1,884 research outputs found

    Decision support system for project monitoring portfolio

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    Vallejo Antich, RA. (2010). Decision support system for project monitoring portfolio. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/8632.Archivo delegad

    Mutual benefits of two multicriteria analysis methodologies: A case study for batch plant design

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    This paper presents a MultiObjective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) optimization framework for batch plant design. For this purpose, two approaches are implemented and compared with respect to three criteria, i.e., investment cost, equipment number and a flexibility indicator based on work in process (the so-called WIP) computed by use of a discrete-event simulation model. The first approach involves a genetic algorithm in order to generate acceptable solutions, from which the best ones are chosen by using a Pareto Sort algorithm. The second approach combines the previous Genetic Algorithm with a multicriteria analysis methodology, i.e., the Electre method in order to find the best solutions. The performances of the two procedures are studied for a large-size problem and a comparison between the procedures is then made

    Enhancing the ELECTRE decision support method with semantic data

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    Prendre una decisió quan les opcions es defineixen mitjançant un conjunt divers de criteris no és fàcil. Aqueta tesi es centra en ampliar la metodologia ELECTRE, que és el mètode del tipus "outranking" més utilitzat. En aquesta tesi ens centrem en problemes de decisió que involucren informació no numèrica, tal com els criteris semàntics multivaluats, que poden prendre com a valors els conceptes d'una ontologia de domini determinada. Primer proposo una nova manera de manipular els criteris semàntics per evitar l'agregació de les puntuacions numèriques abans del procediment de classificació. Aquest mètode, anomenat ELECTRE-SEM, segueix els mateixos principis que el clàssic ELECTRE però, en aquest cas, els índexs de concordança i discordança es defineixen en termes de la comparació per parelles de les puntuacions que indiquen l'interès de l'usuari sobre diferents conceptes de l'ontologia. En segon lloc, proposo crear un perfil d'usuari semàntic mitjançant el emmagatzemant de puntuacions de preferències a l'ontologia. Es vincula una puntuació d'interès numèrica als conceptes més específics, això permet distingir millor les preferències de l'usuari, i també s'incorpora un procediment d'agregació per inferir les preferències de l'usuari considerant les relacions taxonòmiques entre conceptes. La metodologia proposada s'ha aplicat en dos casos d’estudi: l'avaluació de plantes de generació d'energia i la recomanació d'activitats turístiques a Tarragona.Tomar una decisión cuando las opciones se definen sobre un conjunto diverso de criterios no es fácil. Esta tesis se centra en ampliar la metodología ELECTRE, que es el método del tipo "outranking" más utilizado. En esta tesis nos centramos en problemas de decisión que involucren información no numérica, tal como los criterios semánticos multi-valuados, que pueden tomar como valores los conceptos de una ontología de dominio determinada. Primero propongo una nueva forma de manejar los criterios semánticos para evitar la agregación de puntuaciones numéricas antes del procedimiento de clasificación. Este método, llamado ELECTRE-SEM, sigue los mismos principios que el clásico ELECTRE, pero en este caso los índices de concordancia y discordancia se definen en términos de la comparación por pares de unas puntuaciones que indican el interés del usuario sobre distintos conceptos de la ontología. En segundo lugar, propongo crear un perfil de usuario semántico mediante el almacenamiento de puntuaciones de preferencias en la ontología. Se asocian puntuaciones numéricas a los conceptos más específicos, lo cual permite distinguir mejor las preferencias del usuario, y se incorpora un proceso de agregación para inferir las preferencias del usuario mediante las relaciones taxonómicas entre conceptos. La metodología propuesta ha sido aplicada en dos casos de estudio: la evaluación de las plantas de generación de energía y la recomendación de actividades turísticas en Tarragona.Reach a decision when options are defined on a set of diverse criteria is not easy. This thesis is focused on improving the methodology ELECTRE, which is the most used outranking-based method. In this dissertation, we focus on decision problems involving non-numerical information, such as multi-valued semantic criteria, which may take as values the concepts of a given domain ontology. First, I propose a new way of handling semantic criteria to avoid the aggregation of the numerical scores before the ranking procedure. This method, called ELECTRE-SEM, follows the same principles than the classic ELECTRE but in this case the concordance and discordance indices are defined in terms of the pairwise comparison of the interest scores. Second, I also propose to create a semantic user profile by storing preference scores into the ontology. The numerical interest score attached to the most specific concepts permits to distinguish better the preferences of the user, improving the quality of the decision by the incorporation of an aggregation methodology to infer the user's preferences by considering taxonomic relations between concepts. The proposed methodology has been applied in two case studies: the assessment of power generation plants and the recommendation of touristic activities in Tarragona

    Temporal MCDA Methods for Decision-Making in Sustainable Development Context

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    Public decision-making problems are more and more complex in a context where decisions have to be made based concurrently on economic, social, and environmental considerations. In this context, decisions need to be evaluated in the short, medium, and long term because their planning horizons are usually of several years or even decades. A literature review on MCDA methods used in the sustainable development (SD) context shows that most MCDA methods used are static and existing research does not propose any aggregation framework for temporal assessment of actions. In the last 5 years, development of temporal MCDA has witnessed the interest of some researchers. However, the latest developments remain limited, and only a few research studies offer aggregation frameworks for multi-period settings. This paper presents two recent temporal MCDA methods that were applied in SD context. The first is MUPOM method which demonstrates how outranking methods, based on concordance-discordance principles, can be generalized to processing temporal impacts of decisions. The second, named PROMETHEE-MP, consists of a multi-period generalization of PROMETHEE under random uncertainty

    Finding the adequate location scenario after the merger of fire brigades thanks to Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Methods

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    This paper addresses the issue of selecting a suitable location for a fire station in canton of Fribourg, as a result of a fire brigades’merger, by applying Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods. Solving the problem of determining fire station locations through various methods has been analyzed in-­‐depth by researchers. However, a different approach, based on application of methods like ELECTRE and PROMETHEE is advanced in this paper. The selection of the most suitable fire station site is obtained by applying the designated methods to five distinctive alternatives (called scenarios), taking into consideration the relatively limited information and specifics, and the extensive number of relevant criteria that summed up to seventy-­‐ eight. Taking the merger of the three local fire departments as an example, the proposed methods for selecting a suitable location for the fire station demonstrate and justify the reason behind this choice. Research shows that the applied methods have been proven to be useful and powerful tools that exhibited acceptable levels of consistency when selecting the best project. The main finding is that one scenario in particular proved to be strongly dominant over the others and most suitable in determining the fire station location

    Multi-criteria analysis: a manual

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    Solving unstructured classification problems with multicriteria decision aiding

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Automação). Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    A DSS for Cooperative Multiple Criteria Group Decision Making

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    Many decisions in organizations are made, or at least prepared, by multiple cooperating decision makers. A distributed DSS architecture is presented that connects multiple individual DSS to a groupDSS. The group decision making process is supported by content oriented methods based on extensions of multiple criteria decision making methods, as well as by process-oriented techniques using a computerized conferencing system A prototype of the system is operational on a personal computer configuration

    A new outranking method for multicriteria decision making with complex Pythagorean fuzzy information

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    [EN]This article contributes to the advancement and evolution of outranking decision-making methodologies, with a novel essay on the ELimination and Choice Translating REality (ELECTRE) family of methods. Its primary target is to unfold the constituents and expound the implementation of the ELECTRE II method for group decision making in complex Pythagorean fuzzy framework. This results in the complex Pythagorean fuzzy ELECTRE II method. By inception, it is intrinsically superior to models using one-dimensional data. It is designed to perform the pairwise comparisons of the alternatives using the core notions of concordance, discordance and indifferent sets, which is then followed by the construction of complex Pythagorean fuzzy concordance and discordance matrices. Further, the strong and weak outranking relations are developed by the comparison of concordance and discordance indices with the concordance and discordance levels. Later, the forward, reverse and average rankings of the alternatives are computed by the dint of strong and weak outranking graphs. This methodology is supported by a case study for the selection of wastewater treatment process, and by a numerical example for the selection of the best cloud solution for a big data project. Its consistency is confirmed by an effectiveness test and comparison analysis with the Pythagorean fuzzy ELECTRE II and complex Pythagorean fuzzy ELECTRE I methodsPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL