands, Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), and later on ultra-dense WDM (udWDM) PON, with a narrow channel spacing, to increase the number of users through a single fiber, has been deployed. The udWDM-PON with coherent technology is an attractive solution for the next generation optical access networks with advanced digital signal processing (DSP). Thanks to the higher sensitivity and improved channel selectivity in coherent detection with efficient DSP, optical networks support larger number of users in longer distances. Since the cost is the main concern in the optical access networks, this thesis presents DSP architectures in coherent receiver (Rx), based on low-cost direct phase modulated commercial DFB lasers. The proposals are completely in agreement with consept of wavelength-to-the-user, where each client in optical network is dedicated to an individual wavelength. Next, in a 6.25 GHz spaced udWDM grid with the optimized DSP techniques and phase-shift-keying (PSK) modulation format, the high sensitivity is achieved in real-time field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) implementations. Moreover, this thesis reduces hardware complexity of optical carrier recovery (CR) with two various strategies. First, based on differential mth-power frequency estimator (FE) by using look-up-tables (LUTs) and second, LUT-free CR architecture, with optimizing the power consumption and hardware resources, as well as improving the channel selectivity in terms of speed and robustness. Furthermore, by designing very simple but efficient clock recovery, a symbol-rate DSP architecture, which process data using only one sample per symbol (1-sps), for polarization diversity (POD) structure, becomes possible. It makes the DSP independent from state-of-polarization (SOP), even in the case of low-cost optical front-end and low-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), keeps the performance high as well as sensitivity in real-time implementations on FPGA.Avui en dia, les xarxes d'accés òptic proporcionen una alta capacitat als usuaris finals amb una creixent disponibilitat de continguts multimèdia que es poden transmetre a dispositius fixos o mòbils. En aquest sentit, un dels enfocaments més flexibles i de baix cost és la Xarxa Òptica Passiva (PON) que s'utilitza a Fibra-fins-la-Llar (FTTH). A causa del creixent requeriment de l'ample de banda, s'ha desplegat la multiplexació de divisió d'ona (WDM) i, posteriorment, el PON amb WDM d'alta densitat (udWDM), amb un espaiat estret de canals, per augmentar el nombre d'usuaris a través d'una sola fibra. L'udWDM-PON amb tecnologia coherent és una solució atractiva per a les xarxes d'accés òptic d'última generació amb processament avançat de senyal digital (DSP). Gràcies a la major sensibilitat i a la selectivitat millorada del canal en la detecció coherent amb DSP eficient, les xarxes òptiques suporten un nombre més gran d'usuaris a distàncies més llargues. Atès que el cost és la principal preocupació en les xarxes d'accés òptic, aquesta tesi presenta arquitectures DSP en receptor coherent (Rx), basades en làsers DFB comercials modulats en fase directa de baix cost. Les propostes estan d'acord amb la asignació de la longitud d'ona a l'usuari, on a cada client de la xarxa òptica se li dedica a una longitud d'ona individual. A continuació, en una graella udWDM espaciada de 6,25 GHz amb les tècniques de DSP optimitzades i el format de modulació de fase (PSK), s'aconsegueix l'alta sensibilitat en implementacions field-programable-gate-array (FPGA) en temps real. A més, aquesta tesi redueix la complexitat del maquinari de recuperació òptica de portadors (CR) amb dues estratègies diverses. Primer, basat en un estimador de freqüència de potència diferencial (FE) mitjançant l'ús de taules de cerca (LUTs) i, en segon lloc, l'arquitectura CR sense LUT, amb l'optimització del consum d'energia i els recursos de maquinari, a més de millorar la selectivitat del canal en termes de velocitat i robustesa. A més, al dissenyar una recuperació de rellotge molt simple, però eficaç, es fa possible una arquitectura DSP a la velocitat dels símbols, que processa dades utilitzant només una mostra per símbol (1-sps) per a l'estructura de la diversitat de polarització òptica (POD). Fa que el DSP sigui independent de l'estat de polarització (SOP), fins i tot en el cas dels analog-to-digital converters (ADC) de front-end òptics de baix cost, i manté el rendiment alt i la sensibilitat en les implementacions en temps real de FPGA

    Arbitrary Coupling Ratio Multimode Interference Couplers in Silicon-on-Insulator

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    In this paper, we present the design, manufacturing, characterization, and analysis of the coupling ratio spectral response for multimode interference couplers in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology. The couplers were designed using a Si rib waveguide with SiO2 cladding, on a regular 220 nm film and 2 μm buried oxide SOI wafer. A set of eight different designs, three canonical and five using a widened/narrowed coupler body, have been subject of study, with coupling ratios 50:50, 85:15, and 72:28 for the former, and 95:05, 85:15, 75:25, 65:35, and 55:45 for the latter. Two wafers of devices were fabricated, using two different etch depths for the rib waveguides. A set of six dies, three per wafer, whose line metrology matched the design, were retained for characterization. The coupling ratios obtained in the experimental results match, with little deviations, the design targets for a wavelength range between 1525 and 1575 nm, as inferred from spectral measurements and statistical analyses. Excess loss for all the devices is conservatively estimated to be approximately 0.6 dB in average. All the design parameters, body width and length, input/output positions and widths, and tapers dimensions are disclosed for reference.This work was supported by the Spanish CDTI NEOTEC start-up program, the Spanish MICINN project TEC2010-21337, acronym ATOMIC, the Spanish MINECO project TEC2013-42332-P, acronym PIC4ESP, project FEDER UPVOV 10-3E-492, and project FEDER UPVOV 08-3E-008. The work of B. Gargallo was supported by FPI under Grant BES-2011-046100. The work of J.S. Fandino was supported by FPU under grant AP2010-1595.Doménech Gómez, JD.; Sánchez Fandiño, JA.; Gargallo Jaquotot, BA.; Muñoz Muñoz, P. (2014). Arbitrary Coupling Ratio Multimode Interference Couplers in Silicon-on-Insulator. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 32(14):2536-2543. https://doi.org/10.1109/JLT.2014.2329994S25362543321

    Despliegue óptimo de redes PON, usando mapas reales, para un gran número de usuarios con diversas demandas de ancho de banda

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    El problema relacionado con la búsqueda de topologías óptimas para despliegue de PON en una ciudad, para servir a un determinado número de usuarios, es en esencia un problema del tipo Optimización del Árbol de Steiner, el cual es un bien conocido problema del tipo NP-Hard. Así, para proponer soluciones para este tipo de problemas se deben emplear procesos de tipo heurístico. Por otro lado, se tiene el problema de seleccionar la tecnología PON más apropiada para satisfacer las demandas de ancho de banda de los usuarios, con escalabilidad e inversión redituable. En el presente artículo se detalla los aspectos técnicos y resultados obtenidos a través de un algoritmo para el despliegue óptimo de redes PON en grandes regiones urbanas caracterizadas por un gran número de usuarios potenciales de tipo residencial y corporativo que demandan diversos anchos de banda. El estudio presentado incluye una comparación del costo de implementación de distintos tipos y estándares de redes PON

    Radio Resource Management Optimization For Next Generation Wireless Networks

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    The prominent versatility of today’s mobile broadband services and the rapid advancements in the cellular phones industry have led to a tremendous expansion in the wireless market volume. Despite the continuous progress in the radio-access technologies to cope with that expansion, many challenges still remain that need to be addressed by both the research and industrial sectors. One of the many remaining challenges is the efficient allocation and management of wireless network resources when using the latest cellular radio technologies (e.g., 4G). The importance of the problem stems from the scarcity of the wireless spectral resources, the large number of users sharing these resources, the dynamic behavior of generated traffic, and the stochastic nature of wireless channels. These limitations are further tightened as the provider’s commitment to high quality-of-service (QoS) levels especially data rate, delay and delay jitter besides the system’s spectral and energy efficiencies. In this dissertation, we strive to solve this problem by presenting novel cross-layer resource allocation schemes to address the efficient utilization of available resources versus QoS challenges using various optimization techniques. The main objective of this dissertation is to propose a new predictive resource allocation methodology using an agile ray tracing (RT) channel prediction approach. It is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the theoretical and implementational aspects of the ray tracing prediction model, and its validation. In the second part, a novel RT-based scheduling system within the evolving cloud radio access network (C-RAN) architecture is proposed. The impact of the proposed model on addressing the long term evolution (LTE) network limitations is then rigorously investigated in the form of optimization problems. The main contributions of this dissertation encompass the design of several heuristic solutions based on our novel RT-based scheduling model, developed to meet the aforementioned objectives while considering the co-existing limitations in the context of LTE networks. Both analytical and numerical methods are used within this thesis framework. Theoretical results are validated with numerical simulations. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed solutions to meet the objectives subject to limitations and constraints compared to other published works

    Redes de nova geração e o serviço universal de telecomunicações em Portugal

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrónicaThis thesis addresses the issue of Universal Service for telecommunications in the context of the access networks of next generation. This work aims to contribute to the redefinition of the concept of universal telecommunications service focusing primarily on extending it to broadband services as economic and social development factor and taking into account the degree of dependence that currently, modern societies have for the different communication and information services. Complementarily it also intended to meet some of the challenges set out in the European 2020 agenda. Universal Service is defined here as access to a telecommunications network (with obligations in terms of type and quality of service for the operator), by of all citizens at any country's geographical location, with uniform and accessible price. The approach adopted is the State as a mentor for social equity, respectful of the liberalized market dynamics but also knowledgeable of the requirements of modern telecommunications services and its relationship with the different technologies available. The possibility of subsidizing is assumed. The Universal Service´s provision is subject to open to all operators, which are assumed to possess other profitability businesses, than the Universal Service, using technologies similar to those prescribed for the respective Universal Service provision contest. Although the work has components of economic and financial analysis, the approach is the engineering point of view, looking for help to identify technical and organizational solutions which offer prospects for the dissemination and adoption of next generation network solutions. As a point of departure the work gives an overview on the state of the art access networks , trying to identify which of the differences between this reality and possible scenarios for next-generation network with potential access to the generality of the people . The case of the Portuguese reality will be given special attention, taking into account their specific characteristics in terms of geography, demography, economics and market dynamics. The main results of this work are: • Identification of possible scenarios for the evolution of existing networks, in particular in areas with deficit coverage. • Identification of possible operating models and business to the materialization of the above scenarios developed and its economic analysis in an attempt to determine the critical factors associated with sustainability and / or need for subsidies. • Contribution to the regulatory framework of new generation networks from the point of view of the constraints of technology and the specifics of the Universal Service.Esta tese aborda a questão do serviço universal de telecomunicações no contexto das redes de acesso de nova geração. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a redefinição do conceito de Serviço Universal de Telecomunicações concentrando-se principalmente em estendê-lo a serviços de banda larga como factor de desenvolvimento económico e social e tendo em conta o grau de dependência que, actualmente, as sociedades modernas têm em relação aos diferentes serviços de comunicação e informação. De forma complementar pretende-se também ir ao encontro de alguns dos desafios enunciados na Agenda Europeia 2020. Serviço Universal é aqui definido como o acesso a uma rede de telecomunicações (com obrigações em termos de tipo e qualidade de serviço para o operador), por parte de todos os cidadãos, em qualquer localização geográfica do país, a preços uniformes e acessíveis. A perspectiva adoptada é a Estatal como mentor da equidade social, respeitador das dinâmicas de mercado liberalizado mas também conhecedor dos requisitos dos modernos serviços de telecomunicações e da sua relação com as diferentes tecnologias disponíveis. A possibilidade de subsidiação é assumida. A prestação de Serviço Universal é sujeita a concurso aberto a todos os operadores, que se assume possuírem outros negócios, que não apenas o Serviço Universal, com rentabilidade e usando tecnologias semelhantes às preconizadas para a respectiva prestação de Serviço Universal. Embora o trabalho desenvolvido tenha componentes de análise económico-financeira, a abordagem utilizada é a de engenharia, procurando contribuir para a identificação de soluções técnicas e organizacionais que possam oferecer perspectivas sustentáveis para a disseminação e adopção das soluções redes de nova geração. Como ponto de partida o trabalho apresenta uma visão geral sobre o estado da arte das redes de acesso, procurando identificar quais os diferenciais existentes entre essa realidade e a de possíveis cenários de rede de próxima geração com potencial de acesso para a generalidade dos cidadãos. O caso da realidade Portuguesa será objecto de uma atenção especial, tendo em consideração as suas especificidades em termos de geografia, demografia, economia e dinâmicas do mercado. Os principais resultados deste trabalho são os seguintes: • Identificação de possíveis cenários para a evolução das redes actuais, nomeadamente em áreas com deficit de cobertura de rede. • Identificação de possíveis modelos de operação e negócio para a materialização dos cenários acima desenvolvidos e respectiva análise económica, como tentativa de determinar os factores críticos associados à sua sustentabilidade e /ou necessidade de subsidiação. • Contributo para o quadro regulatório das Redes de Nova Geração sob o ponto de vista dos constrangimentos das tecnologias e das especificidades do Serviço Universal

    Optical flow switched networks

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 253-279).In the four decades since optical fiber was introduced as a communications medium, optical networking has revolutionized the telecommunications landscape. It has enabled the Internet as we know it today, and is central to the realization of Network-Centric Warfare in the defense world. Sustained exponential growth in communications bandwidth demand, however, is requiring that the nexus of innovation in optical networking continue, in order to ensure cost-effective communications in the future. In this thesis, we present Optical Flow Switching (OFS) as a key enabler of scalable future optical networks. The general idea behind OFS-agile, end-to-end, all-optical connections-is decades old, if not as old as the field of optical networking itself. However, owing to the absence of an application for it, OFS remained an underdeveloped idea-bereft of how it could be implemented, how well it would perform, and how much it would cost relative to other architectures. The contributions of this thesis are in providing partial answers to these three broad questions. With respect to implementation, we address the physical layer design of OFS in the metro-area and access, and develop sensible scheduling algorithms for OFS communication. Our performance study comprises a comparative capacity analysis for the wide-area, as well as an analytical approximation of the throughput-delay tradeoff offered by OFS for inter-MAN communication. Lastly, with regard to the economics of OFS, we employ an approximate capital expenditure model, which enables a throughput-cost comparison of OFS with other prominent candidate architectures. Our conclusions point to the fact that OFS offers significant advantage over other architectures in economic scalability.(cont.) In particular, for sufficiently heavy traffic, OFS handles large transactions at far lower cost than other optical network architectures. In light of the increasing importance of large transactions in both commercial and defense networks, we conclude that OFS may be crucial to the future viability of optical networking.by Guy E. Weichenberg.Ph.D

    Cross-Layer Automated Hardware Design for Accuracy-Configurable Approximate Computing

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    Approximate Computing trades off computation accuracy against performance or energy efficiency. It is a design paradigm that arose in the last decade as an answer to diminishing returns from Dennard\u27s scaling and a shift in the prominent workloads. A range of modern workloads, categorized mainly as recognition, mining, and synthesis, features an inherent tolerance to approximations. Their characteristics, such as redundancies in their input data and robust-to-noise algorithms, allow them to produce outputs of acceptable quality, despite an approximation in some of their computations. Approximate Computing leverages the application tolerance by relaxing the exactness in computation towards primary design goals of increasing performance or improving energy efficiency. Existing techniques span across the abstraction layers of computer systems where cross-layer techniques are shown to offer a larger design space and yield higher savings. Currently, the majority of the existing work aims at meeting a single accuracy. The extent of approximation tolerance, however, significantly varies with a change in input characteristics and applications. In this dissertation, methods and implementations are presented for cross-layer and automated design of accuracy-configurable Approximate Computing to maximally exploit the performance and energy benefits. In particular, this dissertation addresses the following challenges and introduces novel contributions: A main Approximate Computing category in hardware is to scale either voltage or frequency beyond the safe limits for power or performance benefits, respectively. The rationale is that timing errors would be gradual and for an initial range tolerable. This scaling enables a fine-grain accuracy-configurability by varying the timing error occurrence. However, conventional synthesis tools aim at meeting a single delay for all paths within the circuit. Subsequently, with voltage or frequency scaling, either all paths succeed, or a large number of paths fail simultaneously, with a steep increase in error rate and magnitude. This dissertation presents an automated method for minimizing path delays by individually constraining the primary outputs of combinational circuits. As a result, it reduces the number of failing paths and makes the timing errors significantly more gradual, and also rarer and smaller on average. Additionally, it reveals that delays can be significantly reduced towards the least significant bit (LSB) and allows operating at a higher frequency when small operands are computed. Precision scaling, i.e., reducing the representation of data and its accuracy is widely used in multiple abstraction layers in Approximate Computing. Reducing data precision also reduces the transistor toggles, and therefore the dynamic power consumption. Application and architecture level precision scaling results in using only LSBs of the circuit. Arithmetic circuits often have less complexity and logic depth in LSBs compared to most significant bits (MSB). To take advantage of this circuit property, a delay-altering synthesis methodology is proposed. The method finds energy-optimal delay values under configurable precision usage and assigns them to primary outputs used for different precisions. Thereby, it enables dynamic frequency-precision scalable circuits for energy efficiency. Within the hardware architecture, it is possible to instantiate multiple units with the same functionality with different fixed approximation levels, where each block benefits from having fewer transistors and also synthesis relaxations. These blocks can be selected dynamically and thus allow to configure the accuracy during runtime. Instantiating such approximate blocks can be a lower dynamic power but higher area and leakage cost alternative to the current state-of-the-art gating mechanisms which switch off a group of paths in the circuit to reduce the toggling activity. Jointly, instantiating multiple blocks and gating mechanisms produce a large design space of accuracy-configurable hardware, where energy-optimal solutions require a cross-layer search in architecture and circuit levels. To that end, an approximate hardware synthesis methodology is proposed with joint optimizations in architecture and circuit for dynamic accuracy scaling, and thereby it enables energy vs. area trade-offs